Create 3D Models in Seconds with AI | EASY

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what have I told you that this 3D chair asset was generated by AI in just seconds let me show you how I went to the Luma AI Discord and founder Genie project I typed high back chair luxurious leather burgundy I was hoping for the Matrix look and I got something pretty similar on the first try Luma AI gave me four options I liked the first one the most so I clicked on refine one and just like that my chair was ready I brought it into my game added some physics and here it is I have to say I love the detail in this model check out these worn out edges it works it gets the job done I like the look okay I know that this was pretty fast let's slow it down and walk you through the steps once again step number one go to Luma AI Discord make sure that you have Discord and go to the Luma AI Discord at Discord . g/ Luma AI I'm also including the link in the video description below so you can just click there once you go to that link you will see a message that says you've been invited to to join Luma AI click on accept invite step number two write your prompt you will see that their Discord has a genie prompt guide which explains in detail what to do the instructions honestly are very straightforward you have to go to one of their Genie threads and type forward SL Genie and then choose the genie command prompt and then your description of the 3D model that you want I typed highback chair luxurious leather burgundy step three choose your model once you type in your prompt Genie is going to go to work and will soon show you four models to choose from notice that underneath the four Images you have buttons that read refine one refine 2 refine three and refine four uh I liked the first chair the most so I clicked on refine one now Genie went to work on creating a higher resolution version of that model step number four claim your highest model go to the genie refine thread and find your model there this might take several seconds or even minutes depending on how busy their servers are at the moment you will see a clear indicator telling you how close they are to finishing it uh once the refined model is finished you can click on view in 3D SL download step five adjust textures the buttons on the right side of the screen allow you to make some adjustments to the texture click on the first one if you don't want it to have any reflective properties a second battle makes it uh so that it emphasizes the lack of roughness it basically makes it shiny but in a way that some plastic objects are shiny uh the third Buton is about the metalness properties if your object is made of metal or glass I would select this one and then finally the last button has roughness and metalness Sliders and even a tint window where you can change the color of the parts of your model step six download your model click on download I am on my iPhone so I decided to Simply email it to myself by clicking the share button at the bottom and then choosing mail once I downloaded my model I open it in blender to review the topology uh my chair has roughly 40,000 faces the topology is not very clean but honestly I didn't expect it to be it looks like a topology that I'm used to seeing from photogrametry apps I was happy to see that the texture was saved as one file that looked nicely packed already so no complaints here from here it's relatively easy to Tinker with topology and change the model if you want to do that uh you can also open the texture in Adobe substance painter or some other texturing up uh here I have more control over the roughness or metalness of individual parts of the objects for example the worn out leather part shouldn't be shiny at all so I'm going to increase roughness on that part uh the painted wooden Parts could use some gloss so I'm going to reduce roughness over here I might give these gold details a metallic look uh now that I look at it and I'm not sure I'm not sure if these are supposed to be metal or not overall it's very impressive I would love to see it improved by giving me a chance to iterate on the same model so that I can have a longer convers a with Genie uh once I see the initial model I would like to Simply Be able to say make it a little bit taller make the leather texture darker make the gold details silver and so on basically I would like to be able to iterate in the same way that Chad GPT allows me to and I have no doubt that these features are coming what else would I like from Luma I would love for this to be an add-on inside blender imagine opening a simple dialogue box window inside blender and simply describing your model there with the full topology changing in front of your eyes inside the app now that I think about it the idea of typing prompts feels a bit outdated already why not use your computer's microphone and have a real conversation with Genie right that would be a dream come true for me for sure and why wouldn't this be possible we know that blender addon can be capable of a lot there's a blender add-on out there already that allows you to type in the geographic coordinates and it pulls the 3D model data of nearby buildings from Google Maps uh I think it's just a matter of time until we see generative AI in the form of a blender add-on I hope you enjoyed this video make sure to subscribe for more tutorials
Channel: metacrafters
Views: 10,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horizon worlds, meta, metaverse, virtual reality, vr, horizon worlds assets, assets, ai generated, generative ai, artificial intelgence, luma ai, genie, ai asset, ai 3d, ai 3d asset, tutorial, ai tutorial, generative ai tutorial, blender, substance painter, topology, ai media crestion, 3d generative ai, ai assets, ai models, how to
Id: pMdrGaC_MtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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