Couple Reacts To KONOSUBA For The First Time (Season 1 Supercut)

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what is up beautiful people internet I'm Wesley I'm Stephanie and Steph and today guys we're reacting to very first episode of konosuba highly recommended and also I told us that I needed something a little bit more light-hearted and fun and this popped up this should be funny is what we've been told so let's freaking Go Hopefully watch there's like 40 deaths in the first episode he's got a big collection of course why else would an introvert leave their home only for the bare necessities like food water and collector Editions five hour honestly he lives in Paradise seriously lives in like my dream destination it's beautiful what that was pretty damn Brave he just saved her his collector edition is he gonna die he died are you kidding me on the plus side like we didn't see him get squished on the plus side he didn't die alongside of his like childhood Crush of 30 years or something this could have been worse okay is that even called a skirt or is that just a shirt at that shirt yeah at least yeah that's how I would want to feel too wouldn't you yeah that's okay at the same time I'd be pissed that for five hours I spent five hours to get this damn game I didn't even get to play it I sucked I'd rather just die at the end of a happy longer I'd rather die at the beginning of that trip like I don't want to go on the trip to then die I'd rather die beforehand so I don't have to sit through five hours on the bus are you serious but I didn't stop before it hit him then foreign [Music] that can't be true at least he tried to be a hero and a doubt his family was laughing that's such a mean thing to say it's such a mean thing to say I don't believe okay I don't believe you I think she's just a salesperson I think she just likes messing with people um she's a little dramatic Ally oh no that's so smart what would you pick invisibility invisibility really I would want to be like a sorcerer that could shoot Fireballs that would be so what you want invisibility you're invisible by the way good decisions Under Pressure either that's a good point you should be like hey can I think about this for like a day and you should really diagram it out I don't pick something stupid that's a good question contract overload whoa these gods are these like shitty insurance policy salesmen right are these are always his options [Music] that's not true I like that she was being so cutesy and everything when it suited her aims but as soon as she's like the slightest bit inconvenience she's just like come on that's what gods do right I guess she definitely feels very Greek pantheon ah no oh are you signed the contract I wouldn't want her with me I don't know she's like a super powerful goddess not according to the contract just hope that's not you next now you're stuck together for the next life no no [Music] I think that's a great plan [Laughter] each other foreign she seems nice that's awesome I wish you desire [Music] to be fair Aqua was good until she got mildly inconvenient to drop the ACT then your true personality revealed itself he's like hey you're being a dick to me I'm gonna be a dick to you even if it inconveniences me right but she's a goddess so we should be set they don't even have change of clothes look at her outfit look at his outfit he's wearing a tracksuit you brought her starter equipment what is this a video game you see like Come Away Timmy don't hit guy contact [Music] me so we don't cause a commotion she is useless why'd you choose her she kind of just seems like a middle manager of the afterlife yes like goddesses are really inflated title for what she does which is basically just like Administration like you go here you go there what do you want right and I don't know how the ground Works whoa pretty damn confident and assertive he's really happy I wish they want to be reborn here devil King good question well I mean look at his clothes he's wearing like at least the men and the women are both dressed like strippers he's like I have shoulder armor but nothing else on yeah this is like true gender equality everyone's just just like a stripper [Music] thank you MPC or life oh flattery now [Laughter] he really is not what I would expect girl where does she hide the quest I don't know in her giant mammary glands does he he feels more like a lawyer or something to me yeah because he's basically like I just go where I want you're a really hot girl I don't care I'll push this girl a truck and stuff like that she's very assertive he doesn't seem introverted at all either does he no maybe because it's not his life so he's just like playing the game how's she gonna get money ah dang it yes he just believes her that she's the goddess he doesn't think she's the goddess he thinks that she's just with the sex foreign [Music] well can you do anything she's gonna cry really she got the money it will be a bit of a boy to think of though this is fun yeah whoa that's cool that's so cool Gryffindor wow if only we had that in the real world right so useful it just tells you all about yourself oh no hey that's good except for the fact that he died yes true white how does this look good his look should be a horrible he ended up in a world that was better for him maybe foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] you have to care about other people that's true I don't think she cares about anybody by herself she likes being worshiped though I'd be so surprised about her if I was casima [Applause] here's a question if intelligence was low yeah her luck was low don't seem like too very yes fate is against you your stats better be really high if you're also kind of dumb how are you gonna fight fate if you're kind of dumb even if you've got great stats you got a friend who's smart that's true they're perfect fit kind of yeah she just loves the attention though she wants to be worshiped that's why she's a goddess full song oh oh that's beautiful but where are they some fantasy world I love fantasy setting [Music] pretty damn hard he's gotta get a little bit more muscle in those arms oh [Music] ah I'm sleeping in the barn [Music] what so they're they're getting better but they're not really doing anything except eating they're kind of just working a normal job right yeah and sleeping in a barn hey they got a blanket see mussels yet at least this time they both get fast it's putting all our money on food why is everyone mad at them okay oh a lot of puking it kind of seems like they're having a great life though yeah but they're not accomplishing what they're supposed to be they seem happy they seem super happy oh we got another blanket and clothes they're working their way up in the world oh they're kind of like a weirdly married couple they are but not actually married they forgot did you hear what she said I need you to defeat the Devil King not I need to defeat the Devil King foreign I think it's milk but I don't know like how she still wears her clothes he's still wearing his kids what are you gonna do she's becoming a lot nicer but remember she's dumb and unlucky there's that Park playing I I really like this show so far it's like weirdly wholesome but they're very assertive both of them yeah they're big Personality