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do not watch alphabet lore at 3am in this video we order a Happy Meal and watch alphabet lore at 3am But realize that we actually gotta curse the letter F meal instead from alphabet where we also watch alphabet lore but keep seeing cursed images all throughout the video there's something weird with the letter a wait no glitchy and then at the end our computer actually gets hacked by the alphabet Lord let her out what's this happen to our computer our whole background it's just this is one of the craziest lady box videos you will ever watch let's Go [Music] what's up guys welcome to this episode we are watching alphabet lore at three a.m oh man watch outfit Lord and we stuck out of bed to watch this bro hey okay I'm gonna be so sick we're hanging out with you guys watching alphabet or 3am and to celebrate I got myself a little Happy Meal because it's an M and M is a character in alphabet or he transforms you super muscular like the video on screen right now it's super lit but wait dude you why did you order a Happy Meal at 3am what are you talking about dude I need a snack we're watching a video dude you know weird stuff happens when you order a Happy Meal at 3 A.M where it is gonna happen dude calm down bro it's just a little Happy Meal wait what hey yo wait hey yo hey yo yo there is after from the alphabet lore on the happy wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait did you do this is this a joke no of course not of course not okay guys maybe this is like an alphabet Happy Meal because um maybe McDonald's like just dropped the album yo that's actually F you guys see that that's F right there there's no way we could have drawn it that good that is Yo that is actually uh wait do you think maybe if we watch alphabet lore at 3am some weird cursed stuff might happen I hope not Adam we're just enjoying the video let's enjoy I want my snack okay see I like see you next see me that part was like a little bit glitchy dude there's something glitchy on the screen guys maybe it's just greasy because it's 3am and the internet's like not working and yeah sauce for my chicken nuggets these look normal yeah it came with some ranch oh it came with some oh man I love ranch guys Ranch dipping sauce now I do look hey yo wait what wait what what what is that guys that's not that ain't Ranch wait no guys the day Ranch why is the sauce blue what wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait dude who's the blue letter from the alphabet bro b we just saw b b's blue bro do you think maybe B got Blended up and put into a sauce but yeah oh no oh no and now that we got the nugget Happy Meal oh don't eat that still good eat it though dude no please don't please don't please don't please don't Just Dance hey stop what does it taste like are you all right that's what absence wait when Justin ate this nugget it made him say what F says you think maybe this is like an F nugget yeah are you all right dude I can't stop I can't I can't control myself dude these are ABS nuggets yeah dude look let's just keep watching the video dude I'm I'm still having a good time don't worry guys yeah yeah that was like me it's upside down dude dude wait a minute wait a minute Adam this is bad wait a minute dude wait a minute that looks like the sauce that looks it wasn't B it was e the letter e do you think he like took ease and like blended it into the sauce oh man I cannot believe this to me look at how evil he looks bro dude did you actually order a cursed alphabet lore happy meal at 3am french fries look pretty good though oh I got a little bit of the oof on my fingers how are the fries fries what letter does prize start with oh no it starts with the letter F it starts with yeah guys this is bad we are gonna watch the entire outfit lore video keep an eye out as we watch there might be weird 3am glitches all throughout the video like this guys do you think yeah cook this Happy Meal in his Hideout oh no maybe that would make sense nice [Music] yo when it transformed I honestly think I saw like Adam lankybox.exe on the screen I don't know why hey for Adam I saw something weird there too dude no it's probably just three and we're probably just really tired guys I I literally feel like my heart rate is racing um I'm getting a little thirsty is there any like anything to drink in there oh don't worry you know we got something yeah all right got the mail what's up man wait it's blue also bro oh no you think maybe he like milked eat milky because it's milky milk it's milky milk you drink that I'm gonna drink the Milky milk it's milky milk oh wow eat my nuggets oh yeah h h uh even at 3am that was funny drink the milk dude I feel like I saw something in the thing that came out of effort was that like like a leikybox.exe [Music] bro let me watch that again bro drink the milk when you want to watch it all right Adam just made the same sound no I did oh my goodness yes he did no I did it yes he did you're lying no you're lying what what are the odds that happens at 3am and then you do the same thing at 3am guys look very close I feel like there's some type of like a cursed I don't see anything I just heard him do I heard you do it too bro I didn't do it guys what you did cause you took it hi oh he's gonna he's gonna take ice powers it's like distorting a little bit the audio is weird yeah so before Jay got I honestly think I saw myself like justin.exe Justin for J J for Justie guys watch close did you guys see that let us know in the comments you're spilling milk everywhere I know oh sorry my bad bro [Music] dude I just realized K looks like a french fry yeah if you bend another french fry it literally looks like K oh bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro tell me that doesn't look identical to the video right now bro whoa hold that up well we will We whoa that looks just like the