Courtney’s Sexuality & How Ian Handles The Haters - SmoshCast #3

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[Music] if you ever respond to somebody's negativity and they respond back with more negativity just drop it there yeah because it's not gonna get that here the most secure way to say it from me is just being with oh yeah I'm not straight I'm very proud to have learned from my father the things that I want to take or the things that I see like that's not and that's okay I remember talking to my barista and she was like I am really getting into slime I love slime hello everyone welcome to the third ever Smosh cast I am your host Ian Hecox and Who am I joined by today you got a corny Miller and you do have one Damian hugs last time it was just us three doing something do you remember what it was no way we were at my house after the stupid the letter the first letter went out yeah the first letter of like we're all gonna lose our jobs you guys come over and we'll hang out you don't need to be alone right now yep I brought a bottle of wine that I found that had this apocalyptic sort of setting on the bottle city in flames I was like this is very appropriate right don't have that bottle display next to my microwave she's made a shrine I forced you well you you were willing but I made you eat that pizza yes it's the first time I've ever seen your horrific choice in pizza where every Italian grandmother rolls over constantly in her grave yeah I got you wings so appreciate it all right thanks Vera we're names yeah but I need you guys watch a childhood favorite movie of mine Xanadu starring Olivia newton-john so bad it was um well it was bad yeah let's just let's just put it out there Xanadu not a good movie with the garbage as I watched with you guys I realized more and more how bad it was it's like it's very much like the room and for people listening if you've seen the room you'll you would understand well the bad a TR the awkwardly slow dialogue and storyline it's like everybody's first move like the director and everybody but the music is incredible Electric Light Orchestra yeah yeah yeah that was good there's like there's one moment where I think the movies gonna get really good I think it turns into this whole animation yeah super 70s I was like all right I can get with this it was done whoever his name is that did all the fish for Disney and stuff - that was like it was legit animation yeah done one done one that's it and then after that we watched a bunch of YouTube videos about cursed images I feel like that's how every party ends now it's like people are everyone's partying and then it gets that part of the night where they're like okay let's just put on YouTube and show each other weird videos are the real ones of states that awkward moment where like the videos get worse and worse yes people slowly start to trickle out they're like there's so much pressure to because you're sharing something you're like this is the funniest thing and you just do that thing where you keep like turning to your friend being like okay they're gonna laugh at this part and then they don't and you're like and I find that the videos that I tend to recommend are really messed up enjoy them but everyone else thinks that I have a serious problem compilation yeah well there is a there is a guy short film that I like to show people during Christmas time it's called tree Vinge and it's about it's about Christmas trees that they're they're sentient and yeah and they see all their brethren being cut down so they eventually decide to take revenge and it's extremely gory like you do like branches going through people's heads and it's it's very detailed live-action yes wait what yeah oh I was joking yeah what does this made uh please tell me 2008 that's the perfect time for a movie like that probably around there it's a short film you could catch it on YouTube yes but fun night though it's violence warning yeah but yeah as an ado it's a bad movie I would not recommend it I'm glad you guys watch it with me next up grease to watch it together another movie I'm weirdly obsessed with that's kind of bad but actually it's very bad but half the experience the reason it was fun was because we got to watch it with you because even if it's objectively a terrible movie and it is a terrible movie yes I'm getting to watch it with someone who loves it so much all right I want to watch this do your filter it's like watching like wrestling with Matt Rob wrestling's not my thing but he loves wrestling so I'm like all right show me why let me see why I love exposing my friends to things that I love like so much yeah I went to a UFC fight with sohinki Brothers okay and you know I don't normally enjoy seeing people get punched in the face but when you when you can watch it with somebody that's excited about it and yeah knows what's going on then you're like alright okay I can I can get with this person bleeding profusely from their head I can't watch fights with the brother saying that's true one of the things that that you showed me Courtney on YouTube during one of our big like party nights where we were just flipping through YouTube was several music videos by the artist known as Oliver true yeah he's awesome he has rf2 revenge tree we're just talking welcome to treetop walk today conifers love deciduous it's Jennifer conifer and Chris Pine but Oliver tree his music videos are so cool and I gotta love a man that has a bowl cut yes crushing it he makes in like honestly if you did it if you went back to the bowl cut did it the way he's doing it it's it feels like he's bringing it back like he makes it look very trendy because it has like the fade but then into the bowl cut for people who don't know who Oliver tree is I struck I strongly recommend you to check him out he's blowing up this year like it's happening for him finally because he's refusing videos it is a threat I will hurt you he's blowing up this year he's he's so creative and so funny like he has that that 90s purple and green cup pattern like in an entire sweat suit and it's on a monster truck and a motorcycle and he's so cool he's so awesome yeah he also does scooter tricks yeah he's a professional scooter razor scooter scooter scooter yeah I recently went to his show and I had like my whole family went my whole family's obsessed with him that was the night that you showed them your your butt yes yes that is that same famous night of the but yeah I actually gotten that merch from that show that night which is funny because he recently reached out to me out of nowhere no way dude it was so crazy so why so listen I'm listening so I was about to boomerang my pasta right for Instagram as one does you know everybody over the age of 40 just turned out right I don't know were you were you cooking this pasta okay made cups you got to prove that you were adulting oh yeah I guess no no you got to do that sometimes yeah so I had opened up the camera and it was selfie obviously when it surprises you on stuff you won't know for sure and right then it shows a notification up top and I was like Oliver tree and it's like love your sweatshirt and I just screamed capped you see I have the video screen cap of my face in message up topping me just freaking out please post up today's this goes he apparently I don't even know how he saw cuz on Instagram first of all he follows zero people mm-hmm but on the Smosh Instagram story we posted those photos where we were like freaking out getting ready for the announcement and you could just barely see that I was wearing the sweatshirt I got from his show in the corner and like then I went on my story and posted a bunch of pictures where you could just barely see the sweatshirt and he somehow saw it and like we messaged for a little bit I told him on my families of phones and people are at smashers how them get them DG's know but we can go to I do I can go to shows now like he's like yeah dude like come to my show I was like for sure you'll be in the kiss whatever that's sick and then we talked about vine and like how cool it used to be and like that was he's such a cool dude he probably has a secondary account that he uses to follow people more casually so it's not like oh my god Oliver tree follows me and then when he sees that you switches over to you know the name account that's smart yeah that is very smart thanks dawg following 0 people on Instagram though it's like to hell that's that's a hard core flesh yeah he doesn't have to if he's got that secondary account I mean I don't know real saying no he 100% has to have a second account I am very selective with who I follow like I don't follow me I don't know okay generally a lot of my friends I don't follow because I just don't have an interest yeah or I don't like the photos or whatever