Create A Realistic Exterior Render Using D5 Render And PromeAI

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Hey everyone, Nuno here. You have been asking and  I'm ready to deliver let's dive into creating a   super realistic exterior using D5 render I'm  going to walk you through every step of my   process we will start by picking out some awesome  references with a help of promeAI tool then we   will jump right into importing our model getting  those materials just right bringing our scene to   life with a little humanization and finally I'll  share some of my lighting tricks to make our scene   pop so without further ado let's get started I'll  start by first gather some inspiration using an AI   tool called promeAI which is today's sponsor  when you first open the site you   see a lot of features here but I'll select this  one I'll click here on the top and I'll select   architecture design I'll press okay and here on  the bottom it will show up different options you   have from turning a simple sketch into a detailed  rendering to create image variations I'll first   select this one called creative Fusion this will  blend two images together and create a new one   based on the Styles so I'm going to select here  this image so this is a very initial render that   I'm doing and here on the right side I'm going  to select this image and I'll click here on the   bottom to select a new style reference and I'll  go here on the top to landscape architecture and   then from here you can select which style you  want for a image so let's say I want this this   style here and here on the intensity it's how much  you want to take into account that specific style   so I'm going to move it to 4 and here on the  render mode you can say it's precise so it will   take your reference image into account more than  than the style and then here I can say that it's   a modern house and I don't want to have people  on my render okay so I'll click generate so as   you can see it will create three new images with  Fidelity to the references okay let's see so it   kept the main image and just use the second one as  a reference as you can see here so two and three   but this is great to create mes quickly let's  just select a new image for the style and see   the difference so I'll go here to the the style  and maybe let's see what else we got here maybe   this one seems like a more clean image and  just generate so yeah you can see here the results I think the sky it's quite dramatic and  it has a lot of contrast could be reduced a little   bit but as I said overall I think it's really  great to create modes in our images but we may   want to be specific and tell AI exactly what  we need so in this case we have here AI image generation so here you can see your history  you can see explore and on the explore you have   different tabs that you can see so logo concept  art so you can see this is already what people created so we have a lot of options here  and so if you if you click the image you   can see even you can click to copy the  prompt to try to generate similar to   you okay and so here in this window you  can Define The Prompt so let's say modern   home with concrete slab with winter birch  trees I'm going to say some trees in the foreground Winter Road with snow clear  midday Blue Sky for now I'm just going   to ignore all the options here on  the bottom and just going to press generate and so this is the images that it  created so one two and three indeed you can   see the birch trees you can see that we  have some trees on the foreground some   trees on the background we have a modern  house so it's a clear blue day sky in the   winter with a lot of snow so this is exactly  what I had in mind even the materials we have   this concrete house so it's quite nice and we  can try to be a little bit more specific for   example let's try to add here in Ludwig mice  Vander row architectural style press generate again and so these are the new images to be  honest I think it looks really realistic and   you can clearly see here in some images maybe  this one or this one a little bit of the fwf   house inspiration but I'm really enjoying  this type of trees here and the overall   mood of the scene it's exactly what I had in  mind with the type of mood with the type of   sky and the lighting for this winter scene and  I'll select here this one and I will try this   feature if you go here to the top you will see  that you can have more features besides that   you can like it or dislike I'm assuming that  this will tell the AI that this will not a   good result and you can download this standard  full download uh the full download it's only   for uh Premium Accounts and large size which  is 4K so you have three options you have the   standard download which is 1K 2K full download  and 4K the last two options are only for Premium   Accounts but here on the on the right side you  see that you have uh sketch ring creative Fusion   phot to sketch all of this it's here already  and we can go here to our painting and click here and so in this out painting feature what  you're going to do is drag this handles and   maybe I'll drop it like this okay and here on the  bottom first I'll set the ASC ratio to a different   one maybe I want the 4x3 okay so something like  this and then if I just simply click generate   it will automatically fill in the blank spots  okay that we have there by the way you probably   notice that you have a lot of images here this  is already images that I was creating and I was   testing before all of your history is always here  available okay it finished let's have a look at   the options as you can see and you compare here  to this image on top here you can see that that   from this area it generated everything completely  new and you have three options to select from okay   so generated that whole area so let's see from  this ones maybe can me this one and also there's   a tool called Erase and replace if you go here  to the top erase and replace and let's say that   I would like to replace some area here for example  well I would like to replace this road here by an   asphalt road for example let's see so raise and  replace so if you have here on the right side   Auto selection you can easily just click here  and you see it automatically knows this this   is a different area of the image so if you click  it it will just generate on this area now I can   just say here asphalt road and I click generate  so it's generating three new options it's always   three new options that it gives you let's have a  look so this is the before this is after so this   area I think it's quite short area so what what  we can do is actually we can paint manually we can   give it more area so it can actually create a nice  Road okay so maybe something like this until here okay now let's CL click again to generate I think  this one turned out quite well comparison to the   others and there's still some issues here but  we can still go and redefine better the the   painting area and try to get better results we  could try to redefine our prompt to be a little   bit more specific but overall I'm quite happy how  this image turned out and as I mentioned before   I already did some examples here similar to this  one and one of the images that I really like was   this one here and so I want to use this image  as the reference for my project so I'm going to   do the project in D5 render which is a real-time  render and I'm going to go here first and click   large size download okay and when you do this is  the image that you will get so you can see that   the resolution is really high and the details  are great so you can see all the little details   and as always with with AI there is some areas  that you need some work right for example you   couldn't use this to send to your client