yeah already and they're kind of like weirdly demented at the same time I don't know how to describe it they complement each other they do compliment each other really well is this pack captured perfectly like how hard it is to accumulate enough money to invest into actually like doing adventure you really want to yeah didn't it it's like it's like a really really realistic like almost to the pressing degree how hard it is to like work a menial job and get by and while also saving enough to actually get their equipment granted they were eating and drinking like King and yeah every night so maybe they're spending their money on their food but it feels like me you know honestly if they would have saved it they probably could have bought the gear right probably if they you know did but they they need those calories made they're working hard they're manual flavors but maybe they could have saved on some drinks Maybe yeah this is such a peaceful lovely little scene a whole village I never even know that the devil King exists no why would you ever leave this place it's pretty nice but don't you want to go on a rousing round of Adventures yeah and fight some monsters no I sure do let's go on this adventure if I lived here no I would enjoy my horses and my Brook and I would never leave and the lovely weather wow cute picture you spend all on your food I assume that he was a virgin in the real world without his lifestyle was yeah he's just sleeping next to this goddess who is very attractive even not when she's sleeping I just feel like he didn't comment on this he was just like cool sick sleeping next to this babe whatever don't care no that's true Sigma male grinds right there disregard goddess titties acquire fantasy RPG gold [Music] yeah where's that part well we have the answer that those boys would jump off a bridge if their friends did this is the furthest City okay so people can live happily so Adventures make him attack maybe for the adventurers go away he won't attack people that's if that's his only bad quality that seems like a terrible idea it's like we're not a strategic enough location so let's just hope that he doesn't get around to messing with us and in the meantime let's just make sure he really doesn't think we're a threat by sending anyone who could conceivably defend us away that sounds like a terrible idea why they're happy for now she's an arch priest Stephanie how can you doubt her in three days that sounds like a good first step how giant are the Toads because toads are like this big I don't know but the fact that he's screaming I was thinking they'd be like the size of a cat because to me that would be a giant toad but he's got a sword where do you get a sword from whoa elephant aqua bring the toad to her foreign so mean to him why aren't they charging her that is a qua cut her out of the stomach I can't believe she just let that happen she didn't even do anything she deserved that she did absolutely nothing again you know what's crazy is in this show it's like funny watching her get Ian but when we watch Attack on Titan and the mom spoilers get eaten that's horrifying why why is that why she why is that because we know she's gonna survive ew I don't feel bad at all she said thank you how did he kill it I love how he's like not into her at all so unimpressed oh no can she do anything she's a little fierce today what oh after all that maybe it doesn't work on frogs oh she got eaten again [Music] laughs two giant toads what about the third one how do you get eaten twice in one hour she's a double bath really part time not even full-time foreign like I feel like he'll be eaten twice in one hour you should be not cocky for like a day minimum at least until bedtime nope cozy harmonious party you've been the one that bickers all the time modest again explosion Magic that sounds so cool that sounds badass so she's just like a walking nuke but why why doesn't she have a party why would you want to be with them I've been watched your size for the entire world okay intense thing and she falls asleep [Music] three days why doesn't she have food maybe she's the the devil laughs so she can see just fine you've got a weird name I like that we don't know enough about like Japanese names to recognize and like they all sound weird to me three times he's like those are weird names how is she bickering already she just met them well she wanted to be on their team so there's a reason she's got anyone else's team but what's the catch that are you in your God fist if she's this offensively crazy [Music] I just don't get how she wouldn't have a party even if she's a huge money because couldn't she just do okay that's why she can't do kill Quest by herself okay she needs a party oh I thought they're only three there's five whoa [Laughter] poor aqua so sad oh no oh that sounds cool oh again she's been inside more frogs than like the biggest Playboy frog in the world [Music] this seems a little overkill for pork froggies [Music] this is insane I hope it wow oh okay that's like that poor frog just went up in flames Smite man she killed it that's why I imagine it happened to Sodom and Gomorrah holy crap what wait go rescue aqua me what aqua what yes she's paralyzed oh come on [Music] hey you know that's horrifying so like think about it they got eaten right and he was able to cut them out and rescue them because they don't get chewed how horrifying is it because they said they were eating kids and goats so they're getting eaten and they're like going into their stomach whole and alive and getting decomposed that's horrible it's kind of disgusting but at least there's a chance of rescuing them yes you do how long does she paralyzed that's all she's got what there's the catch so she refuses to use it so she can she just chooses not to it's way worse let me know well she's so obsessed why is that good of course [Music] yeah yeah I've done anything okay how is she not done anything she's the arch Priestess and she is crazy her magic stats I don't know but she is dumb like why would the she's a priest why does she keep running it at them isn't she supposed to be a spellcaster they're praying why does she keep trying to like punch the difference no no no no what about food [Music] where's Sundries I was like let's take her apparently she's got her strength back [Music] I like her because everyone's staring that's true she can blow them all up you're already covered in it honey oh my God [Music] she's evil she's kind of psycho and just like that there were three that's a lot considering the Wizards at six this is just D and D ude imagine if you could just like roam around the Wilderness and just kill things but you could die too oh because you can in this life too but you could also die let's be honest like what are the chances you're the main character who's funding this Guild and the rewards oh that sounds awful uh who is this emotions thank you oh he's in love I wouldn't really recommend it to Aqua because he just likes blondes but awkward he's just like completely immune dude like who what Darkness that's a weird name what's wrong with her what is wrong with her I don't know they're attracting psycho Psychopaths they really are attracting weirdos huh maybe she likes shut in brunettes that have worked really hard for