Creality Ender 3 V3 SE vs Ender 3 V3 KE vs CR10 SE

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[Music] fun [Music] listen [Music] yeah what's going on everybody feter here from 3D print SOS uh welcome back to the channel and in today's video we are going over these three machines they look very similar yet have a bunch of differences they're all from creality they kind of have some weird naming conventions the price ranges from about $200 to about $386 and they have a bunch of Pros but also some cons the goal of this video is to help you guys figure out which one of these is right for you if you're in the market for one of these type of machines and well since you can get them all in the same place uh that might be a little bit easier with a video like this that compares them at the same time I've had all these for a while I've definitely had the creality Ender 3 V3 SE the longest that one is right over here and there's a video popping up above me right here with a dedicated video that I did for this and the tldr is I have uh definitely grown to really enjoy this machine for the base price of $200 and sometimes a lot cheaper than that this thing is just an easy recommendation for anyone getting into 3D printing or wants to gift 3D printing to somebody whether it's the kid or grandkid whatever it might be I think this is an awesome awesome machine for $200 and it it is definitely the best Ender that they have made at least in my personal opinion however there is the K model that adds Clipper that adds all kinds of stuff and then there's the cr10 SE which is just a whole different animal in a very similar package so as you can see the water is getting a little bit murky and I want to go through showcase the cons showcase the pros all the similarities all the differences what they were good at bad at all that fun stuff so let me grab my notes right over there let's head to the first machine and let's see what they're all about let's go all right so let's do a kind of a brief overview of what these things are to get it started so the middle printer right over here the ender3 V3 SE is kind of City's entry level machine it's at the very bottom uh although I would say it's their best shot at it for sure but out of these three machines is kind of like the starter machine then we have the K that's right over here with the gold filament uh this is basically the grown-up version of of the SE this is the SE with all the bells and whistles they added Clipper they added dual-sided cooling uh they added a linear rail for faster motion uh they added a filament sensor just all of the little things that you would want to see on this machine uh but it's still in the same exact form factor in the same chassis kind of like if this was a WRX this would be a WRX STI for those car fans you might know what I'm talking about whereas this this is a little bit of a different animal and that's why has a different naming convention so this is an ender3 V3 SE this is an ender3 V3 ke but this this is a cr10 SE and the reason why this is not just a regular cr10 is the regular cr10 is technically larger it is usually 300X 300 X 300 print bed whereas this is the same 235 or 225 all three of them are the same exact uh print size but they kept the cr10 name because this is a far more high-end machine uh it is definitely more high-end than the K it has more metal it is more Stout uh it has better rails on it this is just a better machine it's better equipped uh and so as you can see that's where you kind of deciding on what you want now the reason why this machine might ever be in question if you just won't won't I can't just say just go ahead and buy this one is the most amount of money it's the better one because this starts to get into the territory of the more recent core XY uh structure boxed in uh printers and their cost so creality has their own uh K model such as the K1 uh and the K1 Max and this machine being a 386 it is definitely barking up the creality K1 tree uh but this definitely has some strengths uh over that machine as well and obviously weaknesses over that machine uh so I still think there's a market for this thing and it is very impressive and you guys will find out as we get uh through the list but more importantly uh while I'm talking here make sure you guys are taking a look at the end result prints for these things um they were all printed in the same room and they were all printed in creality print and underneath the complete stock slicing okay so we're going to go over that a little bit after this but first I want to dive into the pros and cons uh of each of these machines starting with the cons all right so let's start at the bottom end with the Ender 3 V3 SE right over here and the cons for this one is you need to buy a Pei sheet okay I I know that's just an opinion but I really don't like the polycarbonate uh M uh beds that come on these things I ruined mine instantly I have two of them both of them had the same result especially if you're printing with silk filaments they tend to stick a little bit too much and the surface just becomes a headache and I think on a machine like this that's meant for beginners and meant to be completely uh setting Le uh you know push a button and print print I would highly suggest you purchase a Pei sheet with this machine because it doesn't come with one so that's definitely a con the other con and this might not be a con for everybody but it runs on an older firmware called marlin like I said it's not going to matter and Marlin is very capable and does a a whole lot and it's really been an an amazing uh uh software firmware uh for the community however at the moment uh Clipper just uh tends to use the hardware a little bit differently and because of the way that it works it is a little bit faster and more convenient by today's standards uh and uh for me uh especially because both of these machines