Crazy Online School Hacks for Virtual Classes !

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online school hacks use the sound to avoid answering a question in your team's class oh it just sounds like you're cutting out like a bad inter i guess when you like don't know you don't know who says youth aren't learning things in virtual schools they're learning how to not do work so i have a little hack for online classes if you're taking a test that has an image for one of the questions if you right click oh my god it's going to tell you the answer isn't it it's going to tell you the answer there it is wow honestly if i was a teacher i started naming my files nice try sucker i watched tick tock do you think this is cheating or do you think this actually shows that this person knows how to research skills and take initiative this dude in my online class is literally doing a face mask while the teacher is talking and everyone can see him honestly this guy is my hero hitting two birds with one stone self-care and school clean out your t-zone while earning that a baby communing with your peers while cleaning those pores making schools simple while avoiding them okay you get it this is awesome i wish i would have had one of these in college they are seriously awesome so it's a digital highlighter highlighter and scanner you can take text you just write it with a sentence or paragraph that you're needing to know and it will automatically transfer it to your computer and do this for you okay i need you to have the option of having to go to your smartphone or tablet it works for your handwritten notes too which is awesome oh my god amazing slide it over and you scan it onto your computer okay i need to pick up the different settings depending on what you're scanning i know i just said this but i need this look i know i'm not that much older than some of you but i see technology like this and i started to feel like i went to school in a cave like did we use rocks to write people use quill pens that's how far away it feels texting people what's behind you during class is going to be a new hobby of mine oh my god i want to see people's reactions everyone's looking behind them oh i love when people teach me new ways to prank others about doubt your chaotic instincts oh hey what's behind you first online next to him oh my god look at all that cheating i feel like the whole course is out there imagine if y'all put as much effort in cheating as you did into studying you'd all have phds by now you look like you're paying attention to a meeting or a class on zoom when in reality you aren't even behind the camera wow the first thing you're going to do is record a video of yourself about 30 minutes blinking yawning breathing save it to your device open zoom for the meeting choose virtual background choose said video wow get out of the frame and then the video will just play on you'll learn nothing in class at all and then when you fail you'll fail watch out gang i'm gonna do this one day when i don't feel like making a video just feel myself going oh my god haha look at that cat i feel that would work for any of my videos zoom showers dude you are playing a real dangerous game you're playing with fire you are on the razor's edge of a loss with my dude i know you you like you want to multitask and get things done but this is not the time okay so this one's a pretty cool hack if you have a really long video and you don't want to watch the whole video this is a 45-minute video if you go to transcript you can pull up the whole script of a video and then you can search for certain words so you don't have to look through the whole video to find the topic you're looking for downside i did this with one of my videos and it turns out i say like like 40 times you know what i like that about myself i like like that about myself i like like that stop it okay she's going to show you how to look good at 8 a.m apparently you can download snapchat filters into zoom what okay if i had snapchats filters in high school i'd probably be president but now my confidence would be that high or maybe low maybe they're messing with your confidence guys be wary beauty is only skin deep unless you snapchat filters how do we get these in real life online school till november so oh working from bed yes not the point of this but the small scrap of paper to take notes on like that's all you need telling everyone that i'm standing on the empire state building on this ledge and if i just oh oh my god he actually fell i love him we love a king that commits the physical comedy god bless i can't imagine what level corny teacher jokes are at right now i bet it's epic fassa i have a question can i go to the bathroom how to get out of class even when it's your own house of course you can't go to the bed oh this professor's teaching with two puppies on his lap oh i'm sorry he deserves educator of the year award i don't care who i have to talk to but you're taking home that medal sir how to pass all classes with no effort okay brainly for every subject mathway solves any equation sparknote summarizes some books pre-postco what paraphrases essays is this cheating or is schools teaching you how to find answers for your questions because that's how adults do it like if i don't know something i google it and that's kind of what this person's doing so if you research and found out how to do things like this you're actually succeeding but you should also learn to do it you should probably also just read the books i'm not a big fan of just reading the summaries you could read the summaries to figure out if you want to read the book maybe or to refresh your memory about a book you've already read pretending my sound doesn't work because i forgot to do my presentation can you hear me now this isn't even believable you got to be careful leaning on these hacks too much i'd hate it if you forgot and tried to pull this when you actually were back in the class or imagine you're in the classroom like it won't work i'm telling you that and you'll end up looking like a huge sorry my mic was off how to tumble gang don't try this unless you got your own personal coach like this girl does i'm not sure what school this is or how this is going to help us in online school hacks but go off i know this made it into this video she's going to do it i want to see not whether we're here let's just find out you got oh my god i'm scared i feel like you could break your neck oh okay good for her i'm not trying it but i'm happy for her oh how i use good notes for school oh my god this is so cute it's an app that lets you write cute notes on your phone okay let's see it oh oh my god writing though i'm not in school so i have to ask are y'all writing digital notes to your crushes or what like are people still doing it do you like me check yes or no or is it all just you up snaps i need to know if gross high school romance is still alive how to make studying fun and easy stay cozy make your studying area smell nice do not watch anything that sure it will distract you but listen to music it's relaxing use highlighters you know what true story is to bribe myself with pretty highlighters to get any work done in school i bought this like glitter purple one that was just begging to be used for notes it got me through the hard times i was like i bought a nice pen and i'm happy people nowadays are like i digitized everything and hacked into the code and cheated on my test oh my god the professor started the meeting like this i love that he's the best our teacher's just like unhinged at this moment at this point we all need something though right for some of us it's youtube videos for others it's a giraffe puppet how to cheat on any test with your friends this isn't for online and this only works if your friend is actually smart also don't you think your teacher is