like I'm a very bad Instagrammer as a as a poster and a user because I'll just kind of like scroll through I don't really comment on people's things I don't like a lot of things unless it's likable I posted a picture with you the other day I think you like that and commented on that so thank you what was a very nice photo you got I tagged your taint that's right I was in the photo that's why I gotta say I feel like as an influencer oh god that sounds so dumb to say we have a barf bucket can you add some more vocal fry' when you say that but seriously like cuz when I I mean I definitely have people that I like still fall from high school I'm definitely like at a point in my life where I'm starting to like unfollow people from my past so it's like it's a they're posting way too much and I'm just like man we don't even talk anymore and you are just you're better than them above them now I don't need them anymore but like when I see other influencers posting branded stuff or just in general like the I feel like it's it's a good relationship for people who know influencers on Instagram and stuff it's like to keep that relationship of interaction and stuff because it really does help each other like yeah it's it's a on vine revine for revine remember that crap that was garbage that was bad but I think it's healthy to be interactive with people on social media yeah I don't play those games I know man doesn't play games well you should just follow 0 people this shoulda got in on the ground floor of YouTube and built a flip and Empire do you think you even have what it takes to computerize purely based off a sub first yeah every all 24 million or however many subscribers we have or all sub4sub you know I watched you guys when you first started by the way really yeah I liked boxman I watched the Pokemon song and all that stuff I remember the food battle and I you know tapered off for like a long time and then just radical well no I I have a contract I'm afraid you're stuck with me I watched a lot of Smosh in middle school and like I remember my best friend Marissa who I was still like close friends with we would watch Smosh videos together on my sister's laptop app just so funny and I remember I had this guilty thing that I would sometimes not even watch the sketches I would only watch the behind the scenes cuz that was like my favorite Wow which is why I love when we still put out behind the scenes stuff occasionally which I wish we could just do more of but definitely watch this let's put out more BTS stuff but like the k-pop group yes I feel like that's the problem when you say BTS now because now yes it just means my scenes now you know the internet it'll just be us photoshopping ourselves into photos of BTS or learning the dances like comment and subscribe if you want this is your first time on the podcast it is it's gonna be a lot of people's first times in my absence to come but this is my second time was I haven't been in every episode but whatever I feel like I botched it so far you're so experienced before um so while we were sort of in that break time between defy Shane and I batted around the idea of starting our own we actually recorded a few episodes but then when we you know learned that we were potentially coming back with mythical and that there would be a podcast involved we both just sort of thought it was best to like you know not started at the same time Smosh was gonna start there's especially if me and him talking would be a draw for this one it was just sort of like let's not play a homie like that you have episodes of podcast recorded a lost episode I don't know like like two white guys and podcasts I don't think that's been done before the world is not ready you just want to even make that joke where it's just like hey let's talk about the podcast really loudly in a coffee shop let's make sure everyone knows we so what else were you doing during the during the downtime yeah well I'd say I had a week or two where I just let myself chill decompress really you know I get my bearings you know what I didn't cry which I'm super down for crying crying great but there was not I did not get until like a super low place which was cool I actually didn't care then I just know it's it's all about the Benjamins dawg so I had a friend from New York reach out who is a producer of gaming content and also knows a lot of people who did twitch helps people get started so he reached out and was like dude I heard about the defy thing you would be so good on twitch I will help you in whatever way you need we'll talk about specs and stuff like that and so within a couple weeks I was up and running on Twitch and I've got to say it was it flip and saved my life not only because you know obviously there's a financial aspect to it but it gave me a focus it gave me something to do that I really legitimately cared about that I that was my own for the first time I always come in to other people things you know this was the first time I had my thing in the community that you know we built together there it's just so flippin awesome I got to make it you wanted it I mean I still as my brand I say flipping also every time you say flipping I'm just gonna say I will say I peaked a couple of your streams and it's like I I watch twitch sometimes and my brother does twitch as well but like when I started watching Damien it seems like he's you you nail it you're so so much with playing the game and interacting the chat it's like you have two sets of eyes and you're so fast at interacting with them seeing what they're saying not just being like nice dude keep going like you literally like oh that's a cool thing to say yeah I have this thing to say to also the just killed five people cool like yours I was blown away I saw so impressed that means a hell of a lot Courtney thank you and I like you know like everybody I struggle with like self confidence so the fact that you know my friends have been so supportive you saying that it means a hell of a lot in the community I want to say thank you to my community as well just because it's hot you can't tell you for them just because I don't know I'm I'm big on like you know the internet could be a toxic place I want this to be a space where people can just sort of be who they are you know say what they want to say you know and be comfortable with that and know that they're not going to be judged and everybody was like super onboard with that and the fact that we've kept growing but that vibe has stayed the same it really speaks to not me necessarily but the community itself and how we've just gotten such a solid cool group of people so I'm just I'm happy and everybody here has been awesome about you know allowing me to continue that you know I'm moving specifically so I can be closer to work so I can get home and stream when the time comes so um anyway blah blah blah mimimi but like it was just it is interesting it's been a lot of fun you did hit on an interesting thing with what's uh with your with your community being really positive yeah because with twitch the chat can a lot of times turn very toxic for sure very quickly very easily for a lot of users yeah because it kind of becomes an attention thing when we're to get a large view and how many people are watching your streams depending on the game it goes up to 400 hovers around 250 office yes that's 400 people that can all have the opportunity to say the same thing at the same time yeah so it's a petition for four words so a lot of times like people will feel the need to say something hmm toxic or some controversial just to get the attention yeah I'm just I'm just more or less open about it because you still have to appeal to people's humanity because even if they're trolling like that's their so you know sometimes if you know the mods don't catch something and the community's seeing something off I'll just be like hey man I get what you're doing that's not really what we do here I'd love to have you join and hang out with us you seem like a cool dude but you know if that's what you want to do there's a different space for that and that's fine and people have actually been receptive I've had people be like hey you know what I'm really sorry I actually just wanted to you know see if I could get you to see this but this seems fun I'd like to hang out and they become a regular part of the stream and you know that is that is a strange thing a lot of times you can actually turn the negative people people man yeah yeah cuz I have a friend that you know whenever she gets a negative comment on something she'll respond to them in a positive way and a lot of times they'll be like okay I'm so sorry I'm actually a bad well then why were you being a dick to me just a second ago people just want that interaction no matter how they can hit