CRAZY FANGIRL vs Most Secure Minecraft House...

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and the house is finished this looks great Denny come over here look it looks great doesn't it Denny he he come here Daddy what no no no no no no no wait I need daddy I need Daddy what are you doing I'm gonna take away daddy so we can be alone forever though guys there's not Danny first off and second off I need it for the video please we're making a secure base no no no no no no I'll be back in 10 minutes after I dispose of him you'll be back in 10 minutes before you dispose of him oh no okay uh oh I gotta get back to the secure base oh man oh man she's gonna be back for me in 10 minutes even though he just she just took daddy oh man that doesn't look good oh man I feel so bad for him he's getting punched and stuff he's in the house it's in the house it's resisting no no no no oh man well life I better start making a secure base man I can't do this without my boyfriend oh man I'm gonna need backup ring ring ring ring hello hello hello who is this uh it's doggo I need your help then got kidnapped and we only have 10 minutes before this fan girl who's kidnapped him comes back so I need your help I think you got the wrong number guess I hope he gets here soon hi yoga what the hell oh my gosh where'd you come from man you went I was just yeah I was just chilling in your house the whole time okay anyways we got us a girl base to make quickly all right I'm gonna like dig a mode or something wait wait wait wait wait where's Dan Dan got kidnapped I literally just told you of course he did what why'd you laugh dude he could be like getting murdered or something oh sure that is kind of sad right that's what I was saying but I mean hey look uh what's what's done is done I guess we just have to like do what we can to survive that's right that's right when we got lady on our team nothing can go wrong egg exactly egg egg literally exactly and literally a guy speaking of edge you like eggs right I mean like I'm not I don't I don't dislike eggs like I guess interesting I don't know why I asked that because I I really just don't care you're just so weird sometimes what even happened like who kidnapped in it was this crazy fan girl oh wait the same fangirl as before yeah literally from the last video by the way guys you guys should totally check it out it was a thing I hide the fangirl and now they're back and they're trying to destroy us or something anyways that's right but don't watch it because am I in it my voice actor is though no you definitely watch it all right anyways we got the moat going we get the lava in the most and it's actually looking pretty Shick and span what do you think lady test it out looks this looks tested out why do I always have to test it out every single time why can't you test it out for once why can't you test it out for once test it out all right all right now you know I'm gonna jump across it because I'm a man all right fun let's see ready ready ready ready ready play some like really inspirational music right here all right here we go oh well uh guess we don't have a lot anymore guys all right well unfortunate really so uh I think for the next thing we're gonna do is gonna use something called laddy uh what I was trying to say was uh some magma block magma this looks really stupid I'm gonna get rid of this one no but don't get rid of this stop stop we need this wait it looks dumb it looks dumb dude we I'm trying to make a defense we only have like eight minutes left stop wait wait wait eight minutes yes dude eight minutes help me place it yep I had no idea I'm sorry the freaking silly dattling is annoying all right hey you're you're annoying okay fair enough and there we go we're done all right we got a bunch of magma around a little base here now I think we can use some really nice stuff for example a little mine you know what I'm saying what wait why are you putting them on the magma wouldn't it be smarter to put them like all around the base buddy don't be silly yeah sorry I called you silly huh all around the base just like this good great oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no break them break them please if I break them the whole thing blows well this don't break them no no you can break them though just not under them just don't break them don't go I want to break it don't let it wanna break it why would you do that why why so I wouldn't have to do that I would have done the same thing as well I'm not gonna lie okay there you go we're all good just don't break the blocks below them but they'll be tragically wait why like this uh it looks kind of cool though all right Doug I'm gonna go ahead and patch up this whole oh never mind wow you're getting good patching huh you're a genius all right yeah and then we'll get going with the minds a little more just please don't touch them I will do my best and honestly that's not gonna be good enough I'm gonna touch all these mines don't touch the mines bloody one way or another hell like how like expensive these mines are um I mean they're that expensive right yeah no I got them for free anyways anyways anyways anyways anyways we got our next next little thing that we've got to do to defend ourselves against the big Mighty fangirl oh man what do you have in mind yoga centuries what a stupid idea I know but we're gonna use them anyway because I got no other ideas okay guys oh my gosh wait that's her house wow she is a Millionaire right I I asked him before like off camera and she was like oh yeah I've got a comfortable amount of Mula that usually means they have like a billion dollars you talk