Decked Out: The Perfect Minigame

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this is decked out a mega mini game only playable on the hermitcraft season 7 World built by Tango Tech it's a massive gorgeous Arena of traps and treasure and the game was played constantly during its time on the server the complex Redstone incredible build and the sheer Genius of the game was so good people said it could never be topped and then he made deck out two and you know what maybe this one can't be topped given he's built it over four times bigger and more complex but Tango is a genius and the truth is there's not another Minecraft player on the entire planet who could top this other than him and why do I think this because I tried and my attempt is nothing even close to the Majesty of Tango's deck [Music] out let's take a step back here now if you clicked on this video I'm sure you already have some idea of what Decked Out is but in case you don't allow me to explain see it all starts on hermitcraft the longest running SMP in Minecraft YouTube history hermitcraft is no strangers to the big crazy company complex ideas that push Minecraft to its limits they've got Builders like b o false Symmetry and good times with scar who constantly make crazy and beautiful Mega bases they've got Redstone Masters like Etho and impulse whose Redstone work can be found on many basic Farms still functional like it was when they invented them years ago and they've got some of the most creative game designers of all time the best example of which is Exuma the current host of hermitcraft Who quite literally invented bedwars on the hermitcraft server but all these great things begin to pale in comparison to the greatness of Tango Tech see he's a master of all of these Arts Building Redstone and games and managed to blend these talents into a perfect storm so what it's a big fancy dungeon what's so special about it everything everything is so meticulously designed and well thought out this is a fully playable single player Dungeon Crawler that could exist as its own independent game but all inside survival Minecraft no one does that Minecraft is no stranger to mini games nor is this the first time someone's made a fully playable game in Minecraft but those are either simple mini games that use Minecraft as its basis or such complicated command blocks that I couldn't even imagine how to build it but Tango he makes it look simple he does all of his work on stream and on YouTube showing the painstaking detail of the game's insides and outsides but you don't have to take my word for it Tango's fellow hermitcraft members are constantly in Shock by the game even as they play through it or peek into the Redstone and sing the man's Praises every time they run throughout the dungeons of decked out this is the most insane game I've ever played do you hear the heartbeat oh that was amazing I loved every minute of that I want to go again I want to go again I do believe it is one of the most amazing things I've ever played or done or seen in this game ever since I started playing now I said no one else could build this game I said it was impossible to beat I'd said I'd tried and failed to make a game like this I stand by these statements and I will show you my own game shortly but let me explain further why I think deck doubt really can't be recreated first of all this is built entirely in survival most mini games small and large are usually designed in creative mode with the ease of flight and infinite resources Tango had neither of these benefits he gathered every single block dug out the entire game area and carefully wired every trap timer goal and mechanic of the game managing to make an immersive experience that really puts the player out of Minecraft and into a whole new game the game is far bigger than just a mini game and sure most of the hermitcraft players do this they build and model complicated games and beautiful structures just as large or even larger than deck out and game altering Redstone is common place for some Hermits but it really comes down to the experience and energy of Tango's creation and that energy comes straight from its maker Tango is hilarious and constantly coming up with new creative ideas no matter what he's playing this energy translates into deck doubt with its brilliant but weird ideas that not only keep the players guessing but even the viewers who watch Tango build the game have no idea what to expect next and it's this energy that really sums up both the sheer creativity of Tango Tech and how different his entire mindset is towards Minecraft as a whole and that to me really defines deck out no one else would have ever thought of this game not another hermit not some random Minecrafter not even those command block Masters who build great games inside of Minecraft his premise for the entire game is summed up in 14 easy words it's a deck building dungeon crawling treasure hunting collect them all trading card game and there's not one part of that definition that falls short of the fun of this game this game puts players into a dungeon with nothing but a compass and their wits that Compass leads into a hidden treasure load where they toss the compass into the ground and then run like the wind to escape all the while they're being hunted by ravagers and blockaded at every turn a mysterious heartbeat grows faster and the more noise or Clank they make the greater the danger grows as the dungeon changes and new enemies appear out of the walls their only savior is a set of playing cards they sacrific to the dungeon with each card helping them or slowing the flow of Clank it is a heart-stopping treasure hunt of Terror and excitement that all ends with the players either collecting new cards and bits of treasure to compete with their fellow Hermits or dying inside the dungeon to one of its many pitfalls or foes this being said now that the idea is there couldn't anyone just copy it Tango himself built a second part to this game isn't that recreating deck out well no deck out 2 is almost a whole new game that uses the first game as an example not a basis Tango himself Master of the original couldn't evening bring himself to Simply recreate deck out he could only improve it so why not make a copy what if you sat down watched every Tango video on the creation of the mini game and tried to replicate the best ideas of the game well I did try that and I think it's time to show you exactly what happened this is not the pogies SMP My Home Server this is a server from before the pogies SMP this world was built in 2022 and I was rewatching hermitcraft season 7 and found myself wondering the exact same question you all came here asking couldn't anyone copy Decked Out and better still could I do it in Minecraft Bedrock the answer is no very much no I am not Tango Tech and though I love building and making mini games for my friends in Minecraft I was just about to discover how Grand and complicated deck out really was a word of warning the final product you're about to see is not decked out but I am proud of what came out of it and I hope this is at least interesting to you the first thing I did was find a location in previous Journeys across my world I discovered a Mesa biome with this m shaft sticking out of the Terracotta I decided to clean it up and use the tunnels as a base P for my dungeon now hold on