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okay here we go I think we're live now what's up guys we are doing some VFX today let's get let's get this let's get this one little thing I get boom now we're in now we're in alright so I really wanted to do this for you guys wanted to walk through some cool cinema for the octane stuff last year's been crazy it's a very fun sweet okay now it's live yeah let me know guys let me know how this is going here because um doubled on audio what about now appreciate your heads up here first time doing this live stream so might be a little janky you know hot out the gates but we'll get it right I know we're right you know I wish I wish I could hear how I sound right now I can't I can't hear how I sound so I have no idea it looks like we got like a 30-second delay here still double let's see alright what about now how is this sounded better yo yo welcome welcome welcome trying to get technical side solved here first time going on this now guys we get I literally bought I literally bought a microphone just for this year so we're gonna make sure we got the audio son and really nice much better yes yes yes that's what's up perfect sweet so right now I am streaming with cinema 4d and the beautiful little render you see right here is rendered through octane however you guys you know I don't know how many of you guys are trying to get into the effects or doofy effects yourself the reason I got into it is because I realized I could do literally anything you you want it I can do anything I want make anything I want if I know technically how to do it and that's what I'm kind of spawned my interest and this whole you know visual effects world and it can get very technical I can get very advanced but once you get past all that and you find the right tutorials which hopefully this will be then you'll be off to the races you can be making really cool stuff now cinema 4d is I think they just released a subscription service that's like 60 bucks a month octane is 20 bucks a month so I know 80 bucks a month is little could be a little pricey for some of you guys now blender is completely free which is amazing and you can do amazing stuff in blender so you know you guys want to keep that in mind you could likely follow along if you guys download blender if you want to get into CG and whatnot there's a whole bunch of great blender tutorials but you know I want to share my expertise in cinema that can hopefully be translated to blender or 3ds max or any other programs because it's all just kind of like building block foundation and stuff that I want to start with and I do want to take requests from you guys to see what you guys want more of but let's go through these comments here what are you guys saying so we fixed the audio that's good am i coming to Scotland yes at some point just went to Ireland last year it was amazing mmm what's software am i streaming on I'm UV I'm using OBS right now literally first time doing this you like Obi Obi Wan Kenobi likes watching editing videos cuz it makes you feel like you can do it totally I know exactly what you mean Christian dude what's up Christian yeah everyone say hey Christian Christian from corridor thanks for stopping by dude let's see eight years ago I started doing them cuz Freddie Wong and you guys but I kind of lost interest but I have it but I've been watching VFX stuff recently and loved it I tried cinema once and my computer almost exploded blender good luck finding a job good luck using blender in larger productions it falls apart fast well man man it might it might I don't know I've never used it but I do know Ian Hubert is like a blender master and same for Peter France he did the the spider-man short on corridor and it's those guys are geniuses when it comes to blender so if you're if you have any reason like I don't know about blender go take a look at those guys or blender guru three amazing people with blender and they will prove to you that blender is the greatest let's see let's see what happened to me a rocket jump oh that's a that's a question that's a personal question so Freddie Freddie's doing his own thing right now he is doing a podcast dungeons and daddies and they're looking to write a lot of like feature films and try and do some bigger stuff so right now it's just Freddie Freddie and Matt I believe let's see you guys the reason I'm doing VFX now started as a fan and I'm now I'm lucky enough to do them as my job that is awesome that makes me feel very very good red beats 13 sweet man yeah it's super fun it's very fun you can create anything it's the best what am I making so we can make a few things today I was thinking we could go through how to make well here let's let's let's jump in here so I love making textures and when I'm you know walking about during the day I and yes you know it might be a little knowing here but like I'll just kind of walk really slowly and look at textures and get mesmerized by certain textures and be like oh I want to make this I want to make that so the other day let's see if I can pull the picture for you guys don't it here we go my octane textures my assets let's see where is it we're gonna save these I'm trying to find the reference photos for you guys here mmm wait sure we'll start we will start with give me sec let me put the photo so the this this right here the what you're seeing is like a dirty rainy kind of vibe here and the rain is like pulling up in the corners it's darker in the corners and it's based off of my dirty car because in Los Angeles it you know we work next to the freeway it is very dirty it rains diesel dust basically all day 24/7 and it rains rarely right so when it does rain it kind of washes all that stuff off and it ends up looking a little something like this really nasty and I thought hey you know that'd be really fun to do do a texture on because these days you can basically download any texture you want there's a million brick textures a million rock textures a million there's a million textures everywhere and what I'm trying to do when I go out I'm trying to find textures that are unique like this one here and I enjoy creating them so I'd like to show you guys that that's an option we have other textures we got let me let me show you the reference first before I get distracted that is the tiniest picture in the world okay come on computer where are you at where you at where the pictures there D on the desktop I don't know where they are all right here we go so you can see the dirt you know is all up in here and it's collected on the edges another example this one right here you know you can see how the dirt kind of just like it catches the rain and it gets pushed down by the rain and it just stays there and then it sticks there so that was the reference for for this texture here so we can break that down let me open up another one for you guys um let's see we got a cast iron texture so recently for Christmas my girlfriend got me a really nice cast iron like Japanese teapot and it's a kind of teapot that it holds you know iron and when you heat up hot water when you boil water and this thing you get these patterns like this like these little like dried up pieces of water that pulls the iron out of the cast iron and it's supposedly really good for you to have in your tea actually got some right here and I wanted to figure out a way to you know to create that texture because it's something I've never seen before so we can do that or finally this might be more of a general general thing for you guys more interest to you guys I'll check the comments here in a second but let's see if we can't recreate a scene from one of our favorite movies let's see let's see where would it be spirited away now if you guys have seen spirited away you know it's pretty crazy movie and it is it has some really amazing art in it as well so you know you got some classic stuff in this movie we can we can go in and create any number of scenes from this movie this would be a fun one this would be super fun and this is just kind of like a collection of pictures where I'll go through a movie that I really like and I'll save out screenshots for reference or for inspiration but this one this is the one I kind of wanted to I was feeling I like this vibe here it's very foggy it's rainy time aspheric this one too it would be fun these will all be fun to recreate this one this would be a good one actually it's pretty pretty basic but we can learn a lot on how to get this look let's see what do you guys think let's go through these comments um alright let's see let's see best place to learn cinema 4d v effects well I should say right here but the sense this is my first one might be a little janky I learned through greyscale gorilla greyscale gorilla they're the best man their tutorials are amazing they're free they do have a paid subscription service that you can uh you can subscribe to but I learned a lot through greyscale gorilla I learned a lot through David Mann I get that his last name mixed up all the time David are you David re EV it's like on his website and he was like two WS or like two V two V's that make a WI it it's difficult anyway um I design is another good one these guys are incredible they put out the best tutorials let's see let's see what you guys are saying dabbling in V effects but might come back hopefully we can get you back glad you're talking about textures some have been very curious about I often want to retexture a file I've downloaded but aren't sure how to make these more realistic that is exactly what I do all the time i download models from turbosquid the textures are always but and you got to go in and you got to retexture the whole thing so this whole process I was talking about is exactly that you make cool cool textures there's a lot of like little tips and tricks that you can use to quickly retexture something you can save your textures out you can if you have to start from scratch there's a there's a number of like easy ways you can go about it to make something look awesome pretty quickly um let's see how is a 10-7 TTI going to perform and c4d well i have a gtx 1070 so great I have one gtx 1070 my voice is looping hopefully that is just you yet know looking at my own awesome car warfare 3 eventually yes it will happen sci-fi stay tuned at some point alright any preference as to what we're gonna do here what car is that is FRS and start from bottom because you got a lot of comments Thanks um build something in Minecraft which I make who knows me and that's up that's up to you that's that's personal the golden tower in Japan you know what guys let's see first scene with the rain back bathhouse has iconic would be more work but I'd be cool um all right let's do this one guys let's just do this one cuz this will be fun it'll be pretty easy too so let us just start a new scene here and I'll check these comments periodically from time to time make sure that we're all good alright sweet ok so we have a very unique silhouette here that is the bathhouse now since you know since this is mostly just a silhouette right it's not super detailed we don't need to go to the max on this we just need to get the silhouette right so we could certainly do like the speed version of this and trace the silhouette of it so you know let's just model it out yeah let's just model it out really quick all right so let's jump in so for reference let's let's just make a new material just going to double click down here go in here and we're going to drag and drop that picture that reference picture into the color tab said no always had no on that stuff we want to make a background and if you ever need to find something at c40 just hit shift C and type what you want and there's your background or you could you know eventually as you use the program find out exactly where it is you know it's right there under this little floor tab if you hold it down go to background so we have a background but you don't see anything got to drag that picture boom on to the background but we still don't see anything that's because our octane sky is blocking it let's get rid of let's get rid of this this scene here so we got our bath house chillin chillin in the background here and here's our little grid so we want to get that shape right