Build a Power BI Pop Out Slicer Panel (Step by Step Instructions)

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[Music] alright thanks for tuning in everyone this is anthony smoke doesn't checking out on anthony smoke come definitely hit subscribe here on youtube as always if you learned something go ahead and hit that like button and make sure you ring the bell so you get that notification when i drop a new video today we're back in power bi and since it's february i was playing around with a rose-colored scheme here and just having some fun with the colors so I am using microsoft financial sample data so I get enough comments down below I'll put the link there but you can google microsoft financial sample workbook and you'll you'll see that data and what i want to show you here on this dashboard this capability when i click on this button right here you'll see I've got a slicer panel that pops out so that gives me a little space here to do what I want to do right I can focus in on a country let's go with with France here you can see everything updated I can clear the filter and everything goes back to how it was and then I can put this away right so it just gives me a little bit more real estate when I'm designing my dashboard and so shout out to Guyana cubes shout out to havens consulting I kind of mashed up some techniques here and put together my version so so shout out to those guys so let me show you how how we do this let's let's get into it so well first of all let's let's take a look at what I've got over here four fields right so I've got some calculations you know to do my running some year today and running some year-to-date last year all that all that good stuff I've got a calendar table and so I've shown you how to do this I have another video go ahead and check out that video here where I build out the calendar table right and then we've got the the data from the Microsoft financial sample workbook as well so and I've also shown you how to do this right in another video so let's say I'm very interested in what's going on in in France here because it's my profit leader I can drill through right we'll drill through and then it brings me up into my more analysis centric report here so you know I can see the country as France I don't have any other filters on I can get a quick view of the KPIs and segmented by profit and discount band I got all that detail here so I can see this line item gave me a lot of profits for this product right with no discounts so in any event let's let's build this out let's build out this this pop out slicer panel here so we'll do a more minimized version of the dashboard here not quite as fancy with the colors or what-have-you but we just care about the technique so I've got some some space over here to work with so I can show you how to build this out so first thing we're gonna do we want to come to the view section here and I want to turn on bookmarks and selection pane right so I can see all of my objects that are here so if I select on something you know you see it gets gets highlighted a little bit right image so we got that selection pane and then we have bookmarks and we are going to be using them so the first thing that we are going to do here let's create a pop-out filter button so if I go here to home and I pull in button and let's make it a right arrow right and you'll see it puts it right here and I'm going to yeah it doesn't really matter let's go ahead and just make it huge here yeah we can we can skinny it up a little bit here I just kind of want it right here in the corner you don't have to make it this big you could make it very small but I just want to want something here just to the side so let's go ahead and do that I'm going to let's turn the fill on so if I select that and I come to the fill I'm gonna turn that on and every button has what's called a default state an on hover state and on press state so in the default state right I want to make my my train well first of all I'm the default state I want to make it a little just a little bit darker give it a hint of extra color there right and then I want to make this transparency lets to make this transparency 70 like 75 percent something like that in the default state and so on the let's call it on hover state right I just want this to be white and you know this can be 100 percent so as we go over here you'll see in the default state it's gray but as I hover over it changes to white so I just kind of like that little that little change right there it lets me know when I on hover when I hover over here it lets me know I can do something or that's how I like to indicate I can do something so we have that right so let's start with that and then let's create a text box I suppose I could use a shape too but I'm just gonna go with a text box here and this is going to be where we put our our slicer so let's see if I can move this that'd be great let's put it from here yeah that's fine and let's maybe let's get up a little bit and I'm gonna make it go all the way let's say it's about right here not all the way down right so I have that and then I'm gonna come I'm gonna paste there we go so now I have two so what helps is if I if I name my boxes here so I'm gonna take this second one and put it on top of the first one so I have that kind of pattern and so we're gonna call this slicer panel right and then this second one we're gonna call this slicer shading something like that if I can spell okay and then on the shading right we're going to well no sorry on the first one let's go ahead and and turn the borders on so if I come over here and look for the border I can turn that on right great and then I'm going to go to the second one right here go to the slice of shading one I'm gonna make the background color if I go over here background color let's make that just a little darker just to give it a little a little hint of shading here to make it pop right and do I like it the transparency we can make it we can make it a little transparent that's fine that works okay so just in just a little bit of transparency there so I have a little bit of effect there to make it pop right okay so now we can start placing slicers actual slicers in the panel right so let's do one for date so this is fairly simple we're gonna do a slicer and I'm gonna come over here to my calendar table right not not the data in my financials my calendar table I'm gonna drag the date over here put that in there great all right let's size this up a little bit just put that I'm gonna put that here again it's not about being perfect I just want you to see how this is built out now I'm gonna put a number of of slicers in here so we're gonna do another slicer right and I want this slicer to be my country so if I come over here to financials and select country and I want this to be drop-down all right great and let's give it a little bit of depth here and size that up okay so now I'm just gonna rinse and repeat here I'm just gonna copy and paste so I want to make sure that the text box here is covered from from head to toe so to speak because when I select in here it's gonna it's going to do that so if I make sure that it's cover here do that paste right make sure that there's no space in between here so you that here alright so we just build out some slicers just showing you how we do that nothing too fancy now we're gonna put a button here a custom button right I'm gonna hit escape here and let's do this well I could name