to her off camera all right let's keep placing these centuries even do uh not much they just come over they just kind of uh shoot you know you're gonna make me test them aren't you no I would I would never just stand right here go in survival but unrelated yeah just don't step I love you easy no you're definitely not Dodgers oh um yeah you weren't meant to um uh okay well may as well blow up the rest well we've got more space for a lava moat now which is nice why did you step on the mines you made me do that you made me do that how did I make you do that you ran towards a century and then hit the mark guys if Doug made me do that make sure to like the Subscribe button you want to like the Subscribe button what the heck anyways this guy anyways anyways well now that we've got a bigger moat or a bigger boat I don't know what I don't know what you want to call it um I guess we can I don't know innovate a little bit more now I do like the idea of the minds but we're just gonna play some again a little bit off camera later we'll do that later yeah we'll do that later but uh unfortunately we only have like six minutes left to build our base so um we've been kind of lollygagging all we've done is some centuries and we had mines but no so we're not to destroy it and yeah you no no no no no no no no no no no what are we gonna do without Den here he's the most organized no it's not do oh my gosh I've just made like three wooden axes as well okay well exactly no it's not my fault all right chill out okay you know what the next thing we're gonna do is gonna be a nice wall all right boom all right ready walls all right no way we can mess up a wall there's no one rock boom that okay amazing yes this is perfect this is perfect let me just make like a cool like Molly face design though smiley face design exactly because we need it we need to make sure that the girl knows we don't want to hurt her we just want our friend back right right you know what that's kind of smart let's keep doing that isn't that nice spreading positivity yeah you know what let's all right you know what I'm gonna punch a hole like this into every single one I see boom easy all right cool so let's just uh do this in the back I guess ah dog you make me smile oh I know it was my idea to add the smiles I guess I don't know about that one but it was my idea right guys well Doug what you were doing the smiley faces I just had to add a door right here so we can get in really easily and I really easily just in case you know but what about the the Fango what if she gets in really easily and out really easily uh oh I forgot about her I'm this close to firing you this close I I do like a thing with my fingers saying this close but my hands don't have fingers because we're in Minecraft I heard this little nub oh you've got little nubbies oh man all right well we may as well start on the next defense which is going to be something to do with the dispenser now this dispenser is pretty magical pretty pretty fine pretty cool right right it's pretty nice but what's going to be inside of it right it's gonna be not as cool right like no no no no no it's gonna be epic like like more cool than the dispensers cooler no like the cooler all right no ready so I'm gonna place them all and what's inside is something called gravity Dynamite now gravity what to mate so this is gonna slow down the fan Girl by like 2 billion two billion oh yeah and a unit of measurement that's crazy quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly count wet to two billion okay one uh two two I knew that uh-huh two billion close but uh you missed a couple of numbers I'm sorry I don't know how to count oh really oh well who cares all right because we've got a muted fangirl next to us uh she's not mutant I don't know she's just really crazy it seems like a nice girl to be honest yeah maybe why don't you just marry her Doga because because it's weird she's weird you're weird okay fine well you America yo you're gonna marry her yes I will yeah all right get in front of here we're gonna test this trap guess what oh what am I standing here for again so uh imagine you're trying to like run at me you know full Pace you just you just want to come get me I got you hold up hold up hold up all right I wouldn't go close to there though I wouldn't I wouldn't what are you doing stop stop she's literally right inside gotta make we gotta make this as realistic as possible literally right inside gotta make this as realistic as what the heck don't go inside okay well he's inside all right well all right three two one go go I wanna get married now am I gonna kiss and have a lot of babies come here Dogo that's a really good impression all right anyways set them off send you back oh wait that works really well actually it like swooped him up and then threw him right back to where it came from that's awesome and the smiley faces didn't even need to do anything oh you go you're so happy oh man anyways where's Letty oh that hurt that really hurt I'm not gonna lie that was really painful how do you have like unlimited life I don't know man something about the Matrix here at the back rooms or somewhere the weird lore like stupidity toilet or something that kid's like oh yeah well anyways we should make something like an Armory or something an Armory like where we get arms sure but like I mean it's more of something to protect our arms you know I mean I already have two arms I don't know if we need any more why are you so ignorant anyway yeah all right so I'm going to place two armor stands right here there would be three but then got kidnapped so um imagine yeah idiot anyways