Crazy Things A Doctor Removed From Inside Person's Body

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In the spring of 2009, 72 year old Prax Sanchez was having trouble hearing and also experiencing earaches. A hearing specialist sent him to get an MRI. Just after the scan started, Prax felt an excruciating pain under his right eye. Meanwhile the technicians stopped the test, saying that they were experiencing interference from the metal in his head. Prax was puzzled, he didn’t have any metal in his head...or so he thought. The doctors looked at an older CT scan of Prax’s head and were shocked to find something metal the size of a toothpick in the images. While leaving the doctor’s office, Prax suddenly coughed up a 1 inch nail. The giant magnet in the MRI machine had dislodged a nail that was stuck in Prax’s sinus cavity, sending it down his throat. Doctors thought that he might have had the nail stuck in his head for 30 years. The doctors also told Prax when he sniffed up the nail, membrane tissue probably formed around it. The nail might have stayed there forever without the MRI. Although Prax did carpentry, he was bewildered as to how he got a nail up his nose without noticing it. Some very odd and disturbing things have been found in the human body, quite often by medical professionals. Before we go any further, let’s discuss what this video is not about. Human beings sometimes have unusual ...shall we say inclinations...which can lead to needing medical assistance to remove items from the lower part of their intestinal system. As many medical professionals who work in emergency rooms can tell you, some patients seem to have carefully thought out explanations where somehow they ‘accidentally’ fell on various objects and those items got ‘stuck’. They are visiting the hospital for a rectal foreign body removal procedure because they are unable to remove the item on their own. Frankly we could spend a whole video discussing this topic...but there are many forum discussions and x-ray pictures online that give veracity to such anecdotes. However we have provided a short list culled from the internet of items which have removed during medical exams or in some cases emergency surgery. Admittedly most of these items aren’t disturbing as of themselves, it’s only where you think where they were found the disturbing factor comes into play: Barbie Doll Buzz Lightyear Action Figure Candle Candy Cane Carrot Cell Phone Champagne Flute Cucumber Egg Eggplant Flashlight Fork Golf Ball Impulse Body Spray Perfume Glass Bottle Jar of Instant coffee Jar of Peanut butter Key Knife Light Bulb Long Necked Glass Soda Bottle Orange Pen Pepper Shaker Ping Pong Ball Pint Glass Plastic Bowling Pin Potato Salad Tongs Salt Shaker Screwdriver Shot Glass Toothbrush Toy Car Turnip Wine Cork Zucchini Ahem. Now that we’ve settled that... Who feels like sushi? In February of 2012, the Journal of Parasitology published a report on a 63 year old Korean woman who experienced severe needle like pain in her mouth while eating a dish of parboiled squid. She immediately spat the squid out, but it was too late. Upon examination by a doctor, twelve squid spermatophores were found to have implanted themselves into the mucous membrane of the woman’s tongue, cheek, and gingiva. The parasites were promptly removed along with some of the woman’s damaged oral tissues. Apparently internal organs including the sperm bag weren’t removed from the squid before meal preparation. A game played by some kids in India almost had deadly consequences for one of the players. In 2012, 12 year old Anil Barela of Madhya Pradesh was messing around with some friends at a local river. The kids dared one another to swallow live fish. Anil took on the challenge. However, instead of going down Anil’s esophagus, the 3.5 inch ( 9 cm) fish slipped down his windpipe and entered his left lung. Anil began to have trouble breathing and was rushed to a local hospital. The doctors measured the oxygen level in Anil’s blood at 80 percent – 18 points lower than a normal 98 percent. An x-ray showed Anil’s left lung as completely opaque due to the foreign object lodged in it. Doctors performed an emergency bronchoscopy and inserted a cable into Anil’s lungs. The camera showed that the fish was still alive. Doctors then performed a 45 minute procedure to remove the fish. Anil made a full recovery. Planning on sticking to vegetables now? In another food related mishap, in the summer of 2010, 75 year old retired school teacher Ron Sveden felt terrible. He was chronically fatigued, had lost his appetite and frequently had coughing spells. A lifelong smoker, Ron had been battling emphysema for some time, but with the sudden turn in his health, he worried that he had cancer. When Ron was rushed to the hospital with a collapsed lung, his x-rays revealed something unusual. There was 1.5-inch (3.8 cm) pea sprout growing in his lung. Much like Anil, doctors thought that while eating peas, one simply went down the wrong pipe and lodged in Ron’s