we want to get that shape we probably want to start with a cube that'd be what I'd do so it's looking more like a little rectangle so probably something like this and it's kind of looks like you have this piece here and then you got your your Pizza Hut roof here so I'll make this cube editable hit C or you could just click this button up here make editable and no matter what program you guys are in you're gonna want to learn those shortcuts because they will save you time lots and lots and lots of time there are new shortcuts so you can get fast so let's let's start shaping this thing out okay Pizza Hut roof probably to come up a little bit like this and then it looks like it's gonna be a bevel boom and that's a little a little too high so we'll bring that down and if I'm going too fast just let me know if you want me to like let you guys know the exact shortcuts I'm using again this is the first the first stream guys so they will well get we'll get there we'll get there in time I want to do I want to do these once a week but I think you guys get the idea right I'm kind of just shaping this out you know then we have some primitives up here we got like a little cone we have some cylinders so let's save that detail roof stuff for last all right what else here we got some stuff on the side like some trees and whatnot it looks like there's some trees there we got trees over here there's a bridge it looks like the bath house has like a little entrance piece so let's do the entrance piece real quick so we want to make like a line cut through this so you can hit KL u @k it'll bring up your options of what to do what to do from there and if you leave the mouse still you can see you know we can do a plane cut by hitting J a line cut by hitting K or a loop path cut by hitting L so KL is the move here won't look like that we will grab this little piece here and extrude it out to get this little look right here boom and the base it's like standing on a base of some sort so we want to you see how it comes in out and down right here so we can do that by let's see we want to bevel that and see what our options are for the bevel here on top right did I save the scene always save your scene will get the lighting right in a second here um so subdivisions it's go like five subdivisions you see how it's kind of bowing out we want it to bow in so I would say that would be convex let's see how would we do that it's fixed distance radial proportional polygon extrusion zero way you oh here we go check this out just figure this out just now alright so the shape of this bevel let's switch it to user and it looks like we can just shape it ourselves here with these little points so we want it to start to be something like let's get rid of that let's get rid of that let's take this guy down like that alright so that obviously looks horrible so if we don't want to do that it's like it's working - this little middle piece what does that middle piece doing okay that's a little closer that's basically it you know - that last it's kind of looking a little funky right there but for the sake of this tutorial that shape is looking like that shape so let us let's try one last thing and I just ruined it totally discerned it let's see we want to get those those uh Bezier curves back but how do we do that you know there it is totally works let's go from there extrude that guy down and it's actually when I bring up the what is this one about what about in here mmm and then I've hidden W so that would be extrude inner which basically takes something and just scales it in like this so we want to take this piece at the bottom and scale it up so we're basically meeting the edge of the bath house and then we will extrude it back down like that so you got your little lip right there boom alright let's let's go to these comments here what do you guys what are you guys talking about these are also random questions do I like dogs yes dogs are cool I just got a new cat though so more of a cat guy right now tips were getting started on VFX um let's see well I'd say really honestly like blender is amazing because it's free you're able to get into it because it's free when you know that you want to do something like you want to have a reason for why you're doing something so if you can follow a tutorial or if it's honestly if it's difficult for you to follow the tutorial just randomly like if you find that boring if you're on the airplane and you know you kind of want to get into V effects but you have time you're in the car or you're in an airplane download some tutorials for a program that you've heard of that you think would be cool type of V effects tutorials whatever if you don't know the program but try and just familiar it familiarize yourself with the programs that are out there that can do the cool stuff you want to get into the reason I mentioned blender is just because it's free and there's a lot of great tutorials for it out there and just take time and follow these tutorials and like figure out what you can do with the program because it's like you know you give something to someone and they're like well why do I want this why do I need this you need to figure out why you need it why you want it so finding a reason for why you're doing that the visual effect would help certainly like if you have a job that you know you have to do X Y or Z so there's your reason you got to figure it out because if a job or you know you have an idea that you think is really cool and you have like you and your friends get together and like all guys we should do this that's a reason right they're just out of pure hobby maybe you're just getting started you're just like you're in high school or something and you need you need some extra cash well you'd grow your value you would learn how to do something in a program like this and take on freelance jobs that's that's the first very first job that I got were freelance jobs with After Effects and then cinema4d was the next one but there's a whole bunch more stuff you know there's a whole lot more stuff just learn as much as you can and make it fun for yourself make it fun and if you can learn if you can just just break the barrier of like I don't know what I'm doing - I kind of get this it might take it will take consistency and some dedication to the program and just some some of your time you can really dive in and have a whole bunch of fun doing this stuff it's the best you can you know it's like painting it's like it's like drawing but you're doing it in in in 3d so much fun um yes I miss being on fire it's a little cold right now Lowen PCB effects stuff let's see mm-hmm honestly I don't have that much info on on PC recommendations I've had friends help me build a computer a couple times and it's pretty cheap pretty cost-effective but honestly fine find a friend who's good at computers and just ask him to put together like a gaming rig for you and chances are that gaming rig will work perfect for VFX let's see let's see what you do with your hair I didn't cut it that's what I did with my hair I've been too busy let's see do I still contact Carmichael for VFX not for VFX but I still contact Carmichael that's for sure he's a good dude I really just really appreciate you guys uh stopping by for the stream here I there's a lot to catch up on so last year right around Thanksgiving time I came out with a website if you guys never seen the website this is it so I do photography is one of my many hobbies and I over the over the years I have put together a portfolio of all my travel photography my friend Jan got me into film photography so I started messing around with film you know this is actually this is jann right here this is Jan right here as well and I was like you know what I think it's time to make a website for my photography because there's a lot of it at this point and I've been to enough places that like I have a decent body of work and it's something that once I make this website I will have forever and all of my you know travel experiences or street photography it'll be a place for all that stuff to live so yeah check this out so if you go to collections you can see the photos from Japan or Ireland and you know these these are this island is all film photography Shanghai's digital Los Angeles is a mix California coasts film Newfoundland is film Bali is digital but you know it's it's is actually really sweet let me show you the Japan stuff this guy man I love this picture so much it was a in Akihabara which is basically like a place in Tokyo where you go to get parts for any electronic it's a very like nerdy kind of a electric kind of vibe you know there's people are selling parts batteries conductors look at like look at all this stuff I didn't know what half this stuff is but it was just this little guy and this booth and I was like oh man I gotta get that shot and it took me like 10 minutes to do it because I was too nervous to be like hey can I take a shot of you so I just snuck it and I'm glad I did because I like I like the way it looks versus him like looking at the camera and smiling or looking at the camera doing whatever I think it's cool but man I love Japan so much it's like the best place ever this day was incredible in Takayama my friend Jung we just like biked around this place so beautiful there's a morning market the river behind her and everything biking along the river got some nice like industrial vibes but yeah if you guys if you guys like him you this stuff one of the reasons I did this was to sell some prints so you know I have Newfoundland prints for sale Japan pictures for sale Ireland pictures for sale like this one right here they're all printed on super high quality archival print paper and it's lil give you guys an idea of like what it looks like to have it framed and this was actually rendered in c40 as well and yeah like sign them all and ship them out with incense and and you know a whole bunch of different sizes and everything so yeah if you guys are you guys looking for a way to support me in the meantime this is a good way to do so and I hope to post more pictures in the meantime and one of my goals this year is to release a digital product for you guys I don't know what that is yet could be texture stuff could be tutorial stuff who knows but in the meantime let's just get back to this tutorial so we got our shape kind of let's get this bridge going this little guy right here so this shouldn't be too difficult um what's cool about I guess the effects in general just like with life there are different ways about doing things you can go about something in 3 or 4 different ways so let's make this bridge I'll show you a couple different ways so basically bridge is probably looking something like that and why is it so thick because I'm going to take out this little piece right here with a cylinder and it's called a boolean I don't know why it sounds weird but that's just what it's called so you can kind of get the idea what I'm going for here scale this guy up squish it down a little bit and we're gonna take out that chunk right there that looks about right so this is a technically what what are these called they're not effectors they're like there's well they are things to manipulate your model and help you create some crazy stuff that you don't normally get from primitives and perimeters are like your square your your sphere your cylinder your cone and whatnot so we made a bull object and basically it works like a like an order system so basically you have you have your bridge which is your cube so a minus B equals C and there's your bridge another way of doing that another way of getting your bridge would be to do something like this where you have your cube and it probably scale it down like that and we're gonna want to subdivide this thing this way a whole bunch and if you make that editable you should be able to take the ends of this thing let's drag this out you should be able to take the ends of this thing and this might be a little janky this is probably the janky way of doing this and you're gonna want to move them down and I think you guys can kind of get what I'm going for and this is probably the longer manual way of doing this you can go over here and with the move tool selected you can do what's called