Craziest Things Found In Attics

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You may have 50 million dollars hiding in your attic. Let's talk about that. ♪ (theme music) ♪ - Good Mythical Morning! - Nobody likes to go in their attic... ...because the attic is just a shame hole for all the stuff that you're scared to have in your house and too afraid to get rid of. I love going in the attic. It is a mystical place where you never know what you're gonna find. I always get excited about it, except I don't... - ...have an attic, so I'm pretty bitter. - (laughing) Okay. But especially when we're gonna talk about these amazing things that people have found in their attics. I gotta get an attic! Get in there! Okay, let's kick things off with an attic in Diepholz, Germany. In 2013, a 10-year-old Alexander was exploring his grandmother's attic... - I used to that at my grandparents'. - ...when he found a mummy! - I did not find that. A mummy?! - Not a mommy. He had a mommy. - (high voice) "Are you my mummy?" - A mummy. This is an Egyptian mummy. (Rhett) Fully wrapped in cloth inside a sarcophagus, not an esophagus... - ...which I always thought that was. - I'm sure Alexander crapped his pants. Well, there was an eye socket -- in the eye socket of the mummy, there was a... - ...little arrowhead. Mysterious, right? - Whoa! That's cool! So they send this thing off for analysis. It comes back. It turns out the head is completely authentic. Total mummy. The body: just plastic. Just plastic. - It's a mummified RoboCop! - Yeah, the first ever RoboCop! - (laughing) - His body wasn't plastic, though. - It was metal. It was a robo. - Yeah, no, that was metal. - I mean plastic. - Turns out the arrowhead was fake... ...and it was just a children's toy. No one has confirmed whether or... ...not that was Alexander's. He was up there just like, sticking the thing. - (high voice) "Whoops! There it goes... - We know it was you, Alex. ...right in the eye socket." Okay, how did this happen? Well, in the 50s... Alexander's grandfather travelled to Africa and came home with a chest. - A box that he never spoke of. - A sarcopha-chest? Yes, and that was one. And also, in the 50s, there were these things called mummy unwrapping parties, which were social gatherings where people would get together and unwrap mummies! That was a thing! That was aw-- that's so much better than Pong! I know! Sitting around just talking, yelling at each other over music, standing around at the stupid parties that people have today. - Yeah. - Let's unwrap dead people! - This Friday! At my house! - Sign me up! - We gotta get a mummy, though. - Yes. Uh... Chase. (laughing) Okay, all right. Chase willing to do lots of things. - Wrap him up. - All right. I got one. 2011 in Utah. Josh Ferrin bought a new house, and he's checking it out, and like every guy, he goes into the garage to the man-cave, checks it out. And he find this panel up above with some carpet coming out. And he's quoted as saying, "I thought maybe this could be a little hidey-hole and my kids could go up there and play." - "Hidey-hole." Who uses that term? - (laughing) (nasally voice) "Kids, you wanna go in the hidey-hole?" Don't ever go in... - ...the hidey-hole, kids. - Kids, just say no to the hidey-hole. - Please! - So he discovers it's an entrance to... ...another part of the attic. He goes up there. He finds a military box, like an ammo box that he opens up. And check this out. It has rolls of... - in it. Nothing but rolls... - (Rhett) Wow. ...of money. And then he looks and finds another box. And another box. And another box. And another box. And another box. And another box. - Seven boxes. He brings 'em down. - What?! He and his wife start counting all the money. $45,000 of bills rolled up. I [was hoping] it would be more. That's a lot of cash. Turns out it belonged to the former and now-deceased homeowner, Arnold Bangerter, who worked for the Department of Fish and Game. And over a decade, he was saving all this money and wrapping it in orange... - twine. - Ah. I always say, "Why use a bank when... - ... you've got orange fishing twine?" - I've never heard you say that. - Oh, well you should listen more. - Josh returned the money. - Good for you, Josh! But he said... - Oh, nice. ...there was some dissent within the family, but Josh said he would not... - names. - Of course it was the wife. - She's making him sleep in the hidey-hole! - (laughing) - She mad. - All right, 1991. Moscow. Alexandra Besymenskaja. I'm saying that wrong. - Yeah, that's not right. - (crew offscreen laughing) Yeah. Was in her dad's attic looking for his badminton racquet. Who hasn't been in their dad's attic looking for his badminton racquet? - (laughing) Right. - She