let's just give some armor that kind of like relates to us all right all right yeah I can do that I think I'm gonna get this thing called the Ruby armor nice and overpowered as you can see with the armor stats there we go what do you got wow that looks really cool but the armor I chose is even cooler I chose this one oh oh that's right that's right Pierce blood red blood red like got like a like a cloak or something we got like these Epic Shoes like some sneakers that make it run like really fast and of course I don't know what this headband is but it's gonna be really really dangerous um all right well I think I'm ready if you're ready but uh we need swords we need swords we need swords all right so we're nice small ones you know nothing that could be too crazy I think I'm gonna go with this it's a common it's a command block sword so uh nothing crazy there we go that's where it seems more my speed not gonna lie oh yeah it does have a color actually you know what you can have that ah thanks Doga here I have the perfect sword for you oh really it must be like really powerful a wooden sword no you know what I'm gonna get my own sword which represents myself all right boom boom I meant to say boom like a spoon [Laughter] so what do you think this fangirl is going to come after us oh man like actually after you because she's not even after me oh yeah uh probably like two minutes away oh my God two minutes that's like barely enough time Doga two minutes I just realized all right we're gonna do something crazy we're gonna do something crazy which is uh uh we need to use spikes oh my gosh we need spikes and I mean like spikes as in like spikes along the wall like this this is a great idea oh you're so smart yes lady don't run into the spikes what why not oh okay uh well that's why anyways all right well we've got a nice line of spikes right here and I feel oh hey lady we feel like we gotta kind of copy it with this modernage technology and then paste it up here all right we're gonna cover the smiley faces no you can cut out the smiley faces with the spikes yay I love you duga I know I'm just kind of great uh you love me too right oh man you're funny ah thanks all right well this is not the only thing I want to do with spice I just came up with a great idea Letty what if we made a ghost block pit full of spice as well that was my idea Jim what no I mean that sounds like a great idea let's do it all right anyways I definitely didn't take that idea from Letty off camera anyways boom spam look at that look at that it's a nice slab this is such a nice pit dog it looks kind of boring and stupid though maybe spice it up with some like diamond blocks on the walls or something cool like that you and your diamonds fine look at this modernish technology I do so much for you my son that's right I'm your dad oh wow it's been a year daddy this looks absolutely fine fine okay well I actually I I hate you oh I love you though so it's okay it cancels out ah you you meanie anyways now we're gonna start placing these things called ghost blocks now you want to test out what the ghost blocks do real quick what can you explain what they do real quick so I I mean how about you just walk over to me real quick um I mean like if you insist I don't really see why I'd want to do that but I mean like I'd always like to give you yep and there you go you're lucky there's no space down here all right otherwise you would have completely perished I wouldn't say I'm lucky you're lucky you're a lucky boy I'm laddy I'm not lucky you're lucky like the TNT lucky TNT mod wow what a good mod all right but look but look look look we're almost done now oh thanks for the good help all right and schwaboom we're done now it seems like there's nothing here but in reality there's a freaking moat oh my gosh my business gracious let's grab the spot and stop placing them like this wait Doga what if we spiced it up a little bit and did spikes and lava right right oh my God right I've got a modern Age Technology idea no way take your time all good God all day guys make sure to like that subscribe button and smash that like button guys make sure to subscribe to that like button make sure to comment that subscribe button don't get this looks amazing that smells amazing as well you gotta let me try it I love sodium in my mouth all right anyways now we're done with the moat talking about yo bro I'm glow you're dope all right anyways we got more important matters to happen we've got the fans coming in like 30 seconds 30 seconds later bloody 30 seconds 30 seconds so we got them the fat girls coming in like a couple seconds that means I'm gonna armor up I've literally got an armor up right now oh man that's that's unfortunate for you know what in lady's honor I'm gonna use his armor here we are Schwab boom I mean look at me guys come on I'm indestructible and I'm gonna use the Prismatic Reaper as well which was the sword I chose when making the Armory now I do need some food though so I'm gonna give myself something kind of underpowered just some golden baked potatoes and we should be ready for battle oh this is good uh hey uh now that I disposed of Denny it's time for us to get married I don't really want to get married uh uh you know what I I think I'm ready now I've got my whole defense here and I'm ready to destroy you fangirl all right Dogo I'm sick of your games ready for the first wave I'm ready good luck oh oh no she looks like she's spawning a bunch of zombies that's all right though you know what I'm gonna flick this lever up here now with the gravity stuff all right and boom flick and grab all the zombies oh a whole bunch of