a soft selection and if you enable that you can see ok the stuff in yellow is really going to move but the stuff that's more on the blue side he's not going to move and the reason it's not looking like a bridge or now is because it's set to linear if we set that to like dome or something we can bring the radius back let's do I don't let's keep it at 100 to bring the strength down to like 30 okay so that's the opposite of what we want we want more of a bell curve like that and we're gonna have to get the top of the bridge back to a normal flat walkway so one way of doing that you can turn off the selection tool you can grab all of these pieces across the top you can bring them up for now and then we're going to scale them down until this number here the y-axis is zero and you bring it back down that's another way being the bridge but you guys saw this is faster way faster so I like fast that's good all right we got a bridge we got our silhouette roughly let us curve this roof a little bit I'm seeing here on the corner this roof curves down and this is looking a little to Pizza Hut for me so let's let's do that how we can do that well we could do it the manual way like we did before and I'm actually thinking that might be the best way about going about this we can make some cuts right so in theory this is what we're gonna do we're gonna make that cut there and we're going to we're gonna scale it down right that's like the low poly version if we did if we made some more cuts right there right there I'm holding shift so like snap them two angles you can start to let's get let's do the scale scale tool and enable the soft selection again let's bring the radius down to 20 and let's scale that let's see let's scale it down and just we got to work our our settings here to get the right settings so you can kind of see that working but we don't want to scale that so we'll bring our strength back and it's still doing it it's still like bringing that in there so I think what I'll do is just do the manual version of this without the soft selection let's move it down and then let's take the other two rings and bring them down then you can see we have a curved roof here we did it manually and that's okay sometimes you got to do it manually go back for the middle one scale it down a little bit more cool looking good and lastly the the last like main thing three things actually so you have these little spires we'll do those real quick we have some trees here and we have some trees and some like mountainous stuff here let's do the spires first so right off the bat I'm seeing a little cone there that's gonna be the easiest thing in the world because it is a primitive will spawn a cone bring it up it looks like it could be circular it could be more polygamy so instead of 36 rotational segments we do for rotational segments let's just do that save on some polygons here because at the end of the day that's one of the things chomping away your RAM chopping away at your computer juice bring this guy down and oh here's a good tip this this is a tip that mm-hm drove me crazy for the longest time so we have the cone connected to the roof right here right we want to scale it down but it's not scaling from the bottom it's only scaling from the middle because the little gizmo is in the middle we want to bring the gizmo down to the bottom how do you do that well first you got to make it editable you can't do anything until you make it editable as far as I know there might be another way to do it so you can hit C on your keyboard or you can hit this button over to the top left I'll hit C because remember those remember those those shortcuts they will save you time you're not seeing your gizmo because you're on the line mode we want to go to object mode up here there you go so now we're dealing with this with this guy we want this gizmo to be down at the bottom a couple ways of doing this you know just like in life there's a whole bunch of different ways about going about things let's see so I'm hitting I'm hitting s on the keyboard to snap my view to the object I have selected so hit s boom brings me a write up to this keep this cone here this tool right here enable access and if you hover over stuff it'll it'll show you the shortcuts so I'm seeing L boom I'm gonna hit L now instead of moving the object it's gonna move the axis sweet so we can manually move it down to the bottom like that hit L again to get back to object mode and now when we scale it it scales from the bottom but instead of eyeballing it if you really need to get it exact a new tip I learned from let's see it was a DM a la it was a cool it was a cool little thing that we actually spoke at for our Boston Dynamics video but before that one of the cinema4d guys talked about this little tip and it is this tool right here the axis Center tool now who knows where that is in cinema it's not gonna be there I promise because that is a custom little button I put right there it might be under tools it might be under select but you know what the easy way to find it axis Center tool is to hit shift C and type in axis Center and there it is and if you want to keep that as like a button that you're always going to use I use it all the time you can click and drag it right up into there and it will stick up into your little toolbar and if you want to keep it there and have it be there every time you load cinema you want to go to window customization save startup layout boom and cinema will always open in the configuration you have setup so let's select the cone let's select the axis Center tool his little window and in this window you can do a number of things you can you have you're controlling the axis right so we want the y-axis because we know up and down is y-axis and it's the nerdiest thing but the way I remember that is like when you go up and down it's you're like yeah and it goes up air goes down because that's what you say when you go up or down right we slide that guy down to negative 100 and he executes and it snaps perfectly to the bottom of that cone so there you go bring it down and we scale it I think now we're at the point we're like we need to start setting up our camera and obviously this is not exact the shape of this is not exact but you know it's close enough right we're trying to get the the essence of this bath house right so let's it looks like it's on the far left corner so you can grab that little piece here and that'll slide it around on the floor you know that would be Z and X axis and let's let's make a camera so technically we already have one but let's start locking it into place here what do you guys think focal length on this you're probably on a mountain looking at this thing maybe it's a 50 let's say it's a it's a 50 could be an 85 could be a 35 but yeah let's go with 54 now because it looks like the picture is taken from quite a ways away and that's pretty close that is pretty darn close zoom in a little bit cool so that cone right here is super tiny so we'll bring will scale that guy down and just kind of move it to the edge boom and this little toggle here the white like crosshair box thing that's to get you in and out of the camera and so many times I will have set my camera like this and then I'll like start going in and you know start moving around and like oh crap I had my camera set up well if you hit control shift Z that undoes camera moves so all good control shift Y redoes camera moves but just make sure you're getting at getting out of your camera toggling in and out of your camera cuz now we're gonna go in and we're gonna start doing some more stuff so this little bell tower let's do that it's looking like a cylinder to me but before I do that let's just jump in here and see if you guys are still alive where you at where you at where is my stream alright what's up guys sweet sweet what's this countdown for y'all countdown 51 50 53 what's going down Boston Dynamics loving the photography thanks guys um yeah you guys forgot I had a channel I know I hadn't posted this thing in so long it's been a very long time and I'm really excited to do this more often I love like I will literally just come home and texture for fun so why not share the information see you guys and I hope next time I do this maybe it'll be Saturday maybe Sunday we'll get on a schedule so that you guys can start counting on these things you guys can be following along in cinema or if you have blender we can open that up and we can figure it out together I'll be in cinema you'll be in blender and we'll be doing some texture and stuff for model and stuff and we'll just this could be our time to spend together to like to learn and focus on 3d stuff I think that could be really cool sweet yeah glad you guys are enjoying this and in the future you know hope to have some like cool music going on here maybe some ambient music some peaceful music do you guys have any questions any requests any any questions whatsoever we can do like work questions life questions hobby questions or if you have questions on specific things you would like for me to discuss so we can do After Effects stuff we can do cinema 4d stuff we can learn substance to designer together substance designer is crazy it's like you can make any texture from noise maps which are just black and white maps that you push and pull geometry with I've always wanted to get into that we can learn that together yeah ask away guys ask away I'm gonna be doing this little spire well you guys asked some questions so if you want to spawn a if you guys want to spawn a an object on another object you select your object right like this cone hold down control and let go boom it's spawned on there because I know I want it to be on the roof so might as well spawn it next to something that's on the roof it's like right there right yeah that's that's fine let's uh make that editable editable that's a hard word to say let's do our little trick here bring the axis down at the bottom so we have control more control over this thing because the end of the day you just trying to get control over your pixels right want to push and pull those things so it's doing some funky like chess piece business right looks like a little pawn piece so I'm a scale this down to the size of this tiny little the smallest part of this tower and then I'm going to push out the geometry for the remainder of the stuff so let's move this guy up and from what guys for whatever reason with cylinders watch this watch this you come in here you do your loop selection right you want to scale it up you want to extrude it just kidding you want to extrude inner and it's working it's working properly sweet never mind let's keep going with this thing we scale it out we extrude it oh my goodness we extrude it up and then we get a little bell action on this guy let's some extrude it up to the top so on you see I'm here I'm on this little lip I'm an extruder inner again right because it comes in I'm looking at this piece right here you gotta get that Eli boom boom boom and then scale it way up and we can push and pull these polygons further once we get the general shape right we can make it thicker shorter whatever and let's do let's see how are we gonna get this shape yo let's try something let's try something let's um let's bevel this piece right so we have our bevel again and remember that like remember this little graph right here let's let's mess with this so for whatever reason well so for whatever reason it's giving us this little like little top hat thing here why why is that happening sometimes you guys just gotta mess with these settings I don't know why that's happening oh maybe that's why that's cuz I see yeah it's because um this top piece is being extruded or beveled to the point where it's just it's just had to it's just had it it's just had too much and it's imploding on itself that's why that's why you know what happens it happens let's get down here let's get down to this uh this guy around alright so round makes it kind of look like a bullet and that is looking close honestly I think we can we can say that is fine let's give it let's give it ten more so ten subdivision so you have ten little cross-sections going up to the top of this thing which looks very close the only difference is that it it wings