it and it's like I think we're all aware of that and I think if you it's when you let your emotions get the better of you that it turns into something bigger then they see that response they're like I can get more and so you know and then the end of the day if I have to ban someone's just click yeah but I definitely had my fair share of times when I did it a few times where someone says something like ridiculously mean or like untrue and I'd be like you definitely want to be positive as I came in I don't know why you think that but I actually really enjoy whatever it I'm like and usually it's like oh my god I'm so sorry I love you I do not mean to offend you or and I was just trying to talk like that's all it really is a lot of times that happens a lot on the internet and social media we forget we we have this mask a lot of times that we feel like we can say whatever we want and because we expect people don't when it's easy to dehumanize somebody and not think of them as a person when there's no room with you yeah so when you are like suddenly break down that wall of like well hey like these are my feelings and like you have feelings so what's up and then this and automatically it's like oh like that humanity is still totally there for sure and I mean it's it's something that I've dealt with you know for 13 years now maybe that explains why I'm so just just because because now nowadays like things don't really affect me as much I feel like maybe that's somehow like emotionally dulled now throughout the years yeah but there's still like there's still common sometimes that come through and they still they still get you yeah the way that the way that I like to compare it to is like it's like being being a youtuber being like an online personality is like being a boxer you know you you get better you get better at not getting punched you know the more you do it you you learn certain tricks you learn how to bob and weave you learn how to take a hit like you said but every now and then you're still gonna get punched in the [ __ ] face so you know it's it's I don't what there's no one solution to it yeah but it's it's really you do have to come at it with the compassionate angle like you said with understanding like they don't really know what's a I know I've said things that like sometimes I know maybe I don't mean or like it was mean or that I meant for it to sound like you know what I mean so like knowing that I make those same mistakes you can only assume like oh yeah that person I'm sure is of course to their core poison Lee is it is it tough for you sometimes feeling like you've had a little bit of emotional dulling for how long you've been doing this but also still feeling like you obviously recognize like you want to connect to someone's humanity you still want to be vulnerable and be able to do that I mean do you feel like that's it's tough for you to go about it from that other side of things now or do you feel like you've struck a balance as a long-term youtube is a lot of times I just have to ignore the comments sure you know you you you get that instant feeling like I have to respond to this or I have to react to this and you know I just I've just developed a routine of just being like no this isn't gonna benefit me to respond to this I'm I'm gonna scroll through this comment and see another comment and forget about that thing in like five seconds sure like and that generally goes with with social media in general like not just reading comments against you but but you know reading an article or something political that might piss you off sure what I like to do is say say you can call it a five minute rule or a ten minute rule if you feel like saying something maybe just just kind of save it revisit in ten minutes see if you still actually care it's a great idea because a lot of people they'll just they'll just react instantly and that's that's the issue with Twitter and that's why you get that a lot of the outrage stuff it's because people yeah because you're able to immediately respond it's it's your very first reaction to something rather than taking a step back asking yourself does this really matter to me does this affect me and and how is this gonna make me or anything else better by me weighing in on this yeah I'm responding usually like it I mean unless it goes in it really well like we said earlier it's like oh no this is totally misunderstanding but sometimes if you respond and it becomes like this back and forth argument and you're gonna feel that stewing anger and upset this for like 10 times as long you don't shower yeah you're having an imaginary fight don't dwell because then that that comment wins and you don't like don't dwell on anything negative especially when people say negative stuff it's it's usually not like solely because of that negative thing it's like they usually say something else is going on or like the people those negative comments are so rare to when someone is like cool with a video they usually will barely even hit like they'll just be cool and just move on not comment anything right like sometimes I even hit subscribe but you guys should you have any guys are great good watching but yeah like it's a lot of times the negative ones stick out because the positive ones are up into those positive people's minds I think you touched on something really cool there it's sort of about how much power you're giving to that comment or whatever the influence is and it's like does one comment at the end of the day really affect you that much no but if you're still thinking about it the question is what do you feel about what they said do you feel like they're right did they hit the thing that you don't like about you well that's something that's in your power to change so screw that comment screw that person how are you going to work on yourself to make this not a thing anymore or if you don't care so much if they set a thing and you're like yeah I'm loud sometimes oh well like that's where the work is to be done not through an argument online you I'm out yeah and that's all cussing a swear oh my gosh I'm not used to I will I will say it's very rare but it is it it sort of restores your faith in humanity when you see a like 10 response argument going on in my Twitter and then no no no just an argument it's like an argument on Twitter and then at the end it resolves and they actually come do some sort of resolution oh my god there is faith in humanity it's garbage and nobody's happy I would say like if you ever respond to somebody's negativity and they respond back with more negativity just drop it there yeah because it's not gonna be it's not gonna get better whatever you're looking for you ain't gonna find it you're not gonna reach that catharsis yeah you're looking for and you're not going to solve oh you win I am you are the victor yeah you've changed my mind on politics religion and everything one Connaught you are right the the shamrock shake is the best who doesn't believe that I'll find them I never had it I haven't either but I just want to be accepted it's okay it's okay it's a very distinct taste what are what is it better make arrangement chip right it's our McDonald's every McDonald's ever what flavor is the shamrock shake shamrock shamrock yeah I'm actually be down for like wheatgrass flavored milk shake what wheatgrass and milk Damien you can get out I mean how is that different from a green tea frappe I think ricci frats tastes like fish and grass I've never tried that no sands me it's matcha oh I'm sorry a mocha you've got me for 35 more minutes or whoever actually on that on the angle I don't know gosh is this is just too much negativity but the the whole Captain Marvel trolls and Ron tomatoes had to adjust the way that people can leave reviews mm-hmm before the movie came out because you know it's it's a superhero movie starring a woman and God forbid I guess you know there's a group of people that aren't fans of that so they decided to bomb Ron tomatoes with a bunch of negative comments and that happened before with Black Panthers as well before the movie even came out so I hear there's cats in that movie though whoa I love them like they're like the cats like there's like a star of the movie oh yeah I've seen that trailer sabrina the teenage are usually tried I usually try I like to avoid trailers especially for a Marvel movie I agree all costs I love being surprised you can actually watch I think you can watch a Marvel trailer and be okay because they actually put misleading things in the trailers that don't actually happen in the movie or that explicit reason I'll put different takes of delivery for acting and some yeah I've seen that so change scenes aren't even in there they'll change props I know there's something with like Captain America's