Back To School Life Hacks You Wish You Knew !

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he's back to school life hacks are life changing have your bought a textbook it in has highlighter all over it and you want to get rid of the highlighter well I'm gonna show you a little magical trick that you can actually erase the highlighter so if you want to buy a used textbook you can and if you want to sell your used textbook you can so it's easy as one two three one you got a lemon to you squeeze that lemon three you put the lemon juice on top of the highlighter and like magic it just starts dissolving look at that it's literally erasing in front of our eyes I love hats now this next one if I knew this I would have been a genius I would have been the female Elon Musk okay maybe not using your favorite snack to study so basically you do is you take for example gummy bears like we have here and you put them along your textbook at certain points and after you study that point and you memorize it and you know it and you were a master at that paragraph and you can have a gummy bear it's incentive to study I'll do anything for a gummy bear but you don't have to you just got me bears you can use Oreos chips hmm I don't know whatever you love use it if it makes you study oh my god you know when you first start school and you don't know where to find all your classes and there's classrooms on the first floor and this classrooms like down the hall and you don't know which ones when set it as your phone screensaver so now you know first class I have to go here at this time second class I gotta go here at this time it's brilliant and you don't got to open your phone every time to go look at where your classes are it's so easy and simple until you start finally memorizing where you have to go or if you're like me and directionally challenged you never learn where to go it and you might need this all the time can I get this for like life like oh now this one is a necessity a school survival kit you may be asking heresy what's a school survival kit well let me tell you so you know in your school and there's an emergency I don't know there's many things that are like emergencies and some of them aren't that's serious well you should pack an emergency kit band-aids tylenol in case you have a headache if you have long hair like hair scrunchies you never know maybe you have Jim that day you need to put your hair up maybe it's really windy whatever it is maybe you have science class you're doing some crazy experiments you need to put your hair back mouthwash or gum always important oh maybe we could talking to some cute boy your breath a little stinky so you know some mouthwash deodorant self-explanatory physical edit class you need some deodorant after usually some lip chap maybe it's like dry your lips are dry you know they heard they're bleeding lip chap lifesaver anything else you may need if your girl tampons or hand sanitizer this you need to put in your locker and you need to keep it there and maybe you might not ever use it but maybe your friend needs it may be a stranger needs it so handy now this maximum is really cool but also pretty weird it's from this guy whose channel is called James DIY so make sure you check him out if you don't have an eraser don't worry James DIY I got you I'd like I said this is weird but you can literally use bread to erase bread he's gonna show you what takes a piece of bread and the five is erasing just like that this one actually isn't that weird because they actually used to use bread to erase a part of me is also like family but you're not gonna use a full loaf of bread you're gonna use a little corner all you need is a few little bread crumbs and it's only really if you're an emergency and you need to erase something a second thing you can use as an emergency is literally a rubber band tie it on the back of the pencil and watch it erase actually does a really good job so we got another study hack here cuz we all know how stressful exams and tests are like I just can't like I I think about that and I literally schipper to this day and it's been a long time since I've been in school but I'm gonna make your life easier because I know how hard tests are I know I know you'll be struggling and if you're not then you smart AF and you keep going but anyways for the rest of us like me then we suck we struggle a little struggle you can basically put your study notes in ziplock bags and put them up in your shower and this is super handy because you're constantly being like reminded of your study notes you can look at it it's like always around in your environment so this is like constant exposure to your notes it's amazing you do want to take a break though you don't always want to be studying breaks are actually very very very very very very important because your brain needs to take a break that so you can absorb all the knowledge you study 24/7 you're not gonna do as well somebody who takes breaks so you know take it a little easy on yourself stop too easy not very like me you're forgetful I like to say that I have a memory of a goldfish at least goldfish are kind of cute right locker combination literally the bane of my existence like I can't remember locker combination if my life depended on it you can take one of these bracelets right locker combination on the inside and almost keep it around your wrist if you forget your locker combination you just flip it inside like really sneaky least nobody season nobody steals your locker combination and there it is it's always there with you you don't have to open your phone every time it's super handy just you know don't lose the bracelet I guess even if you lost the bracelet as long as nobody knew is your bracelet they wouldn't know which Locker to try what they're gonna sit there and try every Locker some people are that aggressive so speaking of lockers I think it's super fun to decorate your locker I mean you're gonna be looking at that locker so much for the rest of school year that's gonna be your home away from home so you might as well make it a point of