the last few weeks I thought she 'd like oh really she was just way weirder flushing because she was I'm gonna feel bad if you're right what's wrong with you thank you guys so much for watching if you want to see our reactions super early and uncut or if you just want to support the channel make sure you check us out over at Wes and Steph we're always adding new stuff we've also started running polls over there to help us determine what shows to react to so if you want to be a part of that make sure you jump over to Western step come join the patreon the link is in the description down below it's so wonderful so far I'm loving it it is really funny I just want to know what's up with this Crusader because there's no way that she's yeah it would be really funny if they had just like three psycho party members and one normal no no no our main guy is the normal one you think he's normal how is he not normal I don't average in ever everything except she's a little bit smart he's pretty demented though not really I feel like he's alive what has he done that's weird he picked the goddess to come with him into the journey tricky he thought that that was gonna be smart to be fair you would think that a goddess would be useful I would think that he's blushing [Music] does she wants to be part of the group it's very intense yep so how can you help you can't hit anything but he can sleep next to Aqua no problem yeah he's a virgin oh good for him what you do so I'm confused she's got issues I think she's got her shoes party tricks these are her party tricks you should take her card isn't that how they get abilities just through their cards I would confiscate her card I just write over it you don't get to use your experience point I'll use your experience Point you're not gonna bankrupt the entire party just because you want to show off at the bar like that's ridiculous foreign that's a cool system so she literally okay I get what you're saying she literally spent points for something stupid yes probably not a good idea why does this keep happening to him because he hangs out with weirdos he said something wrong but she's a little girl how old is she 16. oh she's back hey thank you who are you why are there only girls around you hear what she said I'm a thief as you can see how could any of us have seen that you were a thief you just were wearing a sports bra and shorts how am I the C you're a thief from that you just look like every track girl at my school foreign that seems very obvious what you take whoa that's so cool that seems like a scam usually when you pickpocket someone you're supposed to do it suddenly so they don't notice but this is like the exact opposite face and then you can take it back if you can you just like stick your hand to their face you all steal there's a bright light as if it wasn't innocuous enough Rowdy Adventure [Music] Isn't that cool very cool but you didn't chill either pill for her I think that's the same thing [Music] whoa so it's like odds like what are the odds you're gonna steal what you want something that they're holding maybe we'll be here close foreign [Music] traded him his money back I don't think so what's with both of them how is all the money taken [Music] yeah wrong see I told you he's brutal this editor is ridiculous like I don't know just be hardcore about it like I'll keep your money all right I'll go commando hahaha you see the bike yeah [Music] oh no [Music] did not get anything oh no is he just gonna steal woman's underwear all the time that's his only skill [Laughter] s why is that all you can steal no it's gonna buy she want to join this party what is wrong with this chick is she like having a good old time by herself because that's what it looks like she likes it when Kazuma talks dirty to her foreign she's like I don't want to do it no you set the standards [Music] why is the sky so dark you know I'm gonna who's coming even has a bell tower what is it background characters like why does that guy have a mask I don't know all these other Adventures are badass looking cabbage cabbage what this is a good thing mayonnaise mayonnaise and cabbage [Music] yeah me too what is going on to feed all the cats just flying into the sea they have Cynthia cabbages it's so cool that's so crazy so they don't want to die it's too bad see we could do this this sounds like a great question I could do this question I could go on this I don't know if you can take the giant frogs but we could definitely beat up some cabbages only Adventures to the harvesting ten thousand per head foreign [Music] no accuracy okay maybe we couldn't do this babe she is a human shield that's her strength and skill [Music] s how hard do you think these things are pretty hefty oh yeah he's not impressed except the men they're watching your boobs and that's gonna turn you on ah [Music] um she's just gonna explode them all so she uses her job as a knight and like a tank to be Noble and see like a good guy while being just a degenerate in it for her own sexual pleasure that's really funny that is the weirdest thing I've ever freaking heard of it oh no she's just gonna destroy them all I don't think they're catching many [Music] yeah I love how she yells it explosion wait is Darkness gonna get hit are the two guys that are right yep [Music] so they all burned up what just happened do they get the cabbages I thought they would have it's video game logic so it's just like they get defeated and then you get them yeah so like it doesn't matter yeah like in World of Warcraft like if you burn the pelts right of the wolves that you need to hunt or something you still get the Pelt after you burn the wolf you know cabbage ten thousand yen or whatever it was because it was alive the best foods were once alive and again [Music] yes since you have no aim oh that's pretty that's helpful yeah that's super helpful what a great cabbage Thief oh [Music] we can't hit anything I can use swords with both hands equivalently well because I can't use a sword exactly hardly ever that's never better from never but Aqua you can't do anything it sounds good on paper yes masochists y'all are crazy combination yeah so it's a masochist she's a very polite masochist though just wants to get right by the devil King whoa that's what she said earlier did she not say that she's a psycho they're all psycho except from I think darkness probably most psycho maguman's second most psycho aqua's just dumb she's not psycho okay that's fair I don't know I still think that he's kind of like Sigma male crying set brutal I do enjoy him a lot though what would you say his DND alignment is I feel like he's true neutral neutral yeah I'm ready for aqua all right let's go is she your favorite she's the most fun I don't know DNA change if you mean literally because she like is mathematically the most fun because she can do the most party tricks green water why did he pick that of all things though that that was a great use of skill play to be fair this would be so useful if you're an adventurer that's true or like in a survival situation I actually have a really similar technique except it's not from my hand it's from my peepee oh my goodness I thought you can't drink it it must be a fair grills that's not nice what is wrong with her how'd she catch lettuce oh her