video you guys see that that is crazy guys am I eating K right now yeah it does make your mouth a little bit dry I know right are you okay Justin Justin got this is why you don't order this type of stuff at 3am Justin wait why are you dancing or joking I'm joking oh I'm talking you were dancing are you all right oh wow [Music] there's hell oh I'll transforming he's so strong [Music] I feel like the whole video keeps glitched uh bro M just like am exactly yeah I thought for a second I saw Ronald McDonald behind the cab Ain't No Way guys like watch back a couple seconds in the video let us know if you saw Ronald McDonald behind the cab Ronald McDonald that was a really really good impression that's what it sounds like what are the odds the m is red just like this ambro oh we should not have done this at 3am I kind of regret this dude thank you in and looks like a nugget and bro and for nuggets [Music] [Applause] looks like a donut oh no way he's transforming wait uh the music is like glitchy I don't know why guys it sounds a little weird guys felt like what just happened PNG are in love oh yeah we love this video guys make sure to look up like about the world out the lord it's the first time we ever saw it that video is crazy yeah you guys gotta watch that video Elemental Pete look how cool they look dude wow no I have another nugget hey yeah oh my wow wow this one's like burnt it's like burnt or something that's not burnt guys look at this nugget really closely I think that says n what do you think F might have like wait and we're saying this is the same color as n and this is um n for nuggets you think he cooked and into nuggets it's letter and Nuggets wait it's literally the same color what are the odds of that that is so creepy if I put a french fry on this nugget it almost looks like the hair on and bro yeah bro you're right bring it a little closer that looks identical to what's on screen right now guys you see that guys that is in right there you think chopped they'll be spraying and made him into a nugget I think so yeah so how could you do this yeah guys f is turning all the alphabet letters into nuggets it's so evil dude I can't don't eat it Justin don't eat that that is so gross Justin don't don't don't don't you're no longer Justin you are just him oh wow and we shouldn't have done this wow you want some milk we should no it's not you all right all right it's for you okay bro oh this is messed up bro kill Ed him here we go guys oh no they're chaining up all the way another glitch with that thing is the internet but I'm not sure more lankybox.exe there was something in O there I don't know what it was I don't like this bro hmm [Music] nice they're transforming into a map that's awesome guys go to Walmart and Target get lanky box plushies get a map to the nearest Target right go on Google Maps look up Target go to Target Get Lucky Box Birch very true guys very true there's kill ass yes he's in the tractor beam oh God I'm in the tractor beam oh no what's he gonna do there's oh yeah he can use the secret power he took from him and glue him together oh man and he stole their power even more Powers bro that's not good taking more Powers bro it glitched right when you said don't glitch oh my goodness bro um stuck out of bed the watch is at 3am because we love this video so much but now it kind of regret doing it I know because Justin literally ate nuggets made out of the letter here's letter P it's an F that's good [Music] I saw something flicker on the screen oh my goodness there's Ed hiding I'm not sure if that was like Sonic.exe or something look I got an end nugget it's the same color as Anne do you think maybe I could have one of the last two nuggets please please you've had all of them yeah can I at least have a fry yeah let me think about that let me hear I just want one nugget or one fry pretty please go ahead and think about that okay there's one nugget that Justin has and there's one left can I have that one captain please oh come on okay so can I have this last nugget let me ask foxy okay foxy can I please have it foxy foxy please I'm really hungry foxy can I please have this nugget what do you think foxy Justin has had all five of them so far foxy wait what foxy please nah wait dude I just realized so what's up what's up my throat bro what is it what is it something called my throat bro is it nugget it tastes like tastes like some exe how do you know what exe tastes like oh no wait a minute is that why we've been seeing lankybox.exe because app knew that we would order this at 3am and he injected it in the nuggets and in the milk bro I got something bro look back this up bro okay we're gonna back it up back it up bro okay look bro when they team up they spell Blaster what is spell reverse bro nug oh and you g smells like nug what are you doing John's dad I'm gonna sit on you bro sit on you bro no go back to school guys Justin is too smart he was actually able to figure that out and ug is Nug for nugget they actually made a nugget Blaster I didn't even think about that there's V Adam um you still want a nugget yes very badly you still want a nugget yeah yeah can I have one I'm so hungry please please please please please please please please please please please I dipped it in the blue exe oh I'm so hungry I'm so hungry and I'm going down taking it with me did you say something what did you say something I said all right all right you're gonna give it to me yeah oh why um why [Music] you literally look like this guy right there bro I'm so sorry you look like oh bro you be looking like hell bro oh bruh I ate it man ate them ate them bro you ate them ate it bro I feel weird man I really do feel weird like when I was drinking the milk I felt like I don't know something was going into my DNA now I'm sure something is off guys I'm not sure what it is Justin loves doing this with fries though check this out [Laughter] five second rule ah check this out guys almost got it that time guys pretty soon you can order lankybox food from delivery apps you guys should get the foxy fries and try that guys I'm only ordering um McDonald's because I can't get at the time of this video order blankie box delivered yet it's secret blanky box kitchen cupboard to delivery apps near you soon they have apples wait what's wrong are you all right guys what's wrong oh no do they smell good ah wait let me let me take a little sniff you all right stop smelling what is that it's like the apples like be slimy huh be saying right do you think maybe like those are like from a I'm not sure guys because a starts with apple and a is round so maybe that's like A's like kids [Music] you don't have to eat the rest I'm not sure guys it might be a or it might just be oof it might be X because X can multiply bro that's it Apple X the iPhone x oh no Justin's a walrus I do that sometimes at the Retro Adam mom gets super mad that's Josh stop you're embarrassing me yeah he'll do it for like 30 minutes like no one keeps laughing but he keeps doing it and I think it's so funny I love it you're laughing foxy laughing but they're laughing at us waiters and waitresses are playing laughing yeah yeah because it's really funny yeah I love it guys this is the sad backstory boat in trying to power up because every problem is Howard huh wait what's gonna happen when we make it to the end of this 3am outfit lore videos the end guys yes that's true I don't like this bro I have a bad bad feeling about it you got a bad feeling in your tummy bro they might be the Nugget that I ate with the exe it could also be the Milky I'm not sure eat milk bro yeah the email they milked E bro think about that bro they milked them man they milked it into this bottle bro it does taste good what I'm not sure it could be his oof bro I don't think so I don't think so man hey I'm drinking that Bell bro it's not funny it's F guys and F loves monkey box merch make sure to go get watching it from Walmart or Target it's not good bro guys go to Target this is scary bro okay they're all transforming again bro yeah cheaper Target W for Walmart bro yeah close at Target [Applause] [Music] hey man we can make that like a thing I like that a lot T post for Target everybody Tebow's for Target bro you get this w 's at Walmart t-pose at Target dude they just saw the giant reveal bro it said friends bro oh wow dude I I honestly I think they took R and made like ketchup out of them I think they took and made nuggets and they took e and milked him into that bro that is so crazy and you were literally just making the RR sound that's like R oh you didn't even realize it you were saying a letter from the alphabet I think I got corrupted by this there was definitely glitch that just was on Justin's face every time Justin be like f is glitching on his face I can't stop well yeah guys oh my goodness guys this is an important message for anyone watching again yeah guys go to Target get lanky box virgin tipos I actually got important message and then if you guys are actually able to get much what do you do boxes t-pose for Target yeah close to Target yeah I also everybody please make sure to hug your bodies and your daddies why is that funny dude you're like in this story like you're you're making fun of baby boxy over here bro and that's what you did earlier bro right ah thank you you guys are awesome guys make sure to be nice to everyone now we're actually seeing the final conclusion where Anne turns his back on F and that's not cool guys if you guys have a friend make sure to keep them your friends just like boxes turning back on you no don't do that hey Mike You're So Soft wow and they're absorbing all the energy this is the secret Landing bro and like I didn't even know it bro yeah went to a secret hideout he put all his friends in Chains so he could literally turn them into Happy Meals no joke no joke are the red R turning to ketchup yup that's true that's into some apple slices turned and into some nuggets like this is crazy okay into French fries this is bad guys this is so bad this is really awful this is why guys don't order this type of stuff at 3am it's not lit you might get cursed what order likey box kitchen at 3am because you can get foxy fries look like you box Pizza like box Donuts boxy mac and cheese Rocky Road cookie oh guys the food is so good you have to use a delivery app to get it and it's definitely worth it if you want to get it bro basically just start yelling like you Alex catching black box kitchen Black Box catch it over over bro there's oh yeah bro here we go guys bro and it's all on the letter Z it's like glitching wait why is it glitching dude actually what's this happen to our computer too our whole background is just ah wait did you do that why would I do that this is my mom's computer like we don't know how this got this this is not good dude this is better wait is there like a little message there what is that what does that say it says open me guys has hacked our computer they deleted every file on it except for one and it says open me we can't open this we're not opening this um there's no way I'm opening this we have to I'm not gonna we have to dude are you serious yeah what if it gets cursed if we don't open it okay I'm gonna open it all right here we go one oh my goodness it says drink all the mail or I will oop you from F and it says this note will self-destruct in three seconds no three no no no two one yeah foreign [Music]
Channel: LankyBox World
Views: 3,936,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, lankybox world, lankybox reacts, foxy and boxy, lankybox fan, lankybox fan art, foxy, boxy, lankybox world roblox, lankybox roblox, lankybox plushie
Id: Met8YJylidc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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