finds a box that says... "Führerhauptquartier." Saying that wrong also. But translated, that is Führer Headquarters. And for those of you who are students of history, you know that that means it belonged to Hitler! It was actually his personal... ...record collection. Chik-a-chik-a-chik! Those kind of records. - (Link) Wow! He has DJ-ing? - (Rhett) Scratchin'! No, this is before. This is pre-DJ days. Turns out that Alexandra's father was a capitan in the Russian military and after the fall of Nazi Germany, he was given the responsibility of transporting some of Hitler's belongings to another place in Germany. - Or his house. - And apparently, (laughing) yeah. - He took a little detour. So... - That's pretty cool. And wrong! ...the question on everybody's mind: what was in the collection? - What was in the collection? - Yeah. Well, hits included... ..."I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas, and by White I Mean Aryan, Specifically." - Wow. You're saying this. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. And the the other one was "I Just Called to Say I Hate You." - Stevie Wonders. (laughing) - Yeah. Stevie Wonders. - Not Stevie Wonder. - Yeah, Stevie Wonder was much later. - But Stevie Wonders was back in the 40s. - It was the Third Reich knockoff. Yeah, "I Just Called to Say I Hate You." Actually, it was just a bunch of Russian composers. Interestingly, the Nazis though the Russians were subhuman. So he was willing to listen to some subhuman music. Hitler, ya jerk. - What a jerk. He was a jerk. - Really a jerk. I don't think we're establishing that in this conversation. I just think we're... - ...echoing something people know. - He was such a jerk. 1908 in Norway, , Christian Mustad purchased a painting that he believed... - be by Van Gog-huh. - (laughing) - Van Gogh painting. Take a look at this. - (Rhett) Wow, that's a masterpiece. - (Rhett) That's beautiful. - Now, the French ambassador to... ...Sweden visited Mustad and saw the painting hanging up there, and he said, - "This is a fake." - Oh, yeah. I knew that was a fake. I could tell by looking at it. Totally. Not the real deal. - Because it was not signed. Not a masterpiece. Because there... - not signature. Right. That's right. - Van Gogh did not sign it. - There's not signature. It's fake. - So he was crushed. He was embarrassed. He took it down and banished it to his attic for 62 years. Mustard died in 1970, sold the painting along with the property. The new owner was... - ...convinced that this was a Van Gog-huh. - (laughing) Okay. But in 1991, he finally got it tested by the Van Gogh Museum. It sounds pretty legit, and they said it was fake. - Yeah, 'cause it looks obviously fake. - But then new technology developed. Two years of chemical analysis and x-ray research later, plus a letter was found from Van Gogh to his brother, Theo. You know Theo. - Yeah. - Theo Van Gogh, the guy who didn't... - ...paint as well. - (Rhett and crew offscreen laughing) He described the painting exactly, and it's real! (Rhett) Yeah. I can tell by looking at it. - (Link) It's the Sunset at Monmajour. - (Rhett) Right, and it's a masterpiece. - Estimated to be worth 50 million dollars. - Well, of course. I mean, look at it. - It's amazing. 50 million. - 50 million dollars, but Van Gogh... ...didn't like it. that's why he didn't sign it. - I hate it as well. - (Link and crew offscreen laughing) I really... It's the worst. It is the worst of all the Van Gog-huhs. - (laughing) What else you got? - In 2008... - Top that! - ...Pennsylvania. Stacy Ferrance... ...discovers something in her attic. His name is Stanley Carter. - Oh. There he is! - (crew offscreen laughing) (Rhett) He's a 21-year-old. Good-looking guy. He lived with Stacy Ferrance and her three children for a full week... - ...and while they weren't home -- - He doesn't look like a guy... - ...who'd live in an attic. - Or while they were sleeping... he would just go downstairs and eat their food. - Oh, gosh! - Now, Stacy's son is quoted as saying... ...