Crazy Robbery in India Prank - Ownage Pranks

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this guy went on vacation to India and unfortunately had his wallet and PlayStation Vita stolen I of course had to call him as the guy who stole it huh yeah hello can I talk to Noah please yeah you know you went to India last month right yeah so yeah you know I you know I felt a little bit bad actually I'd uh you know I took the the wallet and the PS Vita from you but yeah I wanted to say sorry my [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah you know it was so great we don't have a lot of these kind of things here so I was like oh man look at that and yeah I took it so yeah you forgive me you're what I'll tell you I talk to people a turd I'm not at home right now I'm not gonna call the police or anything yeah better later but the police won't do anything man I'm in India who are we kidding nothing's going to happen to me I don't [ __ ] care yeah okay if you hours okay all right my friend okay all right I love you bye bye call back hello how are you doing but you don't sound like happy to hear from you or anything like that I just I want my wallet back oh my phone back the meeting is [ __ ] shitty not here phone right now yeah and they want to give it back so that's why I want to offer you the best price yeah I understand okay but look so let's let's come to an agreement right let the negotiation process begin okay so I'm thinking you know I need to eat too right and stuff so just give me like you know $300 and I give you everything back you want me to give you 300 hours from my stuff that I bought is my [ __ ] money yeah mother you could I'm trying to be a good Samaritan and you're being like your King [ __ ] behavior to me man I don't like it I'm tiny a bomb how much money did you spend of mine oh I don't remember really but I think I spent like maybe one $200 oh stop it stop it stop it don't say stop it stop it stop it right now don't say it imitate don't call me that I work come on don't make rudeness to me okay I just wanted a come on my wallet I want all my money because there's a lot of [ __ ] money in my wallet how much money do you remember having in there yourself like $700 $718 yeah sorry about dirt so anyways so like I was saying I was a little bit upset by what you said and I'm still a little bit salty about that so in my country home town they say I am Listeria topical a doughnut to try to express that you are apologetic at least for being rude do you think you can say to me we lower price to 175 you want me to apologize you just add both the feelings right because you said mean things about my country you say [ __ ] you you are I think that was really good man [ __ ] I'm a little embarrassed that was almost better than me didn't you come no no never mind you don't know the word what you've not a word nothing you do not know what say it say it go ahead nothing no no go ahead don't bite your tongue mother ugly say it okay I said it now I just want my stuff back okay now it's offered to you for the low price of 175 you'll will compare it so takes oh my let me I'm not paying you any of my [ __ ] money do you want to try to be a little culture then learn some Indian song language and then we can go down to 125 it is like you heard MC Punjabi right and panjabi MC MC Punjabi right okay say it say it say it may be a Kabuto Gilley article yeah no no no say it say it right now I know but it's $50 value to say 4 second melody right it's great deal I'm not giving you any money I know I'm giving you discount things right we're having they're stacking right stacking discount it's like when you're going shopping you want to discount 100 percent discount yeah you have to work our way there man you're getting close it's only 175 left you say me make a particularly radical earlier and we go down to 125 and then we figure it out in the meaning your new money man yeah no no no no let me they will come down and now I'm not saying anymore the way the way you said it made me think you wanted to make a little bit gay with me or something right little uncomfortable I made me a couple to give me a dick earlier okay I miss canary me in man who own the money yeah that was a lot better but then you you still you still did that little gay undertone I don't like it why do not a [ __ ] thing Bollywood I don't know how [ __ ] to sing the song there's anything else I can do and singers long I don't care what whatever meaning it is behind it yeah I don't I don't give a [ __ ] okay okay okay okay okay all right all right just so I couldn't feel better to say hello my name is Noah and I got owned hello my name is Noah I got owned congratulations we have reached zero dollars hello yeah wouldn't [ __ ] with that oh we're gonna meriting it what I learnt I'm so [ __ ] confused right now I just want to get my stuff back yeah okay now we just have to go to like a party together and then we will meet me a Caputi kinetically oh no no no no I don't wanna [ __ ] about her you don't go to party but you know I am like the how long your voice sorry I was playing with my bull sack and then I pushed little too hard my bad doggy so play with your balls make your voice change oh that's about right obviously more people with you because I hear other people talking no it's me I told you I was just playing with my balls look I will show you right hello hello hello hello hello hello hello you was poppin girl hello hello right you see how it changes you weren't yeah I can I can talk a little bit longer and keep it to the Tyrone you want to talk to Tyrone my ballsack friend if you don't wanna rob me she'll [ __ ] talk huh yeah what I do boo boo how's it going hi G you're so well hey I can't talking my balls for too long now cuz that's your house but uh give me so you down to almost zero dollars I'm down here I'm almost down to zero dollars in a my head here no but you were supposed to go to the party with me and go Mimi I kaput to Keeley got to Cali alright okay so we party together on the dance floor and then we go same person [ __ ] is Tommy no it's not there must be like [ __ ] five people with because I heard like five other people talking listen man I want to tell you something okay homeland when you have some [ __ ] fan of American nightly excuse me how are you gonna go inside they're not only be you and sub my Indian side I have one fit hillbilly when I think I I think I [ __ ] mind you enough I want to tell you something okay you what do you want I'm sorry from the bottom of my sack but this entire thing was just a prank call and there is just one person and there's not five people sitting around me you the same person they're calling like two years ago right yeah dude I'm so committed to this [ __ ] praying that I waited two days and called you back I guess he don't want to party with us ain't no man he's missing Oh show your support on this video by sharing it with your friends and make sure you subscribe because we have a new crazy students in the works you see I can pay you the rent no tell me oh she say she's so good she's so friendly she's so good she said good to time you know so you must be very good
Channel: Ownage Pranks
Views: 3,361,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ownagepranks, prank call, ownage pranks, prank, humor, comedy, improv, india, indian accent, voice acting, rakesh, burglar, robbery, playstation vita, canada, canadian, punjabi mc, prank calls
Id: yef2mO2zM44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2015
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