How to Create a Hospital Management Systems in Java Netbeans - Full Tutorial

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hi and welcome to hospital management system developed using Java NetBeans so let me show you guys how it is for we can always update all of this information storage right in here or we can delete because we have a duplicate we can reset they add another prescription enter the name of this crime delete this patient name date of death see right there and address three then we'll need to do is click on prescription and they'll go as this sir patient's prescription we can then print it out if you want I'm right there does that print dialog box and this copy can always be handed over to the customer also the patient rights pants meds and we can also add is your patient Sam is right onto our table only two days there if we end up adding two can always delete it as well so what I'm going to do now is go straight to the login system that's is our login system click on log and that always brings you here so let's go into Java NetBeans I will put one of these together [Music] whoo let's do that hi this is Java NetBeans hospital management system let's start by clicking on file new project or make sure Java is selected java application click on next let's give our project a name and call it Ospital and i'll be the name of my projects and uncheck the create main class click on finish now that the project is ready right-click on it unless select new jframe right inside jeff reformist inter-hospital on the class name hospital the project name is gonna be Ospital as well click on finish now that US is ready right-click on that very frame and let's select set layout select absolutely and now right-click again or you can just select this property right here okay select property and right in on the property the select code inside it'll change the frame layouts to 1400 by 8:00 on bright polka dots you can close that let's go straight to the properties and inside the properties I'm gonna come into the area that says minimum size instead of 0 5 0 I'm gonna change out to 1400 by 800 and the preferred size the same thing there we go and close now let's come right in here see where we have all the components here this component is called current so click on turnout drop the planner right here we drag the panel garage let's change the property a bit spirit panel the border style I'm gonna change out to three let's go to sell it for the star unless coming to line border to change out to 3 click on ok the next thing I'm going to do now is I'm gonna now right-click on this very panel and change the layout to absolutely and let's click and copy it actually copy first I'm gonna need another one so let's arrange way is all when you applied to try this that much and this very one has print this one right here so that is going to be for the prescription bring it down and this one is going to be prescription lair 1 D 1 GM this is going to be buttons okay this is how it all looks now so the next thing I like to do is let's come straight in here let's minimize this on this gate the label drop a label and inside a variable I'm going to change text property to hospital management system I moved out today you guys concedes and coming here must enter systems right unless change the font size of deaths will make that prospect least 60 there we go things should improve change needs to hold as well to drive it that much right and in here you would need another company land copy this paste it right in there do that [Music] okay boost right I'm going to change the size of these to 48 the front of the other one has changed patient prescription right now let's change the font size of that patient prescription the font color I mean I'm going to change that to this where color 255 255 255 km k change the background color to black we don't have to follow my own design the choice is yours okay this is very panel I'm going to change the background of this very panel also to black did Genet and and odd it takes food those traveling down it's much this food I brought me right now right that is fine now we need a label I'm gonna need some labels based on in here unless change the font size of disk level to 18 did that bold I will now change Clinton's to name of tablet [Music] that's my very first label now I also need for this very label I'm going to need become the Box know they could be Bob see another checkbox let's see as a complete box there yesterday Francis also 18 right and the properties or the text and fruit combo box let me change that come straight to the model here I wanna change that to make a selection [Music] well for small and fast medication is going to be ibuprofen followed by Coco de Mer spa then the next one is going to be paracetamol seat right let's try this as part one and finally a minimal part um low the pin below the pain all right so those are the properties on mind on this very combo box okay now that that is sorted I'm gonna copy this across I need approximately 17 of those and paste [Music] drive I will now speed them up and get back to you guys chuckling now that's how the labels are looking for the house who need text area should be here somewhere let's see text field I need that that much and let's change that to 18th as well make that boat right let's copy it across [Music] okay I will now speed up the whole process get back to you guys now this is how my interface looks all that is left for me to do is to enter proper names there so this is going to be known as reference and then fall by I'm gonna hold up those each okay let's speed that up and I'll get back to you guys chuckling okay all they need to do now is to add some buttons here but first of all let me change background on that so black buttons one learn a couple of those and this speeded up as well