Create Amazing 3D PARALLAX Effect in CapCut

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[Music] in the quiet Embrace of the night embark on a journey of self selfis Discovery where the stars become guides and shadows reveal the Poetry of our souls in this video I'm going to show you how to create 3D Parx effect in cap kit I use for different Furs one of the background which is Sky and the middle ground which is Mountains and the foreground which is the man with his camera take a picture [Music] did you know that the voice at the beginning video was made by dab dub in the quiet Embrace of the night embark on a journey of self-discovery so this is a great tool to convert text to humanlike speech in seconds here you can also create realistic AI talking Avatar using your photo also you can use various templates now let's add your audio you can use either text to speech or record or upload your file so I select text to speech here you can even choose different languages genders and [Music] more hey generate and now this is your talking Avatar hi I'm not a real human but with this tool you can create realistic talking photo and there's a lot AI tools that you can do in dabdab like AI voice over AI writing and more just hit the link below to try it for [Music] free all right so first let's create your environment using combo side technique I want to start with the sky as the background element I'm going to set the duration to about 6 seconds and after that set the aspect ratio as well so I select 16 by9 for landscape view then I add a mountain and we are going to make selection on the mountain by the way before you import this photos first you can cut out the subject using editing program by save as PNG file but I don't want to spend my time there so in capup Cut we have automatic tool so under video go to remove background and turn on custom remov all select the smart brush let's point the thumb line to the first frame so we can mask the whole frame and until the end and draw on the [Music] mountain and do the same way to other subjects you can also use the Eraser tool to deselect the part you don't want to [Music] appear [Music] then you could use the adjustment to make them match better with each other [Music] [Music] I'm going to add fog effect to give more contrast between the foreground and the [Music] mountain so go to mask and set it to Circle then bring the fer to create smooth effect on the edge and apply this behind the [Music] foreground now we are going to animate each layer so I want to start with the mountain or Middle Ground the reason why I leave the sky background because the sky is far away from your camera I mean your screen so it doesn't need to be animate let's point the Thum line to the first frame and click key frame move to the end and click key frame once again and scale up just a little bit maybe to about plus 1% because the mountain is a bit far away from your camera so we just need very little movement here and do the same way to other layers for this mountain I'm going to scale up quite a bit more than previous one so if the subject gets closer to the camera the movement will be even [Music] faster now I want to add particle effect and place this on the foreground let's animate the same way and for this one I scale up even more as if this is very close to the [Music] camera the reason why I add this element because this really helped to add 3D FS especially on the foreground to make it better let's add chrome blur [Music] effect and I hide the chromatic color by set it to 50 and the blur to about 10 just to make the whole environment feels more [Music] connected as the final touch I want to add some minor adjustment to make it even [Music] better and here's the [Music] result so that's how to create 3D parallx effect in cap cat you can also do the same technique on ccat mobile so thank you so much for watching if you did like this video please give me a thumbs up I will see you later in the next video
Channel: Deny King
Views: 33,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CapCut, CapCut Editing, CapCut Tutorial, Edit Video in CapCut, Video Editing CapCut, CapCut Effects, CapCut Desktop, CapCut PC, Visual Effects, Parallax, 3D Parallax, Animate Photo, Video Effects, Parallax CapCut, Deny King
Id: X31p8Rl2kKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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