suit or shield or something yeah and the infinity war trailer that's different can you imagine doing a whole day of takes you're exhausted or like alright now let's get some for the trailer and you're like do you think they probably I don't know they don't even know I wonder I wonder I bet there's some places where they will write out a trailer based on the script and and like strategically make certain expositions trailers are so well made now like I enjoy there's some movies where I enjoy the trailer more than I enjoyed the movie or some trailers you see an entire movie yeah oh my god the dogs right home dude aka homeward bound aka the worst CG mountain lion I've ever seen my yeah that was the weirdest I just got chills that was such a weird thing to see in a trailer I remember hearing people I think we saw it together when we were watching into the spider version yes I just remember hearing as we see this dog rub faces with a mountain lion I just hear Shane going it literally unless a bunch of stuff happens after that it seems like this out showed the entire movie he's like - god that's the first ten minutes and it takes a weird black turn with serial killers yeah mad max-style that's what I was wondering yeah like yeah you know I saw I saw guardians didn't see a single trailer for it Wow and also didn't know it was a Marvel movie didn't know they were winners like after seeing it I was like what movie was amazing changed my life now you know they're in the avengers there's a cool Wow fake fan I know I know do you even know Chris Pratt another crazy thing that the Marvel movies do with like the secrecy and everything is the actors don't even really get the scripts like they yeah they put them in like a room and they're allowed to read the script there but they can't take it back with them and a lot of times the things that are written in the script aren't even actually going to be in the movie it's more misleading things Justin just in case of leaks yeah Tom Holland and Mark Ruffalo were really bad at how they're like now they're using that as a marketing like they have Tom Holland giving all these like ooh spoilers but now it's just a marketing thing how is an actor are you even supposed to do your job if you're like getting background information and select psych he didn't even have an uncle and you're like wow but I built my whole emotional ride that wasn't that the deal with dude that played vision like he didn't know that his character can I mean yeah but didn't I think he didn't know that his character died until he was getting to set my god but I mean if you're talking about if you don't like actors that deserve respect from memory memorizing things soap opera actors oh yeah like we all we all dumped on soap operas cuz they're garbage but they have to memorize like 40 pages of script in a morning yeah I was almost on a soap opera once it was down to me and like to other people for I think it was Days of Our Lives I'm some characters long-lost son of course that comes back and yeah I say I'm not that good of an actor so soap operas would have been perfect yeah but it's like cuz they shoot they shoot like an hour-long show every single day like every single weekday right like a new episode comes out every single weekday right something like that yeah so they have to be shooting an entire television show every single day they're like here's a script Wow it's insane so I got massive respect for for that art form but I also just couldn't never watch I could never watch it they're still on right oh yeah Jane the Virgin gives you a little taste of like roughly what it's like but back on what you said do you mean you are a great actor I sorry I'm just gonna I actually want to know because like we it's so cool cuz like with this new chapter we're putting you in a lot more likes mosh pit and sketches and stuff but like what was that like being from a voice actor and an actor like you're on Disney I don't know if you did Nickelodeon stuff but like a lot of video game stuff I'm gonna know if I'm allowed to talk about but like for sure what is that like going well I guess you voiced for video game stuff that's the transition but now you're you're like you got into gaming like what was that transition like well all of it thank you I'll just take the damn compliment because I'm not good at that so thank you and I appreciate it you know it was a really cool transition to be honest I think there are weirder transitions to be made because on Disney I had a sketch background because I was on so random with Shane so that was like be all that of our generation and so I had a sketch background but my hobby was always gaming and not only just like playing games but looking at the design of them being like see how they use lighting here to sort of guide you to this area and you feel like you're in an open world but in reality they're funneling you into the you know and I talked to Shane about that when we were roommates to be like ah yes cool so it just sort of felt it felt natural it felt like the the next logical step to combine all of my passions and it was like this is literally the only place where that could have happened I can do sketch on one side of things and then gaming on the other so you know the transition wasn't too hard if anything the gaming side was a bit more of a difficult transition for me because it took me a little bit to learn like you're not trying to impress anybody playing games you're not trying to beat everybody else and be the best and all that stuff you are trying to be an entertainer and have fun with it which you know I would do anyway but like there was there's this whole casting process where with other two other people I was playing like Mario Kart and I was like making jokes and stuff but it was still very important in my mind I was just like I probably have to beat these other two people to like to be on this gaming channel and I'm garbage at Mario Kart so I was like very focused and it was kind of like a sigh of relief to be like oh I don't have to go home and like practice the game first I don't have to buy it and be like got to make sure I know all the techniques and arm yeah so I can you know I think that's I think that's the thing that that separates smoshgames from the other sort of gaming channels is that totally it's it's never about winning it's just about having fun with your friends yeah and and that's something that I think really resonates with people and you know we're just trying to provide a place for people to feel like they're sort of a part of a part of it and I mean like it's competitive gaming is such a different thing yeah and a lot of people that you know when we're trying to figure out you know what was going to happen with Smosh and Smosh games a lot of people that were thinking about buying Smosh when talking about Smosh games are like so eSports wrong - no it's not that's not Smosh games yes eSports is big yes people are doing eSports but guess what leave that to the people that are good at doing these sports let us just be dumbasses on Mario Kart exactly I don't want to learn all the different nuance like I've never played League of Legends looks like fun but if I ever sat down I'd want to be able to just like enjoy it but the friends I know who play it or like alright so this is this character he does this in this you have to stay right here and click on this thing at this exact time and if you don't do it as soon as you possibly can it's just like oh I thought this was a game yeah my mistake no League is not to be messed around with no it's for professionals dawg it's so true what you said though about like this job is like weirdly so perfect yeah for a specific interests like like I made a tweet right around the announcements like I I weird ly feel like I was born for this job like I enjoy doing character I just always enjoyed doing weird characters and acting I love just playing games with my friends and like I was very into YouTube when I was younger like this is everything that I ever wanted to do compiled into one and it's like so crazy that that it exists well little do you know you were born to do this job we crafted your parents when I was 8 or something six and I was like you need to breed this child with the YouTube yes because I knew what YouTube would be back then everybody knew is it is it like interesting for you to know that like Courtney and I watched Smosh like we knew who you were way back in the day when you were doing like the pokemon theme song stuff a little weird yeah and now you have made this like empire that employs all these flippin people it's sorry I just had to do you said foot sorry I'm sorry we were saying some really nice what I mean I also I have a hard time taking compliments but it's just it's just I'm sure