Region to State Drill Down with Set Actions

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in this week's tablet tip Tuesday I'm going to show you how to use set actions to create a view that allows you to drill down from region to state for example if I click on the Northeast or the East region here you can see I drill into States in the east if I click on the west region I drill into States from the west but all of the other regions remain as complete regions so let's go ahead and build out this view to start off with you'll notice that my region field is not a Geo grid does not have a geographic role so let's go ahead and set that to be built upon by state so I'm going to right click on region go down to geographic roll create from state and tableau automatically builds a hierarchy for me I'm going to go ahead and put country in this hierarchy as well and if I click on double click on region and set the mark to map you can see I get a nice filled map I'm gonna go ahead and put state on to color and I kind of like the way that looks except I want to put a white border around the edges and I'm gonna wash out my background because all I want to see is the region so I'm gonna go to my map layers and wash it out completely and then the last thing I'm going to do is get rid of the borders that are around the map so I'm gonna right click in the white space choose format go to my borders option set my row divider to none and set my column divider to none okay so let's go ahead and build out this view so again what we want to do is I want to be able to click on the west region and have it drill into the states for the west so I'm going to right-click on my region field from my data pane and create a set based on that field and I'm just going to call it region select it and hit OK and right now this set isn't do anything but I'm gonna create a calculated field that tells me what to do with it so I'm gonna call this one drill to state because what I want to do is I want to say if they pick a region then give me the states for that region otherwise don't do anything okay so now we have this drilled a state field and we want this one too we also need to assign this one a geographic role based on the region so I'm going to right click on drill the state go down to geographic role and create that from region now let's go ahead and drop that on to the detail shelf now as well so when I click on it on su notice how nothing is happening yet that's because I haven't set up my set action so I'm going to go up to worksheet and then actions I'm going to add a new action that is based on changing the set values so I'm going to call this region to state and what the way I want to set this up is I wanted to update the region set and after I deselect I wanted to remove all set values that means remove the states from the set so hit OK and hit OK again or actually it removes the regions from the set okay so now when I click on the West Region you see it drills into the states in the west and then I can click off and it goes back to the full region I can do the same thing for the east and there we go now notice my tooltip looks a bit messy because it says drill to state Pennsylvania so I don't really like the way that that looks so but it's a it's yeah so I've got this weird drilled to state thing so I'm just going to go ahead and clean up my tooltips and I'm gonna put maybe I'll put my my state here and then after it I'm gonna put the region or maybe I'll put the region first so let me insert the region okay and then I'll have the state after it and let's go ahead and just put the sales amount there good enough for now I'm probably clean it up a bit more so now you just says the East if I drill in it then says the East and Pennsylvania I would probably make that a bit better of a calculation but you get the idea I just wanted to clean up the tooltips okay so now the issue is when you put this into a dashboards okay so we're happy with it we want to stick it into a dashboard I'm just to make my set my dashboard to just something simple I'm gonna go ahead and throw the color in there let me just hide the title for now so now when I click on it notice how it doesn't do anything because tableau now ignores worksheet actions once you put it into a dashboard so you have to redo your actions in the dashboard so it's but it's the same steps we just but this time we've got the dashboard and then actions we're going to add a change set values and I'm gonna call this region to state and I'm gonna pick my sheet which is sheet 1 I'm gonna tell what's set to updates and again I want to choose remove all values hit OK hit OK again and now we're back in business just like we were before so hopefully you found this tip useful and Lauren we'll be back next week with her tip and I'll be back in two weeks with mine have a great day
Channel: Andy Kriebel
Views: 20,645
Rating: 4.8833332 out of 5
Keywords: tableau tip tuesday, set actions, map, region, state, drill down
Id: kPNIno9reOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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