Create a Hospital management system using Ms Access From Scratch

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hi guys i wish to take you through how to come up with a simple hospital management system therefore i will first of all start by a demonstration on how we expect our system to be therefore this is our system that we shall be creating therefore it loads this brush form then goes to the user login you type the credentials then once you type the credentials you click on ok this is the dashboard then for example you can hit on this one then so that you can hide the ribbon then you can in a position to see how the system looks like therefore you first of all start by entering patient details like for instance this is the graphical user interface for recording a new patient then if you want to add if a patient is outpatient you just hit on a patient or when as a patient is impatient you click on here then you can be asked to enter the word therefore this one will be opened so that you can be a person to add the word but uh once you are in outpatient that one is hidden then on the other hand once you do that once you capture the patient details you can cross the form you see now this direct box allows you to ignore or accept then once you do that you go to the treatment this is the doctor's module or the pharma pharmacist module therefore you click on the pharmacist module this is where the doctor or the pharmacist will be in a position to work on the new data like for example you can choose payment done whether the person is being discharged or admitted then the amount charged then from there you can print the receipt now you can print the receipt for that particular person you can also choose the doctors the doctors here from the doctor's panel you can also choose the services from the services panel therefore basically this is what i will be taking you through then you can also print daily reports like view daily reports like today according to our time zone is wednesday if i can just go to anything eat daily report therefore in a position to see that i have treated one person who paid 78 pounds therefore this is what i'll be taking you through and to start with i want us to do this from scratch and therefore we shall round microsoft access soft access once we launch microsoft access we go to blank database then we redirect our database to where we want it to be i want it to be on my desktop if i type my hospital hospit my house control management system then once i type that i click on ok then i click on create now once i click on create i need to to design tables therefore i just go to this point here i click on design view we just cancel this therefore once we are in this point we can just uh cross the table that is here this one we need to start ours if we just go to create then you hit on table design then our first table will be doctors therefore we have the doctor id then you can also have a primary key which is outer number and primary key then we have the we have doctor doctor name then we can also have the specializations pay the disk specialization of the doctor then the specialization of the doctor we need to go to rook up down here then we choose combo box then we here we need to choose a value then from here we need to put the the specialization we have optical you can have semicolon then you can have dental then you can also have that like just say others you can have others now that's that way then once you're done with that we can just save this table uh here you can just save this table as doctor then we close one doctor we go again create table design we create our next table our next table can be treatment treatment therefore we can have the word id a word id this is after number and the primary key then you can have um different one would id this one is text when you can have services offered then you can have treatment date you can have referrals referrals if any then the doctor now here we need to get the doctor from the doctors table if we just click on this then you go to lookup wizard therefore the direct compose opens i want the lookup field to get values from another table i go to next then i this is the table doctor then i go to next i want to have the doctor name then next next then finish then after we do that one that is we correct the that we connect the doctor uh first of all we can just uh save this one okay before you even save there is this this field here we have the services we just go down here look up then this is combo this is barrier is up here we can have the services we have optical services we can have the dental services can also have maternity maternity services offered here then you can also have outpatient but this i would just call it others just to be precise then from there we can save our table this type of hours can service save it as treatment treatments then we proceed across this one we go to our next table our next table will be word word entry okay sorry here we need to have the the word id the word id this time around this one should be uh this one should be auto number and the primary key then you can also have the date the system date this is the date and time we can also have a payments mode therefore we also have the amount page and have the status status you can also have now the patient now the patient for now let's just leave this field this table the way it is but we can just work on this therefore here we have value risk then from this point we can have cash we can also have [Music] check as a mode of payment we can also have mobile money as another method of then you can also have others others that we are smart then we can just save that one control s this one we can call it word entry that way then close that then from there we go again and create our last table create our stable is for registration that is for the account so therefore we shall have the the patient the patient name this is the primary key here for relationship purposes then we can have the cell phone it can also have the address you can have the town or city that is the nearest city you can also have inpatient and outpatient status then this one should be yes no this should be yes yes or no can just choose here yes no yes or no that way and then we shall have the word when which this guy is um that is the way that that's where this guy is sent therefore this one is the you can call it accounts then we save this then you can cross this one go back to our order and that is the word entry where you remember i told you to hold on if i just go to patient here now in this field here we shall use the