Creality K1 vs K1 Max: Which 3D Printer should I buy for a beginner? + K1C Spoiler

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welcome inventors welcome to my channel and today I would like to talk to you about the K1 but not just the K1 I want to make a different video comparing K1 with uh the K1 Max so I have to bought one uh K1 after having the K1 Max especially because the MFS project because I've built the MFS project and then people came on the video about the MFS and ask to build or adapt the MFS project to the K1 uh so it's a smaller printer so I've decided to buy one because it's a different project it's not just a smaller printer and this is the main goal of this video I will put the K1 and K1 Max side by side and tell you what are the differences between these two creality printers then you can decide which which one you want to buy or maybe buy both printers I don't know let's see what you decide to the end of this video and of course I want to talk to you about the problems I found on the K1 printer yeah yeah I will let you watch this video and then make your own conclusions okay but before I give you my opinion I would like to tell you all the factual differences about k and K1 Max and how do two awesome printers oh I'm I'm give you a spoiler I will stop talking right now so let's go to the video okay stay tuned and let's [Music] invent okay first of all let's start with the basic features or basic character istics of these two printers first speed both printers have up to 600 mm per second of speed they have the same quality kind of quality I will talk about this a little bit more in a couple minutes third same filament configuration basically yes the same uh filament configuration with a couple differences when you change the nuzzle okay this is the only obser ation about the filament configuration because everything else it's absolutely the same you can set up and fine-tune your filament or the brand uh you prefer to the K1 and you use that on K1 Max and vice versa without any kind of problem of any issue so this is awesome uh between this two printers they have the same extruder uh and the same extruder temperature that can go up to 300° de C they have the same bad temperature uh that can go up to 100° C even being a different sizes they have basically the same configuration and the same quality and time to warm up and things like that so it it changed the size but the functionality it's the same on both printers they have the same construction like they use aluminum profiles they use the same electronic the same Motors the same uh board basically both printers you use the same electronic okay the same components and the same construction structure so that's all this is everything I have to say about this two printers what no just kidding stay there stay there and take this time to to leave a thumbs up here and comment something and don't forget to share this video please help me to make this channel grow H and make possible to bring more inventions and more videos like this for you so let's go to what is really important about the K1 versus K1 Max okay so let's start with what each one of these printers bring to you and the package perfect okay so basically it comes with two printers inside the package but uh you have a two kit in inside each one the two Kit comes with basic tools like uh Allen Keys uh this one that I have no idea how to call in uh your country but here in Brazil we used to call this a smoking pipe key or smoking pipe wrench tell me on the comments help me to uh learn more about uh English names for tools okay smoking pipe format so tell me how you call this tool so you have uh open range key 10 mm and 12 mm it's the same key you will receive on both printers uh screwdriver a mini screwdriver okay uh then now you have a grease tube on both printers you have the same size and glue sticker okay so I didn't use that I used to use this kind of glue on my old printer and and I prefer to use uh spray glues that help you have a better finishing on the first layer of your printed part so now we start with some differences between the the two uh tool kits okay the first one is the pliers okay I told this name wrongly on the first video so I call this tweezers but it actually very similar to tweezer but no God no God please no no no no it's not because of that it's because I I I say that name wrong way okay so uh we have these two pliers this is the model that cames with K1 and this is the model that came with K1 Max so I like this a little bit more this is a simpler version and even having a better touch uh to hold it I prefer this one it looks like a better uh tool to use for a longer time and then we have the spa so this is the version that cames with K1 Max it's a metal spatula um I don't like it because you can use this to remove the parts from the bad of course because you can damage your bad very badly by the way perfect and this is the version that CES with the K1 it's a plastic very resistant and I like it because I can use this uh just in case when we have a special material that have a super adherence uh to the to the bad and this is more useful because you can use this in your Pei plate without damaging this okay so but this is very good when you have to remove support uh and I'm using both and you can find some utilties for this okay this is the tool set beyond that the K1 Max came with an extra hot end the new hot end the ceramic hot end so I found that very very useful and very helpful because the hot end it's a kind of part that suffer with the material fattig it tends to degradate as much as you use so I found that very useful and I like it when I saw that inside the the K1 Max kit so the K1 doesn't have that so just an observation so the latest thing about the package items is this the filament spool that came with both uh printers so this is the filament spool you will receive with your K1 Max it's a 1 kilogram of hyper pla from creality and it's very useful especially because you have one kilogram of material and you can use not only to run some tests but you can use to start printing real parts and this is what CES with the K1 it's like a toy spool do you see that look so cute I have no courage to uh remove the plastic yet to open the plastic because it's so cute I want to put this on the wall to remember how cute is the K1 so uh this is the big difference I don't even know how much filament okay 200 g that's it 200 g and 1 kilogram um I know this probably make no difference uh for the most people but it's important to say let's talk about the most important things about this two printers starting with the printing area Okay so K1 has 220 220 per 250 mm of printing area