Luck's terrible remember foreign cash your money a hundred thousand she suggested that um oh yeah he's gonna letter the money because she blackmailed him I can't believe he gave her the money I can't believe you did you want her running around telling everyone how you whack it in the Stables everybody knows he'd probably do that anyway yeah but it's weird that they talk about it like I'm not saying it's a hundred thousand dollars weird but I don't know what the exchange rate with this fantasy currency like I think it's more weird that he whacks it right next to her more than anything but what else is he supposed to hey look he got a sword and a poncho um more giant toads she'd probably get turned on by that too you think yeah that he's really was interested in her initially and then he's like wow you're an absolute degenerate I am not attracted to you whatsoever anymore I find that really really kind of funny and refreshing that one's scary oh smart monsters yeah yeah that's a good point that's a big ask all the way home like imagine if she was just like some giant Amazonian you had to piggyback every time she used her explosion that'd be horrible getting in trouble too foreign how long is she out for you could just leave her there that's why you like Aqua that's why you like Aqua the most because you guys are the same type like I don't want to carry her back why can't he just leave her there that's pretty welcome I bet that's where the evil king lives can you imagine you just like come upon this place in the wilderness you're like oh sick okay yeah sure I'll just drop a nuke on it no one will mind right because like it looks kind of okay you should make sure nobody living there yeah like maybe there's someone who's there what if it's like invalids who lived there so they can't keep the outside clean are people who you know were slipping in stables and have decided to upgrade you're supposed to be the the one who knows not to do this it's such a pretty castle uh at least you can still talk is that better or worse for him say walking a dog [Music] there's got to be somebody there do that is that his umbrella so it's gonna be a good time now is he getting stronger from having a carrier so far what is he doing yeah how long does this go on for so is he getting better at anything I don't think so is he even doing anything whoa that Castle's smash doing so poorly stroke your skin because that'll use up like all your points won't it well I'm glad they're friends now that's nice but what about him [Music] that looks delicious what laid that egg but you're loving life here well at least she's been making money and she's got food Magic [Music] she's like are you serious Aqua is just like a younger sibling incarnate more than anything against what more cabbages why is he the head he has a head it's just in his hand s oh no it took you this long to show up whoa his horse doesn't have a head either I thought the horses have to turn the other way haha uh oh that was very brave man she walked way far out oh my God [Laughter] is that why you don't have a head he's like freaking out [Music] maybe what are you saying not an accident it's kind of nice he's like hey could you just like not destroy my home for a day pick something else he's not even that mean I mean it's pretty damn reasonable that's pretty reasonable reasonably hey could you stop specifically nuking my house every day that would be really nice and she's like no foreign you can't do anything he's being so reasonable with them unless he's bluffing and he has no power whoa that's scary what oh [Music] gonna die in a week yeah because you're not dead yet it'll be in a week I mean probably this is a country where you can't shoot explosion imagine at any building you might come across then this is a country I don't want to live in have you ever heard of freedom foreign [Laughter] thank you nice as they're listening he's like what a pig [Laughter] he's like okay I'll lift the magic he's so annoying that's so crazy make it all the way wow so we can teleport that's pretty cool oh that was pretty cool also he was totally reasonable to the castle everybody I don't think this is gonna work maybe it's a different spell that was on her so she did something yay she did it foreign we're finally doing something meaningful oh she did something right yeah she did a good job that didn't get any reward for that no I don't feel like they deserve a reward because they created the problem protectionary racket like we create the problem then you have to pay us off like we nuked the Doula hands Castle until they came to mess with our whole town and then we got him to leave so we should totally get a reward for that right I love how we always start with the barn that they're sleeping this it is a lovely Barn if it was modern times you could definitely sell this as an Airbnb experience vacation it probably smells disgusting honestly the bath house is really nice surprise she's not drooling I think she has apnea well make it then take it first and he also you chose her of course you don't mind yes [Music] how many stamps were on it both of them oh thanks yeah why would you let Aqua be a decision maker you should know this you guys have been living together for months now at least that already she can do that right money money can you do it it can't I'll be so mad she literally has no purpose if she can't at least purify water I love aqua her name is aqua um come too please she's the type to be like I'll even give you one percent of you that's what she's planning on doing foreign er a strainer like tea make Aqua and tea goddess tea oh yo yo what said the part that she's in there [Music] yeah She's Gotta Go in the gross water yeah it's like a special ability she can use to do it but Aqua this was your idea two hours has anything happened wouldn't her toes be all wrinkly yes and gross this is such gross water Aqua do something [Music] foreign [Laughter] whoa whoa you're so scared [Music] ah those were scary alligators they just still left her in for two more hours they're purple why is she doing this from the beginning death row [Music] really The Rock if it's gonna work shouldn't it have done at least something by now seven hours wait it worked good job aqua that took forever I mean at the same time she did something so yeah and something hard for seven hours it didn't look like she was even making progress oh yeah that's nice of them would it be good to give up with that amount of money that seems like that would be a bad idea doesn't it what the hell would she do with 300 she'd probably spend it in a day on food because [Music] she logical damage poor Aqua I can't believe the money didn't revive her she did it though good job team emotional damage was all that was sustained mental damage what where are we going now whoa what um he met aqua he's lived in kazuma's dreams he that's what he asked for I was very badass we watched this after we watched Attack on Titan and she said every time she sees that map of their town she gets anxiety because it looks like the attack on Titan map [Music] he's literally got groupies is this what you dreamed about high schooler he's not mad at it why would he be mad oh because he's actually a good person oh disregarding girls and oh I made a promise to her