lookup wizard that is for the word entry we shall go to i want the lookup field to get the values from another table if i go to next we will get it from accounts then it will get the the patient name then next next next finish before we have that one then we save so that we can be in a position to that is to to get the the patient that is the patient name from the other table therefore after having done that we needed to create the relationship therefore we just go to database tools then relationships then from this point we can add the other tables therefore show table we have the treatment and also the word intro was there accounts accounts is already there if we can just cross and see which one we don't have this one is a reputation we delete therefore we have uh those tables there we have the we can add the doctor's table show table doctor doctor was missing then you can just arrange our table see to the relationships we have the doctor this one you have one too many you pick that one then we also have this one for the patient we can also have them the patient we had the patient and the patient name then we have the word entry therefore for the audience we have the that is the patient patient that is the patient in this one for the word entry with the accounts if i think that one is fine so we just got to that is here what we have word entry we have the doctor and treatment we are good therefore to create the forms you go to this point here create then form this sorry we need to use the form wizard if we just cross this we just go to create then form wizard we want to create form from accounts therefore you send everything to the right then next finish therefore this is what we have so far we just modified a bit if we just modify this one to fit our needs we also modify this need to format we change the current and this one should be somewhere there you can also increase the font size format you go to that way old black if after having this one we needed to have the data displayed down here therefore this is what we have so far we can just modify it a bit [Music] this is patient then this is cell this is address city city we have this is impatient and outpatient outpatient then we can pull this down a bit we need to insert arrest box here then we can also give this form a good finish some color there therefore so far when i run this is what we have we have the names here and we shall be clicking this whether some person is outpatient also also [Music] also we can just escape this also we need to bring this somewhere here because we shall hide it it will never be displayed when somebody clicks impatient before we save that one then we go to design then we go and take the list box this is the the list box we draw the list box here then we want i want the list box to get the values from another table or query next we are getting it from accounts next we send everything to the right then next and then next again sorry up to this point you remove this so that you can get the patient you remove hide key then finish then once we are in the list box here you need to delete the label here if we delete that you can also increase the size of the the list box that way then you save that one go to design go to properties you need to do something go to that is data then once you go to data for this one that is for the field list uh you're in a position to get a few this you need to get uh that is in format you go to column heads here you double click to make it yes you can see the column count we have seven therefore once you hit on yes you then save and run your phone see what you have so far therefore you can see i have been a position to display patient name cell address city impatient or patient award then once i do that i can improve my performance and my appearance sorry i can improve my appearance this is accounts if i can just add a title just go to label then have the review here you can remove this one therefore you can just have my my hospital my hospital management software that we then click outside inside got format increase the font size make it vivid like that therefore this is what we have that way we can also do the same this to this one improve the the font for visibility you can also include the hospital logo if you have one right now you can improve you can just go to design then design then make sure i'm outside the text box if we design then i go to this point here browse kind of browse for my photos go to drugs then here i choose or then i can be a position to put this as logo i just draw then i can just push therefore that is my logo for the hospital then when i run this one you see so far i have my data then you can also improve the this graphical user interface by use of box this one rectangle you draw the rectangle then you go again design take another rectangle so that you can get a question to add your buttons therefore now i just go to design click the command button draw the button i want therefore i need to have the navigation next button then i also go up again i take that one i got i get another button previous next finish then i can also get the one to the flash adapter i need the one to refresh data if i just go to record operations form operations refresh data therefore that one is to refresh data that way then once i do that i can just write my buttons go to format i make them vivid then go to design properties i just go to back back and give them a different rook therefore so far then you can also include the cross button we can increase the we can include the cross button here so that you can get a position to have a cross button design copy we include the cross button now for this one we cancel we want to code for ourselves but for this one you can just call it cross cross form across from then apply the same designs properties just apply it correct like the rest form make it bold then once i do that i need to code this one therefore i go to event then on click i choose event procedure then i can be in a position to write my code here that is called for cross therefore we shall write our code here and therefore i just have dim exit dim a exit as vb that is we be msg results then on error on error go to cmd exit that is on click exit this this is on click on click exit then we shall also say that i exit i exit equals to msg box msg box then we shall have our code here our code that confirm you want to exit confirm you want to exit comma then you shall have vb press vb yes no comma when our title dc should have our title here that is my choice my choice how's it possible mis vba yes no press maybe let's just have the uh