(high voice) "I heard noises, but I never suspected anything, We have two cats, and I think my mom could be getting a drink in the middle of the night." Momma gettin' a drink in the middle of the night. - And she looked like Stanley. - Dang, momma! Maybe it was water. Now, this happened around Christmas time, so he stole some of their Christmas presents from underneath the tree, including... - Oh gosh, and just took 'em upstairs? - iPod Nano, a laptop, and even... from Christmas cards. Dude was just taking money outta Christmas cards. Got a letter opener. He's, like, sneakin' down. So, how did they catch him? Stacy sees footprints leading to the attic. I don't know if they had a... - ...mud floor. Or an especially thick... - (laughing) ...shag carpet? I don't know how she saw the footprints, but she did. So she calls the cops. The cops show up. They escort Stanley out. He comes out wearing Stacy's sweatshirt, and her shoes, and her daughter's pants. - What? There's nothing wrong with... - Fashionista! - ...this guy. He's totally normal. - Then, of course, they find all the... ...items that he had stolen, but they also find a list of every single item that he has stolen, and at the top he has written, "Stanley's Christmas List." - (laughing) - So he got off scot-free because it... ...was all on his Christmas list! Santa wanted him to have this! - No, he's in jail. - Did they execute him? - Yeah, he had been killed for this. - Beheaded. - Yes. - That's what they do. Don't hide in... ...somebody's attic. 2010 in London, Bill Newman passed away. What?! That's impossible! We just spoke to Bill Newman! - Not Barcelona Bill. This is another one. - Oh. There's another Bill Newman. His nephew, Tony, was cleaning out Bill-Not-Barcellona's attic and he... - ...found this vase. - (Rhett) Oh, that's beautiful. Now, this has got Antiques Roadshow written all over it. But not literally, because that would devalue it. - Right. (laughing) Yes. - Don't write "Antiques Roadshow" on... - ...something that you wanna take... - Put it on a Post-It. - the Antiques Roadshow. - At most. They took it to an auction house, just, like, an average auction house -- nothing too special -- in West London. But the bid started increasing in... - ...increments of 1 million. - Okay, that's a lot. It eventually sold for 53.1 million pounds, approximately 75 million dollars! - Okay. That's nice! - At this point, it's not a vase. - It is a "Voz." - Oh, yeah. It's a "voz." - You call that a "voz." - (laughing) Yeah, you do. - It's from the Qing dynasty, and... - I could've told you that. No one -- I didn't ask you that, 'cause I knew you knew. - (laughing) Yeah, right. - No one had a clue. The auctioneer was... ...transporting it around in the seat next to him, but he did have the seatbelt around it. Just driving around with it beforehand. Okay. Well, you know what? It keeps us safe, doesn't it? - Yeah! - That's good enough for a "voz." - I ain't 75 million dollars. - Good enough for me. Tony remembered that the "voz" sat for years in his uncle's house on a... - ...wobbly table. - Oh, gosh. So check you attic, people. There might be something incredibly valuable up there. Listen, and if you want to explore "why" behind all this stuff that we've kept in... - ...our attics, that's what we do. - Yeah, yeah. We do. We stuff things in our attics. Why? You should check out the Audible book, "Junk: Digging Through America's Love Affair with Stuff." And we've got a deal for you. Go to You get a free 30-day trial. They've got 180,000 audiobook titles, including that one that we just talked about and a lot more. Link is in the description. Thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - Hey, guys. It's Dylan. And I'm in Champaign, Illinois, and it's time to spin that Wheel of Mythicality. Thanks to Audible for sponsoring this episode. Remember to go to for your free trial! And you thought Stanley in the attic was scary? (forced laughter) Click through to Good Mythical More. Click that "i." 'Cause we are gonna play "Slender: The Arrival." I've never played it. it's probably not that scary. (Rhett) "World's worst makeup artist." So, welcome to my chair. Sit down. And then... - I am seated already. - me your face. Show me your face. And then I'm gonna rear back, and I'm just gonna smack you with some... with some... with some makeup, okay? - What? - Are you ready? - I'm not... - Are you ready? I'm warning you. - 'Cause I'm a great makeup artist. - I'm paying for this. - (fake slap sound effect) - And again. - (slap) - Oh, we're gonna make that seem... - ...very real. - And again. - (slap) And again. - (keeps repeating, getting faster) And now look at your beautiful face. [Captioned by Kevin: GMM Captioning Team]
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,220,646
Rating: 4.9522839 out of 5
Keywords: rhett, link, rhett link, link rhett, rhett and link, link and rhett, good mythical morning, good mythical, mythical morning, gmm, gmm song biscuits, the mythical show, wheel of mythicality, mythicality, mythical, mythical beasts, rhettandlink, rhettandlink2, rhettandlink 2, season 9, attic, stuff in attics, stuff in attic, attic storage, creepy attic, weird attic, lost treasure, lost loot, rhett link attic, rhett link weird stuff, weird stuff, audible
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2016
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