aqua did you do it [Music] he recognizes her voice how in love is he remember Aqua was nice to Kazuma until he calls her the smallest thing no she made fun of his death oh that's right she did it right at the beginning [Music] oh no so the author made that whole little Excursion just for this and the missions you were like how do I get Aqua in a cage when you're in a cage [Laughter] she's just gonna stay in there indefinitely oh hiding his house okay [Music] she forgot that's all it took it hi guys oh aqua he didn't take her for getting him personally okay come on because she wanted to be oh no that was willing she is she's admitting that really yeah he does it not at all you should go spend five minutes with her in a barn [Laughter] es what about you she spends all her money that's not his fault she's not the goddess of fiscal responsibility maybe you should have asked for a sword like that that's fair but he asked for aqua because pettiness feels better and you get to feel good like this I worked my way up I didn't have the opportunity yes you did but just steal the sword yeah yeah yeah Steel underwear candy she's like I don't remember him foreign bye that's not your blood was ego across Mr Seva got us no I'm good man I'm pretty happy where I'm at he's like no I have to save you that's so narcissistic that's every nice boy ever right that's so creepy though isn't it it is creepy like he definitely doesn't see them as actual people no see he turned her over he views her as a thing like a sword or his underwear whoa you called him there's basketball in the head I can't believe it worked maybe it's got to be the thing he wants the most cheater yeah you can have them [Music] oh man they were gonna make it that easy yeah yeah laughs then do something oh he'll take their underwear run that evil laugh it's so creepy seeing fingers do that okay if fingers are animated well enough you mean not me this time well that's still a lot easier that's a lot of money oh is he broken not even the alligators oh I'd be so mad does he still have his sword he left with it didn't he no I think he's got it today Aqua does not care she's so bad at him does that actually do anything this time [Music] she increased it she increased it please sell it foreign [Music] [Laughter] emergency another one also aren't they worried about dying oh no they should purified if she healed I forgot again I like him that didn't show up [Music] a little scary I put a lot of effort into my game at my castle I set up all the lower level villains and the higher level Village I got all the decor perfect I was sitting there with my spinny chair for you guys to walk in to be fair I thought it was on his side from the beginning it was pretty nice oh yeah he's completely by far villain I've ever met feels like we're so much farther than episode saying it's like so much has happened so little has happened the nicest bad guy ever he's basically just an annoyed neighbor at this point she is by herself Mega mean why she's doing it anyway [Laughter] um aqua can you imagine if your whole like city was getting doomed because of one girl who just couldn't not not blow up your Castle not cast explosion imagine anywhere else you think the problems result but no she's been doing it the whole time anyway did you also hear her say Let Me Explain though and then all she said was yeah I've been blowing out the castle because I've really wanted to that did that explanation oh she's alive is he like in love with her now [Music] it's like I may be evil but I'm still loyal I feel kind of bad for him to be honest well isn't he gonna like take out his revenge on them it's like I am evil but I still have standards you guys are degenerate what are you doing yes he was oh poor guy Aqua you're not making it better if I felt like it what what did she do she actually did something well that I'm dead too though how many times but I didn't do it she wanted it to me he's like with this there's a proper order to things that's why I set up a whole ass dungeon for you guys that you never showed up for he's actually just a Chagrin DM all right let's take a turn I'm dead is he just blinding [Laughter] why don't you sit on them aqua [Music] no this is taste like her what girl every day that's absolutely not true thank you she just stood there so why won't he would chase me whoa the whole universe it really is pretty I don't know if they were far enough away for that sheesh and now she's gonna collapse oh yep [Music] [Laughter] is it really a new light though because she did save them from a problem that she is created it was her fault it was her fault in the first place oh he's still alive dude his HP is crazy [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] I kind of think they're gonna die steal whoa the eye of Sauron I didn't know that uh this was Lord of the Rings oh did they die he killed all of five of them I died I can't tell if they died died or they and they just don't show blood or what nope nope hey she blocked him lady I'm just a badass evil guy I'm not a pervert foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] how are they gonna get out of this what happened to Aqua laughs [Laughter] [Laughter] I just want to fight with my sword stop making it weird that did nothing where did he learn all these spells but we knew the water one oh no oh no is he gonna steal his underwear oh no what did he take wait what did he take what did he take he just did nothing I thought he was gonna have some Undead boxers in his hand or some tidy whities it's funny when you only have like three spells you're like well I'm gonna use these very creatively that's what you do in D and D ude I'm glad they can all do great water I think it's cool it's in English Aqua aqua where were you this is so frustrating [Music] will you I don't think she's gonna do anything pause for a fact whoa oh does he never get to take a bath oh she could have fought the whole city well at least some of them are Undead but the water damage to the properties oh man they're gonna owe a lot of money Aqua guys we flooded one bathroom and it was so terrible it looks like oh he's not even dead [Music] and buddy yeah the helmet itself whoa [Music] this poor done a hand okay they're really good before unless you're gonna make flowers bloom out of his butt away that's what I'm expecting oh they got it to be honest even though oh he was a great villain it was great oh that was a good thing did did they get any money for it or no because they created the problem I feel like they shouldn't get money if they get money for it should go to fixing the whole town yeah that they destroyed a leisurely life without danger then you're never gonna win uh as always yeah sure he did you never would have needed to yeah did they forget about that part [Music] 300 million they just spend all the money [Music] of course aqua and she says and it's gonna take that much to repair the ball you think but you ruined the city they owe money they owe 40 million yes yes you are I can't believe that oh buddy it's worse than I thought doesn't it kind of feel like you know how they tell stories about brothels where no matter what the girls who are working there oh yeah they always end up dead owing money I feel like somehow they're in that relationship with the