The Truth About Your High MyAir Scores *Language Warning

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Merry Christmas resm Med's my air app should be taken off the air resm Med's vanity app my air is the worst crap ever they could be doing actual harm to gullible CPAP users who believe that [ __ ] this picture was posted in a Facebook group The my air app says excellent results however the Ahi is 16 just or what do you think about that a harsh but fair harsh but fair now to the beginners watching the ahhi or apnea hypopnea index is the way we classify the severity of sleep apnea mild moderate severe and with an Ahi of 16 this person is in the moderate category however the reset app is saying excellent results H now the resm my a app is the equivalent of the participation award they give out to preschool kids who finish in last place and it's designed that way if you've ever visited a CPAP Forum or a social Media Group they are just chock a block full with these fantastic ResMed scores from a marketing point of view it is absolutely genius however there is a little problem with uh everyone's a winner using rmid attitude and that is the feedback can be misleading and can sometimes do more harm than good right now on face value Sharon thinks her results are excellent the feedback ResMed gave does not accurately reflect her treatment quality these results are not good they're far from good and she really needs her therapy adjusted for better apnea control and if you're watching right now and you think you're in the clear because you scored five out of five for your Ahi think again we're about to take a look at some research which highlights just how inaccurate these CPAP generated Ahi numbers really are so if you don't want to know the truth you'd rather wake up in the morning open up your my a app see your perfect score pat yourself on the back because you put your mask on Look Away now because these results will knock that mask off your face and you'll lose a point you'll only get 99 now I'll quickly explain the research method in simple terms and then we'll move on to the very disturbing results so you take 25 hours of simulated breathing data it's breathing in breathing out breathing in breathing out and in that data you have a whole bunch of hypopneas and apneas and so on and it's been analyzed by top respiratory Physicians yeah they've marked all those apneas and hypopneas and then you give the same data to the cat machines and you compare the results you can think of it like a CPAP machine about to undertake its final year apnea exam we know the answers we wrote the exam we know how many apneas there are how many hypopneas we know the Ahi let's see which CPAP machines scored an A+ on their final year exam all right let's start dive in and check out these results now this chart right here is important to understand because it's the exam answer this red dotted line right here so up the Y AIS we have the device generated Ahi this is the Ahi coming from the CPAP machine and along the xais here this is the physician Ahi and the idea is that if the exam Dam answer was an Ahi of 50 in the breathing data that we provided to the CPAP machine remember we already know what the Ahi is we give it to the CPAP machine and see if it correlates with the right answer from the Physicians if the physician had an Ahi of 50 in that breathing data then it should correlate perfectly with 50 over here from the CPAP machine 50 from the CPAP machine 50 from the respiratory specialist now the first student will'll analyze today is the ResMed airsense 10 one of the best selling CPAP machines of all time but if you have an air S1 or an S9 well you're pretty much the same student let's check out your exam results here they are H here's your answer the red line here is the correct answer the black dotted line here and straight away what I can see is this if your air sense 10 generates an Ahi score of zero it's more likely around 10 and let's check out how that correlates with Sharon's excellent Ahi of 16 all right I've drawn it in here her air sense 10 gave her an Ahi of 16 here it is here however it's more likely somewhere up here in the high 20s close to severe so you can see there's a big difference there and the higher the Ahi you can see the gap between the red line and the black dotted line is widening the more significant the difference you following I know it's all a little bit confusing guys but uh basically what I'm trying to say here is that your ResMed airsense 10 will give you an Ahi it's likely a lot higher if a physician a respiratory physician was to analyze the same breathing all right that's what I'm trying to get at here next cab off the rank is the infamous Phillips dream Station close your eyes here we go wow now isn't that a surprise it's done a better job at providing an accurate Ahi number compared with the air sense 10 hey it might not be good at keeping the Ahi down but at least it's honest and you can see it's a close mirror to the black dotted line that is a surprise next one the sbox and this is a French company cfam don't have a huge amount of experience with them that's the green line here so a little bit better than ResMed a little bit worse than Phillips and then last we have the Lenin pris Prisma 20a and the Prisma 20a seems to do pretty well in a lot of these research studies and once again it's done pretty damn good job at providing an accurate Ahi number to the users here it is here the blue line right pretty close mirror to the black dotted line similar to The Dream station Auto in fact they've both got an R square of 0.89 0.89 right sort of like the correlation between the device Ahi and the position Ahi saying it's a great fit the closer you get to one one's like a perfect fit so if you had the blue line right here on the dotted black line it's a perfect fit you get an R square of one if the R square is zero well the Blue Line would be how you finding it so far it's a little confusing I know but stick around because it will make more sense as we go all right the next charts look even more confus using remember in the beginning I said there were 25 hours of simulated breathing data that was used to bench test the CPAP machines and the Ahi number they generated yeah well what the researchers did was each hour was comprised of varying degrees of sleep apnea the first hour you might have 25 hypopneas and 50 apneas the next one 50 hypopneas 20 apneas and so on and they took that 25 hours and then they plotted it here and when you average out all the variation between the CPAP machine and these top rated Physicians there's a couple of them what you end up with is this bias and it equals -4.2 this is for the airens 10 and pretty much what that tells us if you score a 10 on your Ahi it might be more likely 24.2 you score a zero like I said before you score a zero it's more likely 10 between 10 and 15 based on these averages and -4.2 is the average that's the underestimation the difference could be as large as 32.2 you score 10 it's like 42 point2 oh dear and there is potential for it to be a slight positive bias but only once this one little dot here but most of the time so this is zero here most of the time all these red dots here are below zero which is that negative [Laughter] bias let's check out the Phillips nightmare bias -2.6 average which says if your dream