it's very odd like you know butterfly effect style thing what if you and Anthony had a fight when you were 12 and you're like oh I'm taking my BattleBots home and yeah you'd like I don't know it's obviously we did not take this BattleBots home good and played played it just feels so perfect though like and when we shoot those when we had a lot of those Smosh pit videos where we're playing card games and stuff together a lot of times and like because some days we're tired and it was like we wouldn't just want to go home and we're done but like a lot of times I was just I was so excited for those days because I was genuinely just like having fun with my friends and like sometimes we did kind of like hey the game's over even on board af stuff like that I've just oh yeah I'm just like I'll keep playing really I'm having so much fun but that's when you know you're doing the right thing is when you're doing something that you actually want to do and that's something that you know it's been preached since the beginning of YouTube essentially you know find some do something that you're passionate about don't just do it because it's trending right now or it's popular because it will wear on you and I mean maybe some of those people do in slime videos really love slime I'm never talking to my barista and she was like I am really getting into slime I love slime how does that come up um you said venti with hazelnut she is like Eiling slang excuse me I don't come on you think Starbucks is my go-to coffee place we live in there's a coffee shop on every frickin corner of every block in LA but what is very I'm a little bit I'm a little bit of a coffee snob well it's also not even that it's like the whole conversation thing like I don't even know how you got into a conversation about slime with a barista but it wouldn't surprise me though because I remember when I first started I took to you so quick and I told you everything about me like bad stuff good stuff because you're just so easy to talk to and like just talk a random stuff like that's I think that's my podcast is perfect great but also like I I I loved you immediately just because you were so great to talk to so way you are very charismatic but you feel emotionally dulled but people can just open up to you if you consider that you might be a psychopath yeah you know I don't think I'm a sociopath I learned that from Shane Dawson's I don't I don't think I'm I don't think I'm particularly a charismatic person I always I always admire charismatic people because I want to understand how they're able to be that way do you know what I mean like like my dad is is like a people person charmer he just yeah I don't but it's like I you know growing up I'm like I'm like I want to be like that like where you can easily just like strike up conversations with people and for me that was always that was always a little harder I was always a little bit more reserved but I'm always trying to push myself because I feel like when you when you label yourself a certain way that prevents you from changing any sort of bad habits you might have but to that end I don't think whatever someone's goal is for themselves personally I don't ever think you look in the mirror and go ah I'm there I've made it so you know you look up to your dad as being a charismatic person I look up to my dad and very much in the same way but eventually you become that and there's never gonna be a day when you're like yes I'm charismatic like my father like you you are in a social media based business where you're working with people being funny on camera and you're able to have people open up to you like that maybe you have become that right maybe you become your father but then sometimes sometimes I'll have a conversation with somebody and they'll say something to me I don't have an immediate response because I'm trying to think of something clever to say yeah I'll just stare at them or do you like I'll be your touch and you like like not knowing what to say right away but it's like you're a good listener - you're a really good listener or maybe just not even paying attention no I'm saying so that's fine - yeah Courtney birds are great a lot of like good deep conversations maybe it's you Courtney maybe your cable to connect with maybe you're the one I'm very overly comfortable I will say when I first met you I do have this thing with when any friend of a close friend of mine I will take to you immediately - I'm like so Shane's best friends coming to work with us amazing I definitely gold retriever - you the biggest I remember I first I remember our first hug it was really cute and was it on super stupid sleepover no I think it was in the office but it was just somewhere in the office but I definitely that was in that stage Ross started realize like oh yeah like I'm gonna be overly friendly to people some people may not like that but like you were you accepted me right away it's nice it's weird coming in being the new guy and also like having you know my best friend was you know opening the door for me but at the same time like when your best friend is someone that everybody already loves in the office it's just like oh man and I'm being introduced as like this is ditte Shane's best friend it's like not only did you live up to it but we realized Shane took a lot of your jokes but you I think you know that perfectly Courtney you are a golden retriever yeah because you yeah every person you you want to be friends with and some and some people you probably give too much of the benefit of the doubt oh yeah and you give them too many breaks right but that is just who you are and it's a lot better than being a dick to everybody like wanting wanting to be friends with everyone is much better than not wanting to be friends with anyone I'll take that any day my dad is very similar to your dad where I remember just growing up we had were a big family my dad everyone knows my dad he's so popular he's so friendly like women are just going after him he's a firefighter and he looks great dare I say quite a handsome man aged well he's a good age dad but like aging like wine growing up always everywhere we went store Church anywhere it was like oh it's the Millers what's up I'm like I just was like I want to keep that feeling of like familiy I love a familiar face like I even if I don't know you that well I think this is something that's helped me a lot in life is like that just wanting to be friends with you immediately like when Olivia and I met we became friends so quickly and like if I hadn't become friends with her I wouldn't be here i I lost my train of thought but you know what I mean just you want to be like a dead yeah do we are we do we all want to be like our dad my dad was it my dad did hang gliding I don't want to do that I don't want to jump off helicopters and save people sorry yeah that's how my dad at us my dad had a very hard life and so I see a lot of the the ways that I'm like him already and those are ways that I admired in him so I'm very proud of that but there are other things that you know you learn from either way I'm very proud to have learned from my father the things that I want to take or the things that I see like that's not me and that's okay it is that weird thing like as you're as you get older you start realizing that you're more and more like your parents and it's very strange yeah it's very strange I mean you're like like sometimes I'll wear certain my hair a certain way and where I start now yeah whoa I'm my mom holy crap for me it's vocal stuff and like the way I sound like I'm sometimes like standoffish like this with legs spread apart and like you know this is a dad's dance and also I came home from work the other day and just went yeah [Laughter] [Applause] I'll say things a certain way and I'll just hear my sister or even just like looking at my hands I see my youngest brother Connor it's so weird it's so weird genetics is strange y'all and that it's possible just being raised by people the environment in which even if it's not a genetic relation it's like even with adopted kids you will see that like oh you're just like your familial yeah nature versus nurture most God speaking of that I saw that dock 3 identical strangers pump the brakes it's so crazy separated yes whoa and it was an experiment so is like oh don't get away what I'm not giving away the crazy beginning is like this one guy visited a college campus and also everyone was calling him a different name like what's up dude and he was like that's not me what the heck come to find out his twin then he did not even know about was going to that college yeah he like went to the college of the year before I discuss other sibling as well I haven't seen it maybe okay after Santa do too yeah yeah and then it gets like all into