adventurers Guild yep foreign Escape I mean what do you do you just go to heaven you agreed to go where are you trying to escape to what's the end goal of all this you kill the devil King and then what he gets to reincarnate wherever he wants maybe I don't know thank you guys so much for watching if you want to see our reactions super early and uncut or if you just want to support the channel make sure you check us out over at Wes and Steph we're always adding new stuff we've also started running polls over there to help us determine what shows to react to so if you want to be a part of that make sure you jump over to Western step come join the patreon the link is in the description down below [Music] that town looks so big when they shoot it from the top yeah Welcome to My Life you choose that you can't nag him like this you're not even his wife come on if they are like married with none of the benefits oh no it's winter time you were helping Mega mean [Music] s they say that every time that'll help nope he has some cosmona is oh they sound awful that's not that much get the bear show me where the Sprites are I'll get killing [Music] what's wrong with you know don't call the quest Cosmo that should be your first time they're cute though if they make spring come sooner I'll treat them like Anakin treated the Younglings singing you want that in the middle of winter what's wrong with you Darkness [Music] I like that he has no chill for them at all I know it's like Mario in real life her next method is working hey [Music] wait where are they are they on a mountain oh no [Music] they're at the time it's just melting it all of it there's gonna be like a tsunami oh shoot eight [Music] foreign [Music] this is why Darkness was excited do you hear she said waka waka no that's what audreya says that must be a real phrase why did you tell them before because she wanted a quest you the Abominable Snowman oh winter Shogun and we got another guy you can snowboard Darkness [Music] Seattle [Music] why if you knew all this did you go oh my God oh my God Wesley you're kidding no what I did not expect this did you expect no yeah he gets to do it again do you get to do this every time foreign that sounds like a pretty Swanky deal s [Music] but he wants to go back there's friends is she gonna send him back [Music] because she can tell he misses it oh [Laughter] thank you aqua [Laughter] foreign [Music] actually seemed pretty nice I feel like alcohol probably gets what she wants usually yeah I feel like she's the embodiment of the complaint and you get actually rewarded right I don't mind if they're pads he almost had it he Almost Got Away With It foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Laughter] oh how did Mega me get revived foreign go um click on the bear the wolves but that's interesting that they can die I had let my guard down I had two I didn't expect that at all granted like they did kind of get around it pretty easily but still drinks that's not that much you owe 30 million she's such a brat [Music] be fair she saved it I wasn't taking issue with how she saved it I'm saying they're in public this is usually a pack Tavern herself on the ground she did not care [Music] oh she's definitely not involved all the food I have no physical responsibility come on the bear s yeah well you chose he did have a pretty sweet gig lined up in Japan affluent family easy life I get it though you're like but I have my friends I miss my friends you got beheaded yeah did you see the bloody yes that was gross that was pretty metal for this show like Aqua demanded he comes after her hey dummy stop being dead I'm not done with you you need to get me out of here first but could Aqua just die I don't know what would happen if she died if Aqua dies wouldn't she just be in the goddess world would she get reincarnated as a human she pawned her coat oh she's burning the truth he seem to smack her body heat warms you up whoa Stephanie just saying pants would warm you up too where does maguman live also if you make a fire like show sheltered not in the open wind that will help we're on Darkness yeah why can't they just sleep over with okay getting your cheeks knocked in the wind might also warm you up just saying baby don't expose your anus to the cold cold wind up a war that's in the survival Antarctica editor just wants to have some fun okay I just wanted yeah that's a good point yeah you need some of that so just stealing girls underwear he's literally like a parent what she knows her hey they know her poor girl aqua's just like bullying her [Music] a ruler of the undead foreign okay that was interesting backstory what's wrong with that point she's such a brat she is attendant I don't this is not whom your dismal it's warm and cozy she can't do anything she's actually useless she she actually can do some crazy stuff she can't resurrect people she can resurrect people and believe she can bully other goddesses too she can cleanse Undead which would specifically be bad for whiz look at it why didn't even bring her do you think it's more trouble to leave her on her own unsupervised what time is foreign just in case including you foreign [Laughter] [Music] thank you maybe Darkness was right about him Darkness was right this was completely right [Music] Darkness was right how do you act like such a noble guy the nicest person before you kill me later what happened that sounds super useful so just drain his party of their power and use it himself oh aqua which sounds like leech and she's draining stuff like a beach [Music] [Laughter] that's a weird skill to get it's really cool though what about sword fighting that'd be a good skill or energy blast or something I feel like his skills are very diverse and very specific [Music] Aqua aqua she's gonna disappear she's like a naughty cat right she's like turns parents yeah she almost sent her to the afterlife she's Undead half here I felt like that some days they're gonna all live here how much is this is a sad story [Music] what that's horrible that's so sad they're just gonna sleep there [Laughter] hard drinks mixed drinks alcohol foreign [Music] come on [Music] oh she's pajamas when did she get pajamas why hasn't she been wearing that Nature's Beauty What Spirit caught Nature's Beauty they were not worried at all about the spirit it just Waltz in here to be fair they do this a lot like the same thing happened with this whoa [Music] how long have she been there I think dolls are so scary they can be just in general I get so freaked out staying in places where there's a doll overlooking the bed that's a lot that was terrible that's a lot oh eyes are so creepy foreign [Music] no I think she just doesn't want to be by herself [Laughter] foreign [Music] here we go hurry up and pee oh my goodness oh my goodness creepers magazine I feel like this is why imagine having simply ah oh that makes it so much worse [Music] use the bottle no thank you if I ever and I mean ever propose that we go somewhere that has any reasons and yeah like unless we're homeless no even then I'd rather be that than live here with ghosts and creepy stuff foreign foreign [Music] oh [Music] I can't believe well I totally can believe that was just being lazy uh Aqua so she gonna do her job just don't waste just ask Wiz to do it