I hear you Tango had dug out the entire game but let me remind you Tango is professional Minecrafter who spends hours per day on the hermitcraft server and I'm a poor college student who still has work and is allergic to caffeine I couldn't afford to do the exact same as him so finding the whining tunnels of a former M shaft was a miracle and allowed me to make quicker progress on the game build and after about a month of building my dungeon was complete now to insert the treasure both versions of Decked Out have different loot systems but they both shared one thing a compass leading the player to a hidden load Stone where they could exchange that compass for game artifacts my version toss the compass out the window it takes an entire netherite Ingot to craft a load Stone and my exhaustion and impatience with the build was already getting to me that being said I did keep one important aspect of the original deck out that the sequel actually removed artifact sets deck. one had a variety of treasure consisting of many sets of four themed artifacts bees the end Etc I crafted up 12 sets of treasure and hid them throughout the dungeon in various chests barrels dispensers and more carefully connecting them to traps or hiding them in secret Corners last came the Redstone and given what I've already said about the dungeon I don't think it surprise you to learn that the Clank and card mechanics were also scrapped see despite trying and researching for a few days on how the Clank and card systems really worked I was forced to give up Redstone functionality is greatly different between Minecraft Java which hermercraft utilizes and Minecraft Bedrock which is what I was playing on these differences made my search for a randomly generated system like Clank far more complicated and resulted in me scrapping the system altogether the only thing left now was to build the lobby or in this case the base camp I built the same 4x4 artifact board the original deck out gave its players as well as a small store stopped with potions effects and items meant to assist my friends all of these items replacing the card effects from the original game then the most important part the mascot of the game itself the ravagers I set up a tiny village on an island not far from my dungeon and cause a few raids allowing me to trap guide and insert five ravagers into my dungeon and finally came the players at the time I only had five other friends playing Minecraft with me that being Riley Avery Leo Dakota and Joey hermitcraft has 20 to 30 players depending on the season and Tango's Decked Out game only allowed one player to enter and play at a time which makes sense given the mechanics such as Clank and the use of cards but now that I had a dungeon ripe with treasure and lacking those more complex mechanics I realized that just letting all five of my friends and at once was the best solution all this being said I no longer think it's fair to call my game decked out it's nothing like the original game and far less like a sequel but the fun of it is still there and thus much like many board games in real life I dubb this game Decked Out Junior the simplified ideas of the mini game from hermitcraft without sacrificing that connection to the original now allow me to show you a few clips from the night we played deck out junor Hunter where's the out there's only one exit and it's the same way you came in excellent question so where is that it's in the stone area hey short figure it out Ste I'm out of there I don't want person hey hey uh shins how about you go convince ERS to move over there what's in it for me Chief nothing watch you know what man I kind of want to do it just for the memes what if I punch it and we run do it uming did we just leave him alone he vibing are he kind of viant you know what both kind of viant no no no no no no no none of that none of that let's get them moving come on what do you define as a set all four pieces of one set and yes there are four pieces to one oh Leo I lost all my items oh I completed a four of a kind what does that mean four of a kind unfortunately four of a kind only counts for points not for a full set for an actual set you have to have all four pieces to the set I'm not going that way then thank you for thank you for teaching oh watch out Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey can't get me he can't get me lost all my chicken uh Joey you might be screwed hold on hold on hold on I can get out here and I will give you some the the Jes I'm afraid the heck was that on what's your problemet NE set Avery what's what's what's my problem oh that one yeah the spammer I pressed a hidden button and suddenly shoots me fire guys I'm trying to do parkour and I'm not good oh has someone already done this parkour though Riley wouldn't it be a shame to get all the way up here and find out there's nothing wait is it the Parkour in the be and honey area Avery yeah it might have already been done let me go upstairs and see what I have and then we can discuss business oh freak of you for now you devious dog I don't know what I did oh my God they're so well hidden Joey Joey please give me ice set four buddy I oh Avery Avery I will trade you Village set 4 for ice set 4 I have I will literally trade my first born if someone has endet for uh uh excuse me arle I was off first Hunter what happens when you get four complete sets if if your board's full your board's full you got four complete sets you son of a Tain how' you do that all right no worries I will tell you the points and I'll reveal the winner tomorrow how does that sound all right and so I failed I did not manage to copy deck out and I honestly don't believe any other person really could either Tango's hard work is unprecedented and unbeatable as I've already said and maybe it's better that way Minecraft mini games are a dime a dozen everyone with a world they've played on for more than a month has likely had a Min game or two built in it as well the fact that deck out is such a big unique project makes it so much more special and that's a good thing I've shown you the reactions of his own server mates and just about any other person who watches hermercraft can tell you how amazing the mini game is to watch new ideas don't always have to be remade and sometimes even if we can only copy a small bit of it that's a good thing too maybe I'll rebuild my own dungeon someday on the pogy SMP try it again and see what my friends think but if I do I won't be calling it Decked Out Decked Out is an Untouchable Masterpiece and there is no one with the same creativity and genius as Tango Tech and that's okay because that means deck out will remain how it is now perfect miname that can never be topped by anyone else thank you for watching if you've liked this video don't forget to leave a like and consider subscribing I'm a small Channel just trying to grow and I love hermitcraft so much so that I have a server much like hermac craft that I play with my friends if you are interested in checking that out feel free to do so at the links above thank you for watching again it's been a lot of fun this is Hunter yes Hunter no signing off [Music] goodbye
Channel: HunterYesHunterNo
Views: 1,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tF6xf9_ogKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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