How to grow on instagram from 0 | STEP BY STEP GUIDE | organic Instagram growth tips

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starting from scratch on Instagram can be challenging I totally get it but just because something challenging does not mean that it's impossible in fact I'm going to dedicate this entire video to telling you exactly what you should do step by step when you are trying to grow from zero Instagram followers all the way up to 10 000 Instagram followers so all you need to do is grab a notepad and Pen because I've done all of the other hard work for you this video is sponsored by HubSpot and I'm going to be telling you loads more about HubSpot a little bit later on so let's get straight to it so step one the first thing I want you to do is to spend some time figuring out what your value offering is now don't panic if you've heard that phrase and thought what on Earth is that I'm going to break it down for you it's actually pretty simple a value offering is quite literally the value that you are offering your audience through your content now I like to encourage everyone to spend some time to figure out what their value offering is first and the reason why is because it will give you focus when it comes to you actually creating and running your Instagram Channel and having a value offering is super super important for any channel that really hopes to thrive in the future because when you are consistently providing something of value to your audience it becomes a lot easier for you to grow because if we just think about this for a second right just bear with me when people are on Instagram and they're figuring out whether or not they want to follow someone the reason why they decide to follow someone is because they think they're going to get something of value from them so whether they think oh okay I'm going to follow this person because they're going to educate me on something or I'm going to follow this person because they're relatable or they're inspirational or they're entertaining like these are all forms of value that someone's going to get from someone else's content if someone lands on your Instagram page and they're like content's pretty but what am I getting from this then they're probably not going to follow you right so that's why figuring out what the value is that you're going to offer your audience straight away before you even do anything else is super powerful and if you're wondering okay I don't know what my value is going to be can you give me some examples where I did hint to a few previously so the four most common forms of value that you can offer your audience through your Instagram content is entertainment value so if you're really funny inspirational value educational value that's what my one is or relatable value so when you create content that your audience looks at and they're like oh I feel seen I feel heard you know so once you've figured out what you think your value offering is going to be I just want you to write that down put it on the fridge Friday in your phone put it somewhere where you're constantly reminded so that you can ensure that from here on out you're really focused as to what value your content is going to provide on Instagram okay step number two is for you to tweak your profile now when I talk about your profile I like to use the analogy of a shop window so let me write this down so for example all you know when you're walking down the street and then you see a shop like on your left and then you look at the shop window and then you decide whether or not you're going to go into that shop based on what the shop window looks like right it's a similar situation for your Instagram profile when someone goes on your Instagram profile and they look at things like your bio your top nine photos or posts your profile photo right they're looking at that information and they're looking at that content and they're using that as a shop window and if they like what they see then that's when they decide to follow you right you see how that analogy works so a lot of people approach their like Instagram shop window wrong so a lot of people approach it from the standpoint of okay I'm gonna make this look pretty and make sure that anyone who lands on my Instagram page wants to follow me as a result of how great my shop window is when actually we need to be flipping it and seeing it from a different perspective so instead of trying to attract everyone from your Instagram shop window we actually want to only attract your audience so we don't want anyone and everyone to see our shop window and think yeah that seems like a bit of me in instead we want our specific audience to see our shop window and think oh my God this person gets me this content was made for me like this is going to be my new favorite Instagram Channel and how we do that is by being really targeted with what we populate our shop window with so for example your profile photo should be relevant or related to your niche in some way my profile photo is just like a still shot of me smiling with like a plain background and that really works for me and my Niche because it's very professional looking if you're in the fashion Niche then I want to see a profile photo that shows off your clothing or your style in some way if your Niche is all about homeware then I want to see you on your beautiful couch right I want to see a profile photo that is related to your niche in some way and that you know your audience would look at and think oh my God I love that and it's a similar situation with what's in your bio like if you have a certain Quirk or you like to talk about specific things and maybe you're obsessed with a certain area of Pop Culture I don't know whatever that interesting unique thing might be talk about that in your bio like you want people to see that because people who relate to you and people who get it if they see that in your bio they're going to think oh my God I love this person and it's going to convince them to follow you so much quicker and then also have a think about your top nine posts and a recent update from Instagram has made this a bit easier for all of us so if you don't know already you can actually pin three posts to the top of your Instagram grid and that means that we can actually be really targeted with what people see when they land on our Instagram page so my general rule is that when you're trying to figure out what three posts you want to pin to the top of your profile so that newbies will see it and get a good idea and a good feel for who you are is that you want to be picking from one or all of the following options so you want to have a post which introduces yourself so that people get to know you really quickly and ideally you want to have a post which is just