we check the code we shall have mstbox confirm you want to exit comma vb question therefore here we need to have quotation marks we need to have quotation marks good that way then we can proceed to the next line of our code if i i exit equals to vb yes yes vbs then we shall have blue command dot cross cross s that is end e for that one and if on the other hand we shall have c m cmd exit click it is the one referenced above there that is exit error in case of an error we have referenced that one somewhere here this is click sound should be error and for the error it will be exit exit sub then cmd exit cmd exit click cmd exit click error just a moment you have exit and if that is cmd cross and if then cmd exit error therefore this is the chord this is the chord we can just write this one as hospital management system therefore this is the chord that uh we work on that button therefore doing that when i hit on home when i'm in this point if i click on this button you see this button you can you can literally ignore or cross therefore this is the accounts form in that now we can capture a patient we can just capture one patient then address then city then this person here is outpatient then you refresh therefore you can see the data has been captured here then we can accord to hide this part and when i click these two buttons then you can be in a position to unhide therefore you just right click go to design view go to inpatient this button here in patient this one then go to design go to property sheet on click event choose the three dots then we can type the code here you can type the code here that uh word dot visible equals to force that is the chord for inpatient then we can also copy this down here paste it then we change this one to outpatient outpatient but for the outpatient it should be false but for the impatient this one should be true that that is the that one should be true then you also need to notice that this chord should work when the form is rooted when the form is loaded we should not get the the button active and for that case we shall just go again to this part here we go to form then on road on road we paste that chord that the word should be false then after i cross that one i save and then there'll be a question to do here you see this this one is not visible but when i click on it impatient it will be visible now that i can type the the the word men or the six then i can reflect you see now then or the six is being captured here then i can remove the i can remove that button here therefore when i click this one i've been a position to to see this then when i cross i can devotion to this card if it was a mistake and there can also be a position to accept therefore let's proceed to the next form then the next form is the form to capture the treatment therefore just go to create then we go again to form wizard this time around we are using the word entry we send everything to the right next we just go next next finish therefore this is what we have we still format these ones as we head down to the other one if we can just uh do this if we need to have this one these two shortened then we do the same to this we take this one somewhere there then we highlight everything we got format we give them some current and also a bigger size payments therefore this one can be pulled a bit payment modes that way then you can take this one somewhere there now once you do that just like we did to the other one you can format this bring this one somewhere there then go to design take a repo this is my choice my hospital my house p2 my hospital management system just like we did increase the font size then console include change the that one uh yeah that's that's better then also take the logo design make sure you click outside you go to design then take the logo the row is now in the memory of the machine you bring your over there and you can also make this one darker it should be darker but we then change the color of this form that way then you can run to see therefore this is what we have so far you can get the mode of payment there patient now you see a convenient position to get to the patient from the other one then you need to disable this that is the id therefore data enabled none should not be enabled then from there i can insert a sub form down here if we can just insert a subform if i just go to this point you drag treatment then go to next finish therefore we have created a sub form then you delete the label i have just dragged this one here that way then we can have these fields here shortened just like we did there last if we can shorten this one you can shorten them to be somewhere there somewhere there that way then you can also make them you darker make them darker just go to this point that way you can also do as we have done to the others before this that way then now i write everything and take it somewhere there therefore this is the sub form therefore when i click on save and run you'll notice that um i have created a subform down here therefore the data i keep i key in here will be displayed somewhere here difficult to see even the services that on the other hand i right click go to design view then i increase the size that is the rank of the sub phone if i can just increase this one to make sure that there is nothing that is hidden that way if i save then run the frequency there can be a question to see the various items that i need then you reduce the size of this one you can also reduce the size of this one that way you can take it this one up you can take this one up you can take this one up somewhere there make sure they are of the same size you can also make it more attractive by inserting a photo here we can just go to browse we go to drugs can you start this one here that way just to make your your system more attractive you you can have this one here that way then as we did together and just go to design go to rectangle draw your rectangle somewhere here that way this one you can just pull it a bit that's it then go to design go to this part here you can draw one for navigation then remember to save your work at every juncture then now i can just go to design draw my buttons here if i can just draw my buttons for add a new record that one add a new record finish then you can also design button then go and draw another button for form operation refresh data that is refresh data that one is very important then i can also include the button for cross before this time round allow me to use toggle button therefore this one is cross form then since we had recorded the button i just go and get to the code around me go