inspiration something that inspires your creativity something that's you something that you love trying to make your school experience as fun as possible so grab some fun wallpapers some magnets a mirror and whatever else you need and to make that locker creative you know make it you like my locker was I was so boring like I was Miss Lee not at school I also didn't have youtube back from Daiso didn't have youtubers telling me to decorate my locker and I just kind of did things the boring way apparently obviously you disclaimer before you do this make sure your school's okay with it I don't want you having to pay some crazy fine because you did like vandalize your locker so yeah I just make sure it's okay and if it's not okay I'm sure there's ways to do it like temporarily work when you leave it that in the year you can take everything off this one is a pretty fun hack so you can literally use your mirror as a whiteboard so you know you don't want to forget something maybe it's like something you need to bring to school like slides notes maybe you want to remember something like an equation you could write it on your mirror but make sure you use the right type of marker don't go buying some permanent sharpie no no cuz that's like gonna come off and then you're ruined your mirror the dry erase markers literally work the same Amir's you can wipe them off I love it sometimes you don't have a whiteboard sometimes you don't have space for it this works just as well so this one's also pretty cool so at school you're pretty much stuck eating a cold lunch if you pack your own lunch unless you buy it there the cafeteria not really sure what your situations like but if you couldn't bring your own lunch it's usually cold and sometimes I can get boring well it doesn't have to be boring it doesn't have to be cold not that cold as always boring but you get my drift you can bring a thermostat and put a hot prepared meal into your thermostat and then have a hot meal like a hot dog chicken nuggets whatever suits your fancy so make sure kind of makes sense in the thermostat soup I love soup this is another fun hack so if all your notebooks look the same you can literally color a little bit of the paper different colors so that when you're looking in your bag you can easily grab like your math book or your English book or your science book and like you have colors for every type of subject makes your life a little bit easier than having to take out the book open it up see what's inside when you're finished with an essay copy and paste it into Google Translate and listen to it it's the easiest way to find mistakes so you have somebody telling you the essay I mean you can always use a friend if you're a friend with you guys can read each other's as you see each other and hearing it set out loud you can be like oh that sentence sounds a little funky so instead of buying link the custom flashcards you can make your own but make them so they fit inside your phone case so make them the perfect size and let put them in the back of your phone case and this is handy because you know sometimes maybe like you're on the bus on the way home or you're I don't know somewhere where you're bored like waiting for somebody come on we have our phones on us all the time pull the flashcards out from underneath your phone and just study a bit you know sometimes sometimes we don't know what to do now you got your flashcards available you can always take pictures on your phone to things like that a lap desk you can make these at home make sure you ask your parents first and that they don't care about the pillar you're gonna use but you can literally attach a whiteboard to a pillow and use it as a little lap desk you can bring it with you in the car so I mean and this only works if you're not like me and you're getting nauseous in cars I get a little nauseous of cars but if you don't get Naja's and cars you can use that time to literally do a homework which means more time from video games or playing with your friends or whatever and this also means that you can work from the couch sometimes like it doesn't always have to be at your desk although I do think it is a little handy getting like in the habit of working your desk I think you're a little more productive but this is helpful for like you know first on my casual homework you're watching some TV maybe you wanna in between the commercial breaks you want to do some work keep those apples from turning brown like this nobody likes to eat apples when they turn brown I mean I don't know about nobody but I I for sure don't do they taste any worse I don't really know I think the fact that it just doesn't look fresh anymore just like puts me off a little maybe I'm just being a little bit of a brat but I mean why not when there's a hat for it so you can cut up your Apple so it's sliced for school but then if you put it back together like it was a puzzle piece and wrap an elastic band you wrap it around the Apple and then it keeps it fresh longer I'm so happy I can't wait to try this one plan ahead this one isn't for everybody but if you have a really hard time figuring out what to wear in the morning plan it ahead you know plan off Monday's off outfit Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and then you don't have to worry about it anymore you don't have to spend so much time in the morning getting ready I read somewhere that you're a lot more ambitious at night so you're more likely to make good decisions then right in the morning when you wake up and you can't even straight yet because you're so sleeping yeah I imagine how easy it is just a throw on what you pick the night before easy-peasy of course this doesn't work if like the climate is changing drastically where you're from but for the most part I think it's fun so we have another fun hack from James DIY so you take a bunch of paper cups okay take a sharpie and you start drawing the numbers zero to nine on the first one and you take the second one and then you draw all your mathematical symbols then you take the third cup and you again zero to nine and once