out at the edge so let's um let's say that's good right and then let's do that scale trick again where we scale by with soft selection so let us select all of these cross segments so I'm hitting you and then L and that will let me do a loop selection so if you go to select and you select the loop selection option option here you'll see right next to it ul that's your hotkey for it and that's gonna let you just select all the little loops here and I'm holding shift to make my way downtown walk real fast got it and we're gonna scale those guys we're gonna scale them now if I just go to town and I scale it you see how it's getting smaller on the y-axis we don't want that so we're gonna untie GLE the y-axis right here so then you'll see it'll like scale more properly and if we enable soft selection and we crank the strength to a hundred and the radius down to 20 we should be able to get some sort of spire looking shape where it Flay's out let's change it from Bell to dome that's it that's the shape we want so let's take the radius down to like 10 so it's really just gonna get that last piece there sweet yeah and then let's make the top let's go up here and just scale the top piece here because it comes more to a point and we'll set the bell the radius to like 30 and let's bow out let's bow out this middle piece too like we're really just trying to get you know guys maybe I were talking about different ways of doing things I just figured out a better way let's see this through and we'll walk back and then I'll get back to you guys as questions here because I haven't forgot about those this looks chunky man it this looks like a looks like some janky Crayola like yeah let's let's not do this here's the shape guys we're gonna draw it with a pen tool pen tool right next to the primitives let's go into that side view let's sneak up on here in here and we could reference we could reference the bell but and we should write we know that it does something like this and it comes down like that and then it comes up like that probably something like something like that and then you got you know you want to complete the complete circuit boom let's come in here and make sure that we don't have this crazy little wing wing edane here you gotta hit the move tool to grab these guys we only want to affect one side so you're gonna hold shift to make that right you want this point to be exactly in line with this point so notice at the bottom down here you have these numbers you will notice that the so the x-axis on the red or it's saying it's Z you is this number here we can literally just copy this number so like that paste that number and now we know they're stacked perfectly on top of each other because you'll see we'll do this in a second and then this point right here you want this point to be exactly the same on the y-axis as this point right here you want a 90-degree angle perfect so we'll notice okay this point 305 point one five eight copy that paste it well that's perfect so now all you have to do now all you have to do is select that spline you just made see we made the shape right it looks better than this little Crayola crayon here we're gonna take this shape we're gonna hold alt because you know what here let's take that back we're gonna make something called a lathe lathe nerve or lathe object and the lathe is basically like it's gonna take this shape and it's going to wrap it around so when you drop the spline into that interesting uh I know why I know why it's because it needs to work from the center of like the world so basically you know you have your spline this point right here you want to just Center that up zero zero zero so you'll come down let's see yeah you see how it's wrapping it around there give me give me two shakes here yeah we basically want the the anchor point to be right in that corner so you know and this isn't this is a case where you need it to be perfect and I'll tell you why it let's say we do it like this let's say we take the anchor point we move it there it's not perfect it's just off a little bit and then we sent to the object boom okay it's centered and then we do the lathe Nirvan it and you can see oh there's a hole through the middle technically this would work for us because it's so far away but let's say you don't want that hole so what you would need to do is let's see what you would need to do is select your spline and instead of eyeballing this exactly because there's always gonna be a tiny little piece we are off right you can go up here to the axis Center tool click that and now we're saying we want it to be correct on the z axis you see the z axis is blue it's going that way so let's zero out the Y X the Y is fine we execute alright we just did that it brought it up to the middle all right we don't want that we do want the Y to be at the bottom so you bring the Y boom all the way down to the bottom it is the bottom most point of your object and we want the z-axis or here to be positive so it's going that way so we want to make sure that numbers are positive execute boom now it's exactly on the corner there we can now reset our object reset PSR to zero that's another another little button that love shift see hit PSR reset PSR there it is if you don't know where it is I don't I don't know where it is that's why I put it there and again if you guys do that you make your custom buttons and you want to keep them there for the next time you open cinema 4d go to window customization save as startup layout and you'll be good to go for the next time let's finish the spire let's go and answer some questions all right all right all right all right let's do this well we got a lot of questions sweet guys um hello from Denmark what's up Denmark I don't know what you guys you can tree guys counting okay oh you you guys are trying to guess the focal length oh my goodness alright umm that's hilarious 56 57 who knows guys who knows hello from Oklahoma what's up Oklahoma um low five beats to render - absolutely you know the reason I didn't put any on for this stream is because one I can't hear what I'm playing in other words I can't test what it sounds like on the stream maybe we'll get to that point and I'm sure I will once I do some more of this also you know you guys play your own music put your music on but I'll probably be playing some music on the next stream you ever think about doing a quarter video involving your ability to make an awesome sound sound effects with your voice you could do a police academy parody or something absolutely yes I think it'd be awesome to do a voice only sound effects video I thought about that for a long time how did I get into photography so I've always shot my short films on this channel the Punisher channel and I love it I love making stuff look awesome I love movies that look awesome so it's it's a passion for me and it's something that I want to do you know so you know from the very beginning my brother had a tiny little camera it had a video mode on it that's how I started out my first videos that I uploaded it like MySpace but um I was interested in video first and then got to the point where I've shot enough stuff that like you know I was like oh this looks cool this looks awesome I can make it look cooler if I just move the camera down a little bit more work on my composition because I'm trying to tell stories I'm trying to I'm trying to express emotion through video through film right and you can you can do that by you know hitting one angle versus another and once they started realizing that like oh cool so you can really get people to feel a certain way based on the way you shoot based on the lighting you use but on your composition so I deal really hard into that and you know started looking all these tutorials and reading books on all that and man honestly it was more just the passion of at first I didn't get into the books until a little bit later but like just taking a picture that looked awesome was and especially now with Instagram you know you upload it to Instagram you get some comments on it and stuff it's the feeling of making a short film but much faster making a short film is so much work oh my goodness and eventually want to make a feature film that's gonna be so much work but with a picture it's so much faster you can you can get you can hit all those points of like creative fulfillment through a photograph and uploading with comments and sharing to you guys and answering questions you can get all that fulfillment from just a photo so I like that's why I like photography is because it can translate an emotion and it's very it's it's a passion for me and it's something I can do pretty quickly it's the best you know it's just the best and then I got into film photography because my buddy Jan was like here try this and from there I just loved it do you have your sketches up as well somewhere I the only place I have my drawings is on Instagram and it'd be cool to have you know another website for my drawings but at this point in in my life I don't draw as much just because I'm putting my my skill points or you know my time into other areas like like cinema 4d you know or making cool textures and stuff so it's really just about how I'm toning my time right now that's um that is CG work a lot of VFX and whatnot you guys know I have a full-time job at corridor digital so that's most that's basically most of my time right there you know but yeah I still love like I mean you know you guys know a huge part of chorded corridor digital is the VFX side and the technical side so I gotta stay brushed up on that and sometimes if you want to if you want to excel and get better you may not have time to learn at work you know you'll be fortunate if you're in a situation where you can push yourself to the next level at work because that's not efficient right I remember the first shot I did in cinema 4d was for the prim tech videos here I'll pull it up for you guys real quick and I'll show you how long it took me to do one shot let's see the zombie meat harvester video this one right here so it's the final shot yes it's meat with an apple in my mouth okay so where's where's the shot here is yeah this one so the meat sliding down the chute this was the first shot I did in c4d after like six years of not using it and now oh my goodness this wood that that shot would probably take me like an hour maybe the rendering time might take more than the time it would take to like do the shot but it took me a week to do this shot it took me so long I literally didn't have time to to save my like my composition my after effect shot I had to have I think I rendered the shot and left for the airport it was so crunched on time and you know a lot of jobs like it's awesome because corridor you know they were all about experimenting and figuring out figuring out like the best way to do stuff and getting on top of the top of the craft right and that's not possible unless you spend time to get better and a lot of jobs it might be seen oh you're wasting time you know you're not being as proactive as possible you don't know how to do something well we hired you we hired you for the things you know how to do not things you don't know how to do so why are you wasting time learning like this I get it to an extent right but it's not like that a corridor so it's awesome it's the best and they let me they let me figure this out one week for this one shot the point I'm trying to make is it would have been possible if I didn't look up tutorials beforehand I still had to look up tutorials while I was doing this shot for that week but it was only possible because I was watching tutorials in my free time grayscale guerilla tutorials right and you just have to invest the time just like with anything you have to invest the time to get better at something consistently and that's the only reason I'm here you know you know flowing through this program to show you guys stuff is because I invested the time to learn the thing got to make the time got to make time no matter what it is workout eating healthy learning a new program got to invest the time so like I was saying about sketches I don't have time I don't the time to invest in the sketches right now but you know I'll always be drilling for sure always be drawing I'll always