CRAZIEST Catches In The NFL This Season

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this season look at that were some of the craziest catches in NFL history oh one hander these guys are freaky and first is a catch that made someone front flip car back locking one he's got a man Johnson wide open puming and he held on man will caught that while doing a gymnastics move and calmly walked away but this next catch is something you never seen before cuz two players caught it at the same time splits out to the top of the screen quick throw and picked off the deflection and intercepted by heith they really pulled off a double setion on the first play of the game but AJ Brown's play was even crazier and that's why fans were calling it The Catch of the Year hers firing for the endzone and a one-handed attempt oh my goodness AJ brown with an amazing touchdown onehanded and somehow got his knees in bounds no wonder why the opponent's employees were celebrating the play but they weren't the the only ones of course AJ's own team a bunch of NFL fans and at one point even the NFL themselves called it the catch of the year but I didn't cuz this next player's catch was so crazy it made the refs and the commentators look stupid boy it was that close to being a touchdown uh what do you mean it was close rewind the clip throws to the end zone boy was that close to being a touchdown yeah he made the catch but everybody felt like he was out of bounds so he makes a completion left foot down right no it looks like it's on the white so at first the refs ruled it incomplete until the Seahawks challenged their call and after some zebra discussion everybody realized the receiver's feet made it in bounds so the catch counted and it was rued a touchdown it's a touchdown for Jake Bobo but honestly that catch was not as crazy as Lamar Jackson's cuz his was only possible by catching his own pass one of the greatest plays I've ever seen this is intercepted 100% now usually Lamar's only a quarterback you know the guy who throws the ball to players for them to make crazy catches kind of like this yards on a touchdown step and throw deliver it downfield beam brings it in but as crazy as that catch was another day Lamar had to actually become a receiver to make a play second and five ball batted up into the air and caught by Jackson caught his own pass dude really caught his own pass like I didn't even think that was possible but something even more improbable was a catch this season that only had a 3% chance of happening up and spinning around to the back of the end zone su he the officials look at each other no good incomplete wow that man was literally a shoelace away from being out of bounds and still scored that touchdown but that catch got even crazier after some NFL nerds dove into the stats cuz according to the calculations not only did the throw only have a 3.2% chance of being caught in bounds it was called the least probable play to be completed in NFL history but still that catch only happened during one of this year's regular season games Brandon iuk made an even crazier catch in the playoffs time steps into one launching deep going for Brandon iuk it is oh he CAU it off the Ricochet penalty is he in he's down to the five we'll see what the penalty is what a play from auk we'll see if it stands okay through his opponent's hands off the dude's head and auk Dove for it I don't know what's crazier the catch or the fact that dude gave all the credit for this play to a bug tell us all about that catch before the game a ladybug landed on my shoe come on hey y'all know what that mean uh actually I don't know what that means bro ah okay so apparently the ladybug gave him good luck but luck had nothing to do with these next catches cuz so far even though we've only seen crazy catches on a football field some of the craziest catches in the NFL this season happened in the water puka nkua and David and joku got into a little competition during Pro Bowl weekend they each had three attempts to see who could make the craziest catch and first up was puka who took his attempts to the lake and used a wakeboard oh but after failing a few times eventually he pulled off something crazy yeah a crazy catch while riding waves and going 20 M an hour that catch was going to be tough to beat but David wasn't faced I ain't going to say nothing I'm going to show y'all better and right after he said that he tried pulling off an even crazier catch using a rope [Music] swing [Music] unfortunately though cuz he let go of that last attempt his trick play could not be completed so it was pretty obvious what the results of the competition were going to be the winner of the Pro Bowl 2024 best catch is pukaa now puka may have been crowned Champion but he had plenty of attempts to make it happen an even crazier play happened in a real game when a team only had a few seconds left and one opportunity to pull off a miracle unleashes towards the end zone it is deflected in the it's nah that is crazy FL would definitely think this next catch is even crazier cuz it got compared to the greatest catch of all time that may be the greatest catch I've ever seen for this we need a time travel to a date that matters a lot November 23rd 2014 that was when the first iconic catch happened by Odell Beckham how in the world oh my goodness one handed and I know what you're thinking what the hell does that have to do with this season you dumb click baiter well exactly 9 years later to the day November 23rd 2023 another player pulled off a catch that had everyone comparing them to Odell they're Noto will put it up top Twisted What A Catch Jackson Smith in jiga with a festar grab oh my while spinning his entire body to even see the ball and pulling off a crazy diving catch with his fingertips that one-handed catch had fans comparing it to Odell's stories came out comparing them and even Sports shows made headlines about it happening on the anniversary how in the world oh my goodness and but as crazy as both of their one-handed catches were neither of them were as wild as a player this season who caught a ball one-handed behind his back Ritter well protected the throw how did that get between Kyle pitch wow there's my guy behind the back I thought that only happened in the NBA and what's even crazier is how that happened on a holiday National tight ends Day by a tight end so maybe dude was just trying to celebrate uh I don't know but what I do know is that one ball is less than six balls so this next catch is even crazier cuz a player caught six balls at once man you don't know what you're talking about uh catching that many balls at once is either sus or it's got to be a record but speaking of Records this next catch had a player Mak an NFL history what a play Keenan Allen was on the brink of doing something that only NF Legends dude he was just about to hit the top 50 for most receiving yards in NFL history and ironically when he was just one catch away he made the craziest catch of his career Herbert floats it Allan What A Catch no way dude really made history with a spinning one-handed catch now that's crazy but making history and helping his Squad win the game is one thing this next player's craziest catch won his team a championship the chiefs of one the chiefs of one the 2024 Super Bowl was about to be crazy as things got going both teams were making catch after catch after catch but not even any of those compared to what was about to happen cuz in overtime the chiefs were a score away from winning the game and after they drove all the way down field a player blacked out or at least that's what micle Hardman claimed happen to him during this crazy play first and goal M FL it's there Hardman jackpot Kansas City I knew everything that happened up until I turned around and held the ball so I knew I caught the ball and I caught the football literally after I caught it don't remember nothing else man it's kind of crazy that dude didn't even realize what happened when his play literally ended the game and all cuz of his catch he and his Squad became Champions held up the trophy and got to celebrate like there couldn't be a crazier play this season but to me and even to the NFL the catch itself was not crazy so it definitely wasn't the craziest to happen this year for that we've got to hand the crown over to Garrett Wilson Garrett Wilson whoa what a catch while one arm was being held he really used the other to tip the ball to himself and make the catch that's unbelievable and not only did ESPN rank it as their best catch the NFL themselves put it at number one and so am I but some even crazier in that catch is how disrespectful things got in the NFL this season one player literally pooped on his opponent's logo another player wore a t-shirt that had fans damn near rioting things don't get much crazier than what's in this video so I do not know how you could hear all of that and not click this video man click it
Channel: FieldFlix
Views: 659,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nfl, field flix, fieldflix, catches, craziest catches, craziest catches this nfl season, steelers, aj brown, eagles, lamar jackson, ravens, courtland sutton, broncos, brandon aiyuk, 49ers, puka nacua, David Njoku, pro bowl, hail mary, jaxson smith, kyle pitts, keenan allen, mecole hardman, patrick mahomes, super bowl, garrett wilson, jets
Id: Go3j8Q7YcD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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