now we have all our buttons in place the next to wanna do now is to add a table here so let's come in here and add a table The Audacity dinner plate paste it right underneath you let's do that again table-based it's my table I'm a table in there then the next I like to do is to go to the properties of desserts table comes right into model here right there okay right inside the properties Markov model here with a plate on the three dots there and change the row to zero as changes to I'm gonna make that 18 right then in here I need to change as follows let's go back in there I have eight symbols and change the titles as follows so does going to be name and so on so I'm gonna speed up and get back to you guys shortly alright the navel of the table is completed click on ok so we'll the next not like to do now is let me take care of this very easy one exit right click on it event action an action perform so right here you're right underneath here the force I like to do is to do place as follows private let's go for get friend and I made that friends there so the next thing I want to do now is since the subs given me an Arab I mean thoughts D javax.swing frame that is that time what's it this one has a box in you see this red one I hope you can use right here I'm gonna enter as follows frame equals new frame does an object for my jail frame and within the objects what I want the system to do for me UPS follows Leslie user D statement if option J option plane dot let's say dots show let's see let's try that again they'll be J option plane dot I should be Capital m okay now try to in that show confirm dialogue alright I'm in there I'm gonna say friend comma and that will be confirmed if you want to exit right so this and kilometer then I'm gonna give my sister a name - with a hospital management system systems okay that is taking care of trauma press Enter and I'm just going to enter an ad J option J option there dot yes No [Music] that would be yes no option dot yes no option equals equals J ocean dot yes notion right so let's go ahead and tell the caller bridges in that case that means the system system dot exits zero there so that is my exit lines of codes taking care of right they have a good look at it but you must also deserve from in fact applied deserve privates J phone jframe okay so let's come back in here the next thing I like to do now is let's plant into when you take your printers that I will can print this out right-click on that event action and action perform okay which that over prints but the thing is we need to before we can enter the lines of code for the print we must import as follows from writing on unity enter as follows those are the libraries that are meant to be imported for the print so let's go back into a train double click on printer right here you just enter let me use try pass try and that is going to be J txt restriction don't prince that now right here I'm going to say gosh that will be I see print printer perception [Music] to the horse eels and India to diss an error do as follows love dots get logger and what lava the name of my system Hotel hospital mother Talzin hospital dots glass dubs gets name and the name is that love and that would be level yet let's before severe yeah integer the argument normal right that is for prints okay I'm going to save that now just try it all out if it works as I expect with Uncle Jim continue from there okay let's try out the exits yet the exit is working and let's try on the print as well as the print is working as well let's exit out of the system so to take care of a but the combi puffs I've been coming here now the como box right-click on the combo box which event and I'm going to use an if statement to determine the options made so let's start by saying using if statements welcome pedis as name of the country works if Jockamo name table don'ts let's see yet selected let's try that again dots get selected items right yeah dot equals [Music] I will trophy now if it's ibuprofen what I want my system to do would be as follows so let's enter or want the system to do great inside curly braces so start by saying j g xt reference god-sent [Music] Thanks I'll set it as follows ibuprofen [Music] so that will be the force when I want the system to enter the display that ibuprofen codes Ashley then J CFC those but let's case [Music] and that is supposed to be the amount of dose so let's make that - okay so let's speed up for all of the 18 is actually yeah we have in total though it's in sir of 17 chance posters enter data and today so I'm gonna speed up up get back to you okay this is how the first part of the if statement is shield is looking that's coming here and run meet the see what's gonna happen okay so click on combo box only ibuprofen has been taking care of click on that and that's what happened so the next thing I like to do now is to be able to if I select any of these are wanting to give us all the necessary information for the other medications wanna come in here and use else so they will go let's go back double-click on that the eastern quaint and underneath you have else if statements for the other medication that is kukuda and else if paracetamol else if I'm latina and if you mistakenly select make a selection unlike the system tree to clear out all of the necessary information in on each text box then that is it taking care so let's compile our maggots okay so select the first one Galgo and if we mistakenly select make the selection there cool down paracetamol I'm not up in there and this other three is just for the customers name customer named Samson from date of birth [Music] the than address [Music] elbow okay now that we'll be able to populate that I also need to be able to click on updates another from others information on my table and click on prescriptions of Elken issue up a prescription