showcasing your best content so you know that real that you shared four months ago that like blew up and it's so amazing and you spent like seven hours on it and then you're so annoyed that like no one gets to see it anymore well now people can still see it if you pin it to the top of your page and then the third option is to have a post which really encouraged some engagement so I'm going to show you an example of one of my posts here this was a post that I shared a while back and essentially in the caption I spoke about the fact that I had achieved some things recently but I didn't tell anyone about them because I didn't want to sound like I was bragging and then I went on to say that actually that's quite silly and that my community love when I share when things are going on in my life and I realize that actually you could talk about your wins whenever you want to talk about your wins and at the end of that caption I encourage people to share some of their wins too and that was a great post because I got some amazing engagement and also anyone who saw it would see it and think oh my God Jade actually wants to hear from us there's like a dialogue going on here right so if you've got a post like that where people have commented a lot it's triggered a lot of Engagement that's a really great example of a post that you might want to pin to the top of your profile page regardless though of which posts you choose to pin or what you choose to have as your top nine posts on your Instagram page the most important thing is that that content is relevant to your audience so let's remember who your audience is and the value that you're trying to provide you want to make sure that that content is relevant to your audience and is providing some value because essentially that content is like a snippet for what's to come so when someone's looking at your Instagram page they want to look at it and think okay I love what this person produces I'm definitely going to follow them okay so before we move on to step three I do want to take a second to talk a bit about engagement and the reason why I want to talk about engagement is because this is a subject that's often overlooked by Instagram account holders whether you're new to Instagram and you're trying to grow or whether you're trying to revive an Instagram account and get it to 10 000 followers more often than not we focus on growth too much and we forget about engagement now this is a mistake because if we spend as much time focusing on how to increase our engagement on Instagram than we do on how to grow on Instagram we'll actually realize that we'll end up growing quicker healthy engagement leads to faster growth so with that in mind I have a really really useful resource for you that you're going to absolutely love now I mentioned earlier that the sponsor for today's video video is HubSpot and they have been incredibly generous and created a very comprehensive Instagram engagement report for free that you are able to download today and use it to inform your Instagram strategy now the Instagram engagement report is designed to help content creators and entrepreneurs increase their engagement on Instagram by providing a lot of information and a lot of strategies across a whole wide range of topics for example the guide covers best practices for using tags for Instagram posts engagement trends for types of Instagram posts and stories and their very best Instagram growth tactics as well which will be very relevant to anyone watching this video because of course we are trying to grow from zero to ten thousand followers on Instagram now this isn't all that they cover they actually cover loads and loads more and I personally found the whole section on when you should be posting on Instagram very interesting and very insightful it's backed up by so much data and it actually led to me changing my strategy ever so slightly so I definitely recommend checking out that part so if you you're ready to download the guide which I'm willing to bet that you are head to the link in my description so that you can get your hands on their Instagram engagement report for free okay so step number three it's time for your Instagram content strategy now I've got good news for you here this is actually the time for you to be super creative and really free right because you're fresh to Instagram or at least you're coming at Instagram with a fresh perspective so Now's the Time for you to really experiment and to try different styles and different format of content if you're stuck for ways to get started follow these steps so first of all you want to make sure that you've immersed yourself in your Niche this is very important and you'll be surprised at how many people don't do this and they don't even realize that they've not done this let me give you an example I have a personal Instagram account that I use for like my friends and family right and there is nothing on that Instagram account that is related to my Niche nothing it's all pop culture and fashion and homeware and like wedding stuff because I'm getting married right there is nothing to do with like Instagram marketing or content creation or business or entrepreneurship nothing I had to make take an active effort to immerse myself in content related to my Niche when I first started my brand right and that's what I recommend that you do too by immersing yourself in your Niche on Instagram you open yourself up to different types of content different formats different trending audios that people are using and whilst I don't want you to copy any of this stuff what I do want you to do is to save it to a designated folder you can call this folder anything you want like content ideas or anything like that and I just want you to get in the habit of saving your favorite content ideas the most eye-catching the most relevant the best editing whatever it might be your favorite content from your Niche into that folder and then when it's time for you to sit down and for you to plan your content for the following month I want you to revert back to that folder as your source of inspiration now there are two other key elements for you to think about when it comes to your content strategy one is your posting frequency and the other one is the format or the type of content that you're going to be sharing when it comes to your posting frequency what I'm going to need you to do is to post daily and I know you don't really want to hear that but you know I'm not here to please I'm just here to give you the cold hard facts and the fact is that posting daily on Instagram will put you in a good position when it comes to your ability to grow but also your ability to figure out what content is working because we're trying to be a bit fluid a bit creative we're trying