are based on Clipper this one uh having Marlin on it is a little bit of a downside and some things that come with it like for example Marlin is offline uh so there's no wireless printing things like that so that's the next one it's no Wi-fi no Wireless connectivity with this machine so you're kind of stuck with uh you know putting something on an SD card or a USB drive and then walking up to it and then using it that way just like we've been using 3D printer forever now but the other ones exist therefore that's a con the other the other uh con here is the machine is slow this is not one of the new age print this fastest possible machines this is just a really entry level super uh you know easy to use uh get this thing out of the box get printing machine it is definitely not a Speed Demon and finally on my list is there's a lot of plastic with this build unlike any other Ender 3s this ender3 V3 SE is all plastic on the bottom even plastic on top and it does look better it looks a lot less intimidating but because of all the plastic it does kind of lose a little bit of that rigidity and the mechanical you know feel and aspect of the Ender 3 so that's that's something worth noting is there's a lot less metal just in general on this machine all right those those are kind those are kind of like the general gists of that let's move on to the K because it is close to this machine all right so for the K one of the biggest downsides at least for me is it runs Clipper but the Clipper is the Clipper firmware is locked down it is also not open- sourced there's ways to do it uh but the machine as it comes is stuck in City's ecosystem uh on their slicer uh and using their very limited dashboard so you are getting Wi-Fi and things like that but you're not getting what this machine actually runs and instead you're getting kind of like a closed off version uh of the machine so that's kind of its its biggest uh downside there uh then it also has lots of plastic so even though this machine has a bunch of perks and is meant to go faster than the SE model it's based on the same chassis so it it does still feel a little bit plasticky and then uh it also lacks a bunch of flare so when you're buying a machine with all of the stuff on it everything that you might have wanted uh you're kind of you know you kind of want it to have some kind of Zing Factor something that really kind of like you know gets you motivated uh on the machine gets you excited about it but admittedly this one kind of doesn't it's very much more of the same that's on this machine just with all of the things that you would do to this machine uh so there's kind of like it loses that Zing whereas with something like this the C the cr10 SE this one has the zinc this one has the color change it has the nice Plastics uh things of that nature so let's just dive into the cons of this one the cons are uh much less on this machine but it also runs Clipper it also runs a locked down version of clipper I actually recently did a video on how to root this machine to get full control so jump right up there uh that's popping up for that video but the other uh con I have on here is that the price is a little bit too close to the K1 I think this would be an absolute no-brainer if the price was just just a hair cheaper so this one might be one of those machines that you look out for on a sale because otherwise I think that I personally might want to just spring for the K1 because the K1 would be enclosed and uh give you a little bit more uh uh the ability to print other materials however this is essentially an open version of the K1 it shares a lot of Hardware as you guys will see in the pros um and it is just it is just kind of like taking this platform to the utmost Max all right so while we're talking about the pros right I started mentioning some of the positives here let's just dive into it so let's talk about the cr10 uh SE since I'm standing over here it is fast it is super fast it's got to be one of the fastest uh machines that's uh you know slinging a bed that I have seen at least come through here uh and like I mentioned it seems like it's using just significant bulkier components they're a lot more robust uh it uses larger Motors it has a metal frame it has a massive linear rail for the Y that I haven't even seen before on any other machine I believe it's customed to this one uh you can probably see stuff like this from uh you know larger machines like machines like CNC machines uh it's just packed to the brim with features like an LED bar uh you know and it just it goes on and on I think this this is a printer that just has it if that makes sense and that's why it's $386 verse you know the $200 and the $280 so this is kind of like taking the idea of these two machines right over here and just taking it all the way uh all the way where I think the only other things that you could have outside of what's on this machine is just a core XY machine so that's the pros here it is a really fun one to use all right let's go to the SE the SE is a super low cost machine uh with OneTouch simple Printing and what I mean by that is all three of them do this but this one is really impressive that it does this because it's $200 you can quite literally open the slicer on your computer find an STL file that you like on any of the websites that have STL files drag that STL file into the slicer uh select this machine select which filament that you put in there and click print and it will do everything for you it'll level the bed it will do the Z Offset you don't need to do the paper you don't need to adjust any of the bed stuff it just prints and like I mentioned it's not going to be doing it fast but as you can guys can see the end result uh it's going to be pretty close to everything else just a little bit slower so if uh that's not a big deal to you uh this $200 range machine just kind of blows my mind a little