because  this Shadow has some weird artifacts here and even   if you go really really into the details uh you  can see that these branches have some issues as   well overall this is great for a reference it's  quite realistic and you can use this to generate   different image variations quickly and then when  you are happy you can go to your model modeling   software and then to your rendering and start  from there which is what we're going to do now   the next step I'm going to show you how I made  this in D5 render but by the way I just want   to let you know that this prayi you can use  it for free or you have the premium account   the pro accounts you have different options you  can see that you have the free version you have   the base standard and pro okay so each one of  them will give you different uh Generations   per month okay 300 Generations 1,000 3,000 and  so they all have different things that you can   scene and set the location to [Music] zero I will  start adding materials from D Rand the library to   the model model starting with the glass then I'll  select this black matte metal for the windows and railings I will also apply it on the  garage doors and entry the door has   this glass but here I'll select the frosted  glass material from the glass category I'll   go to the camera and then disable the  auto exposure I always prefer to set it   manually so this will be a good starting  volum now for the facade I will select   the concrete material I'm selecting  this rough concrete 06 and adjust some [Music] properties well this material has a  lot of visual noise and won't work well for   what I'm trying to achieve so I'll select  another one this white concrete one is a   better option all adjust the stretch which  is the material scale and apply to the other   areas of the [Music] house for the panel next  to the entrance door I will select a pressure   treated wood material I'm just going to  adjust the scale and then apply to the ceiling for the floor I will select the  material from the outdoor ground category   I will select this l shaped granite tile  and change the rotate property this won't   be too visible from The View we are going  to render so I won't waste too much time   on it I am adding this material I found  from Mega scans which is a nice hero I   adjust the roughness to be less reflective  and I'll be adding this snow material as well I'll adjust the stretch depending  on the area I'm applying it [Music] to now it's time to add an hdri to our scene  I'll click here hdri and then I'll go to   custom and select a new one I downloaded  this one from hdri I'll leave   all the links in the description below so you  can get the exact same assets I used in this SC I will activate this option for Sun and  leave the intensity at one one and sunis   radius at [Music] one on the HDR Sky I click  the settings menu to open more options and   adjust the Skylight and background now I'm trying  to find the better Sun position by rotating the [Music] HD now it's time to add a  new camera I'll use the new camera   tool from D5 render [Music] first I'll  disable the auto exposure and adjust   to a better volume then I will change the  spec ratio to 4x3 and make the focal L 24 mm now I'm just fine-tuning the camera [Music] position you can click the this icon to make  the camera full screen and then adjust with   your keyboard and mouse to [Music] position  on the projection mode I'll change to twoo   perspective so all my vertical lines are  parallel on the top right corner you'll   find this display button and inside you can  click this GD icon so it activates the rule   of first grid now I'll just make these  lines of the house match the ones on the grid now it's time to adjust  the effects by adding a bit more [Music] contrast adjust the color  temperature add viting and chromatic   aberration finally I'll add a l file to  give some color grading to the [Music] scene and if you'd like to take a step further  with D5 render I recommended checking out my D5   render course the course features eight modules  which has Interiors exteriors and animation I'll   leave a link in the description below now it's  time to add new assets I will start by adding   these ones from Mega scans they are high quality  assets that will blend well with my current snow   material again I'll leave the link to all the  assets from Mega scans in the description below   here I'm just fine-tuning the position to blend  the best with the current model and material [Music] below now I'm not really liking the  hdri lighting so I'll switch to GE   and Sky mode here I'll select  the time and adjust the north   offset to set the sun rotation I'll  adjust the amount of clouds in the [Music] sky and I'll make the sunlight intensity  a little less bright and this is the final look   don't forget to save it on the scene [Music]  list I'll add the winter tree I a loaded from   free the sky this one has already snow  on it which looks great for this scene [Music] I'll add a couple more lift threes to the [Music] scene I'll add another instance of  this snow model to block the horizon line I will duplicate more instances of this  winter tree and add it to the front of the house now it's time to add some snow assets  from D5 render Library you will find them by   just typing snow on the search bar I will place  a couple of them along the road like it has been   recently cleaned from the snow and I will continue  to mix these assets with the current landscape remember that you can always  scale the objects to fit best your SC D5 also has this snowy Road assets which  are great to blend with the current road on my [Music] scene I'll add this snow assets to add  some patches of snow on the roof   you can leave some areas of  the roof visible for better variation you can duplicate some  assets and add them to the balcony as well on this area here I'll add some  vegetation assets to match the reference now select a couple of trees  from the dead trees category and using   the puff tool I'll add couple of them to the  scene giving some random rotation and spacing I'll select a couple of lips asset to scatter  around the terrain I will place them using the   brush tool and I'll switch back and forth from  the Eraser and brush tool to add and remove leaves now I'll select the backdrop plane from the   Landscapes category I'll select  this winter one and add it to my SC now let's add a very important detail deals  with this we will add surface imperfections   and overall weathering to the building like  some dirt water leakage and other [Music] elements now it's time to work on the interior def  render has what it's called interior parala   it's basically just a plane but it has  some depth to it giving the illusion of   a fully detailed interior I'll add couple  of them by the window windows covering everything I'll adjust the properties so the light   inside is not turn on making it  more fitting for this daytime scenario I'll add some fog to the  scene adjust the options and add   the volume light for more atmospheric effect and that's it after this  we just need to render the and that's all for today I'll  catch you all in the next one
Channel: Nuno Silva
Views: 20,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nuno silva, d5render new features, d5 render best features, d5 render tutorial, real-time raytracing, d5 render, d5 render 2.5, d5 render features, d5 render download, ray tracing, d5 render sketchup, d5 render exterior, d5 render free, 3d rendering, 3d tutorial, what is d5 render, how to render with gpu, rtx for rendering, megascans, what is megascans, promeai tutorial, architecture reference, architectural design, d5 render realistic, d5 render vs lumion, winter, snow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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