Greatest Trick Play From Every NFL Team

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Williams is deep for Dustin Cole quits kick well I think this is the right decision to the 10 the 5 touchdown what a gutsy call by Andy Reid and Dave Tobi's special teams coordinator well he thought better of it all right didn't he when they lined up to go for it on fourth down in their own territory to start off the second half as you see Wilson just take it right up the middle Wilson be in the short back under the protector just the direct snap to him [Applause] the only team in the league this year to successfully get an onside kick recovery and they've now got three on the year the only team in the league with one yeah a short week you got to be ready for special teams watch look how nobody in the middle I'm sure they knew this on the game plan nobody turned and ran but they were so far back they had nobody there Jim to go up there and recover the football look at this McAfee like he's the only man on the field again that's the third onside kick in this the sixth game of the season no other team in the league has won nice job of using plays like that selectively public clients gonna throw and Witten's wide open Scott Linehan where the great tall for a Dallas touchdown got to be the reverse you think the des birdies when he throws it to our man Jason Witten and the Cowboys have a two score lead great design [Applause] again step by plane [Applause] the line of scrimmage is one timeout they'll save that for the field goal another spectacular [Applause] he's got to take the bottle throw it into the ground then start - if [Applause] stands out and says the hangar name and that's the communication that they have you we saw fire on the two-point conversion Telmarine over the back of his hand they throw the ball to me now here's Ingram for his fourth touchdown Vegas I mean this is a beautiful play they catch the Jets napping they're just standing there they froze it appeared that Moreno was going to try and stop the clock instead he connected for the fourth time with Mark Ingram to take on a heavy award game in the 92 first and ten at the 25 yard line pass behind the water mr. Keshe he can play tarnish with a touchdown out of the ski yard head [Music] and you're right that first pass could not be a forward and he comes out and he's going to throw it out - scrimmage in elaborate now after you have a lateral can have another forward prep or a forward pass and then you've got the linebacker Thomas on Westbrook great grab great concentration and Philly has delayed again that's in the five yard get area and then watch this fumble fumble oh I'll throw a 50-yard rainbow to JJ Stokes oh my goodness it's 43 and raises for career TD pass the composure to get the handle on the football in the perfect row but this is what I like Chris no jumping up and down no celebration special teams touchdown on a fake punt now going for - for the time some trickery they wound up getting heads back to Travis key to tie the game I gotta put that in my offense I have not seen that play and the fall of Jordan our handle bought a set Philip listened to your room key quarterback stay tuned and the clock ticking away all right everybody staying cool coaches rushing them up to the line of scrimmage so they can get another player to in there's closets then y'all be cool you might just in the PAL the Pickens he's got the bomb he's fouled and he steps in for a touchdown [Applause] the flake of wood called was for me low Donald to act like they were going to rush fights the ball and stop it and bring in the field goal unit instead of doing that look at this see how the linemen don't even get so when he catches it he's fouled he knows that now watch what he does just put done those linemen just stood around they didn't even get set yeah oh boy there are times at Trent Edwards Negus sandwich and there it is wide open Ryan Dinny they didn't see him in he stores the redskins defensive line on the line of scrimmage they're not doing much two of the three amigos already with a long reception this is Steve Schewel inside the 20 down to the 13 yard they ran that play on opening day in 1986 against the Raiders for a touchdown 24 yards here Elway to school back to John as al said they have run this play before here's Sewell right here he'll come in motion to take the ball from Elway John just flares off down the field and Steve Sewell even though he's from Oklahoma has an arm the inside handoff and look at John Elway all by himself at Charles Mann in pursuit so off destroy in their first two possessions the Dodgers thought the villains got the first down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Collinson [Applause] let's take it down to the ten what a game plan and dialed up by Eric van Cheney on a fake punt new life for the prize that's