bit it's been extremely reliable I have put a bunch of plastic through this machine uh itself uh it is very maintainable a lot of the all all these machines are specifically maintainable because they're not enclosed and you don't have to take them fully apart you're going kind of get to everything but this one specifically because it is so so simple it is very easy to maintain if something goes wrong there's just less Hardware on this machine and then the last thing I have on here as a pro is it has a bit of an upgrade path and I always like that type of thing where uh you know you don't have to pay everything up front if you just wanted to see if this is something that you like you can grab something like the nebula pad right over here off screen and something like this will add Clipper will add a little bit more speed and we'll add that Wi-Fi functionality to something like this so that you don't have to run back and forth with a USB or an SD card so that I really like that you can just uh you know start at the basics uh get your feet wet and then kind of build upon that and add things here and there in fact I could see somebody owning this uh you know for a little while and then essentially making their own k out of it uh because maybe you couldn't afford that one at a time or like I said you didn't just want to invest a bunch of money into the hobby if you didn't know what you were doing so I definitely really like that about this machine let's move on to the K this is one of the cheapest clippered printers out there there's a few Brands out there I think eligo has a really inexpensive one there's a few others uh King run has a really inexpensive one but this is amongst one of the cheapest uh machines that uses Clipper uh right out of the box and as some of you guys might know that offers a lot of tinkering ability uh and lots of fun if they give us root access or we take root access ourselves the machine has Wi-Fi printing like I mentioned when I was talking about the other ones this uh because it runs Clipper it gives you that uh dashboard it gives you the ability to add uh their camera uh it just adds a whole lot of uh you know not have not having to deal with that tiny little screen and taking that functionality right to your browser or even better yet right into your slicer so that you don't have to jump back and forth you can warm up the machine in the slicer uh you can just hit print and it'll just start printing little things like that uh add to the experience of the machine and this one having that is is definitely a major uh Pro uh this machine adds linear rails in addition to the rods that are already on the bed so this adds uh a linear rail uh to the uh xaxis and that just means there's no wheels uh it makes the motion linear and smooth and it'll last uh significantly longer than some rubber Wheels obviously uh and it can handle a little bit more speed easier uh with a rail just because it is a bit more precise so that's a massive Plus for this machine uh this machine also has a K1 hotend uh for those that know the creality K1 uh it has a ceramic heater core it heats up very fast uh it cools down very fast when it needs to it's been extremely reliable there's a lot of parts and aftermarket already for it and this has this on here uh so that just gives you a lot more uh horsepower essentially right here on this machine it also adds uh dual-sided cooling to the tool head over here so you're definitely getting uh more on this machine and I think uh the beauty for this is that it comes with a lot of the upgrades that you would do for something like this but it with for only $80 over so that's kind of the trick with with this machine and the reason why this one exists is this is kind of like bottom of the dollar what's the lowest printer I can get that's decent that's this one and then this one kind of adds all of these things including the nebula pad essentially on it that runs Clipper making this print faster giving you the rail giving you the fans giving you uh the better hot-end giving you a filament runout sensor all for $80 I mentioned that when I was talking about the SE that there's an upgrade path to something like this the creality the uh nebula pad here the nebula pad is $80 as well I think it's going to be between $75 and $80 and the thing with that is when you're adding this to this 200 plus 80 or 75 that's the same price as the K but the K gives you this plus a lot more Hardware on there so you kind of have to make that decision do you want to jump in see what it's like and kind of try to catch up or do you just jump right in and already get everything that's on there uh and still not go you know uh uh kneed deep uh into it like the cr10 so that's kind of it the only strength for the nebula pad here is it comes with an AI camera uh and I think they're going to be selling these things separately I think they already do actually you'll be able to add to any of these machines really uh but the the ender3 SE is going to need the nebula pad to have it running and it comes in the box so you definitely have a lot of options and I think reality is kind of giving you the you know have it your way opportunity uh you know if you have the money and you already know what you want the cr10 SE is kind of it if you've uh maybe have some experience don't want to spend a lot of money probably the K would be the one and then if you want to just jump in on the lowest uh uh cost machine that'll still uh be fantastic that's probably this one all right so that's the pros and cons of all three of these hopefully that helped the last thing I want to talk about is the prints so let's do that all right so talking about these PR uh prints is actually really important because at a glance even if you're not glancing if you're just taking you know a deep deep Gander at each one of these things I don't think you're going to be able to figure