then delete as well so to achieve that let's do this this exit out of the system and first of all take care of the prescription exit yes imagine here double click on prescription right inside a prescription right here prescription and here okay I want to enter the following let's declare as follows just manage use a simple assist QT y what quantity 1 equals J txt reference does get customers referenced dot get Tex [Music] inter parentheses number two [Music] so that is too three okay I need some more only tension of this right miss Panda yes seven eight 9 live 12:19 and one more right so when our changes names around this is going to be dosage and this will be number of tablets but the Nets so let's speed that up now there were guys as you can see number 13 is empty but I have to pass on something okay to make sure it's empty soulless plan here damn and J txt so you just anything there our like the system to play it so that we can enter new prescription for our customer dot settings [Music] so let's let us anytime we click another button to Claire whatever value we have in the trust now let's enters some value dot append and what we want India the first place I want as follows the C tab and [Music] one space down and table so let's just call it hospital management system that is the title [Music] Plus let's open this up okay new life plus musty old temple place it here Plus speech man new lon patience the same name tab tab unless a loss Plus cue [Music] q10 does for patient name but they'll be cute please no next one copy lemonade I made a few eleven [Music] Matthew 12 this allergy problem right change the content to have here this will become date of birth right here and this will be [Music] Lucent address well so let's speed up now okay that is how it all looks now but is not finished yet because not for number 13 what I want to the system to do is to be able to select enter the correct value and that's meant to be any other medication that's selected so I'm gonna use an if statement yes Phyllis calm let's just copy one technology right here the start with the very first one instead of typing your genomic copy this copy let's go back in here so right in in between if is ibuprofen then I want this number to chain here quantity 13 I want you to be a low profile copy that is that they are set out else Eve [Music] Eve as if so I need to notice first okay the name of other two medication has live from there next one is colder copy that come on down here taste it today Murphy school down I want this too and the next one is person to me because paracetamol that's a very suitable [Music] finally we have amlodipine so let's get that yes what what clapping come on is that Cindy I'm not a pimp you have to get a spelling right else they'll be better okay so how will my Barracuda sign value onto my receipt or onto the prescription list and this is the check what type of permit prescription has been prescribed been in here this is where you add all of the content straight on to be over six so let's compile and run it okay we select Kodama and the name for that class a is John Johnson [Music] little bit of Jensen 1590 address of Janssen let's say Jensen leaves at 7 right [Music] so we can always add that that's its own of the information of John Johnson now have publicly this is the address this okay move is there so we need a table check of Italia and include a table here alright that is address prescription so let's begin to address to cover it [Music] let's try it out of me [Music] okay [Music] this deleted tap-in address that's one and included tab [Music] try that again [Music] okay that's much better that's good now that we've taken care of this prescription let's come in here and take care of these two I think maybe we should take care of the reset floss let's take care that resets and these ruins will be the last so exit comes first to the result you might be able to copy some lines of code somewhere let's glue inside the sauce pool and see what's will give a copy inside it will now be able to cut you something here for the resets the school writer and for the received a widow was right there they will copy everything you name I'm concentrated whistle tight click event action action perform paste that right in there that is the research taking care just by that right save and this right [Music] and chasm eight in your name [Music] prescribed [Music] rats but in this case this is no we said they're soulless come back in here and just changes to that closes reset so double-click on that alrighty and turn those photos let's look for diversity so compile and run again selects taste resets good Therese it works okay let's try it again now let's go back in there and check it out all right I think we meant to use dots gates let's get the item and get rid of this yeah and in here you say gets it's no what's this it yeah I should do it let's see why do we have this arrow okay that should be parentheses day all right I think this you rectify my my no arrow days or less compile and run let's select an IT related reset okay that's fun so what is left for me is I'm going to be able to create the login system so they'll be the main page that you see before you can get onto this page a patient's prescription be real so let me exit first and then go inside this main project right click on it and select new J friend form and just give that name I'm gonna call it login and now we also call the does the class name the package name I will also call it log in as well just click on finish and they would go Dussel a login system as you can see is inside the projects folder here so right click on the frame itself let's go to the properties here so select code and right in the Emily changes to 1400 as the width and a height is 800 s Kerry Center general McGrath Center became a coffee dads have