Create A Map with Multiple Layers in Tableau

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all right welcome back everyone this is anthony smoke go ahead and hit subscribe if you like bi if you like technology strategy check me out on anthony smoke calm as well so today we're back in tableau and we're talking about maps more specifically dual-layer maps in tableau going to show you a couple things get started as always feel free to tweak whatever you need to tweak to fit your specific situation so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to drag state here two rows and we're going to go over here make sure we've got a field map and what I like to do I don't see enough people doing this we're going to go in here to map layers and we're just going to pair back everything right until we have the United States in a vacuum here right some would say that's a that's a metaphor for current events but our data only deals with the United States so for our viz we just want to show the US the lower 48 if you will in this visualization so next thing I'll do here will get rid of this we're gonna drag our profit over here to color I want I want a profit verse sales dual visualization and you know in the color here always love red black diverging whenever I have to show profits will go with the use the full color range let's apply that alright looking good so as we can see Callie has a lot of profits here seventy six thousand Texas is deep in the red someone needs to mess with Texas at least profit wise here we're negative twenty five thousand so we've got we've got that biz right so now we're going to double up here I'm going to hold down control bring that over we've got two united states here right and from the lower version here I want to remove our profit right as you can see that affects our lower vis on a move prop there and I'm gonna drag sales over here to size and I want to make sure that this is a circle right and I want to change the color of that circle to blue and you can see here we can actually go on a label and get rid of the marks here so as you can see we've got two different versions of the United States and we want to bring both of these versions together right sound like a politician vote Anthony smoke in 2020 we're going to bring the country together right so I'm going to go over here go to dual-axis and as you can see we have both of our visualizations layered on top of each other I can go in here to size and just play around you know make the size a little bigger here so our size represents sales and our color represents the profit right so good deal so this is a perfectly good visualization in and of itself I could actually go in here to color let's make this let's make the borders black there I give you a little solid border there so you could stop here but let's let's go ahead and let's bring category into the mix and probably show you how to use some some level of detail functions as well so first thing I want to do is I want to remove the sum of sales right and I'm going to drag the the category right we're gonna drag that that category to whoops if I can click drag category over to color that hasn't done much yet but we're going to change this circle to a pie as you can see I've got peace signs here throughout throughout the country and that's because we don't have anything yet on this angle so I'm going to grab the sales here and put that on the angle and as you can see you know we have different proportions here based upon what our sum of sales are so I'm going to take get a size here and we can we can scale that up obviously that's going to affect some of your your northeastern pie charts here but again this is just feel free to tweak it however you need to and let's see if we go into the tooltip here I go here we know all of the data relates to the United States so I'm going to go in at a tooltip here and just get rid of the country and right say okay so now if I look at this I can say state of California for technology 159,000 and sales office supplies 142 and that sales are sorry furniture 156 right and so again I'm going to take you to the next level if you want to keep following along we're going to do a fixed level of detail calculation because in here I want to know what percent the category of office supplies represents in California I want a percent added to the tooltip so let me go to this example that I set up here if you look at the data let's again let's look at California you can see I have the state and I have the category we have sales by state and category and then here we have sales by state only so that's why it's repeated I said a higher level of aggregation four hundred fifty-seven thousand for California and then I'm just doing the percentage write the sales divided by the sales by state gives me that percentage so how do we do that in tableau so I bring in this notepad here this is the calculation that we would need to use so we're talking about level of detail calculations so fixed level of detail calculation right so as you can see I'm going to use this fixed expression here by state and category I want to sum sales right so if we look by state and category that gives me a summer sales and fixed by state only I want to summer sales that's what this number represents it's fixed by state only at the California level we're dividing the two that's how we get that that percentage right there so take this and I've already pre going back let's go back here I made a calculation that has that and if I go in here will see all I did was just cut and paste what I had in notepad into here it's the same thing I just calling it percent sales by st and cat I'm gonna say okay and I'm going to take this guy and I'm gonna drag him into the detail right and what I can do is I can go into the tooltip and let's add let's just call it percent sales and if I go in here say insert some percent sales by state and cat now I'm going to do control all let's make this a little bigger let's let's make this twelve I'm going to bold everything make sure everything's black say okay now in my tooltip you'll see that I have that percent of sales so that 142,000 in office supplies for California is thirty one point one percent of sales going up here to Montana sixty five percent of sales is is for the category of Technology office supplies represents thirty three point three and very tiny slice here if I can get my area go furniture Montana beautiful state not a lot of people like to stay inside apparently and use the furniture one point one four percent on that $64 so this is a complete map here you've got some level of details you've got dual layers I hope you found this useful go ahead and take this information and get out there and do some great things with your data thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Anthony B. Smoak
Views: 172,774
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: Tableau, Maps, Anthony Smoak, Business Intelligence, Data Visualization, Level of Detail, Tableau Tips, Tableau Charts, Tableau Maps, Tableau dashboard, tableau dashboard design, tableau dashboard actions, Tableau bar chart, Tableau Public, Tableau Youtube, Tableau Training
Id: bwUj2NZHTC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2017
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