out which machine printed what and uh and how fast there's just no difference I think at the end of the day at least for pla your the result is going to be very very similar and I think that is extremely important to note is if you're spending 200 bucks you're going to be able to print the same things that this machine is going to do and at the end of the day the difference is time it's how long uh these prints take so I have three very different um um uh prints that I've done like I mentioned before I used creality print and I used their slicer profiles that are in there I didn't alter anything I just you know put the filament in dragged the file in selected the machine select the PLA and let it go uh so let's go over that so let's start with the uh uh SE over here in the middle the ender3 SE so we have a bowl right over here this decorative candy Bowl that's pretty much solid plastic actually that took 18 hours to print the Beni took 51 hours to print and the crate took 6 hours to print and then let's go over to the K that's now running Clipper and it is a little bit faster at the bowl at 17 the Beni at around 40 just under 40 and the crate at 4 4.5 hours so this machine is definitely a little bit faster than the SE at the same exact quality you're literally just paying a few more dollars to save yourself some time I have some notes to talk about this a little bit afterwards because you can make this go even faster I think that they were very conservative with their profiles in the slicer for this machine all right let's go over to the cr10 SE so the cr10 here did a bowl uh in 12 hours so that's pretty significant uh sixh hour difference there the Beni in just 19 minutes the file says it's a 14-minute Beni but at the end of the day this takes 19 minutes to print the Beni uh the quality is very very good and then the crate in just 3 hours this is a uh folding unlockable stackable crate and something like this only took 3 hours to print on this machine uh whereas we're talking about 6 hours here now 6 hours is not a long time if you have some patience you can print that in 6 hours and be very happy with it but this machine doing it in three means you can get two of these crates done at the same time as one so that's why you're paying this amount of money you're not paying double just under but close enough that's where the money is at and that's where the cr10 SE really shines I I do honestly think that this is one of the current best bet bed Slingers around not only just equipment uh on it the the build quality is extremely high uh the components that are used are very good it is just it's just a really really solid beds Slinger and I would definitely recommend this to anybody who's looking for a beds Slinger that's on the same kind of par as the creality K1 or similar machines all right so that's that's the times uh hopefully you guys took a look there and what that came out you can draw your own conclusions uh to that oh and for those Keeny folks if you guys saw in here we have this wild Beni that uh kind of got messed up on the Y so what I did here is I took the files from the cr10 SE that 14 minute Beni and I tried to print it on the K and it looks like the bed mechanism and whatever the ratio must be for that motor just cannot compete with what the cr10 SE does speed-wise and it makes this ridiculous wob kind of funny drunk Beni now with that said if you slow this down to about 17 18 minutes instead of the 14-minute benchi I have a feeling this thing is going to print just fine it is way more capable and the reason why I mentioned in passing that I think they're kind of underdoing this machine is just to be on the safe side I think once you get to know the slicer a little bit better or maybe you root the machine or whatever it might be or start using other slicers I have a feeling this machine will be able to print much faster than numbers that you guys just saw all right all right let's move on all right well hopefully that has helped somebody uh figure out which one of these machines is for them or maybe if you're trying to buy a machine to give which one to give to whoever uh uh the links to all of these things as usual are going to be down below they were sent to me for review both the K and the cr10 uh SE were sent to me uh by creality uh for review and the Ender 3v3 SE was sent to me by pergear so thank you to both uh brands for hooking me up and uh for to provide these things for me so that I can make videos like this to help you guys and guide you uh onto your purchase uh please check out the links down below uh to the Discord that is a completely free chat essentially where you can show off your prints you can get technical assistance or maybe help other people if you're so inclined I love seeing your workspaces uh your printer builds all that good stuff that's in the Discord down below if you guys want to support the Channel please consider becoming a patreon member or a YouTube member it goes a long way and you guys get to see all of these videos early as well as talk to me directly all right everybody I think that's all for me for today and as always I'll see you down in the comments [Music] later [Music] n
Channel: 3DPrintSOS
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Keywords: #3DPrinting, #AdditiveManufacturing, #RapidPrototyping, #FDMprinting, #SLAprinting, #FilamentPrinting, #ResinPrinting, #CADdesign, #CAM, #Prototyping, #Engineering, #Manufacturing, #ProductDesign, #DIY, #Maker, #STEM, #Education, #Innovation, #ArtificialIntelligence, #Automation, #Robotics, #Technology, #Creativity, #Entrepreneurship, #3DPrintSOS, #3dprinter, #3dprinted, #3D Printer, #unboxing, #Tech Review, #techreview, #CoreXY, #Fast Print, #Fast Printing, ENDER 3 V3 SE, ENDER 3 V3 KE, CR10, CR10 SE, Bed Slinger
Id: o8_Mfo1wO8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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