on the other side we have K1 Max with 300X 300X 300 mm so this two sizes can make no difference uh if you are designing your own Parts like me I have been using my old printer for 9 years and my old printer has the same size of K1 but in the last few months using the K1 Max I got a little bit accustomed with the size of the bad and when I reive the K1 and I look inside the printer I got scared like what this is so small this is I I can't print anything there but it's not the case because when I took the plate from K1 and I put on my old printer I saw that it's exactly the same size so I just got accustom with the K1 Max size and it's it's a good size okay okay it's a good size and one important thing about the different sizes is about the power consumption okay I will talk about this in just a second when you look to this two printers side by side you can see small differences especially on the design the appearance of those two printers the first thing that called my attention uh was related to the cover or the lead or how do you call that part that you put uh over your printer to close the printer so comment here help me to understand I will call that the top cover okay so on the K1 Max you have a tempered glass what gives the printer a well finished and very elegant uh appearance with uh tempered glass and in K1 we have a kind of acrylic bowl and and they made in that way because they need more space on the top of the printer so as you can see on this video you will see that the Struder head and the cable chain it's a little bit higher than the main structure of the printer so they had to put that kind of top cover made by acrylic because it has the format of an inverted bowl over the printer to allow the printer to be closed and at the same time have space to elevate all the components and give this printer a little bit more space to print as I told at the beginning of this video this print has 220 by 220 by 250 mm so this small difference it's because they push a little bit the parts to the top of the printer and then they use this acrylic top cover to accommodate all those components this is not a problem even being a little bit ugly uh and I will talk a little bit more about this in a couple minutes okay so power Supply so when I bought the K1 Max I knew it that this printer has uh 1,000 vs power supply then when I bought the K1 I saw that this printer has a 350 watts and I thought okay this is not a half size it's basically a 30% smaller but it has one3 of uh Power Supply power to supply power to the [Music] printer the K1 Max has a 1,000 wat power supply with automatic voltage switch okay and the K1 has a manual switch it should make a difference related to the power supply or something like that no actually not and I'm surprised when I ran a power consumption test to analyze how much power you spend with K1 Max and how much power you spend using K1 printing exactly the same part and I'm talking about this two cubes okay so this I print on Max and this one I printed on K1 they are absolutely the same part with the same size using the same configuration on slicer and printing on the same speed that was actually amazing to see K1 and K1 Max printing this cube with exactly the same time and second so this is amazing because it actually proves that the electronic parts and the project itself it has the same configurations and the same capabilities of printing and speed and quality kind of quality I will talk about this in a couple minutes especially comparing this to printed Parts okay so at the end of the power consumption test I realize that that even having a onethird power size the K1 and the K1 Max has just a small difference considering power consumption like 42 minutes of printing time on K1 consume 0.103 kilowatt hour and the K1 Max guess what 0.113 Kow hour so you have only 10% of power consumption difference between K1 and K1 Max printing exactly the same part how how how I don't know I'm reinforcing that because you have to warm up your bad and the bad on K1 Max is bigger and you have to pay the coast of traveling your extruder head on a bigger distance uh especially when you're are calibrating the Extrusion and everything else so you have a bigger Coast especially considering the heated bad because the heated bad it's way bigger so I consider the K1 Max way more efficient than the K1 when we talk about the power consumption so time to give your my opinion okay the project ah I know I will provoke the hate of a lot of creality lovers when I say that okay so keep calm and listen okay so when you look the projects when you look the printers side by side you can see clearly that the K1 Max is the original project you can see that the components were well done and well designed to feed the project the place where each one of those components are inside the printer then when you look at the K1 my sensation my Impressions were that they made the K1 Max project and then when the K1 Max project was basically built but not done they took that project give to another engineer and say okay look this is what we are finishing so redesign this and compress this to make up smaller printers so we can sell for a lower price and then someone said oh okay I can do this but look I can do this but the end filament sensor can and go outside uh I can do this but the Extrusion car will be too high so I have to remove the tempered glass to put an acrylic uh cover and I have to keep the cable chain outside of the main infrastructure uh I will have to remove the lighter sensor and I think I can adopt the AI camera but I'm not sure so let's try so this is my sensation because I will tell you what first a lot of components outside of the main structure point that it's not even a point to discuss you can see that second having the end filament sensor outside of the printer uh especially on the the back side it's not a good idea and when you buy the upgrade kit with the AI camera and when you start recording your time lapse you can see this awesome picture can you see that okay so you can see this black blurred part on the right side of the image right so this is the right fan on the front of the camera and you can't adjust that you can't adjust the camera position to escape that horrible black blur part on the front of your camera so this is basically the proof that this project was not designed to work like that so a lot of people came to me here on my channel on YouTube the other channel on Instagram asking me Wesley where I can find an upgrade kit to install the lighter sensor on the K1 printer and I went after that a lot trying to find where I can find a lighter keit 2K1 and I couldn't find actually I couldn't find even a replacement part