you finish it should look something like this this makes a fun little game that makes math a little more enjoyable to learn now this next hack is gonna blow your mind a little cuz I didn't know this was possible so when your pen runs out as sometimes it happens you're responsible you bring a pen still runs out well your friend connects you lend use their pen and then you're gonna take the ink out and then you're gonna cut it in half over a piece of paper because the ink might explode and then you give your friend back their half you take your half and then you take the tip out of your other pen that's dead out like this you take it out Oh see that's what I do have a paper and then you just pop it in and now you got two pens at work I mean they're two half pens but they still work I wouldn't use these pens for too much long after because sometimes pens have a tendency if exploding but it's a good simple life hack for one day there's some cool hacks you can do that like to trick your mind into learning better and one of them is by chewing the same flavor as gum when you study and then chewing that same flavor can you take the test I don't know how true this is cuz I've never tried it but apparently I like improve your memory because you like remember the flavors and it's like all the senses are working together pretty cool let me know if it works highlight highlight highlight and not just randomly make the highlighting useful make that highlighter work for you so you can set different colors for different meanings in your text books that way it kind of you associate the colors for different things and if you're looking for something you can find it easy like they're like oh I'm looking for this date you know Odate is blue I'm looking for this term or you know terms are green so it makes it easier to find things in your text books so this is another life hack for pens because sometimes pens just stop working you can heat it up with a blow-dryer that's simple and most of us at school we have those hand dryers in our bathrooms in between classes you can literally go to the bathroom heat it up under the hair dryer and it might work now this next one is super handy if you're good hunger in class because most teachers don't let you bring food in class I did a whole video these setbacks you're gonna check it out on my channel somewhere or you I'll try to leave the link in description anyways this one you need a three-ring binder and a ziplock bag it's gonna take the ziplock bag and you're gonna fold it over once you're gonna flip it over and then you're gonna fold it over again and you're gonna tape it down tape it down on the other side and this is to prevent the food from falling out so you pack it with food close it and you take the bottom of the ziplock bag and you literally just push it through the three-ring binder and there you have yourself some food and school just don't get in trouble don't disturb people don't munch loud this one I actually do Oh ready so basically you stack your clothes vertically in your drawer so then you can see what you have because before what I was doing is I was pulling everything out of my drawers and it was hanging up everywhere and every time I was looking for one shirt that I couldn't find my room would go from being clean to looking like a tornado went through my room and really I'm just like I just need this one shirt that looks like all my other shirts it's always the black shirt because I have so much black clothes now when you're looking for another piece of black holes and they all look the same literally they all look the same so this is a little handy so you can find it easier it's a little annoying when they fall over but this one this one I love this hack this one I do already some of these you know I'm not really in school so they're not relevant to my life but they're relevant to your guys lives and that's been doing it but this one is relevant to my life because clothes you can use nail polish identify different keys you're like oh this key is for I don't know my bike this keys for my house this keys for the garage so you're not always trying every single key when you're trying to get in and literally try all of them and then finally find the one that works like ten minutes now this hack is more for the moms or the dads watching nobody eats a banana peels you could just write a cute little note here hit on the banana peel you know to keep them motivated let them know that you love them I love you you're awesome good luck you're gonna kill it today slay Queen literally whatever you want to right you guys got in a fight I'm sorry I guess maybe you shouldn't say Sora in a banana or should you another thing that's really important go to schools do not skip breakfast you'll need that energy so sometimes you're in a rush I get it like way too much time in the shower whatever it may be but when you're a rush you know what's really handy is having hard-boiled eggs literally grab one and go and eggs are so good for you if you're not vegan of course but yeah that's just a little thing I do when I'm looking a rush I've hard-boiled eggs ready leave and you can eat it wherever just you know be clean when you discard the shells and yeah anyways guys I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope it really helps make this school your magical yeah and easy and enjoyable and gives you any motivation you need it because you know what you got this study hard but obviously take some you time because you need it but also yes study hard do well make your parents proud I know you got it in you like I said I hope you enjoy this video I love you all so much stay awesome stay sweet and don't forget me neither [Music] [Music]
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 4,762,494
Rating: 4.901865 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, back, to, school, life, hacks, you, wish, knew, funny hacks, school hacks, back to school, awesome life hacks, hacks for kids
Id: rNu2m7gUcLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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