be rendering I'll always be making stuff I'll always be directing I'll always be shooting so you guys can count on that oh hello Sondra what's up dude how Sondra been so long so long in Alessandro is a very very talented VFX artist he worked on Metal Gear Solid philanthropy if you guys know what that is look it up it's amazing do ASMR VFX stream it could be interesting it could be interesting how's work been works been awesome and learning a lot been challenged so that's always good gotta be challenged it's a rule it's a real treat coming into the office and having things you know you're not doing the same thing every day right come into the office you play a video game for node you go airsoft for node Oh now today I'm working on you know rendering and creating a realistic robot the other day I'm writing the next day you know you're one wheeling to lunch and having a good time like it's awesome so I like I love it there it's amazing let's see someone's looking for the website URL yo its noise green and light calm boom always green and light calm got the photography there scroll through it go to the little contact page guys look how serious this picture is guess serious that is I'm taking myself so seriously in this one but yeah leave a little contact right here throw in your name and email leave me a message let me know that you're here from the stream I've got the Instagram there I got the store got the collections and I got plans for this website this year so I'm very very excited to be continuing this I want to put a VFX I want to put out a VFX website as well this year so big plans good times what else we got what else we got guys tips on how to learn 3d modeling and animation find the program you want to use whether it be blender cinema 4d 3ds max I mean I highly recommend cinema 4d I'm using it now blender is awesome cuz it's free between those two you'll be set Google tutorials that you want to see for those programs or leave a comment here asking for tutorials I'll make a tutorial for you guys that's the whole point of this thing once a week the whole year let's go then follow this tutorial follow along in the tutorial if you have the program pulled up you know be following along and see that you you'll soon realize that you can create something awesome pretty quickly and that is very satisfying start a little Instagram account you guys you guys know people right people has posted to Instagram every single day for the last 12 years hasn't missed the day and has been cinema 40 it's all just cinema 4d stuff and he used it as a way to just practice and you know repetition consistency because that's the stuff is gonna make you better consistency and repetition use Instagram to post your stuff every day it's called every day renders and there's a lot of people doing it and if you are consistent with it you will get so much better it took me it took me like let's say a year of consistent work with cinema 4d and I felt like I'm just flying through the program is the best it's not going you that long but just hop in it's fun what else other questions are the questions when the next time chordal or yourself will be in Minnesota the snow beckons you all oh my goodness guys I loved Minnesota when I was out there with corridor I love me some snow but um I don't know who knows I'm sure we'll be out there again at some point can you call out the keys you're using no joke I'm working on a rooftop shot for my movie this is perfect help yes I will definitely hit the keys hit the hot keys as I continue this spirited away castle with corridor digital acquiring node will we see you in more videos over there you're hilarious in spy fall thanks dude Zoran Zotto appreciate it dude yeah for sure I am I've already been in more node episodes this year then I've been in probably the last quarter of last year so absolutely um turn on limit you talking about the audio limit like a compressor so it doesn't get too loud or too quiet Chris Schmidt wait a second Chris Schmidt you mean like rocket lasso Chris Schmitt like former grayscale gorilla maestro Chris MIT yeah it can't be but if it is oh my god what an honor thank you he's here guys hope maybe maybe I don't know if it's the same Chris Smith good afternoon konbanwa konichiwa I've been taking Japanese class um no cyber has allowed cyber hats um let's see the effects ok ok now ok guys now we're getting to some spire yes I'm with that spire huh okay dang you guys leaving a lot of comments I appreciate you guys as so many so many questions to answer here what influenced me to move over to working at corridor man I love those guys I think we have a lot of creative crossover and I have a lot to learn there so it to me seem like a very good a good experience or a good opportunity to go over there and learn as much as I can of my VFX game now this year I'm in the process of upping my writing game because at the end of the day man writing is the hardest thing for me directing I have a lot more experience with I'm a lot more comfortable directing but when it comes to writing it's very difficult you're not gonna have a good story without a good script and you need actors to you know bring it to the next level so I'm working on my writing this year hi from Australia I hope you guys are still not on fire I heard it's rough over there I hope you guys are all right I hope to visit there one day what else ragdoll physics okay uh hello from Vancouver also another place I want to visit her it's beautiful heard you had some nice bike paths okay if you could summarize what your specialty is with cinema 4d and VFX what would it be I love making things look as photo-real as possible so I'd say photo realism would be my specialty with After Effects in cinema 4d I love texturing in cinema 4d is one of my favorite things ever is texturing making things look real and lighting it and you know having using all of the the VFX know how to bring that into a live-action plate a lot of people just do use cinema 4d and render what they have at a cinema 4d and it's like amazing you're like Toy Story is a good example not that they use cinema 4d but like they're not combining you know woody or Buzz Lightyear with live-action plates that's what you would be doing if you were doing transformers right so I'd say my specialty is making things like photo real in cinema and combining it compositing it with live-action plates and After Effects I'm finally back where we've been dude I've been I have been working I was at rocketjump I was then I was doing freelance now I'm at corridor and it's just it's feels so nice to be back on this channel and like putting because it's here you know it's like it's an established channel and I want to be putting more love into it so it wouldn't make sense not to and I'm I kind of got stuck in the sense that all the shorts that I posted on this channel they were so big and like I got to a point where it's like I can't go any bigger with the resources I have so I it stopped me from making tutorials but I'm sorry not tutorials it's not me from making short films because I felt like I had to go bigger and better and if the lat and if the next video wasn't as bigger it's better than the last it was it would be seen as not as good so I had to realize that you know just doing something is better than nothing and that's what that's what this is and not that it's like a cop out or anything but I really do think that this info here the VFX and the tutorial stuff I think it's just a great way to hop back in and share my info with you guys and get back to you guys cuz you know it's really cool that you guys have stuck around for this long Maxim website says assemble 40 is 60 months annual payment so it's actually 720 for the year yeah it's a little pricey you know compared to blender which is free but I love it I freaking love it see for to you the best is this piece for fun yes it is hyper Sapien wait that sounds familiar that sounds really familiar hyper sapien do you know red do you know do you know Casey maybe is that we find out if Cushman is the real Krish MIT I'd like to believe it is alright y'all I am hopping back in let's get back to it so I've been talking so much talking talking talking so much it is not a dong you dirty people it's a bell tower okay that that might be more okay we'll get rid of that so hotkeys right for moving and scaling things T is for scale e is your move tool and r is for rotation and you can find any hotkey by hovering over the little button here so move tool rights as e next to it is T and rotation is our alright so I'm hitting T to bring up the scale tool E to bring up the move tool and then we're just gonna kind of like shape shape this piece out here you can make it editable and ul if I hit ul that's your let's see that is your loop selection tool so that's gonna allow you to select you know a ring around whatever we want to hit M and T that's an extrude inner we want to extrude sorry M M W I get those mixed up sometimes M W we want an extra inner right because we see this bell tower and then M T for an extrude so you can get that get that look right there and if you feel like this needs to be a little skinnier then you can just kind of undo that hit M W again and then MT to bring it down now it's doing some funky stuff at the bottom like it's coming out in little tears so we're just going to extrude inner again MW bring it out MT for extrude and then just repeat the process for the last little chunk here and there you go and the top the top looks like it has a little spire so that again you know there's a bunch of different ways to do that but it looks like we have a little spire sized a little piece there and I'm just gonna scale that extrude let me extrude that M T so I hit em you can see if you hit T down on this list extrude and just scale it whoa what the heck just happened is it doing what is it doing oh it's the is it the angle offset I don't know why is it doing that you see what I'm talking about it's like it's like coning weird well I'm a scale it a little bit and then I'm just gonna straight-up cheat and move it and there you go so we're at the point now we're like we want to start getting into the lighting so let's see let's um let's scale this back let's get this the right proportion scaled down to there we can make it a little skinnier and then it looks like right next to it I'm holding ctrl and spawning a cylinder right on that object and then like right next to it looks like we have a little little guy there and off to the side it looks like we have another one just right off there but it's like way smaller I'm hitting T again to bring up the scale tool e to bring up the move tool and let's see yeah that's looking about right so you you want to be saving your work constantly constantly save your work all right let's give me the lighting here because this on the right does not look like this picture here this beautiful wonderful Miyazaki piece of art so a couple things we are going to want to use we have fog involved we have fog right here we have blue lighting and it looks like it's very overcast there is a sunset it's back there so let's let's start with an HDR eye now since I'm using octane octane has all of its own right and for those of you guys who don't know octane is a renderer and it you know it's up against Arnold and it's up against redshift those are the three main renders that I know of personally right now there's some other stuff like blender has it something but so all the lighting stuff since it's part of the renderer it's gonna be its own like thing so you have an octane sky environment versus just a sky environment you're gonna an octane light versus just a light you're gonna have octane materials versus just materials and it's basically the same thing it's just you know it's own code and has its own little special bells and whistles so in this case we're gonna do an octane sky and you'll get to that if you if any of you guys have octane honestly I doubt any of you guys have c40 or octane in this chat right now but if you do just shout it out real quick let's see then you're gonna want to go to materials and you're gonna want to go to let's see you're gonna go to object hgri environment and that's gonna make your octane sky we're real quick David I hear