Crazy Cool Ways To Carry Your Truck Gun!

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yeah dear don't worry about it yeah i'll remember to get the milk i'm just gonna stop and get the kids here and then i'll be right home with the milk all right see you soon bye-bye what the heck is going on over there oh shoot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome to the common patriot i'm glad you're here today we're taking a look inside the truck and we're going to be looking at a few ways that you can organize your gear not only when you're going out to the range but also some ways that you can have a lot of firepower at your disposal in a quick minute if you ever need it a handgun is great to have on your side but you always use a handgun to fight to a better tool if you know you're going into a gunfight you obviously want a rifle a lot more capacity as well as a lot better ballistics for taking and stopping that threat that might be in in front of you so without further ado let's take a look inside the truck and what i'm talking about so what i have on the back seats in my truck as i have the greyman tactical rmp weapon system holders that are up here these are really cool i came across them a little over a year ago i just bought some more just to complete my truck the way i wanted it because i'm coming out to the range all the time i don't want to throw these just willy-nilly i don't want to put them in cases i want them here so i can take them out to the range easy but also like this one set up when i'm traveling around the country and i know that i can legally carry a pistol i have an ar pistol that i can easily slap on here and it's ready to go now the only disadvantage of having this pistol say when you're traveling is it's visible but we'll get to that in a little bit later and i'll show you a different setup that i have that puts the guns outside of visibility so just to show you what i have these rmp plates you know these attach to your headrest here and then there's a buckle that goes around the bottom that's basically how they attach to your seat i have an extra one here i'll get to that in a little bit of why that is because i'm going to put this in another spot in my vehicle that keeps this stuff out of sight now you'll notice that i have a little bit different setup on these two sides on this side i have it set up where it actually comes with the parts that i bought everything um from greyman tactical so it's got the the holder down here for a butt plate and then up here this just holds the gun in place but you can see how very easily that gun comes out and how easily it just slides back in there and those there we go those hold really well i have an extra mag pouch here that's also from gray man tactical it's a g code and then that just holds your mag now on this side i didn't want to order another one of these because i like the products from gray man tactical but it gets expensive in a hurry and so i thought well why do i need that you know especially for the things that i'm doing with it it's like this will be just fine the way it is so i didn't get the extra one here i can still carry two rifles or pistols on this side obviously this one just opens up and comes out like that and that's the one that i actually used in the opening shot when i rolled out of my truck and came to this door pulled that out this one's locked loaded and ready to go obviously it's unsafe but that sits there really really well now something else that i have mounted here that you can't quite see right now is an attachment for a safariland holster now i run a lot of these safariland holsters i have an fn 509 right here and if you familiar with them at all they basically run with this piece and you can slide multiple different holsters into the same say leg holster and different setups i really like the safariland holsters like i said i've got a bunch of them for a bunch of different firearms and the other thing that's really nice about these safariland holsters is that they're also adjustable um to different guns but anyway what i wanted to show you here is i've got this set up right here and then i put one of these right here mounted it i got the mounts and everything from gray man tactical so if i want to have a pistol right here all i have to do is slide that in and that is there and it's secure now i really like this because one thing that really sucks if you're in the car for a long period of time is having your pistol sometimes on your hip if i'm on a long trip i can carry my pistol in there it's still within reach for me as the driver and it's locked in there you know it's in a retention holster just defeat the the locking mechanism and you're ready to rock and roll so that's a really cool thing now obviously the way i have it set up i can't run this pistol and this pistol all at the same time on this specific rack but if that was my main purpose then i probably would reconfigure it so i could run both at the same time but like i said i primarily wanted it for running out to the range being able to lock in a few guns right up here some ar type rifles and have that stuff just set up as well as for traveling around the country performing live exhibition shows now coming over to the driver's side i have another rmp plate attaches everything the same way but on this side i have a plate carrier rack right here now the only thing that's missing right now is another strap that holds it up tight so that it doesn't kind of swing around here but ultimately i like this because when i'm throwing a bunch of gear in the back of my truck i can put my guns up there i can hang my plate carrier rack right up here if i'm going out to train with uh my body armor and whatnot and then i can still pick up the seat put all the other stuff that i want down here ammo and different things like that or even more guns because a lot of times i'm rolling with more than just one or two guns uh and and i just have a better way of keeping everything organized as well as carrying it they do sell bags that can go over to cover this stuff and so if i was going to be say going out into public very often with this kind of a setup i would want to keep it out of sight out of mind to some extent but now i'm going to show you another way that you can also mount these which is a little bit more out of sight out of mind so i took the rmp plate off of the passenger seat and i put it on the back seat of my truck right here let's see what that looks like now this is an unloaded gun guys i know it just pointed right at me this setup is specifically for that seat but i wanted to show you one of the other options that you have for mounting this now if this was my setup that i was going to use most of the time i would configure it so that the gun didn't point at me when i bring the seat up but this is a totally cleared gun so this is how this could look like if you had it set up underneath your seat but ultimately the nice thing about this setup is somebody walking by the car they're going to look in and go i don't know what those straps are they aren't going to actually see a gun i'm even right here and i can't see the gun at all until i get right up here then i can see just that little bit of the pistol grip very cool very easy to set up it took me about five minutes to take it off of there and set it up on here but ultimately as you saw when i lifted the seat up it doesn't really work with my setup the way i am so i'm thinking about getting another plate to go on here so that i can set it up specifically for this seat well there you have it guys that's just a few ways that you can keep your truck organized from bringing gear from the home to the range or having guns that are at the ready from the front seat or in your vehicle that are ready for whenever you need them i enjoyed showing you guys my truck set up and greyman tactical has all different kinds of those plates you can mount smaller ones up under your dash in different ways grandma and tactical didn't send me anything i'm not getting anything from gray man tactical by mentioning them i bought these products myself i thought you guys would like them and if i like a product i want to tell you guys about it and we learn from one another i appreciate you all watching the channel if you got any friends out there that would enjoy the content here on the common patriot please let them know about the common patriot if you're not already a subscriber please subscribe to the channel and remember you're a common patriot so be bold be strong don't ever give up god bless we'll see you next time
Channel: The Common Patriot
Views: 325,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: truck gun, truck gun setup, truck gun storage, truck gun rack, truck gun mount, truck gun holster, truck gun ar pistol, Grey Man Tactical, Grayman tactical, Grey Man, tactical truck gear, carrying guns in your truck, carry firearms, truck setups for guns, tac gear, firearm carrying solutions, Hidden guns, Under seat gun, gun solutions for vehicles, grey tactical, Truck gun
Id: T_kfKDi6HDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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