again this is bougie as hell well it's kind of empty inside no I don't trust that this landlord's gonna get his Mansion back I don't change good shape that he adds actually letting them live there I I that's a good point what kind of deal is that I guess if no one can live there at all but yeah they're indiscriminately for free if they get rid of the I feel like there'd be your time limit there's gotta be right they have to have a lease or something I don't know Aqua stresses me out so much it's so realistic I have a little bit of I have a little bit of Aqua in me too but like we've all done that I mean not to the level that there's you know hauntings going on but we've all done that like oh I can just get away with not doing this today it'll be fine and then the next thing you know the bathroom's flooded and that happened they're back in their haunted house but I'm gonna miss our usual establishing shot of the Stables I know I like that one this is a lot spookier it's way spookier I guess it's not really haunted anymore though right they got rid of it I don't trust it not to be chess man her boobs waggle a lot when she moves I think her breasts have extra muscles that couch is divine exalted aquasama you're such a brat she's such an older sister she's what I believe an older sister to be like I am an only child but this is what I imagine were you you're an older sister were you a brat like this yeah and what do you like aqua what's the point of leveling up yeah obedient he's crying you are in his mind foreign what is that is that a stripper I'm pretty sure I see a booty on a lady with a tail a devil tail and some horns to make the boys go horny well look at the posters sacrifice no no that doesn't sound good psychic prostitution does not sound good is that better than real prostitution I don't know who's the psychic is it like some old fat person who's like it doesn't matter if they give you a good dream though like okay here's a question no one cares if the parent of someone very attractive is incredibly ugly so in a way the psychic would be like the parent of the thought that you're no it would be like the person on the other side of the computer screen sexting you oh yeah now because you see things in your brain I think it's different we're about to be in a big trouble here the cartoonist artist is gonna go off and I'm not ready let's be honest it's because I was clicking through the intro and I clicked five seconds ahead of this and I saw way more than I've ever wanted to see are your concerns alleviated no why they're not ugly look at him that was your concern I wasn't worried about them I I was worried about this there's a big shock for this to be a secret his girls are gonna find out and they're gonna come and form the place hey that's that guy he's recognized all the dudes hanging out here I guess he knows them how are there this many succubuses just hanging out in this town there's like 20. hell's door oh foreign [Music] [Music] so that's your job it's a bad idea what's the catch [Laughter] what okay that's um a threat is that option not to have a relationship and they don't have to do anything they just give them a dream A Bit of Your vitality Vitality what does that mean we taught the witch's economics foreign [Music] [Music] and they can even have visiting hours or something I am surprised that there's not more hooking up among all the adventurers make sure you put that big fat dude [Music] he's asking about copyright law you must know zombies man she's just it'd be fun if she's not even trying her rack's just so big she can't like move without whacking it what did he ask for is this what he asked for oh this is what he asked for this is his dream no way is that sexual Dream It's just uh it teaches we have food we don't eat crab and I've always thought that it looked really weird I don't think it looks good at all oh so he's just having fantasies about his part I don't think this is a dream I really don't definitely a dream no I I don't think it's a dream [Music] foreign this is just turned into like a party anime it's not even a fantasy one anymore oh this is real I don't know Darkness drunk would be scary I think [Music] this is like the anime version of the marshmallow experiment yeah I can't do you have it's a troll it's an experiment on deferred gratification that they do with kids where they put a kid and they go here here's a marshmallow if you don't eat it you'll get two marshmallows and they just leave and then they watch the kid and see if it eats it or not and it's like oh can the kid be disciplined and defer gratification until later on our dog okay I know you want to get absolutely hammered but do you want sexy dreams instead she's very tiny [Laughter] that's a lot of food yeah who took that Darkness wholesome would be or drunk would be more awesome [Laughter] have fun with them but nope he's been in a stable for a very long time so turned on that he can't sleep this is bougie man yeah how do they get that is it on a like hot spring oh he fell asleep there in the hot tub oh what if he thinks this is the dream and it's not the dream yeah no he doesn't know what did he ask for you no this is real this is not the drink you know it's not the dream camo it's real this is what's going on is this what he asked for just to get his back does he never remember what he asked for did he ask for his party members why did she walk in why didn't she leave older woman with an experience oh my God you think she's still drunk too foreign [Music] on the scale of weirdness this isn't that weird at least he's just washing his back foreign poor Darkness oh my goodness I'm gonna go complain oh okay poor little girl I didn't know she had to come to him at night I'm still Your vitality he's doing it willingly [Music] oh poor girl's like I'm gonna die because just pretend you don't know anything I can't embarrass you like half prostitutes that are psychic and half breaking cat burglars Slave people too can you just free her [Laughter] icky no yeah those exercising things that's how I was working overtime even harder than the one Darkness had and dreams are one of them but she got away oh well at least you didn't lose Vitality you see she's like better tossed some salt I can't let him back in here nah yeah oh he remembers this is a new outfit for her [Music] um sort of an accident [Laughter] she's like and I loved it [Laughter] that is fair that part's true [Music] oh oh he gave it away nope he's just not gonna answer they should be filing us to find out what the hell this is I swear they just cropped the attack on Titan map for their Village I swear it really looks like it doesn't it yes that was a lot crazy there were a lot of boo the boobs per minute in this episode were very high almost as high as the butts permanent in this episode yeah that was a lot that was still hilarious that's the only BPM that I care about I love how he's just like I love how he's just like nope nope I did nothing wrong and then she's like wait a second and he's like you he keeps on doing more uh details about it it was really funny he should get his money back he should totally oh wait he didn't pay with money he was paying with Vitality he never had Vitality stolen it was fine I guess but dude I didn't realize somebody to sneak