going to notice you start like hitting your desk at the whole test like like they may be weird sometimes but they're not blind unless they are blind then you can probably get away with that but then you're kind of just a jerk because you're taking advantage of a blind teacher so i have been doing online school for four years now since for some of y'all it is your first time doing it i thought that i was more than qualified to give you some tips and tricks first of all i wanted my next online school is not for everyone even though i love it it's it's just not a learning style that everybody can do okay so tip number one don't work in your bed don't work in your bed but that guy with the tray told us to work in the bed who do i believe sound off in the comments if you would work from bed or if you would work from the desk let me know i want to hear in the comments i think i would work from bed because i would get pillows and get all cozy and i wear from bed and i'd never leave but then i feel like you'd get bed sores because you've been in bed for so long and not have to change sooner you'd probably work at a desk i've made my decision let me know what you guys think this cannot happen working in your bed is really interesting it's comfortable it's soft you know it and you love it but it's just it's unproductive and it's just going to slow you down work at a desk trust me this is going to make you so much more productive she's so right and i hate it won't work with your phone right next to you oh she's so right i hate it these are all the things i love my phone my bad you're taking that away from me phone can literally make a 30 minute assignment a four hour assignment trust me it's noon one second it does suck and then it's four o'clock it's true you go on your phone for one thing and next thing you know it's four days later and you've done nothing we pranked our prof oh my god they made it oh my god the bowling game that's hilarious this is what it looks like when your students go on strike we do mario kart next how to get out of your zoom classes stop video oh their typing is reconnecting these poor teachers are going to come out of quarantine with major trust issues this is the gen z version of when we used to pretend we were driving through a tunnel so we could hang up on someone we didn't like but your crush is in your zoom class oh oh my gosh she looks great email me a list of older i'm a gamer in school she's gonna make sure i have the best gaming pc in here miss jones you want us to download photoshop right what do i do when i'm done you want me to wait a little bit for everyone else to finish downloading ms jones why do i have to wait it's not my fault to have a custom built gaming pc and everyone else is on laptop gamers on zoom do you like you want me to pay attention i'm sorry i was just looking at my custom built gaming pc i mean she's just such a he's so obnoxious this is what we sound like i'm arguing with you ms jones you know this pc costs more than your car right six months just because you have a nice pc doesn't mean you need to be a jerk so i was thinking about some funny things i could do with virtual backgrounds and zoom and what i came up with was to use this image over here as my background i'll have my face over here instead of arthur's face oh my god i loved it so first i loaded up photoshop the amount of effort that's going into this dumb jokes i love it so what i did was take a pizza box and cut a hole in it oh my goodness position and angle it correctly i kind of uh improvise a little bit oh my god so much effort even more than i thought and they didn't have strings so i use rubber bands instead having fun isn't hard when you have a pizza box and photoshop skills i'll do anything for my queen oh my god passing the pencil trick i love this obviously they're not really doing it like the pencil's even changing color if you're not doing physical comedy bits on zoom i can't relate hold on i gotta go downstairs types of students the sleeper oh my god i think that'd be me the gamer i feel like you're in trouble for gaming in the pjs that also made me the one doing tick tock dances not me i suck at dancing at first second before i realized what's going on i'm like everybody has the same background it's the same girl and this is my quarantine online zoom school daily routine right after i wake up i shower and get ready for the day otherwise i'll be too lazy too lately 5 30. apple watching go downstairs which always consists of my homemade milk that i make of chocolate almond milk and espresso then i make a burrito made with low-carb tortilla one egg imagine being disorganized these guys on another level and lots of tacos off so prepared for the day when i brush my teeth do my hair wave good morning to the world and it's like watching the beyonce concert get ready to zoom in but i can't relate i make a chocolate strawberry protein shake for lunch and then do my workout i do a full ballet bar abs then arms and upper body i lock my workout my bullet journal and then shower and change into something more comfortable boy i'm gonna let you finish but i'd be wearing the same sweatpants from yesterday and i'm exhausted just watching this today we had someone's brother come into our zoom lecture hello hello it's me it's caleb who's this and my girl was sleeping oh my brother's yeah every year okay i can't believe his little brother right about caleb stop being such a narc it just gets ditches i'm joking he probably should have been sleeping in class me pretending to buffer and glitch during a presentation you're not fooling anyone do these does this actually work i mean your glasses fell off zoom doesn't do that okay the caption says don't film tick tocks during the zoom um yes they are mean can you turn your camera oh my god he wants her to put the camera on oh i imagine how do you explain this the good thing is she already have clown makeup on so she's clowning herself when you're paranoid about leaving the zoom honestly i can relate to this oh my god so he turns it off covers the camera wait there's more shut down computer oh my god you're even closing the laptop he's still smiling he puts it in the case oh my god into the freezer he's still smiling though he doesn't want to take any chances you always got to double check before you drop that smile babies you never know who's watching wait you can stop smiling now yes that feeling thursday okay this thursday okay thursday oh no oh no i have contact anxiety oh my god ready i've been in a classroom in so long my body still goes into fight or flight watching this nothing wakes you faster than hearing you have a test soon someone just got pulled over during a zoom meeting is on there you know what that means yeah that means it only allows [Music] i noticed that during class you appeared to consume an entire chocolate cake wow i would never be one to police my students eating habits but i reviewed the class record when you finished the whole thing you were sweating i'm pretty sure i watched you unhinge your jaw like something can't believe he's getting called out for that it's your job okay it's your job okay wow okay sir we are in the national pandemic things are stressful and in some places the world is actually on fire so let david eat his cake i see what you mean about the whole cake in 43 seconds i don't even know how he did that and i actually want to shake his hand anyways guys i hope you enjoyed this video i love you all so much stay awesome stay sweet and don't forget to be nice bye bye you
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 3,525,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, online school, virtual classes, hacks, online school hacks, virtual classes hacks
Id: j9pYWmQ4W6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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