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what's up guys pj here from 3d printing canada so today in front of me i have an ender v2 and the brand new ender s1 so what i'm going to do for you guys today is compare the two to help you make a decision and what you might make want excuse me what you might want to choose [Music] so we'll start with the ender v2 they made some improvements from the pro by doing things like giving you a drawer which everybody was 3d printing they also went ahead and put belt tensioners on again which everybody was either buying or potentially 3d printing themselves they also went ahead and upgraded to a 4-2-2 board so it's a 32-bit board with a boot loader built in to alleviate flashing firmware issues a few of the main things they've done with the new s1 here um that i like personally is that they did a dual z so we'll just kind of flip these around so jaren can get you a little close-up they went ahead and ran dual z on them whereas if you take a look at the ender v2s and the old pros all they had was a single z which is totally upgradable and we will go through some of the pros and cons of all the things that we have in front of us here today dual z there's no cons about that that's great you're never have to worry about sag in the x gantry okay one of the other things they've changed the original 3d printer all the enders from the ender two the ender three all the way up the line even if you look at like the ender five plus they run these creality plastic extruders here and it's a bowden tube machine uh pushing from the extruder through all this tube here now what they've done on the s1 is they've went ahead and made it direct drive they also went ahead and put a cr touch on there which is the equivalent of a bl touch which is another nice feature to have it does come at a cost though one of the main things they've changed too on the s1 versus the v2 and the pros and all the other ones is in the past they've ran all this wiring back down to your motherboard which i still like because it's very convenient it's very simplistic it's less to have to worry about when something goes wrong so i still really like that about the original version but what they've done with the s1 to make it very convenient what we'll do is we'll ask jaren to zoom in a little here for us you've got your thermistor um and everything is just on a breakout board now so your heater cartridge is here your thermistor runs over to the other side here which i'll turn that around too as you can see everything's a quick plug here um some of them are uh the mini jst style so that that is something you're gonna have to keep in mind when purchasing this the fans are gonna be um they're not going to be as as as much in stock as say the v2 is um even when a v2 fan for the v2 with the right length isn't in stock you can take a jst 2 pin to any fan that's 24 volt go ahead and crimp on the ends or when it comes to a fan yes you can solder a lot of times you can peel back the label and solder to the pads that are on the board for the fan so i really do like that too but eventually this is a newer printer these these connectors will be more readily available so will all the fans so it's a few things to bear in mind it is direct drive which i like the fact that it's direct drive out of the box i tend to prefer it because i print with a lot of tpu myself so another feature they've actually added now too is now because we have like this i won't call it can bus because it's not but that's similar style of can bus style setup where like on a can bus it's just four wires that run up to your printer head to a board where they've done the same thing and they've just used this ribbon cable here oh and it's clipped right in so yeah it does come out there i'm not going to pull it right out because it is actually set into the clip here so i'll just pop that back in close it up so they have actually went ahead and done a few extra things by doing that um so you'll have to keep that in mind again they kept the belt tensioners you still get a drawer as well as the newer style screen so another feature that's changed your z motors have a breakout board so we're we have breakout boards here for the second z whereas in the past if you ran a second z you'd use a y splitter so it'd be two into one um one of the main things they've switched on this printer is they've went from the glass bed back to what the original enders used to come with similar um to a magnetic spring steel but what they've done is if you look here they've got the polycarbonate build tack on on the top but you could always just flip it over use some glue stick on the steel side but you'll definitely need to use a few layers of glue stick so that's another feature it comes with a spring steel sheet with polycarbonate not to say you couldn't grab yourself a little sheet of pei for the other side if you'd like or a piece of pex to stick on the other side that would still be an option so they did do away with the glass bed with the s1 another feature they added as well so basically everything everybody really wanted they added a filament run out sensor as well as you can see here they redesigned the spool uh it's more like the um spools that come on the ender max and the cr smarts and stuff so and it's kind of nice that they integrated the filament sensor to just screw into it so it's right in place where it should be um yeah with that being said guys i think we've went over most of the cosmetic features now we'll just have to take a look and see what they did electronically so there is one more thing i did forget to mention when i was discussing the dual z and that it's just got the belt to keep everything timed correctly so you don't get any sag varying from side to side so that was one feature i did forget to mention now moving on to the difference in the electronics creality has made a whole new board for this and it is i have to read it sorry guys it's the crfdx version 2451. so that's the new board so i'll say it again guys just so you know in case you're writing it down crfdx v2451 so that's their new board definitely because of the cabling systems and stuff they've had to integrate some new stuff so it does come with a new board now let's go over the differences between the two and why you might choose the s1 over the v2 or say maybe even an ender pro now for guys who are real hobbyists and like to tinker take things apart upgrade this would definitely be the base for you because then you have control over what drive goes on the head um maybe you want to even change your motors or run a slim line with a direct drive or a micro swiss or you want to add a linear rail kit this is the perfect platform for upgrading whereas say you're a guy who you know you just want a 3d print maybe you have it it's doing something for one of your other hobbies or something like that where the s1 gives you the full package already done um being dual z direct drive easy to change out thermistor and heater cartridges without having to run back to the board like you do in the older versions of the ender having the spring steel sheet for the pla guys who just want to pop their prints off right away it comes with all those features uh as well as ease of use um you know it's got a nice little lever here getting your filament in and out easy to roll in with the gear being here so you can spin it in by hand um so they've really really kind of took everything that everybody was doing to these and put their own run on it and it's still very affordable you can't beat the price of an ender 3 whether it's an s1 or a v2 they're priced to sell they're great machines you'll always have parts availability for both machines so whether you're a hobbyist that just wants to tinker an upgrade or you're a guy who just wants to print both of these printers have what you need and the last thing i'd like to let you guys know is the screens they're identical there's nothing different here so if you had a v2 or you had an s1 and your screen failed before the or after the warranty date you'd be able to just go ahead and grab an ender v2 square it wouldn't matter we'd have them in stock and available and with that being said guys i hope this was very helpful you got a lot of information out of this um if you have any questions feel free to leave them down in the comments below and i hope this video really helps you guys decide whether you want a tinker or you just want to print they both again they both print great out of the box this one will fulfill a lot more needs for people who just want to print without tinkering all right guys i hope you liked this video we'll see you in the next one don't forget to like share subscribe tell your friends about us leave some comments in the bottom on videos you want to see we got lots more to come see you in the next video [Music] hey guys don't forget to check out our forum where there's all kinds of technical videos and everything 3d [Applause]
Channel: 3D Printing Canada
Views: 41,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creality, 3d, 3d printing, ender, ender 3, resin, fdm, printer, printing, filament, microswiss, cr10, halotone, kywoo
Id: 23bweDg4hDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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