you man no offense to the people watching that want to that one step by step instructions i'd much rather watch you go over your general principles and discuss your pipeline while you make your 3d model tonight that's very interesting um I could certainly do that a little bit yeah that makes sense to me so like I was literally like I was just saying I doubt that you guys have cinema 4d and octane so what that's actually David I think is a really good way to make this more accessible to all of you guys is talking about the general flow of things versus like I'm hitting this button I'm clicking this number you know you guys can see you guys can see what I'm doing here and I will still do that but let's just say for the next five minutes let's let's try and talk more generally okay so how would I do that um you know we want to get the lighting right so you can do that in a couple different ways you can use an HDR eye environment which gets you you know different kind of lighting setups here I actually have a pretty good one from greyscale gorilla the ultimate skies pack and you know you click on any of these and you can just see what it does here boom and I just want to get the feel of this picture right now so it looks like the Sun is right back in there and I'm gonna go through some different HDR eyes to make sure that the lighting is right you know there's some that are brighter there's some that are more dim I think there's some like overcast ones too this one yeah it's a little green on the green side but we can fix that ooh that's a little looking a little spooky oh these ones could be cool yeah my goal for you guys would be to like have you recreate this kind of stuff in your own programs because not everyone has this stuff but let's find the right you wanna you want to find the right look the right the right sky in our case let me let me get some lights on in this place one sec guys all right so we can always change this lighting at any point but it'll be nice to get it locked in release something to work with you know let's go with this yeah let's let's try this image right now so it looks to me like this picture it's there's like a layer of fog down here that is obscuring the the the bath house from like touching the ground right and same over here so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna like make some mountains for the bath house to like be on you know and same for the right side I'm gonna make a little mountain thing here and even the back left I'll do some mountains and then I'll obscure that with some fog and then I'll start really messing with the lighting and then hopefully we can wrap this thing out pretty quick so let's let's make a little mountain and cinema4d has a really cool landscape thing here which allows you to make some sweet mountains and stuff so that'll be a way for us to boom to start hiding this mountain and I'm looking at the bottom right here you can see the silhouette we're getting is pretty cool yeah that's that's looking pretty cool and then I'm gonna just control drag it out and scale it up a little bit and just try and connect it to this bridge here and really as long as it looks good in the silhouette you'll be okay it doesn't actually have to connect so we're just trying to get we're just trying to get a nice result on the silhouette versus a like a polygon accurate kind of thing you know well there goes my daylight thing it's gonna start wigging out switching between daylight and let's disable flux for a second here and then let's go to let's push these mountains back in the back and just make a little bit of something back here just some for some perspective sweet so now what I'm gonna do here is add a fog layer and the fog is really gonna tie this all together so hopefully okay this is when my computer starts chugging so if c40 crashes you know we'll just boot it right back up so there's your fog it's really dense we need to spread it out over this whole region here so let's let's first turn it down real quick because it's about to get intense we don't want it to blow out our system here so scale it up you can hide it from the renderer which is what I'm gonna do you're only gonna be able to see it in the viewport here and it is a lower fog so it's something like that yeah that's gonna be sweet yeah that's gonna be awesome but let's see what this looks like those mountains in the back will see you'll see you'll see what sky look like here let's turn it on and hope it doesn't explode all right yeah not bad at all so this is looking really dark basically with cinema each other tweak these settings here if you had a medium and you click this image let's just bring the density down to like 1 and we can actually set it to like a cloud I think fog medium or no cloud 1 yeah and that gives it a bit of definition as you guys can see there and then yeah we need to bring the density back down here but it needs to be thick enough that you don't see the ground here so let's see we'll set it to like I don't know two or something yeah that's looking pretty nice and and the vibe here right is in this image everything is pretty uniform and it looks like the sky and the fog blend into each other and then you have this silhouette that emerges from the fog so that's what we're gonna go for so we need to start tweaking our like color settings and whatnot because this does not look like the image so let's see let's see let's make a Sun light swivel it around and we want to include our I'll turn the turbidity so it's more of an overcast kind of deal and we'll change the sky color will reference the actual like painting here and we will we want to include mix our sky texture and our HDRI together so you're getting both [Music] let's see we don't want to see our sunlight we want to see our HDR eye so how would we do that hmm we could set our background the octane background to visible environment okay so that's gonna show that's gonna show through the background but it's not being used to light the scene so the primary environment lights the scene what we'll do then is we'll just duplicate that and we'll set the other one too visible environment so that we're getting one to affect the lighting and want to just be the background so we want the fog we're gonna change the color the fog scattering and absorption that's what needs to change so we want to go for like that blue-green kind of vibe like this and then we can brighten it up and even brighter even wider and the hgri should be a bit brighter too because our image is pretty dark here we want the bathhouse to be darker than the fog the fog needs to be pretty light so this is just you know tweaking we're tweaking settings here to find the right the right look um so let's see here maybe it's scattering phase yeah there you go so you can start to crank that up and you'll see you'll start to see it get a little bit brighter and be affected by that Sun a little bit more well okay that's that's too much and I think on top of this I'm gonna do like a general layer of fog above this lower-lying fog here and then let's just for the sake of this look here let's make a material for the bath house and we'll make it like a let's reference the actual photo so let's make it the color of the photo there and we'll drop it on let's go okay so organization is key right we're gonna want to group all of the geometry that makes up this bath house scene together so we have all these pieces that aren't the camera or the hgri that make up this thing and we're just gonna want to group those together and throw the texture on it so it's looking a little darker which is nice but we still need to bring up the general atmosphere of the shot we can do that a couple ways but I think the first thing I'm gonna do let's name this to like ground fog and let's let's duplicate it and we're gonna make a like top fog for up here and this fog will be a lot more like see-through and this will start to give us the feeling that's pretty foggy all right now we're starting to get there I think if we changed out the if we changed out the background I'm not really feeling the background right now so let's let's get that right I think something brighter so at this point okay okay I'm feeling that yeah I'm feeling that for sure that's looking pretty sweet what's the bottom one okay let's see what else we got it's a really nice like early-morning kind of feeling let's see about maybe this one right here ooh that's a good one too it's a good one to shoot yeah that's awesome see that matches the like the lighting of the painting a bit more you have that low lying like sunrise sunset vibe right let's let's hide all this fog from the viewport so we can see what we're doing okay but you can still see how it is darker and we can we can bring this up in a couple different ways like we talked about the first thing I'm gonna do I'm just gonna boost the exposure let's go to like let's go to three let's go to four yeah and you're starting to bring up the image here specifically with octane you do want to adjust the let's see where's my settings here should be the GI clamp yeah Jake lamp is at one you see it we're seeing a little like speckles here and with octane specifically you can bring down [Music] the what is it there's a slider how pixel removal yeah we can bring that down and with fog you get that it's a very render intensive how're you guys doing how's everybody doing mmm what a VDB look better than regular fog well I guess VDB VDB file is to my knowledge a file that is basically like a volume file so you can get like a cloud versus like a blanketed straight piece of fog so in this case a VT v would look a little bit better which is kind of what we're using because we are you know we changed it from a just fog to a cloud one the cloud one button basically and that gives it a bit more texture just like in the image you can see how you know that you can see the little individual puffs and whatnot so yeah btv would work better than general fog but fog always works just pretty much as well what else is going on heck yeah dude get to it Deano make that castle on this guy do I make mood boards before I begin a project so it really depends on what I'm doing like I'd say generally generally no I don't but I have a reference you know I will have some sort of reference as to what I'm trying to recreate or trying to get the feeling of um so in a sense it's a mood board but it's just like a mood photo right it's just one references helped me a lot if especially if you're trying to text or something you know reference the real life thing always reference the real life stuff because for me I'm trying to get that photo real look and it's not gonna look photo real if you don't reference something photo real always always always when you're doing VFX or when you're doing any sort of art reference the real thing it just helps and it gets you to the next level there's a lot of tiny details that you'll miss if you don't reference the real thing and we could go and we could reference like what you know a foggy castle looks like but for this case I'm trying to recreate this image and for me that's enough right this looks beautiful enough but we're still not there right it has this painterly look and that's something that you're gonna get in Photoshop but I want to get my colors right you know it has this bright look to it and it's a it's very soft it's you you know your your contrast doesn't push too hard it is generally bright and your sky does transition into your fog so I want to see if I can focus on that right now transitioning my sky into my fog so that's pretty that's pretty tough I think with this with this background I think I can change the color of my fog I think that's what I need to do is work on that so let me just jump in here and start messing messing with that all right so I honestly I get you mixed up the the scattering in the absorption but I do know that it brings color into account so if I set let's just say I set both of these to the color of say like this fog right here it looks really dark and that is certainly not what we're going for so let's say I made one of them white what would that look like if I bring that up okay so that doesn't make it brighter it just kind of makes it more D saturated so let's take