Crazy Mario Bros: The Duck Invasion!

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[Music] since it was just Christmas and we got these two games on sale which game you think we should play first Super Mario maker tool or pokemons shield well Mario maker - looks like a lot of fun but pokemon shield it seems like it's mostly revolved around story it's kind of a hard choice Luigi I mean do you want to have a lot of fun making random levels or do you want to get into the Pokemon story and have battles actually yeah that's a difficult question or how about we play call of duty modern warfare for the ps4 and Luigi why would we play that we've never played call of duty well yeah but I mean there's a first for everything well yeah but Luigi what we're playing the newest game showing where these play some of the old games we can you know if there's a story then we could get the story look there's a story to call duty I thought was just shooting people no Luigi there has to be a story but oh my god you know what never mind let's just play Mario maker guys guys guys check out my rubber duck well you got call of duty yeah we got it recently but oh that's a pretty cute look what's his name his name is scribbles what Mattioli it's not even you doc how do you know because all Ducks have to be named scribbles I never heard of a duck named scribbles how'd you come up with that but anyways his name is actually quack stir quack stir what a stupid name scribbles is so much better actually quacks there's a pretty cool name thanks Luigi alright I have to go to the bathroom okay Junior well that's pretty cute you know Luigi I think we should murder this dunk look what Margaret why because his name isn't scribbles Matty oh no one names the Ducks scribbles I don't know where you got that from that's stupid you're just saying that because you've never had a duck named scribbles well yeah I've never had a duck to begin with and you haven't either whatever you want to go downstairs and overdose on mints well I mean I'd love to but don't you think we should watch the duck you don't kiss it runs off but Luigi it's just a rubber duck it hasn't even been moving this entire time robber we need a watch it's not real you're right oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god man yo those mints were amazing yeah I know think wait a bit too much no there's no such thing as too many mints yeah that's true well wait what the hell what will we left for like 10 minutes and there's there's already more dogs look how are more ducks um Matt yeah I think you should be asking them I Steve who this makes no no Matt yo they haven't get in tighter on me we're tuned we're tuned because we look for 10 minutes to eat mints that we're doing what you guys yelling about what's going on what Jesus like friends what what is going on you know jr. we really don't know our house has just been taken over by dogs look wow really ten minutes the duck wasn't even real how was the Ducks real mouth exactly wait for ten minutes then we come back and then there's just all these dogs yeah this is strange but we need to get these ducks out of here exactly Jr we got to figure out how to get creative these ducks let's just get rid of them it can't be that hard I mean sure those that live but how do you know look they're even strong I mean seriously like they're just ducks how can they possibly do any hi guys um I I just wanted to let you know that I I was joking yeah yeah yeah I was joking I would never try to get rid of you guys right now deal I don't think that they care what I just cause not you guys so stupid oh my god wait God are they trying to kill us or something wait oh wait wait there's some behind us how did they get that close so quick Matthew I'm telling you they were trying to use those distractions behind us just so that they could get closer [Music] my head feels funny wait where am i what Luigi Luigi wake up hey Miguel what's going up with wait where are we mad you I don't know Luigi I just woke up in this closet and my head feels funny and I don't know what's going on all right dude you to speak to us hey Mario Luigi um yeah I think I'm fine but where am i what is this that's a thing Junior we don't know we all just woke up in this closet we think that the Ducks might have something to do with it yeah I mean I guess the last thing I remember is kind of just you know the Ducks piling on top of us and much else besides that I don't know what they did to us but we should go and look for them yeah we've got to go on a search for the Ducks let's go and end them once and for all yeah but mad Yolo there's only one problem was that Luigi there's a mini in the docks how are we supposed to get rid of them calm down Luigi I'm sure there's got millions of thugs there's probably alike like a thousand thousand is still a lot we can't get rid of a thousand well we can at least try okay no let's go downstairs and get rid of these ducks once and for all okay okay all right good okay Matt yo obviously you're the master plan you saw why do you think that the Ducks could be well I mean we don't really use this room for anything so they can't really be in here they have to be in some kind of a different room like I don't know why don't we go look in the bedroom well which bedroom but Luigi what bedroom do you think I'm talking about the one where that came from the one with the white bed okay yeah yeah good idea let's go look there you guys sure you want me to go in there yes sure you're just going it can't be that