Why do Cars Suddenly Look Like Putty??

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hello have you been walking and driving around and you see a car and increasingly more and more cars that have a color that makes you think that's a little weird I have and it's gotten lodged into my brain because I recently bought a car and it looks like this and I don't know precisely how to explain it except that it's like a car color that looks like clay question mark and you're going to follow me right now and we're going to figure this out so I don't know what's going on I know that somebody does there are people in the world who think all the time about car colors right it's probably very important to a fairly large number of people both enthusiasts and who work for car companies and so there's got to be a thing here something happen and I'm convinced that there's something interesting here not just with what happens to car colors but what's happening inside of my brain when I look at them but first we have to figure out what's going on so we're going to do that car color that looks like clay do you know what I'm talking about this one this one this one this one the car color is like that my mine's like a light blue and it's still but it looks different right what's going on oh this growing trend of body colors yeah exactly that that e even kind of yeah for for sure that and also somewhat that though interestingly I think they get less weird in certain colors the quality of this color doesn't look strange to me in yellow it doesn't look strange to me in white or black of course like it like it it is the same though like white a white car feels like this but it doesn't feel weird but this feels on the edge of weird and this feels entirely weird like something about this makes me feel like I can like my hand and like put it into the car and then lift out the car and then make a small man with it it's shiny it's not matte that's different but it's not something so what is it it's called gloss just basic gloss colors the next comment no metallic flake so it's just basic gloss colors with no metallic flake no pearl no nothing what is metallic flake metallic paint which is also called metal flake or poly chromatic that's not the same it's the type of paint that's most common on new automobiles but also used for other purposes I posted this a few weeks ago the growing trend of flat gray cars started with Nardo gry by Audi all right should have gone to the second comment this is three years ago by the way Nardo gray Audi's classic gray color Nardo love that this is also that and then this but this isn't this is not this is regular whatever's going on with that car is not going on with what with Nardo they called it Nardo that's not my fault what we're saying here is it that this all started with Nardo so we're going to call these colors nardos and that's on them they did that but just like like show me a car like show me Honda Civics these there is a so oh that's nards this one's nards but this one's not nards and this one is red and red can't be nards I don't know why but red can't be nards Now red red can have flake in it like this obviously has flake this is like shiny and it looks fancy this is on the edge of nards this is nards is it nards or is that not nards is this nards that's not nards definitely not nards see if that didn't have the flake in it that see I'm using the terminology now if that didn't have the sparkly literal glitter in it it would look like Nardo but it's not now I now I'm not saying that that's the only thing I'm looking at all these Honda Civics and there's a ton of nards it's happening everywhere all the like half the 2023 colors are going to be nardy now that is regular and I can't tell how I can tell you know that thing where you're watching TV and they have like at your in-law's house and they have motion smoothing turned on and it looks like a like a Spanish soap opera and you can't tell why like I can't tell why but my brain is saying that's different that's how I feel about this like the difference is extraordinarily noticeable and I have a hard time articulating why like what is actually happening and okay here we go maybe it's just because I've gotten so used to there being this like subtle Sparkle in car paint that when it's not there I'm like What's Happening that's weird that looks strange it looks uncanny almost somebody's got to have written more about this what if we type in let's do a little bit of let's go deeper let's go Nardo gray investigation no that's not going to help me Nardo gray article well now it's just about Nardo gray clay car color no this is not helping me cars look like putty now oh I did it cars look like putty now all right from Nissan to Porsche this paint trend is taking over La do we have a do we have a Nardo reference in here can we get a con oh we do this trend was kickstarted in 2013 without it's debut of the car color Nardo gry on its RS7 a powerful four-door Coupe whose twin turbocharged v88 this feels like this is a search engine optimization now Mark donkey uh he's Audi of America's director of communication says it's the first solid gray on the market referring to paint that lacks Sparkle it lacks Sparkle we're doing it we're getting to the bottom of it let me just read this article early in this article is one of my favorite Parts where it references a 20122 piece in the news in a newsletter and that's called what's up with all these putty looking ass whips so if we really want to track down the original reportage that put this together it's from blackbird's bip plane and it's a it's a substack and it's it's entitled what's up with all these putty ass looking whips wet putty whips are everywhere what's behind it a bbsp investigation what's up with all these putty looking ass whips y'all now this is not a putty ass looking whip this is just a matte black rap and the vibe is like as if a computer render infiltrated the real