just come to the properties here where I have minimum I'm gonna change the minimum to the same size 1400 by 800 and preferred size is also 1400 by 800 Dave now right-click on mates select set layer and change disick layer - absolutely there now let's come straight to the toilet here I'm going to select harder drop one year and just drag it along this right-click select the properties on there this blue border and India has a change size of data for mature is block the choices shoes okay and I will also change the back color of this border itself I'm gonna change it to block yeah exchanger to block then is copy it and paste it there as a cellphone just round it down don't much want to paste another one you can paste and this will be well my blogging the scary centered us about that I'm gonna change the color of this little one and the properties I'm gonna go for [Music] let us see what color is that all right it's a 240 by 240 so let me change it to 240 by 240 a dissenting from these and sent for this as well 240 multi forty so that is fun now there's broad label one here one modest we're gonna need warm olive elder okay let's change the font size of this very level to make that baby 48 they make that ball change the text content to blogging system right it's very centered but copy that same level and as is rightly I'm going to change the font size the font color exchange each of the nests magical white gender 217 whitish and let's select a variable where is it where does it so maintenance they bring it up okay push when is this is number four rights as its so let's change the content of it to doesn't change you to hospital money and system and speed management system right and chain defense 240 router 60 right that's fine now gonna copy that now paste it in here I'll chain that this ver one have change to miss college so chain that - I say yes in the same right Medical Center [Music] right I can also add one more miss poot vehicle as well there is something a called medical center all right that is it the name of this Medical Center just leave that day now let's come in here now grab another label I can even copy this and just reduce the size another one right just change those with you there sighs we'll make that 24 to switch to smile making 36 right now we need eyes should we text field one takes 14 and I know the text field [Music] no let's use I'm gonna tell you that I'm going to use let's use password field to you and the next thing is just increase the font size and get rid of that password field increase the font size to 24 36 as well make it bold [Music] and this one as well imperiled of the content in it make it safe sex old then the name is going to be J txt user username that is fun and this one will be known as gel txt okay J password that's fun and here as June these two username while in this one we change this one to password [Music] okay now we need buttons come right down here grab a button don't you try to change the fonts or a stranger 2.jpg can log-in right now come to the properties chain deformed 236 made that bold and that's what we're logging right the scorpions oppressed [Music] yeah and this would be changes to and changes mess J beaten [Music] and isn't text content agent let's see this it's meant to be jail again okay now all that is left for us to do now is just to enter some clubs and getting system working but right click on the log in the center events option option perform and trial at a game event action option perform I'm right here declare the following variables that would be user and the username equals we was J th t username that it's tics right then circum is possible [Music] equals G [Music] as that's it's tits yeah without my two girls now let's shoot an if statement Eve user name that contains I said it contained just going to enter one that's my password my username and that all the password but my teens we just won't call that one as well there we go what do I want the system to do and I can say these dots sets visible let's try that name dot sight not straight visible is force [Music] and [Music] a wonderful in hospital now I am creating what you class or what you refer to as object let's be told by the hospital object I'll call it hospital it was named Hospital there now I urge it i I hospital [Music] but visible equals true spoke about there's nothing there I mean that sure they're okay we have this error because I need to import it must be to yourself does it click on it and just click on card yeah and as it the arrow stop okay else what do we want the system to do let's say else Eve if all of these is force does copy that who is that [Music] and I'm gonna make that not if it's false what do I want my system to do okay if it's false are like this system to Claire DS will start in unclear DS as well so it always sits repeat the same to me okay now let's enter okay that's fine but our life is system to give the user three attends okay to achieve that what I'm gonna do is I will declare a global variable here let's come up here right on the meteor and say attempts means attempts there and I might as well declare another one here for mine I'm gonna use that for for the exit so let's say this friend so that's my attempt there and for this frame jframe you can see there's an error J because I'm I need to import javax.swing so let's click on that and using for that out what as imported as far so let's go back right here when the meteor sued for sternum didn't do is make attempt equals let's say plus it was one all right so attempt is plus equals one okay let's make this one to be attempted for zero for the first time it was you all right so if you enter the wrong value the first time attempt becomes plus equals one and let's use an if statement if attends it was it was three then what we want the system to do is system dot