Couple's Murder-for-Hire Plan Stopped by Undercover Agent | Undercover: Caught on Tape | A&E

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[narrator]<i> In rural Baxter, Tennessee,</i> <i> drug dealer William Dunn</i> <i> and his girlfriend Misty Langford</i> <i> do not want to go to jail,</i> <i> and they will stop at anything</i> <i> to stop a local undercover detective</i> <i>from testifying against them...</i> <i> including murder.</i> [Kilday]<i> In the William Dunn case,</i> <i> Dunn had been arrested</i> <i> by the Putnam County Tennessee Sheriff's Department</i> <i> following an undercover investigation</i> <i> in which one of their detectives have made a series</i> of purchases of cocaine from them. [narrator]<i> Dunn approached a friend</i> <i> to ask for help in arranging</i> <i> to kill the local detective,</i> <i> so that he wouldn't be able to testify against him.</i> <i> But that friend happened to be a confidential informant</i> <i> working with the local police.</i> <i> I was subsequently contacted to assume the role of a hitman</i> <i> in the murder-for-hire investigation.</i> <i> In most murder-for-hire cases that I've done in the past,</i> you get everything done in one day. It's one meeting, basically. You get the conversation and if the elements of proof are met during that conversation, the team comes in. They arrest the suspect<u> ,</u> and the case is pretty much made. That's what we hoped to accomplish this day in Baxter, Tennessee, [narrator]<i> Not wanting to waste any time,</i> <i> Kilday heads directly over to Dunn's residence</i> <i> to be introduced to the couple by the confidential informant.</i> [narrator]<i> Agent Kilday was wired for sound, but not video.</i> <i> What you are about to see is a recreation of events</i> <i> using actual audio recorded during this investigation.</i> [vehicle door closes] [Kilday]<i> The informant knocks on the door.</i> <i> And Misty Langford comes out and approaches me in the truck.</i> [tense music] [narrator]<i> Kilday quickly finds out</i> <i> that Dunn is not at home.</i> [narrator]<i> Kilday secretly relays the information</i> <i> to his cover team.</i> [Misty chuckles] [Kilday]<i> She gives me the name Jeff Mezzina.</i> <i> I know it's a different name</i> <i> but, of course, I can't allude to the fact</i> that I know it's Detective Jeff Cessna. <i> When Langford misidentifies</i> <i> the person I know they want killed,</i> <i> it creates a problem for us</i> because we need that as part of the proof against her and Dunn. We're only half done, because they both want this police officer killed<u> ,</u> and I know that we have to firm it up <i> and complete the case by meeting with Dunn himself.</i> <i> It's very important that we get Dunn quickly</i> before he might actually contact someone <i> who was willing to kill this police officer</i> <i> and/or his family.</i> [narrator]<i> Kilday received a phone call from William Dunn</i> <i> asking him to return as soon as possible</i> <i> to discuss the deal.</i> <i> When I'm meeting with William Dunn,</i> I need to actually have the person that he wants murdered identified. Correctly identified. I also need his commitment on it. <i> Another thing I would like to get,</i> <i> if I can, is a material piece of evidence from him,</i> <i> such as a down payment,</i> so that I can give that to the prosecutor as just another piece of evidence to go along with the conversation. [narrator]<i> As they approached William Dunn's home,</i> <i> Special Agent Kilday notices something is wrong.</i> [narrator]<i> Because they suspect</i> <i> that Dunn and his girlfriend Misty</i> <i> have guns in the house,</i> <i> the cover team appears to have stationed themselves</i> <i> a little too close.</i> [Kilday]<i> The surveillance van is literally</i> <i> less than 100 yards behind the house.</i> <i> They're right on top of the deal.</i> <i> And I see Dunn and Langford on the front porch</i> <i> and I see our surveillance van behind the house.</i> <i> A lot of things go through my mind.</i> <i> I know that he's probably paranoid.</i> I know he's been armed in the past. I dunno if anyone else is in that house with them. <i> He could be doing a drug transaction at that time.</i> <i> I don't know.</i> <i> And I don't know if he's seen the van.</i> <i> But I'm there and we have to do the deal anyway.</i> [Kilday]<i> This is an important aspect to the case</i> because Misty Langford two days earlier had the name wrong. <i> She said Mezzina.</i> We've now identified the person that Dunn wants killed. [Kilday sighs] After Dunn named the person he wanted killed<i> ,</i> <i> let me know that he was committed to it,</i> <i>and he had given me the cocaine and the money,</i> I knew that he was a "had lad." I meet some of the cover team a short distance away <i> before I turn off the recorder,</i> <i> and I also turn over the cocaine and the money</i> <i> to one of the agents,</i> and they start making plans to come in and arrest Dunn and Langford, which they did. <i> I find these moments very rewarding</i> <i> when you feel like that,</i> <i> not only have you caught</i> <i> a career criminal like Dunn,</i> but you might've played at least a small part in helping save someone's life. <i> William Dunn was ultimately sentenced</i> <i> to 325 years in federal prison for conviction</i> <i> on approximately 21 federal felony counts.</i> <i> Misty Langford immediately cooperated</i> <i> with federal authorities</i> <i> and testified against William Dunn at trial</i> <i> and entered into a plea agreement.</i>
Channel: A&E
Views: 24,198
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, ae, a&e shows, a&e television, a&e tv, court, cops, lawyers, judge, detective, crime, crime investigation, a and e, a+e, Undercover: Caught on Tape, Undercover, new series, undercover, undercover cops, undercover caught on tape, undercover: caught on tape, undercover caught on tape a&e, new series a&e, new series premier a&e, new show, series premiere, caught on tape, dangerous, undercover cop, undercover police car, undercover police in action, undercover police officer
Id: YKRjvxzZ4Yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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