lung instead of ending up in his stomach. Roy was relieved to find out that he didn’t have cancer and was also amazed. He couldn’t remember the last time he has eaten fresh peas either. Apparently when a pea germinates, it simply needs a warm, wet place to begin to sprout. The pea shoot was removed from Ron’s lung by a thoracic surgeon. As a joke, the hospital staff served Ron peas as a part of his first meal after the operation. Ron took the joke in stride and ate them. Ron’s not the only person to have had a plant grow in their lungs. In 2009, Russian doctors operated on 28 year old Artyom Sidorkin, expecting to remove a tumor and allegedly found a 2 inch (5 cm) fir seedling sprouting in his lung. Obviously, the results of ingesting non food items can be very dangerous. 52 year old Margaret Daalman of the Netherlands showed up at the hospital complaining of a stomach ache. Upon viewing x-rays of her stomach doctors were dumbfounded to see a large mass of silverware. When going in for surgery, Margaret explained to the doctors that often when she sat down to eat, she couldn’t help herself; she would ignore the meal and feast on the cutlery instead. Margaret had previously been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder which left her with an urge to eat non food items. The surgery removed 78 spoons and forks from Margaret’s stomach. However no knives were found; Margaret was never interested in eating those and she couldn’t explain why. Margaret made a full recovery and underwent therapy for her predilection.Margaret’s not the only one to suffer this strange affliction though, doctors have removed a variety of items that patients have ingested. Common non food snacks are magnets, coins and chalk. In 2014, a teenage girl from Kyrgyzstan’s bad habit almost ended her life. Though her stomach was swollen, 18 year old Ayperi Alekseeva kept losing weight and was dangerously dehydrated and malnourished. She couldn’t keep any food down, even just drinking water brought about terrible pains. Doctors struggled to diagnose her at first and then figured out the culprit. A massive hairball was blocking her digestive system. Ayperi had to be transported to a large hospital in the capital city of Bishkek for emergency life saving surgery to remove the 9lbs (4.1 kg) hairball. The hairball formed due to Ayperi’s proclivity to chew on and eat her hair and pieces of bits of wool she found on the carpet at home. Apparently during surgery, her stomach was so distended, hair began to ooze out as soon as the wall of Ayperi’s stomach was cut. Despite looking through 50 years of records, the doctors said they were unable to find any other cases that involved a hairball this large. You heard correctly, not other cases involving a hairball, other cases involving a hairball this large. Sometimes after a vacation you end up feeling more stressed then if you had just stayed at work. In the summer of 2007, Aaron Dallas of Carbondale, Colorado visited the town of Orange Walk, Belize to assist with a mountain bike race. Upon returning home, he developed large, painful bumps on his head that bled and oozed. His doctor thought they were fly bites that would eventually heal up. But the bumps wouldn’t heal. Aaron visited a specialist who thought he might have shingles, a painful rash caused by the varicella-zoster virus--the same virus that causes chickenpox. Aaron tried several different creams and ointments but to no avail. Weeks went by, Aaron started getting flashes of pain that would send him to his knees. It felt like spikes were being driven into his skull. Then the lumps started throbbing and moving… Aaron thought he was going crazy, he could even hear the lumps. Another visit to a doctor brought about the revelation that Aaron’s scalp was infested with botfly larvae. Medical staff numbed Aaron’s head and extracted 5 fingernail sized maggots. Most likely Aaron with bitten by a mosquito carrying botfly eggs. Mosquitoes, stable flies, and other insects are used by female bot flies to disseminate their eggs to various hosts. In this case the host was Aaron. Aaron’s not the only person who’s brought home an unexpected souvenir after a vacation. During the summer of 2013, the Franklin family of Aliso Viejo, California went on a camping trip to Spooner’s Cove beach on the central Californian coast. Four year old Paul fell and scraped his right knee on rock. His parents cleaned up the small cut and put a bandaid on it. However, the wound kept seeping and never seemed to scab over. A week later Paul fell on the knee again when ice skating, further opening the wound. His mother, once again cleaned and redressed the cut. Over the next few weeks Paul’s knee became came swollen and infected. He began to limp. Thinking he had a staph infection, his parents took him to the doctor. At first a 10 day course of antibiotics seems to improve the infection, but then it flared up again. The cut began seeping pus and a small black lump grew under Paul’s skin. His mother worried that the wound was