them just got destroyed okay they're definitely dead they're definitely definitely dead okay I'm gonna keep doing this oh what huh fangirl just accept your fate we're meant to be no we're not meant to be good say goodbye to your underlings your zombies your children are little babies no doka Junior yeah how do you like them huh how do you like them all right oh what oh what look I'm gonna start killing them now boom the second third fourth move dude get out of here why are you so powerful oh my gosh okay I'm gonna move this way all right oh yeah oh yeah zombies oh yeah I wouldn't come too close I really wouldn't I gotta get what are you doing hey little zombie boom boom get in get in the Trap get in the Trap boo no our newborn oh really our newborn I bet you just spawned these guys like three seconds ago I'm glad the boat's working and I'm glad our children get him Jimmy oh wow it's a little child dead no oh my gosh why would you do that those are hard I don't care so what's the next wave of mobs you're gonna send at me now huh okay there's no way you're gonna get past this one if this mob is seven summer what's the third wave of mobs you're gonna spawn we can skip this one okay ah all right yoga this next mob you're never gonna fight off and it is our loving dogs dogs those are some freaking alligators oh my gosh okay oh maybe the gravity guns will work against them oh yes they will well yes they will but oh they don't do much damage okay all right all right I'm gonna I'm gonna get in there I'm gonna really get in there and show him his boss all right here we go come here okay stupid scruffy no oh I can't even see die boom and a bunch of like skimity policemen come out of it why boom boom boom get away from me giggity giggity all right there's some more over here come here I'm destroying the family dog we'll never get this next one his left his name is Rexy I love him hi Rexy hi Rexy bye Rexy how about this how about this we can fight all my love how about that really oh yeah me so happy to the death so if I kill you we get married sure awesome let's do it what the heck all right all right let's do it oh that's a really big sword okay okay boom oh that does a lot of damage come here no okay you know what I'm gonna go this way oh yeah what are you gonna do what are you gonna do huh we're gonna do past this part let me build up real quick oh yeah yeah it looks like you're in a little bit of a conundrum oh looks like you've fallen into my first trap which is the moat how are you gonna get out of this one huh what are you doing they're just hype evangelating what is that what what is that oh oh my gosh okay I understand that you're mad fat girl but oh my gosh oh no you're not gonna throw that at me are you oh my gosh stop blowing everything up stop it I don't want to love you I want to throw things at you or something did it pick you up not working they're missing me oh my gosh why'd you send so manly uh you're not gonna get over this wall no no break this break this no go away go away [Music] ow oh my plan worked somehow that's it that's it I'm going right through your wall what the hell it's Bedrock what what oh my gosh love for me is so intense okay you know what I'm gonna build over here can you do a bit of a guard Bridge oh no failed okay but I clashed anyway so come on come on ass you're getting distracted oh what huh huh yes yes but the centuries are doing great oh wait why are they disabled oh hey fangirl that's it how are you how do you find all this power okay I'm gonna get away from here ow ow ow Frick dang crud okay oh come on okay go this way go this way all right you know what I think I know what to do I feel like this Tower over here that came out of literally nowhere is this source of her power so if I just blow it up we should be all good oh okay no come on no stop oh what hey don't come any further or I'm gonna blow it don't do it please wait don't go we can talk about this oh yeah oh yeah so uh you want to talk about it because I'm gonna let off I don't know the freaking death ray huh don't go all over your belly go inside here what a nice area fan girl listen to your own wife come on don't do this yoga please I literally don't know you oh God no I'm glad I think we can talk it out right I'm not gonna blow it up yes we can talk please let's just talk do not blow up this base okay oh yeah you're gonna shut down once this whole thing gets blowed up good say goodbye fangirl there's no more there's no more fat girl like me I hate you Doga oh my gosh the castle just got destroyed oh and Van Gogh hello hello fangirl hello okay I'm awake okay wake up man you just don't like fake being asleep I I thought if I broke that that would completely destroy you no I just I built that base for us oh God I said I want you to blow it up because I spent so long on it oh well I'm sorry I didn't I didn't mean to do that well yes you did you blew it up okay dang I guess I didn't mean to do that but why are you being so crazy because I love you Doga oh I love your videos and I love your hair my name's stalker and uh uh Danny's kind of uh done because I blew him up in the castle and uh no ladies laddy uh we're done see you guys in the next one peace oh I'm gonna run away from this van Gogh
Channel: DogaTV
Views: 113,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fangirl minecraft, crazy fangirl in minecraft, doga and denny, denny and doga, fangirl secure base, dogatv, minecraft mod, CRAZY FANGIRL vs Most Secure Minecraft House..., nico and cash, cash and nico
Id: PB_JrjhbwwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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