exit right so if the end user enter invalid username or password three times the system will automatically log in off that is that well if I run this system now I will still end up with my home with my very main string which is the patient prescription area so let me show that you you see that I see this is the Paradis tree shows up so what I want to do now is to make sure the login system is the main one that we show up so let's come in here close that and let's come right here where the project is now okay let's right-click on selective name project and what we want to select these the properties let's move that up so now you can see what I'm doing right click on the main projects select the properties and this dialog box pops up now select run right there let's browse for our class instead of fatty Hospital that the main class I want to change that to the login system there with the blogging system is now named class you can okay there that's that dump so if I run the program now save and run as you noticed this an object they're calling the name before my main class right there we go so I'm gonna intact invalid character there you see that one attempt so if it's wrong I swear the system to play that but is not press Enter but if it's wrong I do want the system to play mine to play those two objects ok let's try out the system I will enter invalid character there as first attempts second attempts and the third one yellow all right that is far supposing we enter the correct details to correct login details they check the system is working fine but supposing I want to return back to the login to achieve that let's climb straight into the speech itself right-click on that event action and option perform so right in here this is what I intend to use the able to those are the lines of codes but I'm going to have to click on these to import the logon click an import [Music] fine self and that is taking Cleo save that too let's run it again and see enter the correct login Beatles there we go and I can always go back be right that is fine so of taking care of that that's fine okay the other thing we need to look after is the exit on the login so I can always come in here ah speaking and writing there's coffee the lines of codes are hardly needed for the logging but you must make sure you have declared the privates jframe which is right here okay that and the logon so right click select event action and action perform Judith game right right in a in ten ply suburbs day and does it hold on so the next I want to do now is to clear copy this coming to the clip here this will right click event action option perform try that again event action action perform right here click that is fun save compile and let's run it there we go guys this working once so logging day so next thing I like to do is I would like to be able to click on this very updates on populate this table and also it deletes one environment then I want this to be able to walk these and this every other component apart from all of the one CA formerly the reset was prescription is fun print is fine as well as you can see the print is working and exits is fine so let's take care of update okay now who's coming here to the updates right click and select the mint action option perform but we would need to import the foreign library first for us come up here and import J's swing [Music] and that will be dots table [Music] and dot default table there we go I need that now let's go straight into update game right click event action action perform right there so on the updates I'm gonna crate what I'll refer to as an object it was the fourth mode - for tomorrow and that is bad to be table that is the name of my mess all right dad they've won dirt yeah dance day now the instant that I called more does add less a dot the silly and being dance Neil objects where is this gonna be from so the object I intend to add is going to be from here so let's copy the name you dance and is that India personally us one so is came to them be dot gets selected hi James right but to scream yet that's the very first one but I intend to god for the comedy then the next one and the next one I intend to add would be my reference let's see what is this called I should call reference yep copy dots is that right there girlfriend's got death texts and club man [Music] so I've got the other one I suppose you guys get the whole idea because I'm going to unlock spit it all out now piss that copy and paste all of this okay let's pass couple more cuz I'm gonna need some more of those yeah so the next one here is called what [Music] just number table is that [Music] and yes another one need copy dance oh my is that all right so let me speed that up I presume you you guys get who like Deena so I'm going to speed it up okay guys those are the lines of code that are we use to add all of the data on those text field onto the table so let's compile and run [Music] right the first thing you must enter the login details log on to the system [Music] address the [Music] okay address let's make them as well [Music] straight so if I click on prescription there we go that is fine what about updates yeah the update is for par from okay I need to add the names but reverse ones need to be added as well right that's fine anyway I need the name date of it I'm okay that's good so let's come here you need three more so might as well just copy three more will disappear just copy these three [Music] oh my taste and change the names around the salami and get those three names this is the first one what is it called that's the name I call it maybe I should give it a proper name let's give the property can always change it and the other system that is patient ID one okay make that [Music] come here very first one inspiration name test the next one is called date camera leave that