to this part i go to cross sign view code i just copy the code just copy this code the way it is i mean there's no need of retyping it therefore we cross accounts go to this button go to design go to properties event on click event hit library dots paste your no no no no we have messed up if i go to cross on click paste your code there you can remove this therefore that is the code for cross button then from there if i want to cross you see now it's working if i just go toward the entry and i cross by mistake no then i am not supposed to do that one then we can add the the that is the chord for you can add the code for view that is for view and hide ribbon if you can just go again and do that one that is for height reborn we need to go to that code therefore go to design view then go to design go to toggle button you can draw a toggle button here and then type hide and show ribbon hi daddy show ribbon that is for this button go to format increase the font make it vivid then go to event on click event here on crink event for this button here we shall just type that do cmd do command that is do command dot show toolbar that is the ribbon show ribbon then comma no that is when you double click it should when you click it should not show the ribbon if i just copy this code then we want that when we double click the ribbon is displayed the same button if i just go to on double click on double click event here on double click we paste but we change this one to yes so when you double click the ribbon will be maximized when we click it should be hidden let us see whether that one works therefore you see it's working he has hidden the ribbon but when a double click the reborn is displayed therefore shall copy that code and paste it in the other form if i just go to accounts go to design view of account cross this one go to the same design take our toggle button draw the toggle there then we write hide and show ribbon then go to design code format sorry go to this point here take uh take a bigger phone click 16 then board therefore we go to this button design sign properties go to one click event you paste the record and record was already there cross then go to one double click event on the book click event of the same button paste the code but write yes just like we have done in our previous one therefore the same case surprise here you can hide ribbon and then hide the ribbon therefore after having done that we have now the word that is the word entry and you can see the other details are found there if i can still first of all go to doctors table we add our doctor id for 15 we have a few doctors now we have james dr james we have nice beth i have dr ortino we also have dr chai for this guy here is dentist this is optician this is optician this this is others that way then that means that when we go to this point here you go to doctors there'll be a position to see the doctors here then from there we also need to go ahead and go ahead and look at the button for receipt before you need to create a receipt if i just go to create you go to create then you go to report wizard you can just have them you can just create a query first let's go to create query design we need to have the word entry treatment before we can pull this we can have them that is the id the patient the amount age at the mode of payment and for example the doctor who treated this patient therefore let's see what we have so far then after having that we can just save this one as square one then we just go to create we want to create a report report wizard we use query1 we want to create a receipt if we just go to next next next next finish therefore this is what we have if we can just go to design view and modify this this is the we want these ones to be on the detail it's going to be on the detail it's going to be here now we reduce the amount so that the patient's name can be then this one should be there then you can also have these ones brought down bring the name of the patient here you see what you have so far if i just go to that one then from there you can just have this one as a receipt [Music] just you see received then format you can have our receipt there format that's all is it then you can pull this up home then see what we have therefore this is our receipt we have our receipt here then after having you can just go to this part here go to form design let's see yeah i think this one is okay then after having done that we just go to uh this part toward the entry we right click go to right click go to design view we need to add a button here to put into the reset therefore we just go to toggle button here just writing this one print reset reset print receipt then on this button here print receipt just make it both then and on this button um we need we need the we need the the query we need a query here so that it can connect this one and read this one let's just redo the query so just go to design then you shall have the word entry then you can also have the treatment then we can just have the um here you can just have this one we have the patience then we can have the amount you can have the payments mode you can have the status if need be you can also have the services offered and the date before you can have that one you save it as reset then on the other on the other hand you shall just go to this point here this one will be a point of filtering here criteria that we shall just type forms exclamation mark the name of the form the form is that one you take that one then from the name of form we just we shall just have the uh the field that we that's the field up there and therefore the field here is um this is that one that is the feed we want therefore that is the criteria mark that one therefore after doing that we just now go to this button here right click go to properties then uh we we go to this point here on click we go to this button here you hit the button it will bring macro builder you click on okay if on the macro builder here you write open open report then it'll be a position to choose the available report here the available report is word entry and just save that then cross therefore when you round this one and uh for example we capture a new patient don't each child then the date the date is today then they just go to have paid cash amount i have paid 56 pounds then paid paid that way then i refresh data now once i do that i go to the services that have been offered i have been offered others and optical then this one we shall we can have the date we can switch these ones to date and time then which doctor dr james and also i went to doctor ortino before i