a step back and see where we can go from here let's let's change the other one let's change the other one to a brighter blue okay well that whoa okay that does not look good let's take the saturation out of that and maybe what we need to do is instead of like trying to match the picture perfectly let's see if we can't match the fog to our sky a bit better so let's start referencing the color of our sky in our HDR i versus the sky in the painting because they're different you not going to get them exact go get both of these okay so that's like that's really intense from what I've seen tutorial wise is you want to get your absorption to be like a brighter version of the scattering so I know this is pretty might be pretty boring for you guys at this point but do you need to get this right if we want to continue because that is the fee this is the feeling of the image okay yeah that's not that's not looking at bad let's push this fog layer out a bit more our sky fog right so we have our sky fog layer we'll bring that down a little bit and see if we can't blend the sky with the fog a bit more so that's what our sky fog is doing I'm making another one here and I'm just bringing it way back behind the the bathhouse to silhouette it even more this is pretty intense hmm I liked it a bit more before actually so this is tough yeah this is just like trial and error trying to tweak these settings alright I've messed with the camera a little bit I love throwing a little vignette on there but that doesn't feel right let's see if we can't tweak some of our are let's here see we can't find something that feels nice okay that's kind of getting in the vibe there the portrait let's adjust the contrast a little bit so like take the 2.2 down like a 1.8 or something 1.5 and then we can check the white point so it's a very turquoise kind of feeling now I think you go opposite of turquoise so the opposite of turquoise is like I don't know magenta I guess then you get more of a kind of a green blue if we want blue we go yellow let's see now Yale is magenta so magenta this is tough something let's see so it's a Bluegreen we're trying to go forward you want to go the opposite so let's start with blue we want go the opposite of blue which is yellow and if you make it yellow it'll turn blue but that looks magenta to me but I am colorblind so let's see let's do so yellow is turning let's go orange or an orangish red I don't know is that doing anything yeah red we'll go to green just pink we'll go a little blue take a saturation up a little oh that's bad I think we need more color in our fog here so it's definitely like this turquoise kind of look and then let's maybe see about just changing out the sky once again I think this one's all in the sky and you know it might be better to do the sky in Photoshop but okay okay okay okay here we go here we go this is feeling this is feeling a little better see that's much brighter let's work with this so we want the overall color let's see if is the Sun doing anything for us weird okay so the sunlight is making things darker okay this is looking pretty cool well this looks intense oh my goodness it is Chris MIT holy crap dude awesome man freaking awesome I learned so much from that guy so many dynamics how to do like gravity and you know dynamic setups that you know you have like a tank with that rolls on its treads and goes over rocks and stuff like a bunch of crazy awesome stuff with dynamics and gravity instead of a 48 Christian man that's awesome thanks for thanks for stopping by dude I'm just trying to do a little little little studio ghibli render here man trying to get that vibe right trying to get the feeling right so I think I like it with the sunlight let's just crank the size of this thing whoa whoa that looks crazy what the heck well what do we do that's feeling like some early-morning vibes to me here I mean that's that's that's kind of it you know like we could even throw some lights in this thing but that's not necessary we could throw some trees in here if we wanted let's do that real quick let's throw some quick trees up in this thing how would we do that well let's just make a new project real quick we're gonna make our own tree and it's gonna be the dankest tree you'd ever seen and it probably won't even resemble a tree it's gonna look more like let's see so we have a plane we're gonna make a leaf we're gonna make it zero by zero so it's just these like four points and we'll scale it way down and we will let's see let's see let's see we will take this and duplicate it a lot so we could do that by using a cloner so with this cloner we can just do like a grid array right so we have all these pieces we'll do 10 by 10 by 10 and scale these guys down and we'll bring them all together scale them back up a little bit more and then we'll use an effector called a random effector and the random effector is basically gonna randomize the position the rotation the scale so we have the position randomized that's great we want to randomize the rotation 360 by 360 by 360 and that's that's basically your treat yeah let's do the scale 2.1 right let's try one what does one look like sure sure it's so far away like you're not gonna be able to tell group all this stuff we'll copy it over into our other two where we get what's called a bathroom why is this final bathroom the heck it will paste it in there and there you go you got a tree let's give it the same let's give it the same material and let us place it right I'll place it over [Music] just the front of this thing so we'll scale it down and you got a tree there let's see what looks like in the silhouette there's your tree right that little guy right there now you could scatter that all around the whole place but I don't think it's necessary you guys get the idea you have a really cool like painterly look to this and we could do that in Photoshop so I'm gonna see this out and finish it in Photoshop real quick so I also want to throw some film green on it because you know John Green is cool and all [Music] let's see let's grab this mountain and the back left I don't really like how its feeling so I'm gonna scale it up like that same for this one here it feels a little too like polygonal so I'm gonna just tweak some quick settings here and if it's a little difficult to see you can switch between your lighting modes by going up to the display options here and switching friends like these first four and you'll you can see the hot key and a and B and C you're in D so I'll just kind of flip through until it's feeling right this feels good to me here so it's just a little too spiky for me so you can mess with the with segments or the rough furrows and fine furrows and kind of get that down a little bit you know we can scale those up a little let's go back to our camera view and see what that looks like yeah that feels a little better I'm using render region right here just to quickly get to what we're looking at here and I think these hard edges will certainly be smoothed out when we go into Photoshop and do some like painterly effects on it all right CG geek awesome man thanks for joining appreciate it man this is awesome I can't wait to do this every week this is gonna be great and we can get into some like more detailed stuff too and I'd love to figure out a way to get your guys's feedback and requests so I can figure out you know like what's the best thing what's the best that's tutorial to do for a stream here you mean about some of those or something and if you guys want to follow me on instagram that is underscore punisher underscore and we can have a little discussion there as well maybe figure out what to do next but I think ultimately I want to do like a little discord channel for this so we can organize everybody's thoughts alright what else needs to be done in this image so we're seeing a lot of the definition in this roof I kinda want to cut down the definition we're seeing and I think we can do that with a bit more fog so I'm gonna take the ground fog and we're gonna move it down and then I'm just gonna get a little bit more fog between the camera and the the bathhouse so let's take a look at our sky fog alright there's definitely there's definitely something there for sure let's just crank up the density so from point point one I don't know let's go to its gonna one see what one does alright now we see nothing if we crank up a scattering phase some of that light will seep through okay now it looks like we're underwater so let's start walking back the density it was at point one before let's try point five all right this is awesome yeah this is this is really really cool we can so the fog is pretty intense right now and we have the scattering phase cranked so the light will have more definition let's take our ground fog and make it a bit more dense as well the density is 3 ooh yeah there we go so we need to bring scattering phase back up we're getting close guys let's bring the sky fog density down 0.25 and see what we got dude that's super close that's super super close I'll try 0.3 0.35 and it looks like there's some like fog up top here which is like kind of an overcast day and the clouds are sniping through the middle of that so ooh I got an idea I got an idea let's fruit NHGRI and see what that does um is it doing anything it kind of doing its kind of doing something let's take this sky fog yeah let's let's take the sky fog and bring it down to 0.25 again and the ground fog let's bring that down two guys are just pushing and pulling these numbers and we're getting close kind of liked it a little bit more before 0.35 sweet yeah definitely thing I'll probably I'll probably post this on the instagrams tomorrow morning or something you know I'm gonna try something crazy guys I'm gonna try something insane and see if this works um let us try and get some more light coming through the center of this thing so what if like what if I just made a light this is gonna be ridiculous if I made a light and I turned it way down let's turn it way down and let's push it way back and let's have it just be like a horizon light like this and let's make it the color of the sunlight real quick so in octane you'll just use an RGB spectrum and you'll set the color to your sunlight well that's so crazy it's kind of green and then let's bring the intensity back up to like 2000 that's that's that's a little weird let's let's try bringing it up a little bit more yeah that's probably a little too much well we tried um let's see let's split maybe not give up so soon um you see how you're seeing it like you're seeing the streak of light I don't want to see that so we use an octane tag and we'll turn off the visibility here so now you're not seeing the streak you're just seeing like the after-effects of are you still seeing it I can't tell I cannot honestly cannot tell oh my goodness yeah this is Gilbert this is my new little cat he's such a friendly little buddy do you have anything to say Gilbert no oh he's a cute little bud such a cute bud hey that light works that light works I think I will I think I'll keep that Oh all right Gilbert are you gonna hang out are you gonna he's gonna chill my shoulder you wants to hang out but he makes it difficult to do the effects Gilbert fix with one hand hey bud all right so yes I hear you on this this mountain it's a looking a little too splotchy so let's bring it forward just enough so that let's see where you at where you at mountain top view wait what what happened okay there you are yeah let's just bring you forward a little bit and let's rotate the lights a little that's what the light is a little heavy on the right side because I think there's no fog on the right side that would be my guess and I'll turn it down like just one I think we're good I think we can render this and finish it in Photoshop so the rendering is gonna take a minute but I can answer some questions if you guys have any how many questions while we render here let's get this set up so usually I like to run your stuff in 4k I will do a 4k version later but for the sake here let's through 1920 by 810 cuz we go in widescreen current frame yes indeed octane renderer and let's just go to like EXR or something let's go to that desktop oh I think I know it's called bathroom I meant to say bath