Body Fat for Abs to Show - The Truth! (MEN AND WOMEN)

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Question about the body fat % chart.

Are all men tensing in their pictures? The lower end body fat guys are posing look in tensed positions. The higher end seem relaxed without tensing.

I'm only asking because when I tense I can clearly see my abs coming through and some all round okay muscle definition (nothing to brag about though) - when I don't tense and let everything hand loose I give off a more skinny fat look.

Just trying to work out the body fat %

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RedHeaded_TeaSoldier 📅︎︎ Feb 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
so what body fat level is actually required to see your abs after all today I'm going to tell you what that number is in a matter of fact it's probably a surprise a lot of you and I'm also going to tell you the best way to actually take action on that and get yourself down there no matter where you are right now what's up guys jeff cavaliere so one of the most popular questions I get from both men and women is is there a specific body fat level that I should try to get to if I want to be able to see my abs and I guess the reason why they ask that question is they figure if I can at least see my abs and maybe the rest of me probably looks pretty good too and well that might be a fair question I think the thing you need to ask yourself first is do you know where you're starting from because if you are not we're going to take a trip and let's say we're gonna meet in New York City but you're coming from San Diego and I'm coming from Connecticut give me a lot easier trip for me so we have to know where we're coming from in order to know where we're going to and how long it's going to take us so for that there's a lot of methods and one of the things you can do is kind of invest in something that's gonna be a little bit more expensive like a DEXA scan but it's gonna give you a lot more sophisticated results and information or you can do something like we do here with Jeff seams and that's caliper testing which is a little bit less reliable but a lot easier a lot of times less expensive or you can do it I always like to do so that we did ten years ago on my blog and it's something we call the eye test by the way I know they're helpful but if you're gonna put them on your channel and not even give us credit so what these charts show you is a couple things number one they easily allow you to identify with a picture as a representative example not an exact example but a representative example of what it might look like at a given body fat percentage so you can say yeah I kind of look like that right now but they also help you to identify visually where you want to be or where you want to get to and importantly here guys it's important to point out that the answer to the question that we started with was what specific body fat level do I have to get to this is where the encouraging news comes in it's not just one particular body fat because you can see here that the range even on the guys side here to actually have ABS visible even a little bit like the top row of ABS over here is somewhere in the 1617 percent range and it goes all the way down to the most extreme the same thing here for women it's going to have a large range you can be from unhealthy to a much more healthy range but still be able to see your abs but depending upon what body fat level you aspire to it's going to change the level of commitment and dedication you're gonna have to have and probably discomfort and all-out hatred of the path if you choose the wrong one because if you sit all the way over here first of all not only is this unobtainable and healthy for the long term but you need to be so dialed in here and pretty much be just north of dead to be able to sit at this body fat level for any in sustainable period of time so we want to start to veer towards these other healthier ranges the idea though is it becomes a lot more forgiving in terms of your lifestyle you don't have to worry so much about your nutrition in terms of being dead not accurate every single day day after day after day cheat meals become a thing of reality as you start to veer more towards these as your ideal in what you're striving for so the path itself is going to be heavily influenced by what body fat level it is that you're looking to get to now the next thing we're gonna make sure we point out though is something called the training effect in other words if you're willing to train your abs along your way to your goal there is a difference in the level who are ability to see your abs at higher levels because we can see right here at a roughly nine percent body fat a much leaner individual here there's not a lot of visible ab definition here probably because there's not a lot of ab training going on here on the other hand though this gentleman here too substantially higher body fat probably fifteen or sixteen percent as much better ab development because he is training his abs directly so there's something you want to make sure you're aware of if you have a willingness to just add some direct core training to what you're doing you're gonna have an ability to have those abs pop at even a higher body fat level so the next question becomes then how do you get there right there's three ways you can do it in only three ways one you could just do