CPAP Humidifier Masterclass - Part 1.

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good day mates and welcome to my CPAP humidifier Master Class my name is Nick I live in Australia and this is my channel CPAP reviews now today's video demonstration I'll be using a ResMed air sense 10 Auto set machine however the techniques you'll learn can be applied to pretty much any CPAP machine with a humidifier or a heated tube and they all have them and why do they all have them because CPAP therapy can dry you the out pretty much all that air flow tends to dry out your nose your throat your mouth and it can also cause congestion which makes it harder to breathe so we add that humid air to the therapy which just alleviates congestion makes it easy to breathe and stops you drying out that's the basis of it all right let's begin shall we here we go now we can run this air sense 10 with a standard tube a non-heated tube and I see a lot of people using a non-heated tube by the end of this video I can pretty much guarantee you'll all be shopping for a heated tube much better you get more humidification and it also enables you to optimize the humidification to reduce rain out we'll talk about that more in a minute all right let's plug it in we'll head into the settings and away we go it's like trying to undo a brass strap here one-handed takes me back to when I was 18 here we go not undoing too many brass straps these days all right what sort of channel is this anyway my options so we're going to the my options here humidity level it's currently set to four and with this machine we can have off so no humidity right up to level eight and what's happening there is a little water chamber here has a metal PL plate and that sits on a heater plate in here and as we're increasing the humidity level it's increasing the heat on the plate the water turns to Vapor the higher the temperature of the plate the more Vapor the more humidity but as we're about to find out there is a beautiful symbiotic relationship between humidity and air temperature really important lesson that I'm about to show you now now this first chart will take a look at shows us exactly how much vapor is added to the air as we increase our humidity settings and also the minimum room temperature you need to have to avoid rain out let's take a look now this blue line moving up here is the increase in water vapor as we increase our humidity settings here zero here up to eight that's we increasing the settings and as we do so more water vapor is added to the air now the first thing I want to show you is this the chart isn't linear you can see it here it's not a straight line it's more of a parabolic shape you see and if we look down here at setting one you can see we've got 10 P million of vapor added to the air we go to level two it's only a really small increase going up by 1 to 11 jump to level three it goes up by 1 again up to 12 but look at the difference between 5 6 7 and 8 18 to 23 difference of five 23 to 27 difference of four 27 to 34 difference of seven so what I'm saying here is this at these lower levels between 1 and 4 when you're increasing it's only adding a little bit extra but between five and 8 each increase is a massive jump in humidification all right so that's a really important point if you're feeling dry down here at two and you go to three you're unlikely to notice a big difference however going from three up to five or six yes you'll likely notice a big difference and let's check out quickly the red line here which is the minimum room temperature to avoid rain out warm air can hold more moisture so as we're increasing this blue line we also need to increase the red line or we'll hit 100% absolute humidity and we get rain it can't hold any more vapor in the air it needs to condensate and remove some of that Vapor that's that beautiful LoveHate relationship between air temperature and humidity but the too message is exactly that if you want to increase humidity you want more Vapor you feeling dry you're congested then you need to increase the air temperature as well of your room or you'll get rain out and this here it is here so down here at setting number one we need a minimum room temperature of 52° fahit sorry to my Aussie mates watching please forgive me and up here at 8 you can see we need 90° F to avoid condensation really interesting and that was with the standard non-heated CPAP tube here okay which you will now throw away and you will go and purchase the climate line heated tube system for your device if you have a S9 air sense 10 air sense 11 just get the model for your device because they do change them up a little bit typical ResMed and Away you go climate line air connected so this activates climate control and our settings have now changed my options and you can see now it says climate control currently in manual I can change that to automatic we'll do this in a minute keep it in manual for now and you can see now I've got humidity level which we had before with the standard tube but we also have tube temperature so we can control the air temperature inside the tubing now instead of having to change our room temperature with a heater or cooler or whatever nobody knows this information the clinicians don't know it your doctors don't know it if they did they wouldn't have giving you a standard tube to begin with right but check this out so at a setting of one the difference is four here's 10 that's your standard tube and with the heated tube it's delivering 14 that's a big difference there remember in the first ch we had to dial up our settings to four to reach 14 with the heated tube it's on number one but look at this massive jump here number two 19 versus 11 nearly double the amount of vapor in the air heated tube versus standard tube 1222 once again big jump 14 24 big big differences in the numbers here and then it starts to taper in and once you reach level eight 34 34 so it tapers back in again so this next chart here is a bit of a guide as to where to set your heated tube level for your different humidity levels if you're running your climate control in manual mode versus automatic we'll talk about automatic in a moment but currently we're just looking at manual mode so here at level one we're getting 14 P million of water vapor and we need sort of 6061 for the tube temperature to avoid rain out level two 70 and so on now here's where it gets a little tricky once we hit level five here all right 27 parts per million of vapor we need 86° and that's fine because the maximum here is 86 but when we get to level six uh-oh we've hit 30 now we do need a higher temperature realistically however the maximum level that tube can get to to is 86 so this is when you can start to get rain out with these systems level six 7 and 8 where it goes from 30 32 to 34 the temperature Remains the Same but it really needs to be going up but it can't and this is why CPAP companies advise you to position your CPAP machine below the height of your bed so any sort of rain out condensation runs back down the tube into your humidifier tank not as convenient I know but if you're having issues with gurgling and moisture and rain out but you want a nice high humidity level then that's an option for you and the last chart we'll take a look at is a comparison between running your climate control mode in manual versus automatic and I bet 95% of you are running it in automatic right now because that's what you were told by a clinician and your clinician told you that because they don't understand how it works so say put it in Auto and it will just do its thing but there is a big difference and we'll go through that now when you're running climate control in manual mode we're dealing with what's called absolute humidity you're changing the humidity levels and it's corresponding with a set amount of humidity when we're running it in automatic mode we're not setting the humidity levels the machine is setting the humidity levels but what's it set that based on it's basing that on the air temperature it's looking at the air temperature and whatever that air temperature is it's delivering 85% relative humidity to that air temperature so if you got a really low air temperature you'll only receive a small amount of humidification you're a really high air temperature in your tube in your room doesn't matter where it is then you'll get a lot of humidity that's the difference there but what I want to show you is this now the green line is the humidity provided in automatic mode and the blue line in manual mode and we can instantly see we can achieve higher levels of water vapor in manual mode versus automatic mode and what's interesting is in automatic mode we can really only reach level five you can see right here it tapers straight off 26 parts per million water vapor with manual mode we can keep going up much higher to 34 so if you're currently running your climate control in automatic mode but you're still dry congested struggling then you need to change to manual mode so you can reach those much higher levels of humidification otherwise you're stuck here at level five so the Takeo message from today's video I know I make things complex sometimes I'm sorry but I just feel you're better off knowing this information it might take a little while to learn it but if it means you're not dry every night fantastic that's what I think anyway Takeo message is this number one get yourself a heated tube increase levels of humidification awesome two let's rain out double awesome number two if you want to run high levels of humidification you also need to have warm air as warm air can hold more water as vapor compared with cooler air and last of all number three if you want increased levels of humidification with your climate control you need to change it from automatic to manual mode otherwise you're stuck at level five I hope you enjoy the video guys until next time sleep well make every moment count and I'll see you soon cheers good day mates this video is 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Channel: CPAP Reviews
Views: 46,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ResMed, Climateline, Climate Control, CPAP, Humidair, Humidity, Humidifier, CPAP Humidifier, distilled water, C PAP, Airsense10, AirSense 11, AirSence
Id: a_-VBpXOV8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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