house but bathroom is dead okay let's render this guy and we will open up Photoshop so you guys got any questions on the process I can't wait to come back next week and do this for you guys it's gonna be awesome how often do I do V effects outside of corridor not so not too often it's more like hobby stuff like this I'll come home and I'll just do like a cool render or something so on my Instagram I do a lot of photography a lot of film photography but recently it's been some like renders but I've been rendering you know like little excerpts from my favorite author Haruki Murakami from some of his books and all like bring those to life through cinema 4d and octane so you can see those on my Instagram that's underscore punished or underscore and this will be the next one I'll post this one up next but yeah it's usually just personal project stuff I'll come home I'll work on textures and whatnot hey girls how many gigabytes do I have dedicated to my graphics card man to be honest I don't know virtual Ram 1.4 gigs out of 4.9 gigs out of 8 gigs I don't know one of those all I know is I have a 1070 I have about on this computer I think I have man it's been a minute since I checked like 24 gigs of RAM I think I think you know and just a motherboard motherboard to match the graphics card the gtx 1070 government nice joan for now hey bud [Music] let's see what film camera do you use thinking about getting the a1 okay alright Gilbert Gilbert needs to be taken at this at this moment Thanks so I'm using the Nicor Matt ftn film camera here um let's see yeah this guy right here so this thing's awesome it's a film camera 35 millimeter film camera from the late 70s it's Japanese it's a Nikon Nikkor Matt and yeah it's my first one basically my only one it's the one I use the most I have a couple others and I'm still experimenting with but this is the one man it's it's awesome the reason I love it is because well one it's film film has a really nice look to it but if you can see let's see if you can see here it's very simple you know this is how you pull back you load the next the next shot this is your shutter button and this tells you how many shots you have left there's thirty six in a roll here this is how you unwind your film to wind it back and you know pull this to open up the back gate piece this is your this little readout here is your light meter so when it's in the middle it's exposed properly and it's a very simple camera so basically right this is tough it's like very backwards for me there's a little dot right there and that's your shutter speed when you where is it it goes from 1000 that's bulb right so you can hold the shutter down as long as you want you know like one second eighth of the second quarter of a second all the way down to the thousandth of a second so that's your shutter speed your ISO or your a si is down here and this matches to the stock of film you have so right now I have sin is still 50 B so that means it is like 50 a si you know porch or 400 is another good one so you'll crank this up to 400 and other than that you know you have your your f-stop or your aperture on your length on the lens itself and that's all you have to worry about so it's very very very simple I've never exposed my own film but I'm gonna do it for the first time for a corridor crew episode and are actually gonna do a whole episode dedicated to film photography and show you guys like how I got into it I'll break down the camera I use you know very similar to I just showed you guys and we'll go through like the whole process of exposing film getting on your computer seeing what you can get and all that stuff go from and we'll go from there because the people you know you guys have a lot of questions I get a lot of questions on my Instagram how do I you know how do I get into film what do I get and we'll kind of break all that stuff down let's see any other questions guys we're still rendering we're about a third of the way through but I think we can cut this off pretty quick here sir rent yo what's up Ren Ren just entered the chat and once I'm here to Ren how was that ride they went on a one wheel ride earlier today how long have I been using cinema 4d how long did it take me to get the hang of it so I started in cinema 4d about 11 years ago on release 10 and then I stopped using C 40 and switched to 3ds max because there was a lot more tutorials for it but recently I'd say two years ago I got back into c4d the guys at max on hooked hooked us up with copies at at corridor so that was a huge huge blessing and I'd say yeah I've been I've been in it for two years but for me to get the hang the hang of it probably was like a couple months I don't know you just have to do enough VFX shots and watch enough tutorials to put the information into practice and really memorize all this stuff so it's just repetition in consistency and dedication to learning a new task if you do a shot a day for 30 days you will you'll be great seriously you'll really pick up quickly how to use the program just watch tutorials go to greyscale gorilla or um you know Chris Schmidt he just came out with his own thing to rocket lasso I think it was last year I think that's right real quick rocket lasso yeah oh he's streaming live he's streaming live to check this out rocket lasso this is Chris MIT so he does a lot of cool stuff too man oh he's on twitch that's awesome so there's a lot of there's a lot of good resources you know there's um there's AI design I'll show you guys I design these guys are awesome but honestly if you want to learn c4d you can go to david our use website david ru and go to his resources tab and his resources tab as a collection of the best tutorials for c40 in octane he is the master like they don't call him octane Jesus for no reason this guy's the best and I know he posts tutorials on I design as well he works with EJ I'm a huge fan of I've only met once but you know maybe maybe this year at NAB we will meet again but yeah these are awesome resources here and of course grayscale guerrilla love this love this site I've learned so much from these guys that's how I found out about Chris Schmidt so they have tutorials for days with all c40 base they have some After Effects tutorials as well all the different renderers whatever you guys use they got it good times ok let's um let's cut this render here it's close enough it is looking good enough so let's save this as an e XR boom and let's hop into Photoshop there it is okay so the first thing you want to do is content-aware fill out the render bar because we cut it short shift backspace on that guy done okay so I know people does this is he'll he'll use Photoshop to get a nice painterly look on his images but let's let's work some of the contrast Chris okay um let's go into Camera Raw real quick can I not go into Camera Raw what the heck I thought it was control shift a how do I do this that's because it's 32 bits probably all right there we go so yeah let's bring up these highlights just the bit and the shadows can come down or maybe they should go up I'm just trying to work these levels here make it make it real nice and it's funny if you do the D haze to the opposite to a negative number it'll kind of give it a little bit of fog let's get the tent let's work something green back in like the original and then bring the vibrance up just the hair really get those colors going yeah that's feeling pretty good a little blown out on the right side that's feeling pretty sweet what I'll do is I'll cheat and I will use let's see let's do film film texture a Google search for film texture and there was one on here that was like really nice high resolution film grain texture and let's let's do like a search for I think Google changed all their stuff so if they do an advanced search any size we want all you want like four let's try for megapixels let's search for that Kodak Tmax 400 yes this is what I was looking for even art thank you sir bye Renton thanks Trenton check out that Kodak Tmax 400 texture this is awesome cuz I really like this film stock it's a black and white film stock it's very contrast II but you know this will give us a nice a nice look here and we'll see how this guy up and set it to overlay to get that film look oh just not do that I'm gonna rasterize this guy so that's overlay and boom you got a film look going soo-min here and get the details yeah that's looking that's looking nice um and already with octane you know they have like a D noiser but I don't use it because if you you know when you don't you kind of get this grainy look and it does kind of feel like a film texture vibe but you see how these edges are really sharp let's go in here and let's like you know make it look a little more painterly or something so if you just go to filter and I haven't use Photoshop filters and so long what is it there's like a fill yeah filter we want the filter gallery but I think we need to switch it to 8-bit image that okay yeah then we get to the filter gallery see brushstrokes weird brightness on the edges not the vibe okay so I guess right in the middle angled strokes no cross hatching no no no maybe this sailor kind of rough ins up the edges looks kind of nice and just crank the smoothness yeah that looks that's feeling pretty good it almost looks like it's viewed through like some heat but I'd assume would be really cold so that doesn't make too much sense but it does give it a bit of of texture to the edge and we certainly want that so 7 and 14 are our settings let's just see what else we can do here sprayed strokes let's see that's not bad either honestly it's not it's not bad at all yeah I'm kind of feeling that it's pretty sweet um yeah let's that's a whole lot of that let's see what artistic has anything nah ooh this is good this looks like some watercolor even though there is a watercolor option but it just looks horrible yeah this is awesome it gives us the softness too you know sweet yeah that looks pretty cool I don't know between that and that and this I think the palette knife I like the palette knife it's nice it kind of gives it that that hazy vibe that the original picture has let's go with that that looks pretty cool and the last thing I would do is probably spend his mountain in the back a little bit more so we can use a what is it the Dodge or the burn tool right burn tool yes for the mid-tones or shadows yes all right let's bring that down a little bit and just kind of paint that in that's kind of really all it needs yeah there you go that's basically it um I hope to do more of this stuff with you guys I look forward to it I know I will so I'll be seeing you guys next week we'll figure out a time we can do this consistently regularly so we can all keep learning together and I'll figure out some sort of discord situation where we can start putting ideas for tutorials in like a organized place we can we can do After Effects we can do cinema 4d we can do texturing I really want to learn substance designers so maybe we can do that together but before I go go through these comments real quick what about Lightroom yes I love Lightroom I use it a lot for editing photos and stuff I mean that's obviously what it's for but I just went through and did some photo editing for some light painting we did with drones and that'll be in this week's episode of corridor crew with Ren he does a lot of flying with one of his like with a pilot he looks up to very much so we went out at night at a dam and did some like long-range long shutter photography so that'll be awesome what else what else yes I'm that guy from corridor yes what else what else yeah thanks for stopping by guys really really appreciate it next time I will have some music to go along some peaceful music sorry I'm just reading on your guys's comments here it's difficult to talk to just rant and read comments at the same time but you know what I appreciate you guys I will keep you any longer thanks for joining the stream the very first one and to many more I will see you guys next time
Channel: pwnisher
Views: 20,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: q9bUbXCNQu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 21sec (9261 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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