that nature and nurture thing yeah but it's like God what a messed up scenario I highly recommend it son it's on Hulu I wonder I gotta wonder what that's likely if if I had a lost sibling or something like how how similar would we actually be in terms of certain stuff because there are things that is just in our nature it's like there's a lot of things about me that I'm very different from the rest of my family but I take so much pride in and I don't know what it came from like so there's seven kids in my family and so there was a lot of pairing up to oldest siblings and then the next two and then big gap me and then another big gap and then two little boys they're like oh wow I was alone a lot and I definitely developed my own sense of humor and like my way of looking at the world in my solitude a lot of times and like that's something I like reasonably worked through in therapy therapy is great by the way I highly recommend you don't think I'd find a single person in this mas family that would disagree you're don't have to be crazy to go therapy I'm crazy but it's I have a way of looking at the world that I can recognize is not common in my family at all which is okay like I think it's so good to have people with different opinions in your life and all that but there are certain things that just don't come from just the people who are around you yeah I could tell from those home videos you recorded by yourself they definitely seemed like the time when you're you must have been alone for some time because we did a really did a react video to much of your old videos I don't think it'll be up for a little while but these are that's my old youtube channel but I also have home footage from before I knew how to upload like I would edit things on Windows Movie Maker but I didn't know how to export so many dozens of hours did that editing take but I had literally was like a tape from a from a video camera that was called coquí's corner or something and so we're gonna watch that I think if people like the YouTube channel react then we'll get will delve even worse it's really weird dude I was I'm weird I'm a weirdo that's yeah how many wicked cream how many characters did you have in that one you played you played all of the characters in this video they're all interacting with each other how many it was okay so as a series that I did had like 10 plus episodes called no vacancy and it was basically a bunch of different versions of me living in my bedroom there was amazing Courtney which was me Nino the emo Nina was one of my nickname is a kid Neve who was the nerdy smart one Kesha who was just the sassy party girl well where'd you get the same so creative of me to think of that how many dollar signs one just one good dollar son huh there was journey to hipster Sally the cowgirl gale the like what no she was just crazy she's no no that Shannon was the psycho rabid one there was gale but like their like calm goofy was just you know like three characters ago I thought to myself that's a lot of characters yes temporary characters oh there was there was visiting characters that would come and go as well that were not PC but it's okay times are different I will admit one you're just in blackface I mean hey that's the Shane Dawson thing oh god no that's the thing this media is changing and it's becoming so wonderful but it had to grow from somewhere right okay where the people are growing the internets growing contents good and you never actually did know I didn't obviously not so that's good what's that thing - we're like they said something like John Wayne said something super racist back in the day yeah and it was a quote from the 70s and people are like outraged about it now and it's just like for me it's the bill birth quote of like what did you think he thought like there's an old man he's a cowboy what do you think it caught it's like yeah doesn't mean it's okay oh but it's like what's what are you doing even by 70 standards it was pretty freaking me hear what I didn't hear what it actually was I think I read the quote if it ends up being horrible it doesn't mean I agree with it there's no idea but there was one there's one thing that he said that I thought was hilarious he was like he was like cuz the writer was asking him about the fact that he doesn't cast minorities and Oh everything I just said and he was like and he was like I I cast minorities where there with where they should be I casted a black person as a slave in this movie oh damn dude for the love of God everyone I didn't read the John Wayne quotes that I yeah I should have briefed you on the John Wayne oh okay I could pull up more if you'd like but no please I disagree with all across the boy I like the myth that that John Wayne only ate meat and potatoes and then when he died they didn't autopsy and found ten pounds of potatoes stuck in his colon but I think that's all I think it's awesome bs no my brother's friend knew his cousin who was in the neighborhood this dude who did the autopsy Wow stories go and someone like doubles down they're like no dude that was a real thing cuz my friend's friend he knew he saw it on the Internet that's not the story that's happening stories I have because I don't experience anything in my own life so I just have to regurgitate stories that I've heard from other people like emotions exactly it's like that's a thing though with like John Wayne and you know so many people from back then it's like you don't of course there's something that somebody said in the past that was not good but like I think it's good that we're moving forward and recognizing it's okay what's not okay like Lily's saying tree tweeted and it's kind of same thing like like it's like you said with John Wayne you're like Oh what do you think 1970s cowboy of course he had that kind of opinions I think Lilly Singh tweeted I'm a woman I'm colored I'm bisexual and these are my powers and apparently that was her coming-out right yeah I mean it was like we've been new like I I was like wait I thought everybody knew that yeah yeah I mean I thought it was a thing I mean you can never assume and you know you never want to try and then obviously that's that's one other thing you never want to out somebody unless unless they've clearly outed themselves yeah especially if you get it wrong yeah yeah imagine if I tweeted yeah like you know how Lilly Singh is bisexual and she like didn't even say anything world of oops yeah big ol basket of whoopsie daisies I think it's that's super important it's not just it's not just like sexuality but also people that struggle with mental health normalizing those things is so important and like that's there's a thing too like I am NOT straight that's something that I only recently started working through and I'm still kind of working through it but it is something that I've felt is important for people to know because it's like let's normalize like it's so important to normalize things that people are insecure about like I'm still a little insecure about like what exactly it is like I remember when I I didn't even realize it and literally until a couple years ago when I started because I grew up in the Mormon Church and and when I was 12 I realized that Mormons hated your a lot of them not I won't generalize but when prop 8 the gay marriage like proposition was a thing a lot of my friends in the Mormon Church were like gays are bad all this terrible thing and I was like whoa and I and I left the church at that point wasn't until I was 21 ish that I was like I mean all my life I'd kind of wondered and like the fact that I kept wondering it wasn't like a like a naive like am i gay I don't know it was definitely like man this is something that I need to relax and like think about because for so long I was like yeah I'm straight that's what I am because that's what I thought I was supposed to be but like there was so many conflicting things with that I don't know if I'm bisexual but because like that that's kind of limiting to gender because I've definitely found people who are gender fluid like attractive just I think I don't know everybody's hot I don't know man like a spectrum and I remember the first people I told were it was definitely matt rob and joe bereta were there it was a defining Christmas party and that was the first I don't know yeah yeah that was the first time I'd set out loud that I don't think I'm straight and for the longest time I liked was just thinking about it and kind of like let those walls down that I'd had up for a long time I'm hot in the face right now well I fully support everything you're saying I think coolest thing is there might be a kid or anybody out there right now who really needs to hear this yester coming from you and it feels very much like a fluid thing and I also I think I have