refresh that that then i can hit print receipt therefore you can see my data has been uploaded in the receipt don't reach i the id number amount paid then the cash and the doctors i that is the doctor that i have seen therefore on the same note you can just go to this and edit the t date save that one go to treatment this go to design view therefore t date this one should be date and time save that one we had messed up there then we can just go again to our receipt and uh make it even more attractive therefore this one can just bring this ones back here's the mode of payment the doctor who treated then we can just include this one to have this is the patient name this is the patient patient name that is the patient name then you can just go to this point here then you can also include the total amount paid here that is the in the footer just go to design take a text box then you can have the text box there this is the total page top page total page left for the total page is equals to sum of amount of sum of amount you cross the bracket then i write this go to format can now meter 12 and bold that way therefore the amount paid will be will be added together therefore this is the official receipt design and can have my hospital my hospital host management system or software depending on how you want to to call it then we have that header then we have our own group we have our logo let's say our logo is this one if we have our over there so that our receipt becomes official so this one can be made board that we're good therefore that is our receipt you have saved that one i have shown you how to capture this therefore this one now you can capture the date you can also capture the date you have seen that one works and to improve on this system you can have amount here you can have amount here so that this amount will not be duplicated therefore after having done that we need also to produce to make sure that our system can produce day-to-day reports and therefore we needed to to have a day-to-day report of the that is a day-to-day report of the transactions and for that case let's just do that one therefore we can just um dubricate this copy paste but this time around we call it by by day by day therefore on hour by day we technically go to design view we remove this condition here this one you can just cut that one then we go to the last bit here remission for you therefore for this one we can just call it by day then you put full column then for match format you open the gets in square bracket your formatting is dead this data for us should be formatted in uh that is in in day you want it to have a day that way then you cross the bracket and then make sure this one is is visible let's see we need s that have added this date to this one so that it can be referenced then we have our criteria the criteria we had there have just pasted it this is the criteria but this criteria this time round will be changed you shall change this one to comb combo we shall have the name of the company for example we can just call it a combo combo zero then we shall have our by day that is uh first of all let's just as let's just remove this one to avoid you getting confused therefore we just go to to uh point this point here we have we can just double click this ribbon we just go to this point create then we just go to create a model for more forms then we create a modal form we can remove this button this button then we have our this one having a picture you can have that picture you can just go to design properties or when we go to a picture is picture picture picture picture type you can have a picture first of all you move this undo and do remove this remove this just go to picture none here choose a picture just go to drugs i want us to have or here or we have this picture that way then just go to design then take a combo box this sorry sorry this is the combo draw your combo somewhere here then cancel this also go to this one therefore in our combo we shall be in a position to do the following we shall be in a position to do the following go to at this point go to format we format our combo accordingly if we just format our combo accordingly that way this is our combo then in here in here we just go to where the co the row source is that row source here in the resource we shall just type what we need for example we need a days of the week if we can just have monday monday then semicolon then you can have tuesday this day then semicolon then you can have word yesterday then semicolon then you can have last day last day then semicolon then you can have friday then it's in column let's finish it after that then we change this one to value wrist so that they can be displayed therefore i save this one this is by day it's just confirmed by day therefore when i run this one you see my days of the week has been displayed if we just go back you cannot still have some cut on this one so that you can be even more attractive if our form looks like this this combo should be somewhere up here to avoid it then from there we just go again to this point here i draw we draw a button this button will be display this display reports display reports then go again to format go to increase it that will display reports then we need to we need to go and create a query so that this one can be can display our reports therefore what we need to do we had our query by day here if i create a report by day go to report wizard by day send everything next next next next we need a radio skip report next finish therefore this is the report we have but we need to modify it a bit to that is tools to display that is to set our needs before bringing all this one to this point here here this one here this one is the sedate then we can remove the other part here you can just delete then bring this one up here you bring this up here then you can run and see what we have for this is what we have we can go and change the s date you can just remove it even this one you don't need these ones therefore we need to have a summary this one you can you can just call it the summary of transactions the summary of transactions then you can have a very very import that way and you can also have a title if we have a title here that is my hospital my regimen system then just like after you have done the other one just go to 24 then that way then you can click outside and insert our logo now hospital logo good then after having done so save that one go to now the query this is the query by day right click go to sign view now at this point here here that is this one this is the our filtering criteria here therefore you should