Court transcripts reveal Trump's reaction to Stormy Daniels' testimony in criminal hush money trial

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new details about what was happening inside Court as former president Trump and porn star stormmy Daniels came face to face for the first time in more than a decade a court transcript of a sidebar conversation now reveals Trump was cursing during Daniel's testimony yesterday judge Juan Maran telling Trump's attorney I understand that your client is upset at this point but he is cursing audibly and he is shaking his head visually and that's contemptuous it has the potential to intimidate the witness and the jury can see that Trump's attorney responding I will talk to him the judge later saying so I'm speaking to you here at the bench because I don't want to embarrass him adding I won't tolerate that Trump's legal team had tried to block Daniels from testifying but prosecutors argued the details of the encounter are important the judge agreed Daniels in court described her alleged affair with Trump which Trump has denied she told the jury they met at a golf tournament in 2006 and she was invited to have dinner at his hotel suite Daniel said when she arrived Trump was in silk or satin pajamas she told him to go change she said they talked for hours and at one point she went to the bathroom and came to find Trump on the bed in his boxer shorts and t-shirt Daniel says she was startled wondering to herself oh my God what did I misread she then testified in graphic detail about having sex with Trump as Trump's lawyer repeatedly tried to intervene the judge at one point called the level of detail just unnecessary later adding there are some things that would have been better left unsaid Trump's legal team demanded a mistrial calling Daniel's testimony extraordinarily prejudicial but the judge denied the request legal experts say while the case is not about the alleged encounter between Trump and Daniels those details may be important for prosecutors to lay out their case they don't have to prove beond reasonable doubt they had they had sex they don't have to prove beond a reasonable doubt that they even knew each other they have to prove Beyond reasonable doubt that the checks were cut that it was decided to put it in the book improperly and then or or like label it in accurately and that that was being done for election law for Daniels described the hush money arrangement she entered into just weeks before the 2016 election selling her story for $130,000 in a deal brokered by Trump's former fixer Michael Cohen saying she didn't ask for more because she didn't care about the money Trump's attorneys taking issue with that claim and getting Daniels to acknowledge that she quote hates Trump later Daniels was seen leaving the court As Trump addressed reporters so this was a very big day a very revealing day as you see their Cas is totally falling apart court is not in session today Daniels will return to the stand for more cross-examination tomorrow
Channel: ABC News
Views: 76,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daniels, Donald, Former, Stormy, Trump, abc, abcnews, court, cursing, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-110018346, porn, president, star, testimony, transcripts, trial, us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 56sec (176 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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