nutrition alone two you can just try to train or three you can combine nutrition training you guys know me by now you know I'm not gonna [ __ ] you the answer is always gonna be nutrition and training because we know you've probably tried it in the past that just taking a nutrition approach is really just about adopting a diet which is a short term approach that doesn't usually allow you to even keep off whatever it is that you do lose and then you have the guys that want to just train and they show up with the gym and there's no accountability once they leave the gym for the other 23 hours of the day and what they actually put in their body and that doesn't results either so you're gonna have to learn how to combine both of them and here's why because you're already getting the training effect that we already talked about which has a direct impact on the visibility of the ABS but you're also getting the additive effect of the training with the nutrition because you're obviously exerting effort in the gym burning more calories which gets to add to the overall caloric deficit you're getting from making those nutrition changes so the rate and the speed at which you'll get to that goal of where you want to be is going to be dramatically affected by the combination of both in the most positive way let me show you exactly example of how this actually plays out I started break this all down we need to do just a little bit of math but it's actually not that hard so the 200-pound man at 30% body fat that wants to get to 10% body fat so we know that 30% of his weight right now is body fat 60 pounds of fat wanted to get down to just 10% of that weight which is 20 pounds of fat so that means we're gonna have to create an overall forty pound loss of fat well to get there we know that we want to kind of do this at a safe rate about one and a half pounds per week is a very conservative number I like to be conservative but it works so to do that we know a 500 calorie deficit through your nutrition cuts right by eating healthier it's gonna give you about a pound of fat loss over the course of a week roughly that numbers actually been disproven of late but it's still close enough to get us on track 3,500 total calories over the week you add an additional 250 from here to get a pound that I have Jesse will you help me with the math Jesse's so good at math if with the calculator so if we want to get 40 pounds with one and a half per week how many weeks is gonna take us that's no good buy it you're sorry so good with math if I if I wanted to have twenty six point six point six if you want to get how many days that is multiply it by seven times one a six point six thank you so good at math I see 186 days it's about six months guys and remember if you start here at 30% and you want to get here at 10% you're not going to spend 185 days looking like this and then on day 186 look like this you're gonna get the added benefit of being able to look like this guy for a period of time and then this guy and then this guy and then this guy on your journey over here so you're gonna get some additional inspiration from your own results to keep you on track remember guys it's not as hard as it looks but you do have to get started and the most important thing is that you get started having an idea of where you want to get to and if you want to be over here because that's what you identify back in the beginning of this video then your journey is going to be even shorter faster and maybe even more enjoyable that all depends upon you and how committed you already wanted to be at a certain level Oh guys so there you have it the body fat level that you need to get to what is going on here Jesse's cliffnotes you know where I take 15 seconds to cover what took you what 50 minutes to cover in this video alright so first up if we're gonna use me as the example to get after you lower body fat percentages I need to eat less time you bears do more squats not be obsessed with getting to his low body fat percentage is you because I mean you only have a six-pack and I've still got that eight-pack and lastly instead of using calipers to measure my body fat you could just put me on the chart as a representative example of what perfection is perfection perfection did I miss anything you didn't even mention you be training your abs judo part no I'm still doing the baby shark ab challenge that's yeah it's hot get out of here please go in fact guys if you're looking actually for an ab training plan we actually have one it's called core for ABS over at if you like those outros or if you want to say anything else about Jessie hopefully not so nice you could leave them in the comments below meantime if you haven't already done so guys make sure you click Subscribe a turn your notifications so you never miss a new video when we put one out alright guys see you soon [Music] you
Channel: ATHLEAN-X™
Views: 1,570,527
Rating: 4.9689331 out of 5
Keywords: body fat for abs, body fat for abs to show, body fat percentages, body fat percentages men, body fat percentages women, body fat for a six pack, body fat for six pack abs, body fat for 6 pack, body fat formula, body fat for vascularity, body fat percentage examples, body fat, body fat workout, body fat transformation, body fat loss, athleanx, athlean x, jeff cavaliere
Id: 3wqXNZbnZEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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