different things here in order for us to actually get to grips with what is working we need to be sharing a lot of content so I'm going to want you to post daily And in regards to the format of the content that you should be sharing if you are trying to grow which I know you are you want to be up waiting the number of reels that you're sharing now I'm not going to tell you to only post reels because at the end of the day photos carousels they can still work for a lot of creators but the way Instagram Works fundamentally is that it is powered by a set of different algorithms and the algorithm which Powers your reels is designed to get your wheels content in front of a new audience so Instagram is quite literally trying to push your reels out to new people which means that when you share reels you are more likely to reach more people than if you share any other form of content there are obviously exceptions to this rule but if we're talking from a broad perspective you are probably going to have better results when it comes to reach and growth from posting more reels than you would from posting anything else so for that reason I want you to upweigh the amount of rules that you're posting roughly 80 or more of your content should be rules okay so let's move on to planning your content because you've got a bank of ideas now you know how often you're going to post you also know what format you're going to be posting in but now you need to plan what content you're actually going to be creating and when you're doing this I want you to think about a couple of things the first is remember what that value is that you said you're going to give your audience because that kind of needs to be there for almost all of your content so if you said that the value you're going to be providing is entertainment value think about that when you're creating your content how are you going to make what you're producing entertaining in some way having this Focus just means that our content is going to land a lot better and it's really really going to help us grow because our content will be so valuable that people won't be able to help themselves they'll just have this dying need to follow you because they're going to need more of your valuable content now the other thing to think about is to do with your ideation so head back into that folder that we created go for it think of some content ideas and I want you to start writing them down just write a list okay and once you've got at least one week worth of content ideas ideally you want a bit more than that because this whole thing could be a bit overwhelming but at the very least you've got one week of content ideas mapped out which means at least seven posts mapped out already you then want to schedule it into some form of calendar I have clients who map out their content using their actual calendars like physical calendars or their Outlook calendar or their Google Calendar right and I also have clients who literally will just assign days to the different content that they want to create in their notepad whatever route works for you you just want to make sure you've got Clarity of what is going to be going out when okay okay it's step five this is one of my favorite steps because it's all about batching so this is the step where you actually start creating your content and I want you to create your content in batches okay that is essentially what content batching is it's when you sit down and you produce a bunch of content in one sitting now the reason why batching your content is super effective especially for people who are new to Instagram is because it means that you're able to benefit from this thing called Flow State and your flow state is essentially what you get into when you are doing one task so you know when you're like fully immersed into one task it means that you're able to produce really high quality work and also a huge volume of it that's basically what flow state is and that is why batching works so well so when it comes to batching what I want you to do is to allocate some time so make sure there's no distractions put your phone on like silent mode make sure you don't have any meetings or calls Etc allocate a good chunk of time a few hours to completing one form of content so if you've decided that part of your Instagram content is going to be you speaking to the camera then make sure that you set time aside to batch all of your reels where you're speaking to the camera if you decided that you were going to create some quotes as part of your Instagram content then set some time aside to create your batch of quotes same goes for carousels same goes for photo shoots Etc you just want to make sure that when you're creating your content you're creating one format of content in one go all right let's move on to step six which is all about scheduling so you've batched all your content well done I'm very proud of you now it's time for you to schedule it all out now I use a online scheduling tool to schedule my content and there are a bunch of different tools that you can use just have a quick Google I'm sure you're going to find some that you'll like I'll put a link to the ones that I've used previously in the description below but essentially you're looking for a tool which will allow you to upload all of that incredible content that you've just batched but also to write captions for the content that you've just batched to now the reason why this works super super well is because it means that you can avoid that really annoying moment when you've got the content you're ready to post but you can't think of a caption right I think we can all relate to at that moment where you're like oh my God I do not know what to write and then you end up not posting at all because you just feel flustered and frustrated right we don't want that to happen and how we avoid that happening is by writing all of our captions in a batch and uploading them to our scheduling tools so that we don't have to think about what to write for a caption when it comes time to post okay step seven is kind of linked to step six but I'm still going to give it a separate step name okay step seven is all about contextualizing right so what this step is all about it's essentially ensuring that Instagram understands what your content is about as quickly as possible because we're either starting a fresh Instagram account here or we're like Reviving an Instagram account but either way in order for us to reach that 10 000 following Mark we really need to ensure that Instagram knows what our content is about because if Instagram doesn't know what our content is about then it won't know who to share it to so let me break this down one of the quickest and most effective ways for us to really grow on Instagram is when Instagram