Create A Minimal Animated Background in DaVinci Resolve

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this idea just came to mind the other day while I was exploring a project and I thought it would look pretty cool and will make a really great animated background so let me show you how to do it first of all we're gonna add a fusion composition into our timeline we're gonna click on these and we're gonna add a background note say these to be the color that you want in this case great here we're gonna press Ctrl C on this background and then press Ctrl shift V to create an instance you can already connect this background here so that it creates a merge now on this instance we're gonna add an ellipse mask now on this instance we're going to add a transform now so press Ctrl spacebar and add transfer node on this transform node we are going to set a few keyframes now don't worry if you don't see anything while we're setting up these keyframes because that's gonna come out later with the drop Shadows that are gonna allow you to see what's happening so on frame zero we're gonna create a size key from here at one then we're gonna go one second forward we're gonna set the time this size to 1.1 then we're gonna go one second forward again so frame 48 and we're gonna bring these back to normal then we're gonna go like half a second forward and then create an extra key from here for the for our initial position and you're gonna see why when we create a loop for these okay now that we have that there we press play and nothing happens but if you select all of them you will see that it's happening so we're gonna press Ctrl spacebar and we're going to add a drop shadowing we're gonna adjust the stroke Shadow okay now this drop shadow we're gonna bring the distance closer to the center and we're gonna bring the shadow strength to zero at frame 0 and we're going to bring the blur to 0.25 we're going to create a key form right here for the blur and the draw the shadow strength now we're gonna go to frame 24 bring the string to 0.5 and then the blur to 0.55 again we're gonna go one second forward bring this down again and then bring the shadow blur or the blur to 0.25 same values as before and we're gonna go again one second or have a second forward and then create those keyframes right there if you take a look we have that sort of like full setting uh effect going on okay now with these two notes I have our keyframe selected we're going to go to the spline section and we're gonna press Ctrl a to select demo and then press F to ease them in and out here you can adjust the ease in and out values however you want and then we have that there after that we're gonna go to the loop section which is this one now here you can either choose ping pong or Loop both of them are going to look a little bit different so ping pong will have a little bit longer delay because it's basically reversing and loop will basically start at Zero from the beginning so choose whichever you want the animation will now be repeating itself okay so let's create the copies that we have here we're gonna Place control in spacebar and we're gonna add a time speed node we're gonna connect these drop shadow towards time speed node and on this time speed we're going to set the speed to 1 but we're gonna set the delay to five now these times read we're gonna connect here in between so behind our background on this merge node we're gonna set this to 2 and now we have already that second one we can actually just copy this time speed again and paste it there I'm gonna connect our drop shadow here for a third copy but in this case we're gonna set the delay to 10. I'm gonna connect these here again behind and set the merge node to 3. well this is not set in stone so you can adjust the values right but if we press play right now you have that cool sort of like pulsating effect so yeah now you have this super cool animated background that you can use on your projects or as the outro screen for your YouTube videos and if you want to download the Project's files for this video go to and then find it right there and that is today's video come back tomorrow for more
Channel: SUALVI
Views: 3,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SUALVI, davinci resolve, davinci resolve animation, davinci resolve background animation, davinci resolve animated background, how to create an animated background in DaVinci Resolve
Id: ZfQz5BpqK-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 16sec (256 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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