Avoid the Blob! on Creality K1, K1C and K1 Max

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if you think about getting a K1 or have a K1 or K1 Max or even the new k1c I have one Improvement that I recommend I'll explain it all on today's film it [Music] Friday this video is sponsored by PCB way this video is also brought to you by the generous donations of my patreon supporters in a previous video I showed you how I was printing bases for snap circuits and I wanted to print a whole bunch of them so I printed some of them on my bamboo Labs p1s with texture build plate and it came out great and then I was printing some on my K1 Max with with an even bigger bed and I was getting issues I was starting to see the first layer wasn't sticking as well so I had spots where it was really rough and it was actually affecting these things from snapping together and then it got worse because I tried to print some tool trays to organize my sockets in my toolbox and I was getting terrible warping on the bed in the K1 Max this is the build plate that comes with the k K1 Max it's very smooth it's called the a plate it says right on it please apply glue before print now we believe it you only put glue here cuz there's a test strip the first 10 to 12 prints that I did on this machine it stuck to this beautifully and then I started to see a little bit of lifting so I thought maybe my oils for my finger got on it so I cleaned it as they describe it I used uh just water first then a little soapy water I never roughed it some people say rough it up but I could not get things to stick as well to this as when it was new and then with that warping and the issues with the build plates I decided I need to find something better well then I found out and I didn't even realize this that creality has a textured Pei plate for this machine so I bought one on Amazon it was a little over $27 and I got it within a couple days so while I waited for that base plate to arrive I needed to test this the k1c C this is a new creality k1c it's the upgrade to the K1 it's got many of the features that the K1 Max has a camera it's got the improved extruder and it's just supposed to be a major upgrade and the first print I did on it was a Beni and it printed beautifully and it prints it on an a plate the same plate that was in there but smaller smooth it's even got a little rubber thing on here to clean the nozzle so it says please apply glue before print so if I'm supposed to put glue here is you can't so I'm not sure why they put that on there but this is the a plate the a plate is what comes with it and then they've got a bunch of other sample prints and one is a side spool holder now I put a side spool holder on my K1 Max so now they're including prints in the printer's memory so you can print this so I didn't slice anything I printed this on the same a plate and it printed beautifully stuck nice and flat the bottom of this looks good so I was really happy well there's another version of a side spool holder it's like a V and it fills up most of this bed and so I says I'll print that one too so I started to print it and walked away and that was my mistake because this didn't hold it the plastic lifted and it started to build a blob around the hot end I got the infamous blob and once you get that if you don't catch it it's a mess and in my case it was I had to take it apart and try to get that off and then the process I broke the thermost and it turns out this is a different design than the other K1 or K1 Max so I had extra hot ends but I can't install it the heat sink is different there's it's just a different design so I had to contact creality and said I can't do any more with the k1c until I get a replacement hotend and they didn't have any they're getting me one but it's not readily available so I kind of set this aside but what it told me is once again this a plate PL let me down the new build plate for the K1 Max arrived and it is it's a textured surface It also says please apply glue before print but I haven't had to install any glue and I have printed on this quite a bit and it's really clean and I've tried to keep my fingers off of it but I haven't had to clean this at all and it's been working great for example here's that socket holder and it's smooth it's got a nice textured finish it's smooth it's Square the only problem I have with this is I ran out of filament so there's a line going right where I replaced the filament other than that this is almost the perfect print and I didn't have any issues with this sticking and I actually printed this at only a 45° bed heat which I really recommend you do 60 it was a mistake on my part but I was surprised it still worked so then I printed more of the base plates for the snap circuits and they're coming out nice and smooth a little bit of a textured bottom which is what you'd expect they're all sticking and I did a bunch of them now during this I also got notified that I needed to upgrade my firmware it was at 13.2.1 15 and I needed to upgrade to the 0.20 and so I did that and then I had to recalibrate the input shaping and the bed level the auto level because I thought I might have some issues there and since I've done that with this texture Bill plate I have had perfect prints everything sticking the prints are coming out beautifully I would say it's not the firmware it's not the auto level but it didn't hurt but this build plate this B plate is what this machine should have out of the box creality should include this in the Box especially if you're going to charge $899 for this although you can get it for $6.99 at Microcenter they should include this textured Bill plate with this machine effect every K1 should have this B plate not the a plate I think the a plate to me is garbage so if you've got a K1 maybe the a Plate's working for you and that's fine but I highly recommend you buy yourself a b plate I'll put a link to it in the description below you don't have to use that affiliate link but I highly recommend you get a B plate for your K1 or K1 Max or k1c before you get the blob and if you're interested in electronics or you want to do CNC Machining or 3D printing on a professional printer check out pcb.com PCB way.com is a great service for all your projects especially Electronics you can get 10 circuit boards for $5 plus shipping and if you need assembly Services they offer that for a low cost as well they also offer CNC Machining 3D printing sheet metal fabrication and injection molding and if you upload a gerber file you can get an instant quote and you can tell them all the features that you want single sided double-sided what color solder mask you want you put all that in and you'll get a quote plus shipping so check out PCB way.com and if you're interested in seeing more Electronics on the channel let me know in the comments below if you like what I'm doing here maybe check out some of the other videos popping up if you want to help support the channel patreon is oneway or a membership at things.com and if nothing else click on that filament Friday logo and subscribe I'll see you next time right here at filament Friday
Channel: CHEP
Views: 20,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avoid the Blob! on Creality K1, K1C and K1 Max, 3d printing, 3d printing for beginners, Creality K1 Max, Bed Level, K1 Max Bed, CHEP, Filament Friday, Chuck Hellebuyck
Id: zIc08qd2C_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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