station if you're still using your dream station gives you an Ahi five it's likely a little bit higher maybe seven or eight then we've got the cfam sbox bias -7.6 once again sbox gives you a five maybe around the 10 mark on average Lenin bias -3.9 so the dream station and the Louin seem to be a little bit more accurate with that Ahi number generated from the CPAP machine there you go next up we have figure three what is figure three h ah yes I know now remember the Ahi is made up of both apneas and hypopneas while the researchers dug a little bit deeper and they found that the hypopneas were the big problem now for those of you that don't know you got apneas which are large reductions in breathing hypopneas medium reductions in breathing a getting into your lungs and you've also got rearers we won't go into them right now respiratory effort related arousals small reductions in breathing but all these BS classifications are just manifestations of the exact same thing which is crap breathing it's just all the medicos like to make up these fancy words to make you feel like you're not smart just aad pressure guys you'll be right now what this chart shows is that when you take out the hypopneas and we just look at the apneas the large reductions in breathing you can see here the lines are much closer everyone gets an A+ and if anything there's a slight positive bias you can see how all the lines are slightly above this black dotted line here however let's check out the hypop news F you all failed and look at ResMed down here hey it's got an R square value of 0.01 with ResMed you could have a hypop index of zero generated by your air sense 10 air sense 11 however the true number could be 35 hypopen per hour that's the thing guys you just don't know but what this research does highlight is it's likely a negative bias especially with the hypopneas apneas pretty good hypopneas not so much so it's Crystal Clear that the hypopneas are the big issue so why are the cpat machines all failing the hypotonia exam all comes down to the threshold these CPAP machines have a very high threshold set for the hypopneic classification 50% your breathing needs to reduce by 50% the flow of air going into your lungs before you cat machine goes yeah we'll give you a hypopnea for that one and that's a big problem in my opinion because many of you your breathing might only Reduce by 40% still going to cause a lot of issues let's take a look at this in more detail over at sleep HQ and if you don't know what sleep HQ is puts some information in the description down below but it unlocks the full data potential of your CPAP machine as you'll see right now now this is Chris Peters air sense 11 data get a Chris let's scroll down and you can see here apne hypop index 10.06 now what's great about sleep HQ is we also have this ahhi donut which tells us how many apneas how many hypopneas how many Central apneas and what we can see right here is out of that 10.6 9.88 were the hypopnea classification and as we just learned that's not accurate let's check out the detailed charts so this green line here is the automatic pressure from the CPAP machine changing over time okay it's moving up that's what automatic CPAP machines do we provide all this information to you but the next chart down the breathing chart is the best chart on sleep HQ it is every single breath you take over the course of a night and it shows you where the hypopneas were marked from the CPAP machine this is the exam right here let's check it out you can see here and all I'm doing is just clicking and dragging over an area of Interest see the H with the purple line that's the machine taking the exam right now you can see it's see the H with the purple see the H with the purple line here here here here that's the machine taking the exam right now but what you can see is there should be another H here yeah it's the same pattern you get a reduction in breathing see the breathing getting narrow then you get these great big breaths see these great big breaths What's Happening Here is this breathing's getting very narrow oxygen levels are dropping and then you take these great big breaths to catch up bring more oxygen into your body and a physician can see the pattern you can see the pattern the CPAP is bound by like strict rules so for some reason here I don't know if the reduction in the breathing amplitude maybe got to 49% and not 50% it's like Noah didn't reach the classification not marking it it's a clear pattern you can see that hypotonia flag hypotonia flag there should be one here there should be one here there should be one here there's not if we scroll forward okay it's got the next few but there's more it's missed more look here here here here so we have all these missed hypnia Flags right here this is that negative bias that the researchers talked about but check this out and it's not the focus of this video but I'll show you it anyway click the link above if you want to watch a video on the automatic pressure delivery from the CPAP machines cuz that'll really blow the mask off your face check this out so we have all this crap breathing as clear as can be right here resb knows it it's put in some of the hypopnea flags look at the pressure hey it's up here at 13 and it is dropping why is that bad when you have reduced air flow into your lungs what you need to do is increase the pressure creates more pressure inside the mask so you have high pressure in The Mask low pressure in your mask in your lungs and then the pressure differential just means the air just physics the air just forc down into your lungs that's how it works you already know how to breathe lungs are working fine it's just you have that restriction there so you need that pressure differential high pressure in The Mask low pressure in your lungs and air just flows from high to low the reason I spend so many days researching this boring [ __ ] is for Sharon and the thousands of Sharons out there who are going through the torture of wearing these stupid masks yet they're still not feeling the benefit of of effective treatment and quality sleep and if all they ever received Is the participation award from the my air app then they never feel what it's like to win a gold medal I'm under no illusions that this is a lot of information to take in it's confusing for me too but there is one number that doesn't lie one number that just cuts through all the BS all the smoking mirrors all the reporting of the apne hypop index your blood oxygen levels it's like what I said in the beginning diabetics measure your blood glucose you got sleep apnea measure your blood oxygen it's super easy to do and if your blood oxygen levels are nice and stable nice and high you can almost guarantee that your CPAP machine is doing its job if they're not you've likely found the reason why you're still feeling like [ __ ] thanks for watching guys Merry Christmas and I'll see you again in 2024 cheers good day mates this video is sponsored by Sleep HQ upload review and share your detailed cat reports with anyone from anywhere visit sleep and join our free community today
Channel: CPAP Reviews
Views: 10,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J6cQht-V58A
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Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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