bad okay oh my god guys I figured they've turned our rooms into houses what what is that supposed to mean it means the Ducks have taken over Luigi we have to stop them but how we don't have weapons well let's go find some then come on let's go to my room okay let me just check Jesus Christ wait a minute it's mine take it over - yep yep it is that's no no no I don't believe this let me go see this look for yourself Oh No [Music] my room this is not fair they can't take over rooms just cuz the docks when jr. he's been outnumbered there's nothing that we can do wait I just remembered before this I actually signed out on my computer so they don't know my password Wang this is stupid okay while they're distracted with my computer let's go yeah there's some weapons for my closet guys we've each got the weapon and well I mean Maddie has two weapons but whatever I mean just anything that we can get to just get these things out of the house you know I mean anything helps yes oh my god Luigi we are going to absolutely destroy these things okay oh my god we are so powerful don't forget about me guys look at how big my gun is it's gonna be so much fun oh yeah you guys are ready to go yep let's go get rid of these dogs man yo we're doing this room first so which weapon are you bringing mmm you know I'm not really too sure about the gun I think I'll just bring this thing instead so I can wipe out multiple people at once not a cool okay going very stealthy just good dude how did they not notice me these guys are so stupid crap I ruined any chance of sneaking up but oh well time to wipe these ducks out oh wait I missed I got I got two okay now it's time for you guys don't ever take over our house ever again good [Music] we did it become really that um module I don't really know how to tell you this but that wasn't out of them wait what maybe that was on the neck five there's still like thirty left it somewhere in the house probably doing it alright let's go try and figure this out Luigi wait wait wait Mario okay so I think the next destination is gonna be juniors bedroom so Luigi you going for this one well okay I guess I'm pretty brave enough I can do this lady who's ready to get stabbed what you are so horrible at this Luigi what what did I do wrong - be quiet of these types of things okay what oh crap they notice me oh no wait Luigi don't dodge the shot throw your scissors out so then the duck will run into it hmm okay good idea Mattie oh grandma oh my gosh look that was so good effective a little time to go get the other ones he's a tough decision though shy interrupts the baby duck sleeping just to get our house back well yes I saw it there you go man yo get this room out oh dang that actually wasn't bad good job Luigi yeah so where we going now we should check downstairs there's probably the most dogs down there [Music] okay guys think there's a lot of ducks in there you're ready to go yeah I've got the big gun literally okay okay guys come on there has to be more we got you Mattie oh well oh you got a night phone but guess what we are evenly tied you're done Brown you're next wait all right hold us look why is it stove open oh ha ha see here's what you're gonna regret having this open okay oh no you don't listen here bud you will not cook my friends all right I got you all right don't get can I get you out of here Luigi come on I can't believe that you saved me Junior I was so close to being cooked no problem Luigi we always have to help each other because we have to get rid of these stupid ducks you know what stay in there get cooked instead guys move on they're probably already dead we have to move on here you have to find out if any of them are hiding gotcha perfect shot all right guys let's look in here hmm one over here got three I also found three well I can't do the bap bap bap thing I only found one will I make this one count that was a good batch mm so is there any other ducks I don't know I don't think there's anything at whoa sorry mr. Christmas Jesus dude don't yell at me like that I mean look I'm sorry that we're killing all the ducks but we have to okay this is our house not yours okay so I'm gonna get rid of you wait oh my god Junior you saved my life no problem man take the big gun yep thank you big gun all right guess we're done guys I don't think there's any other ducks in the house I guess you can just go back to living our lives as normal people oh yeah nobody stupid ducks to deal with all right let's just go upstairs and chill you know Matt yo I'm glad that we managed to save our house from other stupid ducks yeah those ducks were annoying but somehow we managed to get rid of them so good job on us yeah thanks for your help guys you guys are awesome hey guys what's up check out this duck that I found No [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music]
Channel: CrazyMarioBros
Views: 1,805,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario, super mario bros, mario plush, mario plush videos, nintendo plush videos, nintendo, cmb, crazy, mario, bros, crazymariobros, crazy mario bros, plush, video, fun, toy, Mario plush video, nintendo plush, mario bros, super mario plush videos, super mario bros plush videos, luigi, bowser, jr, junior, bowser jr, bowser junior, duck, action, war, funny, invasion, The Duck Invasion, Crazy Mario Bros - The Duck Invasion!, pet duck, action scenes, cmb mario, cmb luigi, cmb bowser jr, lol
Id: PoS9Sb7DMBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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