the power of images for years of the NFL sixties Brad Sealy loves it a 67 yard run now watch this it's going to open it right down the middle because look at the work everybody goes outside look at the gaping hole and Lance Moore is gonna come up from his Punk position punt return position he whips so give Hodges a lot of running but not allowing the first guy to take them down it takes Malcolm Jim and jinkins excuse me to come over and make the tackle again they bletchley swing it out and this time dawn on us on a place similar home and any laterals it back to King [Applause] it's big at the first he's whacked out of our flags come in all over the place that's Roman Williams will hit him on the sidelines and if it was Williams who gets assessed the penalty he's not even in the game he's a muffin he knows who didn't hit him late Williams got a free shot but what a heads-up play by Warrick Dunn as Kevin fryers pulling him down look at this improv talk about being on stage dentist and look at King it's almost like that would be the last thing you'd expected yet he took it all in stride [Applause] here's a little throwback to Warner going downfield for Fitzgerald covered by demson Fitzgerald makes the play for the touchdown a penalty flag is down back in the area where Warner let it go we're back well inside this so-called gold zone there's the ball I ask you is going to kneel kneel taking around the left side the ruski here's Philip Rivers squatting down watching and Golda going what's going on but the focus has to be on LaDainian Tomlinson the snap he hands it to Lorenzo Neel and really a pretty good reaction by the Denver Broncos defense later in the second quarter victim the slot when in motion took a pitch from Warrick Dunn and found Roddy White for a 54-yard touchdown strike to extend the Falcons lead to 21 to 10 it definitely has a feel as though the Giants are up by a lot more points than what they are because they purely dominated that first half a toss to Barbour little trickery from the Giants tumor behind the defense he's got him waiting for the pass and he's got it Amani Toomer Gibson can't bring him down touchdown Giants Beck when Sean Payton was calling the plays right here Amani Toomer lined up on the outside and the thing that makes this really impressive is look where Carrie columns just throwing this ball from he throws it from the 5-yard line all the way inside the 40 and there's just not many quarterbacks in this league with that kind of arm with a slow developing play down the field to get it that far there's nothing better in football than to see a play you've never seen before using his eyes so now it's a fake it's Cory gran up the middle he's got the first down and more Brad still going at the 30 [Applause] touchdown the Jags full of their way in the end zone again the 56 yard run [Applause] run on a fake one week three London this time 56 for the touchdown they kind of burn that one they had a big lead at the time you know what you know how you get good at something Andrew practice practice practice so you practice it in the game you practice it on Fridays you practice it during the week and once again [Applause] - 12 seconds to go that's just a mental error right there and hey take advantage of it let's go for it last week we saw the Jaguars pull off a fake front when they were stopped at the one-yard line that Detroit Lions no timeouts left time is running they're at the one in Stafford says come on in which is over touchdown and then smart move by Stanford are you thinking we're going to clock and we're gonna clock that's what Dallas bought you could see there was no pushed by the defensive line they thought it was just going to clock it because of the time [Music] that postgame news conference I'll talk with ya the demeanor just changed a little bit he'll try to tack three more on here from 45 yards out a state a whole and it's inside of the tiny that is a wonderful job Don Barclay does a good job down the field the block by Evans feature Smith those two guys are backup offensive line look at the Panthers and go fast here and try and catch catch a little bit on the where look at this Broncos got the ball going to the left yes store talked about the college playbook the Texans had no clue no flags are down that will come so here is it here's where it starts it starts here Brian Khalil the center okay so he's gonna snap the football now watch what they do Cam Newton the underneath hands the ball to Richie Bronco back between his legs and then continues the action to the outside the tackle farrier is coming Brady this is not that's a lateral going back to Brady now Brady wanting to go along gap he's waiting for it Kathy is infinite touchdown right over Anthony Smith what a recovery by Randy Moss never come up so here is Sebastian Janikowski this will be a 53 out of 