a weird type to like because okay when I was a kid my mom had a lot of drawing books and like comic book books including this Wonder Woman one that I always loved I really loved the artwork and everything and so literally a couple months ago I messaged my mom and I was like hey like do you have that Wonder Woman book that's super old one I'd love to like add to my collection I have drawing books I have a guardians of the galaxy book like for my coffee table and she sent it to me and I'm going through it and it's just really sexually charged drawings of women and I was like oh okay that's why I like looking at that so basically my type is Wonder Woman just [Music] before fans get weird I just like something I realized throughout all this just now is like Olivia and I have kissed in videos calm down we definitely do those for you is I'm not like Olivia's shipping court avea shipping is a fun thing but like I'm not attracted to any Mari Sarah nobody I like not it's not like Oh every girl is a potential for me like it's I mean that's a general it's the same thing it's the same yeah I'm straight not every girl that I interact yeah I have to date our first video together our first video together speed drawing like people were immediately since I was this new girl in a video making sexual comments like it's just it's just what happens but yeah I just wanted to disclose that like Olivia I love you I'll kiss you anything you need but like I'm not into you like that sorry babe thank you but yeah well I applaud you for talking about this I really do because I think you'd like you said whatever whatever the thing is whether it's whether it's mental health whether it's sexuality whether it's gender whether it's anything like things are only quote unquote weird because we don't talk about them that's why I like when I get the opportunity I talk about mental health stuff all the time anxiety panic attacks paranoia like all that good stuff I deal with that I do and it's only weird because it's not talked about and that's it's not your job to talk about it necessarily but I think you have done and can do a lot of good because there's someone out there right now who's just like probably bawling being like oh my god that's me and it's okay like crowd and I think you bring up a good point where you said I don't know what I am yes and that's okay that's okay I think I think people feel such a need to adhere themselves to a specific identity that they might not actually completely people need to label things yeah and but we Karen but like we should probably stop doing that so much but I think that there is there is some safety in that in saying I don't know but I'm figuring it out and especially young people like yeah everybody's everybody's had the thought before like am i yeah what is this you know I didn't know what anxiety was until like 16 because it's not something that was talked about I wasn't on the internet that much at that time it's like yeah you got to talk about that stuff people need to know I was diagnosed OCD two years ago and I had no idea that what I was experiencing was OCD because I just took that it's like I've got to organize stuff and check this doorknob six times that is OCD and it's just like oh no it's the way my mind works and how I deal with things which leads to anxiety yada yada yada and I've got to say you know even though this doesn't have to do with sexuality I can understand the comfort in finding a label you know even if it's better to maybe not label so you can like figure things out you know finding out that I had a word for what I was feeling I could be like I have OCD yeah it's the same way with someone who goes like I'm bi got it done like you know I definitely like the most secure way to say it for me is just being like oh yeah I'm not straight like that's just cuz and I could be pansexual it could just be bisexual I don't know whatever but like I just realized in these last couple years and was like right as I was in a new relationship that I was like wow and like I remember I was I was coming out to certain people but like my stomach growl just so loud I hope you all heard that I did not hear that um some people I didn't go about it the right way like I thought people knew already and they pick oh I didn't know that and like I had some people that probably got upset when they found out like there's and you never you will never really know who's tolerant of that stuff like there's I didn't know that I had a homophobic person in my friend circle like you don't you'll never know and sometimes yeah you'll just you will never find that out but yeah yeah it's it's crazy man its manager sometimes people need time to like you know maybe if they were like I don't know but like I think I said this in my stream recently somebody was just like I came out to some friends and my best friend won't talk to me now and I said like unfortunately try your best to be the bigger person and forgive them for yourself for now to try to like save yourself a lot of grief because they might not have never actually been exposed to anybody that they knew was gay before and then once they do some thinking they'll be like oh that person is still that person holy crap and so then two weeks later in the stream they're like you know my best friend reached out and apologized to know where being a person that was upset when they found out they didn't they didn't tell me they were upset I could just very much tell and then they basically told me that they are homophobic later I think it's okay to have people around like don't just keep people with the same opinions as you I mean it's good to have those people but it's also good I mean homophobia is a terrible yeah that's that's not an opinion we really we really welcome around this part no no and just be tolerant be accepting whatever like not whatever but you know what I mean that person still in my life I don't hate them it's you know like we are all here on our own path so yeah well thank you so much for sharing that Courtney that that takes a lot and I think you know for for some of the people listening I think that's something that that needs to be heard I I'm always a big supporter of you know getting these sort of problems now here and that's what podcasts are really good for because you know everyone's struggling with something and it's nice to hear that that other people have these things going on with with my ex Pam she was a she's a cancer survivor and she always kept it secret and and when we were together I told her like this is this is you could help people by talking about it raising awareness and when she had her sort of last scare she she then started talking about it more and talking about it more and being more involved in the community and it really helps people yes there's so many people that we only get to meet a few of those some people like for through make-a-wish people we really like help them through their struggle even just by existing but like when you find somebody like like Pam that like they can relate to on that level that's so special yeah it's inspiring and not just in the way of just being like ah so inspiring you did it but it's like it shows it's like you're not gonna let this hold you back and stop your life obviously there are physical limitations that you have to deal with but it's just like Pam didn't stop hey I'm still doing stuff Pam is yep and I'm again I'm still trying to figure this out I'm still learning a lot about myself every day and there are things I'll look back on my past and I'll be like oh yeah that's why I did that thing that's why I liked that girl like like and I you know that's why I watched friends with all the nipples are shocking amount of nipples and friends but are you are you coming to this realization yeah yep this was network TV this isn't show time yeah they got away with since we've gotten away from Game of Thrones alright I thought about joining a subreddit to help myself discover I exactly what you know more about what this is and how to go about it and deal with it you know mm-hmm subreddits any recommendations okay I've never been a redditor I there's a lot there and I'm afraid that if I get into it I'm not going to be able to exist subreddit about it you know saying yeah I'm very new like literally six months I started getting into reddit I I did Prue's through the r/cringe once or twice but the issue with that is there's a lot of people there's a lot of submissions I'm like that's somebody with like mental problems making fun of them but I do love me some some quality cringe not not ones that make fun of people but people just said channels would you say that cringe should have like would you say like for panel cringe would maybe feature some friends of ours a long time ago joven got