of lighter sensor to the K1 Max but the point is inside the K1 you have absolutely no place to put that extra part that extension of the heated bed where you have that white sticker that white sticker is used to calibrate the light sensor before you start printing even before that you when you start printing uh with your calibration checkbox enable then the printer will print a kind of zigzag on the right side of your heated bed so the lighter will read that to calibrate the advanced filament flux when you print that on the K1 Max you can have some problems like when you are printing a very very big part probably your printed part will need that space that was used by the zigzag and then your part will have the first layer with the marks of the zigzag so on the K1 with a considerable smaller bed doing that zigzag could consume about 20% of your printed iron so that could be a bigger problem even not considering that you need more space on the side of your bed to put the the white sticker to calibrate the lighter sensor and I have to say that tomorrow creality can release an upgrade kit uh with the lighter sensor 4K 1 and then you can swear me a lot you can swear me by my be my guest to swear me here on the comments but where I can see inside the this 3D printer right now is that there is no place to put screws or any other kind of support to have that white sticker on the side of the bed to calibrate the lighter sensor and the heated bed it's too small to have the zigzag and the calibration before start printing so I don't believe creality will release this upgrade kit for K1 but I don't consider that a big problem okay listen why the most important AI functions are on the camera so detecting anomalies detecting the losing pass uh from from the step Motors or the stuck filament everything basically the most important functions of the artificial intelligence are associated with the AI camera the lighter is basically responsible for calibrate the filament flux and to detect anomalies on the first layer so if you calibrate properly your printer and you make sure that you are using the good filaments and this filaments are fine-tuned following the instructions of this video here uh you will have no problem with your first layer so I don't think that the lighter sensor missing on K1 it's a big problem but just in case you think that this two main functions of liar sensor are the most important for you you already know the answer about the which one you should buy okay quality okay quality let's see if I can give some Focus here okay so you can see below the boxes uh which one was printed with Max and which one with the K1 so and you can see this small ringing effect right here and you can't see this on the max the reason you were seeing this it's because I didn't calibrate the belt tension on K1 uh when I ran this test after calibrating the B tension I saw something very important as the belt lych or smaller on the K1 you have a smaller in fluence of the belt flexibility the material flexibility of this belt on the K1 so you can reduce the belt tension to basically fully eliminate the ringing effect without having the problem of having the belt of your printer too loose and then your step Motors skip the tooth okay on the K1 Max is a little bit more delicated because because if you get your belts too loose you have a higher risk when you're printing on very very high speeds like 250 or 300 mm/s because the belt itself it's made by a flexible material that can extend and contract depending on the internal temperature of the 3D printer chamber so on the K1 Max you must to be more careful about how much you lose the doubt tension so to do not have the problem of having the Bel skipping and then losing your print uh right and the midle hey there's just one more thing about these two printers okay on K1 Max you have a carbon filter at the back side of the printer so it helps you filter the toxic gases that abs for example release on your environment and the K1 doesn't have that filter but here's an spoiler the k1c that cality will release on February 2024 it has the carbon filter so you can buy the carbon filter from k1c and use in your K1 because it is fully comp compatible huh okay but just remember none of those printers are aromatically sealed so I do not recommend you to use those printers on a fully enclosed room especially if you work all day long in this room to print ABS because the printer can allow toxic gases to get out of the printer through a lot of bridges on the infrastructure of this printer okay so be careful keep your window open to have a airflow where you were printing ABS with K1 and K1 Max the so the big question which one to buy watching all this characteristic all this comparation what is your opinion which one right now if you have to buy right now which one would you buy so comment here help me to understand what is your need because everyone will have a different opinion about these two printers like oh I need the lighter sensor so I prefer K1 Max so I need a lower power consumption so what characteristic of this two printers will make you happier with it okay so if you have to decide right now tell me on the comments which one would you buy I will tell you that I would buy the K1 Max again because I love the printing area size I love the space when you have to make any kind of Maintenance inside like changing the nozzle or or changing the filament or changing everything so I prefer the K1 Max uh having the two printers here I feel the K1 Max better for me and especially considering the difference uh of power consumption between the two printers I love to know the K1 Max uses about 10% more power only 10% actually so uh I prefer the K1 Max but I want to know your opinion so stay tuned on this channel don't forget to subscribe and to share this video because you help me a lot and I will bring you the project the MFM F project for K1 very very soon I'm prototyping this and I will test a lot to make sure the project it's easy to build and easy to use and it's useful for your daily use okay thank you very much for supporting our Channel I see you on the next video and let's keep [Music] inventing [Music]
Channel: Digital Inventor
Views: 5,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creality, creality k1, creality k1 max, creality k1c, unboxing, fdm, lcd, ender, 3d printer, 3D Printer, 3d printing, 3D Printing, 3d technology, creality printer, creality printing, ams, ams k1, mfs, multi filament, multi filament system, multi filament k1, multi filament creality, Carbon Fiber 3D Printing
Id: 9rgVwornTc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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