world that is how uh those look often times look at all these putty ass whips but this goes Way Beyond whips look you oh my God we got putty ass looking Crocs we got putty ass looking bottles we got putty ass looking curi coffee makers oh look at these putty ass looking whips is it possible for wet putty paint jobs to look sick they got to chill with these swag dampening Grays extraordinary work to the people at at blackbird's by plane here I mean LA Times I'm sure you got a lot going on but I you did reference this early and this this scooped you this newsletter for sure scooped you we were eager to subject this to more than just brilliant spy plane speculation so we asked illustrious Automotive journalist and spy friend Hannah Elliott about the wet putty wave she came through it is like wet putty so chalk is a super famous popular paint color for Porsche started in Pearl gray and Heron gray in the 50s and 60s so Audi's Nardo great but it really started with pearl and Heron back in and it's funny cuz Pearl gray does not have any Pearl in it is what I'm wearning maybe five years ago Porsche brought back the color for its modern 911 they called it chalk it lacks any sort of flake or metallic Sheen now the question from this LA Times article is like why there's a bunch of theories in the article number one Theory people who like you know boost their rides or whatever painted it with like a primer and that would be without the flake and then that like the car companies noticed that that that was like cool I don't buy that but like I have nothing to base this on number two is that like maybe pandemic influential meant that car companies wanted their cars to look more natural not earthy natural but earthy high-tech explained in Nissan design America lead color and trim designer Moira Hill which is a job you can have now that is not nard right there that is a shiny ass whip okay let's continue on with the theories so I I ascribe some to this because there's like kind of like a tactical vibe to it too like this car looks a little bit like like a cool ass Stormtrooper ready for storm trooping in the jungles but this is what I like the most see I think car colors are super weird I think that people want to pick a cool car color but they also want to blend in and the just hip enough Theory aligns with my perspective on this that you want a car that looks different but you don't want a car that looks different all at the same time I this is exactly how I feel when I'm buying a car I'm like I don't want to just buy another like black or gray or white car but then I look at the colors and I'm like I also don't want to drive around in a orange car and so you get the gray but this way you get a gray that can stand out and I think that there's there also might be an element of like we want a something a little bit a little bit less Space Age and a little bit more you know contemporary and and but here's what I really think I think that that's part of it but I think more than anything what we do is that things go in waves and we move away from the past if car colors had been for the last 25 years all nardy then right now what would be happening is higher end cars like portion Audi would have started to put some more flake in and then we'd all be like that looks so weird what's happening and I now i' I'd be making a video called ggio titano that would be all about how Ferrari had started using metal flake in their car paint cuz this is the interesting thing to me we are all wandering around with all of this cultural knowledge that we have no idea we have that we can look at a car and be like what the hell like isn't that weird that I like I looked at my car on the lot that was sitting there that was a used car so I didn't have a choice so I was going to buy that car and but I was like this looks weird and then my son who like loved it and so I you know he's seven he the brighter the better I think for him but I knew that it was weird without being able to articulate it as eloquently as the people at Blackbird spy plane did with you know all these putty ass looking whips sorry I apologize putty looking ass whips and it's also so interesting to me that there are certain colors for which this doesn't look weird like I don't think it looks weird in red and yellow or orange but I do think it looks weird the lighter you get and in blues and some in green so like cooler colors and lighter colors it looks weird warmer colors and brighter colors it doesn't and that like that can't be something innate about humans that's a piece of cultural knowledge that I have that I had no idea I had and that allows for like there to be a whole job like what the job that Moira has and many people who work with Moira just at Nissan to try and figure out the right thing to do to move cars off a lot which that article was talking about how it in fact they got one company to in fact confirm that these putty looking ass whips did actually sell fast and I have to say I like the look and it's super interesting to me that it started on high-end cars but I got a car that cost you know 20 something thousand use and now when I searched for Honda Civic to try and find a car that had a lot of flake in it I found a bunch of nardos this is wild and I love it and we all know so much more than we think we know we have all this information inside of us that we don't know that we have freaking weird all right let me know what you think about these putty looking ass whips about nardos and uh whether you'd rather have the flake as they say man y'all we know a lot more about car colors than we did 26 minutes ago well less than that for you cuz there's no way I'm uploading this unedited
Channel: hankschannel
Views: 461,275
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Id: KchX52bIZSg
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Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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