as an incoming data but I'm finally interests shame doubts about race [Music] [Music] enlighten me shame the test the turtle go that's fine I may have to change whatever ice anxiety resets with us copy this whoa what it's all fine now let's go into prescription that means that my we may have to change that to swirl let's see you dis any old and I change it okay let's change yourself so that's fine that is fine what about resets resets rectified as well good so let's run the program and see Heights when a look like [Music] there we go into details did let's see [Music] [Music] their updates as its as final so we are able to populate the table and [Music] description that is fine good now let's work on the delete this very one I mean you take care of the deletes come right down right-click select event action action perform okay so let's create another object copy the same object just paste it in here for the delete day she's an if statement Eve J table [Music] they'll be tabled to the table one but let's try to be objective one duck death select [Music] but and gets select selected rules okay selected rules let's say it was equals -1 close that 12 bridges use another if statement and if is the rule let's say if leave to adopt kids selectively we now need the columns but gets selected comment sno-cones it was zero then we want J option show the following message message message Shuma sit down [Music] nothing is selected let's say no deter selected no data selected notice how to delete as you see just nothing minutes so come on just call it projects J option [Music] . okay [Music] option elves [Music] the elves [Music] [Music] else let's say J option I'll keep all of that [Music] [Music] I mean here let's change is to to select [Music] select to delete okay that is fine so that's coming in just the elbows I want you to do as follows [Music] dots remove [Music] I will be removed Rogan and the word you're removing will be right in here [Music] not to be here JT everyone that gets selected row right there will be a finger finish unless of dishearten see why what happened okay the bracket is missing here right so what is this is supposed to be gross just as there okay that is that for for the deletes all right so let's compile and run see how is gonna look like [Music] Banta login details log into the system delgo another one best deletes yeah that's fine is working as expected so that's good that's working yeah that's real place so what does it's now left for us to do is to be able to add information about the doctor and here here's well but to save time the information is going to be similar to as follows work and always just cloud is very this very form here is we'll just come in here come right here right hand side our login details we need the following so I'm gonna copy us so I'm just gonna assume the data in here is this as well instead of developing an order another form you can always develop one for yourself anyway if you want or if you have to just one because that India now can't call any of those as well yeah [Music] they okay that's it it's not gonna make a difference what is just to just to be able to call something Oh what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go straight into my pharmacist management system here and I'll copy some fighters so let's look for pharmacists management system I already have the other project on YouTube yeah so I need doctor appointment and patient then I display okay let's copy them three copy so if you want know how to develop the pharmacist management system it's already on YouTube okay we have the interface of that song as well okay let's go straight into hospital management system right here let's paste hey I have those three faster so I can now follow the doctor let's see I'm call this and it's it's nothing clever I may know why us you would ever get this final time all right when you call these pharmacies mannequin sister okay we don't need that this carry a DS as well any other arrow no okay back on my program here let's refresh that's when I dispose that's fun but inside hospital management system if you can't do what I've done you can always just create another form from scratch but I just didn't want to do that so I'm gonna come back in here right click event action option perform and just changes to doctor [Music] copy these this is dr. us wrong they would then have to import dr. right doctor is important that is fun the next one is patient option of some perform and I'm just gonna make the office world that is patient [Music] papi right imp or the patient this done and finally do we have a GP GP appointment yes that's in there now GP appointment not a GP acquaintance here then imports of the GP appointment right hold on okay the other forms are now completed so let's run it and see how it looks like and talk some information here and here as well click on log properties enter customer's name [Music] [Music] and of it prescription we can change the prescription for Allen Berube they've changed okay well can you print it out if we want okay or we can go to the next one I'm feeling this one okay so this is how the whole program look like and I suppose you guys enjoy it so I'm gonna call it the end of one very very advanced hospital management system and please do subscribe and also like you all have a nice day [Music] [Music] and bye for now
Channel: DJ Oamen
Views: 65,275
Rating: 4.8766756 out of 5
Keywords: How to Create an Hospital Management Systems in Java Netbeans, Create a Hospital Management Systems in Java, Hospital Management Systems, Create a Hospital Management Systems in Java Netbeans, Hospital Management Systems in Java Netbeans
Id: 1v9z2EAJAhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 51sec (5451 seconds)
Published: Sun May 13 2018
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