just come and write forms you want to filter you want to filter by day and then we need it to confirm by the right click design we need to confirm the name of this that is the name of this combo box go to design properties then you can be the position to see that this is combo 3. i go back to our code and type combo 3 combo 3 that is combo 3 that is our combo three then we need to have another our exclamation mark here good therefore that is our composition that's our filter then when now we go to this point this this this is the word entry one it will read data from here therefore let's try to see today is on 17th and it is on wednesday therefore you choose fundraising then display now we need to write a macro to tie this one to this let me just go to design view click this one go to design go to properties then of event on click here hit the three dots choose macro builder okay then type here open report then we are opening which report we are opening word and one then save then cross then run this one you see what will happen therefore when you do that there's been a position to see that it is running only that for example data is not not yet correct therefore we fix that one we just go to design view of this one and include the s date that is design add existing and existing we have hidden the s date if we have to add the s date somewhere is it therefore the transaction date must be there okay therefore let's try to see that for this one just go to we have the function correct by the combo 3 then we just go to this point our report here therefore us just to fix this i'll just go to format we have this one as 16 and uh cara red that is our date then um you can just have a to fix this one this is our date this is our date then after now doing that after having fixed this just go to this one here now you run this just go to we choose request day today is on wednesday then display report if i can minimize to see that uh report that is report for 17th according to my system here has been uh made the comfort therefore you can just go and add one transaction we just go to word that is we first of all capture the guy just go to accounts we add another person if we can just have james sharks then the cell number the address is nairobi and this guy is outpatient then we refresh then after having done that we cross that we go to uh sorry go to treatment board entry therefore you can just see we have the guy here they have added a new record that we use 18th then we see this guy paid by mobile money paid 120 and then he was admitted then he was this this that is he was treated then this guy is james sharks for refresh then he got to he went for uh that is he went for dental then the dates we have said the transaction date was on 18th then he was treated by dr chai therefore i see whether they are dead that is the added date that is thursday will be reported therefore you can see james sharks paid in mobile money this amount was treated denton on 18th therefore the summary of this day that is tomorrow has been captured here on the other hand you can still run that is check whether the transaction that is for 17 who is still there therefore you can see the transactions are filtered where that is for the 17th then the last bit is to have the you can have the login form imported from another database remember i will upload this sample on my website www.key i replace the url or the address for my website below this video therefore don't worry about the codes you can get the codes on one on one if i just need to import the login form under the login details from another table then i'll give you if i just go to external data source then access then i go to my desktop i get the hospital management system i get the table there is a table called login form i get memo main and then i get the login i click on ok therefore after doing that i just need to go to my main form and edit my main form therefore i can just edit this can remove these ones then after doing that i just include what i want to design if i can just go and draw draw my splash form therefore i need my data here if i just go to design then i can draw my button there form operation open form next i want from all platform accounts next therefore here is register register patient then finish if i have registered patients then i go again i take another button there then this form operations open form next this one is for word entry next next this is treatment treatment then finish therefore these are the two main forms then i can also have the one to produce the reports the reports therefore just go to form for open open form next that is by day next what is text then this is reports daily reports daily reports then finish therefore this is my dashboard then then i can opposition to a sorry to add it to this ones format you can just have it 22 you can now go to that way therefore we have that one as our dashboard and it is named main then i can cross that one you go to plugin therefore again i go to design view this is the how login looks like this is how you root tracks then we have the this patch form the splash form looks like this you can see all the codes for this platform just right click go to design go to view code you can see these are the codes i have provided these codes for you for free you'll get them in on my website therefore you can just finish this program by going to file options then go to database here you choose memo that is my splash phone then this one is my hospital my hospital mis battery then i just click on ok then i cross my system i cross my system then round change before i see how it goes therefore we just cross this and i'm going across therefore our system goes that way that is our splash form then it will ask for login details done password is done then there we are therefore they just paste to register my patients across this there have been a position to go for treatments here you see then i can cross that one i can also be in a position to get my daily reports here just like we had done area like that therefore basically that's how you can come up with a simple hospital management system using microsoft access and therefore thank you very much for watching remember to subscribe if you haven't subscribed and also remember to get this this software or this simple program from my website the address are below this video again thank you very much for watching see you in my next video
Views: 10,104
Rating: 4.9083967 out of 5
Id: XCzq0Pxjkj4
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Length: 68min 36sec (4116 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.