Create a vase in Blender insanely easily that can be 3dprinted in vase mode.

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just a quick video to celebrate having 100 youtube subscribers which is 99 youtube subscribers more than i ever thought i'd get but you're here and i appreciate that so hopefully this will be useful i'm going to do a quick vars for some reason everybody in 3d printing prints advance at some points i'm going to do a simple vars using modifiers mostly in blender so i'm going to start off by going into orthographic view by pressing this little green thing here and i'm going to add a cube actually i only want a vertex and this is a simple way to do it go into edit mode m merge at center and then you have a vertex now i've got to extrude that along the x i'm going to do another one and now we're going to make something that looks a little bit like a verse by looking a little bit like a bars i mean i've got an outline of a vars so let's add a screw modifier to this well now we do have our files i need to flip the normals here take off the smooth shading and we have something like that let's give it a couple more of steps we can take it all the way up there if we want to but i don't really want to let's go back to there 26 okay looks nice now i'm going to add a simple deform on the zed so we have a little twist i kind of like that i'm going to apply them in object mode go into edit mode face mode and select this nice so there you have it i will unselect this bit at the bottom actually c shift i think we'll just give it that oops and now all d extrude along normals just a little bit like that i have it i now probably need to add a solidify actually not that good have a little solidify and then add a subdivision surface that's not too bad there you go a simple vars while we're here let's do something else that's quite exciting turn that off add a cube again we'll take it down to one vertex by going into edit mode vertex mode merge at center and we have one vertex now extrude that along the x there we have it a little line add the screw modifier turn these out add a solidify modifier give it some thickness need to turn the smooth shading off we have a um quite an interesting little cylinder which works just like an ordinary cylinder but you've only got two vertices in your scene that can be quite interesting it also gives you some more options for using the cylinder in your scene and then changing the size and shape of it later while we're being super clever let's turn that off and that's in object mode create a new vertex and i'm just going to grab this probably with proportional editing turned off grab that along the x we have a single vertex now with this origin there go to object mode add a modifier a screw modifier make this 180 turn up the steps very nice add another screw modifier the x flip the normals smooth shading you have a nice ball made from one single vertex so if we go to edit mode there's your vertex grab it you i think that's kind of cool myself anyway thank you everybody who subscribed and uh thank you to everybody who viewed actually this was just a little video to play with doing some simple geometry in blender thanks again and goodbye everybody [Applause] you
Channel: Not Very Good Guy
Views: 53,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3dprinting, blender
Id: 7TUahRas-Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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