shares our content with other people so you know the explore page or like you know when you're on the homepage and sometimes you see suggested posts from people who you don't follow right that is all being powered by Instagram Instagram is sharing that creators content out to new people and if you get in front of a new audience then you're going to increase the chances of you gaining some new followers right so how do we get Instagram to share our content to people well the only way that Instagram is going to do that is if they understand who our content should be shared to and for them to understand who our content should be shared to they need to know what our content is about so if our content is about fashion Instagram needs to know that so that it shares it with people who are interested in fashion etc etc you get what I mean so how do we get to a place where Instagram can understand what our content is about how do we contextualize our content well there's two main ways that we want to do that the first way is by using really relevant descriptive hashtags so when you're batch writing your captions and all that kind of stuff you want to make sure that you're adding between three to five hashtags per post and I want you to use hashtags that are really relevant to your content so I don't want you to use like hashtag explore because that is so vague and anyone can use that you want to use a really specific hashtag like Japanese street style right very very specific the other thing that you need to do is write descriptive captions so people like to sleep on captions because they're like nobody reads them blah blah blah Instagram reads them Instagram is reading your captions and they're using your captions to try and figure out what your content is about so if your content is about street style then use the word street style in your caption right it really is as simple as that step number eight this is eight yeah eight okay so this step this is the final step because you've done you've done most of the hard work like you've got all your content scheduled you've already written all your captions it's all called textualized you've got a strategy like you your profile looks great like you've achieved a lot I'm very proud of you now the final step is to supercharge your growth I'm not going to beat around the bush hair I'm just going to give you the top three growth tactics these are the most effective growth tactics if you engage in at least one of these growth tactics on a regular basis you will see growth in your account okay so the first major growth tactic is for you to go live with someone else or with multiple people so you can go live with up to three additional people at a time on Instagram at the moment I'm sure they'll probably change that to make it more people at some point right when you go live with someone else something very special happens and what that is is that everyone's audience on that live so if there's three of you on the live all of your Instagram followers will get a notification saying that you're going live and that means that if you go live with someone else you can end up speaking to a whole audience of people who do not follow you yet this is a great opportunity for you to get in front of a new audience sell yourself a little bit I don't use to a pitch but you know show up as your best self make sure you're talking about the value that you provide on your content because that's a really great opportunity for you to get some new followers onto your account the second major growth hack is for you to collaborate with another Creator and to actually co-create a post now there's a feature on Instagram which allows you to upload a post and it appear on two channels at the same time now this post literally is a shared post so anytime your audience comments on the post it will appear anytime the other creators audience comments on the post it will also appear so it's a shared post and what this means is that again your content is going to get in front of a whole nother audience now something to bear in mind when you're using both of those growth tactics is that it works best when you're collaborating with someone or you're going live with someone who has a similar audience to you so ideally Their audience is one who would be interested in the type of content that you talk about right and the third and final major major growth hack for you is for you to cross promote your Instagram channel on another social media channel ideally another social media channel that gets a lot of Reach For example Tick Tock I think we all know that you can reach a lot of people on Tick Tock you can reach far more people with a fresh Tick Tock page then you probably can on any other social media platform so if you have a tick tock account already talk about your Instagram channel that you've just launched incentivize it too like give people a reason to follow you on Instagram I often see people do this thing where say they're like a comedy Creator on Tick Tock they will put a comment under their Tick Tock saying oh the bloopers for this skit are on my Instagram story so they're incentivizing people actually coming off of tick tock going onto their Instagram account looking at their content and hopefully following them so that's a really clever way to do it and also there's other channels like Pinterest for example which are great for reach cross promote your Instagram channel on a channel like Pinterest and you'll end up getting a lot more eyeballs onto your Instagram Channel and that is truly what's going to help you grow okay that's it from me those are all the steps that you need to follow to get from zero to ten thousand on Instagram if you feel like hanging around a little bit longer I recommend watching this video it's all about the top Instagram mistakes that people are making which is massively hurting their growth and their engagement also do not forget to head to the link in my description to check out HubSpot and to download your Instagram engagement report thank me later thank you so much for watching guys I'll see you in my next video
Channel: Jade Beason
Views: 297,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: organic instagram growth tips, how to grow on instagram from 0, instagram algorithm explained, how to get followers on instagram, how the instagram algorithm works, instagram followers app, instagram growth, how to grow on instagram, how to grow your instagram account, instagram algorithm update, how to get followers on instagram fast, growing on instagram, how the ig algorithm works, instagram growth tips, organic instagram followers, how to grow fast on instagram
Id: Bgjv4eDUkwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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