featured on for panel cringe no I didn't see that John for panel cringe it was a bummer for a minute panel is at 4chan formal for pillow is the cringe I'm not trying to like this was a known thing moving along because we don't have much time left we've been selling as I help shirts oh yeah there's still there's there's still some out there and one until they until they run out limited run and somebody got a gun I hope tattoo guy I couldn't believe it I did not I was like no that's pen you can see the redness is the redness there in the comic sans font yep amazing what if that was her first tattoo I'm not saying that it's like wow like we are special we stand yes we are spent John would you guys get any tattoos heavy do you guys have any tattoos sorry I'm like holding back a burp right now I the one tattoo I wanted to get was um beer like Nordic runes the way you write them I feel like like Skyrim Skyrim the Nords are here for nerds you can sort of combine them into like one letter using all the different parts and that's how you'll like write initials or a name so I wanted to get like my dad's initials or just like the initials of people that mattered to me but the problem is do you know who else loves Nordic runes as tattoos Shane what will the white supremacist that's why you gotta be really careful because every once in a while a group will just be like right I'll have that then and then you're just like against it so that's a bummer so otherwise I might just get a Dark Souls or a Kingdom Hearts right there on the show do you know who else likes Dark Souls what a bummer though right to be like this is what I'm gonna get Oh what and then oh my gosh so sad no tattoos on me but I've wanted them for forever it's just like cuz I know I don't want to have just one you know like it's a it's a whole canvas you don't want to just put one little thing in the corner I mean I I definitely want I we used to want like a big messy bouquet of wildflowers like somewhere and that was like more about a weird excellent like experimental I draw them and then I'll sit on them for a couple years and either they go away or whatever doesn't transfer so you're like that didn't work I definitely want to get a B for my mom my mom's obsessed with bees bees are her brand next girlfriend with a bee on her back I'd love to get weight was my mom did you I actually did yeah I don't think it was for your mom I think it was for her grandmother who really liked bumblebees wait did you date my mom army real bad father I knew it was different is I this is the reason why we had the two of you guys just became Montel Williams but I definitely want to get I think it'd be so cool to get a little helicopter on me for my dad things about people that I care about something for my great-grandmother like I wanted to get like a map of the Colorado River on my like right shoulder blade or I'd like there's this one South Korean tattoo artist who does like super detailed beautiful little like things of dogs and cats and there's a specific picture of Django I'd love to get like curled up Django somewhere oh I only had it for a year but yes doesn't matter it's still in your heart I'd love to get some tattoos for my dogs in my past like just definitely the things that I carry with me anyway yeah have art to express about you my dude uh no I don't was so lame like I don't and I've thought about it before but then it's also like like an acting thing like I'm just gonna be that guy that always has that tattoo and also I think I think Neil deGrasse Tyson said a really funny thing about tattoos he said because he was asked if he has any tattoos he says there's nothing that I'm so certain of that I'd want to put it on my body forever Mike oh that's that's very interesting Tyson thing yeah there's nothing more certain it's like if you got the Nordic tattoo tattoo and then you're like walking down the street and all of a sudden there's a neo-nazi rally walking by and they see your tattoo like hey like what puncher chip punch and chips what do you think happens juice and punch I don't know I've never had I've never had a punch chip combo before cookies and lemonade actually know summertime snacks sometime but that's so true though constantly changing I I think that's not a lot of people a lot of people like against change but being open to that being aware that you're constantly changing person it's like open-minded but like if it's something permanent like like a person that was in your life that no doubt had an effect on you like what if you got a John Wayne tattoo family only for me sorry someone did the other day say to me you know even if I regret a tattoo because he had a lot of tattoos he's like I will not regret where I was in my life when I was certain that I wanted that tattoo sure and I was like well that makes sense then that makes a lot of sense but but then you have to explain your John Wayne tattoo like look okay I didn't know that he'd that he didn't like black people when I got this tattoo I thought he was just a cowboy tattoos are cool I think tattoos are cool I just there's nothing that really jumps out at me that I'd want you know you know where I put it dude I think something Smosh related somewhere on your right ass cheek my dude something yeah just like you've gone to the Olympics people put the Olympics symbol on though I think that's totally valid something like that Smosh come on dude one of our camera guys said that he would if we paid for it he would get our faces on it on him no way for real mitch has Lilly Joslin the girls from clever clever girls on his on his like hip yeah I think it's amazing cuz he just wants an excuse to get more tattoos somebody used my face as a template for a tattoo they use like a selfie I'd taken of like my profile and they used that for a tattoo idea dude dude it's a beautiful tattoo where is that from because I want to start saying no seven the first podcast I think oh I watched it shoot dude this is now the this is now my catchphrase I love it I love it excuse me would you guys like some we're giving people chills right now they're listening on headphones I hate ya oh my god sup girls I all right I'm just so over ASMR now since I've got a Super Bowl commercial what the hell was that like I don't even like Pepsi or something they did an ASMR commercial for the Super Bowl I'm like okay some person is like now what's hip and hot these days somebody's like oh so more but it's so awkward you're there with a party a bunch of people and then you're all watching funny commercials then it's some person just like opening up a Pepsi and a microphone that become ASMR because for me that's just any NPR radio there is a SM our lives today is a man was born without a pelvis who recently was featured in the Olympics coming up who is the guy okay my SMI that I like what is the cactus name who plays Bob's Burgers and Archer H John I could listen to his voice until I die literally if I'm on fire and that's how I'm dying just put on somebody John Benjamin I will be smiling till the end okay what if the H John Benjamin is the one killing perfect perfect way to go that seems like a perfect place to stop hates John Benjamin and Ben H John Benjamin if you're out there hit us up we have a girl for you to murder thank you guys so much for watching and and staying around to the end we love you so much not yet subscribe to the podcast I highly suggest you do that and we would all love you so much for that this podcast is on every oh it's it's the timer on this mr. airplane mode who told us to put everything I had a clock on it mute your computer I just closed the mine oh this is great guys this is great see we're still figuring things out love you love you make sure you subscribe the audio podcasts always come out on Wednesdays for now they are uncensored and if you're watching this on YouTube sorry it's censored you know ad pocalypse and that will be out on Friday the I help shirt is still on sale as far as I know so go check that out smash comm and see you next time thank you so much Courtney and Damien thanks for having me [Music] [ __ ] you sorry joke a lot both ours my handsome boys I love you we love you just as you are stop ending looks like this sorry it's our brand I'm sorry no love you bye arrivederci [Music]
Channel: SmoshCast
Views: 388,902
Rating: 4.9480519 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, Ian hecox, courtney miller, damien haas, xanadu, bad movies, oliver tree, viral videos, instagram, influencers, vine, twitter, captain marvel, twitch, john wayne, lilly singh, ord, lgbtq+, bisexual, pansexual, mormon, lds
Id: AzapxQ0ZtQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 57sec (4497 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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