all of these but I know these are slicers I know these are all the slices so I'm just gonna leave that alone for now and then we're gonna put a button in here so let's go button it's gonna be a blank button alright so there it is let's drag it down here and let's expand it out a little bit alright okay and if we go to the text let's turn the text on and in the default state yeah we're gonna leave it like this we'll say the button text on and we'll call this clear let's go all caps clear filter right and let's make that color black and let's just pump up the size here alright so it looks like we got that sizing correct so I just want to change something real quick this is our clear filter button so let me just go ahead and put that in there clear filter button and then this hidden button right here this is our show slicer button so it's gonna put show slicer ear button alright so I just just want to show that here so now what we're going to do is we're gonna create some bookmarks we have to create bookmarks then assign them to buttons so this is our show well note first let's go ahead and do this let's create a new button real quick this is going to be the reset button let's size this up a little bit here and drag it in we can play with the size in here let's get some full coverage and so when I select this button I want us to go but to hide the slicer so we put that button in here and we can call this the show I'm sorry this is hide heíd slicer button alright and so now we need to create some bookmarks okay so we want this to be our show slicer state so I'm gonna select all of these items here and again our show slicer button is underneath we are not showing that see how that that line is drawn through that the icon here so we've selected all of these items and this is going to be bookmark one and I want to call this the show slicer so this is like a show slicer state right here or bookmark right so let's go ahead and edit this I don't care about the data all I care about is the display because I want them to show up on the current page and just for selected visuals so so that is the show slicer state and so now I'm gonna unselect or hide all of these or put them in the opposite state and we're gonna show the show slicer button right and we're going to let me select all of these again and I'm going to add a bookmark and this is going to be hide slicer alright and so if we go in here again don't care about the data display current page with selected visuals right so now let's see if this works so show slicer brings our slicer panel up and hide slicer takes it away perfectly so let's do one more bookmark this is going to be the clear filters bookmark so let me let me get rid of this first so let me just show our slicer first right that makes it easy right so so everything is there and I want to be in this state with nothing selected in my filters right absolutely nothing selected in my filters so now I'm gonna select the slicers here right all of these slicers and now we're going to add bookmark and this is going to be clear filter right and I love to capitalize that second letter here so clear filter so this is going to be so the difference on this bookmark is we want the data to be affected we don't necessarily care about the display we want that data to be affected current page and just for selected visuals so if I were to go in here let's say I played with the date and even mehico here right and let's see if I clear the filter it goes away so now all we need to do is apply these two buttons per se right so if I right if I do this it's not applied here so it's not applied here so let's do that let's select on this button right here turn the action on this is going to be a bookmark and we're going to hide slicer right so if we do that boom that goes away so on this button we're going to apply the actions on that clear filter this is going to be show slicer we're gonna apply the this bookmark to be to this button right here that makes the panel pop up and then last but not least our clear filter so we're going to go in here action on guess what it's bookmark and we're gonna apply clear filter and again just to double-check here I'm gonna play around with that change the product and if I clear the filter oh it shows up perfect so you've seen how the steps here you've seen how we put this together right we created our our slicer panel we created some bookmarks and then we applied those bookmarks to button it's kind of three-step process so let me show you one more one more thing here that I like again I didn't create this methodology you know shout out to two havens consulting on this I like this opaque button that covers the whole screen so we're in our our show slicer bookmark mode here and I'm gonna create this this button so let's do blank and I've got a little button here and it's gonna cover up the whole screen here right and I'm gonna go in here I'm gonna turn the outline off right and I'm gonna place this after the show slicer panel button so let's call this opaque for now all right so if I grab this opaque button right here and I place it after the show slicer button right there it shows right my panel is is still there right and then what I can do is I can make the color so if I select this I can make the color white on this so I believe that's in the the outline no not the outline side background color white and then I'm gonna make the transparency about 25% so you can see just a little bit just a little tease so you can see kind of kind of what's going on there right and it and so what we have to do now is we have to update our bookmarks to account for this so what I'll do here I'm gonna first of all I'm gonna select this button and I want to apply an action to the button you know will apply the bookmark of hide slicer so if you hold ctrl on this it does it does hide the slicer for now so I'm gonna go back in here and so what we need to do we need to bring that we need to update our show slicer so this is the show slicer state I'm going to select all of these including opaque I'm gonna show slicer and update and then for hide slicer right we need to hide the opaque button here so I'm gonna hide this right and even though we we hit it we need to make sure it's selected right so make sure that is selected and then I want to make sure that we update the hide slicer bookmark so now if I go over here right select my button boom opaque shows up I hide it it goes away so this has been Anthony's smoke showing you how to create that pop-out slicer you're going to save some space on your power bi reports or dashboards as I call them I know there's a difference in the semantics but you're gonna save some space so again going back to a little bit more fancier nuanced version here you can see how we save that space I guess I can just bring you out a little more to make this top here more screen come on to my analysis and last forth so it's been avenue smoke hope you enjoyed this tip get out there do some great things with your data thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Anthony B. Smoak
Views: 25,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dashboard, Tutorial, Power BI Training, Power BI Desktop, Power BI Analyze in Excel, Power Bi Analytics, Power BI Analysis, Power BI Training Videos, Drill down, Drill Through, Power BI Dashboard Example, Slicer Panel
Id: 94qRopgC_WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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