becoming necrotic. Against doctor’s advice, she squeezed the lump and an odd looking tiny rock popped out of Paul’s knee. His mother took a closer look at the pebble, noticing a swirl pattern. She realized it was a tiny snail- and it was alive. The Franklins figured that there were snail eggs on the rock Paul scraped his knee on. Paul’s parents let him keep the snail as a pet and he named it Turbo after the cartoon snail. We could go on and on about the various insects, larvae, tape worms and spiders that have been discovered and removed from people. Ears and nose seem to be especially popular hiding places, perhaps because of the easy access. However, we’ll spare you and leave it to your imagination. In 2015, Estela Meléndez, a 91-year-old resident of La Boca, Chile went to the hospital after a fall. She had an x-ray and was told by doctors that she had a tumor in her abdomen and needed surgery. A second x-ray was ordered for confirmation and it revealed something shocking--the mass was not a tumor, but a fetus. For the last 60 years Estela had a lump in her abdomen, but didn’t know that she was carrying a lithopedion--or stone baby. It's a rare phenomena that occurs when a fetus dies during pregnancy and is too large to be reabsorbed by the mother. As part of a foreign body reaction, the fetus calcifies on the outside, protecting the mother's body from dead tissue and preventing infection. There have been about 300 cases of known lithopedion worldwide with the calcified fetus being carried for an average of twenty-two years. In several cases, the mother was able to become pregnant again and gave birth to children without incident. In the case of Estela, as the mass was only sometimes uncomfortable, but not causing serious pain, medical professionals decided not to proceed with surgery. However, sometimes doctors do remove a lithopedion. In 2009, 92 year old Huang Yijun from China had a 60 year old fetus removed. In 1948, when she was 31 she became pregnant only to find out that she had a rare condition. Instead of implanting in the uterus as normal, her pregnancy was ectopic with the egg implanting outside her Fallopian tubes causing what is known as an “abdominal pregnancy”. The fetus soon passed away and doctors told Huang Yijun to get it removed to avoid any potential future health problems. Unfortunately, the surgery was expensive and Huang simply didn’t have the money. So she ignored her condition until she was able to have it removed some 60 years later. Our last story of something disturbing removed from a person’s body is about an interesting and creepy medical phenomena which is estimated to occur in 1 in 500,000 live births. All his life Sanju Bhagat of Nagpur, India had breathing problems and a protruding belly. Over time his stomach swelled even further, making him look like he was 9 months pregnant. One night in June of 1999, his breathing problems got worse and an ambulance rushed the 36 year old farmer to the hospital. Doctors began to operate, thinking that Sanju had a large tumor pressing on his diaphragm. As they cut into Sanju’s stomach, unexpectedly gallons of liquid gushed out. Then the doctors found something unsettling. Sanju had a ‘twin’. In his stomach there was a half formed fetus with hair, bones and developed hands with long fingernails. Sanju had one of the world’s rarest and most bizarre medical conditions -- fetus in fetu. It’s an extremely rare development abnormality that occurs early in pregnancy when a fetus gets trapped inside its twin. The parasitic twin leeches off the dominant twin as the fetuses continue to grow. Usually, both fetuses die before birth from the strain of sharing a placenta. However in some cases, such as Sanju’s the host twin survives and is born. It is possible for the trapped fetus to survive past birth by forming an umbilical cordlike structure that leaches its twin's blood supply. Fewer than 90 cases of fetus in fetu have been recorded in medical literature though. Sanju’s case is even more unusual because no one suspected Bhagat had a twin inside him for 36 years. After surgery Sanju’s ability to breathe improved and he made a full recovery. As a kid Sanju had been bullied and teased that he was pregnant. Ironically, his tormentors were sort of right. Dare we ask- have you ever had anything disturbing removed from your body? Let us know in the comments! Also, be sure to check out our other video Doctors Remove Live Cockroach From a Woman’s Skull! Thanks for watching, and, as always, don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe. See you next time!
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 2,420,091
Rating: 4.8949308 out of 5
Keywords: crazy, doctor, doctors, insane, mystery, body, surgery, pregnancy, hospital, x-ray, stomach, eating, hairball, surgeon, rare, MRI, CT scan, animation, extreme, the infographics show, in real life, human body, tv, show, lifestyle
Id: S8cyRngqgpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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