10 hit ball does it go from 40 here's the fake completes boss walks it in touchdown now there's the fake push you had they threw it out a few little time we're gonna go back and take a look at it look how hard they come off the edge he's just going to see boss sneak out they overload the right side and I actually was on the field prior to the start of the game talking to my old teammate Sebastian Janikowski and Shayla clearly said hey look there is a look or two that we think we can really take advantage of that was it right there Ryan pump to get away Austin back deep [Applause] four Rams touchdown [Music] looks like something you see on the Internet he's got John Ryan now what he's out here midfield he is so consistent with that rugby style kick it's almost always to the right the defensive right this kick is always going to go down here now watch to the other side they're going to make it look like the ball has drifted to the right look at the Seahawks chasing it and the ball lands up top here that's been your Park popping even faked our cameraman out into the end zone goes number four Sam Cooke the holder if that is an insult to injury I don't know what is well the old special teams coach John Harbaugh couldn't resist Wow perfect execution perfect perfect execution is right great blocking out front Geno grad Kowski number 66 [Applause] [Applause] fifteen drink snap - Grossman he gives it to Hulu and then he flips it around to Brandon banks who had a hundred and forty nine pounds doesn't get a lot of muscle on it but it was enough because Santana Moss was so wide open he could afford to wait for the under throwing ball they'd like to defer just so they don't to face it situation where Peyton Manning gets the football in the second half after he's gone in and looked at all those pictures you see him looking at every time inside kept to start the second bounces off the hands of the coke and it looks like the Saints had it for a second how about this way to start the second half we get in the same spot though they recover the onside kick failed us start to the second half for the 8 yard try for the first points the day from Hauschka Gary Julia a rookie from the touchdown Gilliam's right here he's eligible you can see they could a Jayhawk in a pine he's got to make a decision as to whether or not to come up and make a play on the run and once he does it opens Gilliam up for the touchdown at the 43 in a toss here comes a gadget play Randall well he can throw he's a quarterback in college and he's gone a touchdown Super Bowl between the 40s and you know that Randle was going to be involved in it it starts off of the reverse he comes around and it becomes a reverse pass and he throws a perfect pass [Applause] first attempt the short straw he will and he's got the young lady back here who took advantage of Demario davis in pass coverage 21 yard touchdown pass you can here's the back out of the backfield and what they're gonna do is they're gonna throw the ball out to shorts and he's gonna find the back and streaking down the sidelines and again somebody's got to cover him look at the Otoniel Cromartie he runs with the tight end and nobody covers Alfred blue I would make them use as much of the clock and take my chances on a return as opposed to squib kicking it let him get it with about 12 seconds to go and a possibility for a play Dyson and Byrd Rd taken by Neal he gives it the white jet white jet head look like a forward path taken by facia it's real close it's a lot closer when you look at it then we thought Mike I agree with the end Paul as well from that angle hey that looks like it's a lateral that is amazing that he's in front of the line and look at that that's what I'm saying it's though you have to see where he throws your life 15 seconds to go in the first half make it 14 clocks running third and 20 for Dante takes the snap a better pass protection scheme this time Dante rolls out to the right five seconds to go in the first half Dante fires deep to the left lost party at the 11 but now it was Williams be kidding me the authorization of Randy Moss would win him an Academy Award [Music]
Channel: Savage Brick Sports
Views: 2,691,261
Rating: 4.7871041 out of 5
Keywords: football trick plays, greatest trick plays in football history, nfl trick plays, fb, Nfl, amazing, highlight, highlights, sports, football, american football, offense, afc, nfc, defense, 2016, game, sp:li=nfl, sp:st=football, sp:vl=en-us, best, 2017, trick plays, trick, fake, trick play, play, fake punt, trickery, punt, field goal, ncaa, lateral, ball, fake spike, flea flicker, best trick plays, fake kneel, dan marino, hook and ladder, field, touchdown, goal, plays, football trick play, halfback pass
Id: zSrklyuTlkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2017
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