into his yeah they kind of left that it's not it's funny that like all of his party female companions I guess except for Darkness are like actively preventing him from being able to get his rocks off in any way whatsoever sleep in his own bed okay anymore so maybe he's on that nofap grind you know yeah I doubt it doesn't count if you're doing it in your brain it counts if it's a dream I think they're still physical component that happens but it's not the same as it's not nofap he's not on no wet dream or something in this world they might have to go on that though those adventurers that place was packed and it was like a random time yeah what the heck there's not more intermingling between the boxes I can't believe Darkness hasn't found some guide who's like yes I'm into this I can't believe that they aren't cooking up all the time it's like a big Village it's a ton of people who are in really good shape the adventurers are all in really good shape an Olympic Village is apparently just they're smashing all the time because they're all these top level athletes who are essentially demi-god looking people all in a little Housing Development together and they're all super horny because they're all on steroids and so they just they didn't get them on steroids apparently but it's like a sitcom it is it's like a fantasy sitcom finally figure out well it should be fair we haven't figured out what the Destroyer is but it's here well we're gonna find out we should hopefully figure it out we might not Dynamite works but your house foreign [Music] he likes that house he likes his bass he's the guy who would stay when the hurricane comes to Florida he is that a spider that's what it looked like looks like a giant spider run these guys are guys you know why they're so brave because none of them ever get laid for some reason I don't I don't know why none of them ever coupled testosterone yes they're just like ready to roll it's just kind of walking though is it destroying things oh don't that sucks uh-huh he went to get a sword back hey that's his best the sword guy's best friend no that's the Rogue remember oh you're right [Music] somebody say explosion we forgot about the crazy girl she wanted to run she's like what crazy girl Mega mean it will be just like her to use her one blast of explosion magic Here and Now using it strategically the destitute shopkeeper I just love all the noises of the people in the back they're like oh that's right I don't really feel very confident I don't feel confident I think this show would destroy the whole town yes if nobody else can kill it why would this group of novice adventurers be able to they are weirdly specked out though they've got big bombs and aqua is weirdly powerful even though she never does it in a way that's helpful foreign [Music] foreign but you're not gonna do anything I don't know that those sticks are gonna do much what are you talking about that is just disgusting why would is it breaking do you see all the cracks what if it breaks right then finally dies after thousands and thousands of years that's it has a lot of luck I'm strong I am powerful too soon too soon not yet why would you make your giant weapon in the shape of a spider if you just saw this part you would have no idea what aqua's really like I know you'd think she's amazing dang that looks so cool it looks very impressive imagine if she like used it if she put her points into actually developing her skills she'd be crazy so we're not giving gags this is just a serious battle to save the town whoa she was pissed the heart is the power of my brattiness hey you finally got a fun Target but I bet she doesn't pass out it is very satisfying this is just a machine there's nobody in it darkest and she's just standing there of course yeah yeah perfect you shut you shall not pass [Music] the Lich en I feel like they should get a lot of money [Music] yeah oh no he knew it he knew it oh there's crew how do you stop that is it gonna be like a nuclear bomb emergency Quest the other adventurers are brave but they're not very useful I guess they're all newbies it might be worthwhile then do something she's getting turned on by that she's going inside that's just the Death Wish that's not a fetish anymore these guys have very cool outfits for not being main characters that's what he's thinking of it [Music] they just want to say she looks so unimpressed do you see the girls just like you're pathetic but okay how are they gonna stop it [Music] do you think there's anybody in here I don't think there's anybody in it do you tell him you had I think doesn't a masochist like getting hit I don't think they like getting nuked this is too far excuse me John Carter death too a long time ago it's on this kittens my ability much too high foreign or something oh no oh no he can't stop it this is his diary is he aqua's dad dude there's nothing more scary than competence mixed with incompetence why would he exactly a good line I've never thought about that before right like oh why would he create self-destruct at the end she's gonna leech his magic oh with pleasure Aqua stops them how much did she take look at his fingers oh God oh no send it to the ocean create some tsunamis that wasn't the type of Life Force he was hoping it high into the sky Kazuma he does have good luck send it way up high into the outer space her luck be the stuff that's relevant now if he's holding on to her and she used his life force oh no I feel like they just moved somewhere [Music] time to run time to go Darkness so he's nuke somewhere for no reason strain touched the whole Guild she's like oh I actually do need to save this study oh no I don't because of her lungs she recovered use that guy oh here hold on let me touch your boobs [Music] doing that foreign it's gonna be enough for like 10 days okay aesthetic eye patch I always forget you're far back enough that was a big oh I think they caused some damage to the city so they're going they can't owing more yeah they can't complete a quest without somehow owing this The Guild more money it's still there they did well you're walking to town you're like wow this town seems like super hospitable it just has this enormous Crater of everywhere right on the lead into the main gate didn't say one um what a mature look way to look at it but I don't believe you foreign I don't think this is a good thing I don't think this is a good thing at all why him people there is he actually did he kill anybody that's what the way more important question foreign but did he kill anybody I don't care about a mansion I don't care about a mansion you were very epic when you were telling them to send that to a populated area Cosmo don't worry about it it will all be fine nope I mean if they're like five people it's better than like 30 people you're cold today right I mean I guess one human life against another Well if our three-person family died to save 30 people away across the world that we didn't agree to say not care I yeah I would care very much you would not care about the other 30 people yeah I would be very upset if my three people who have nothing to do with this other thing going on with somewhere else I don't care about died they look like they were rich oh yeah rich people should die just because they're rich what are you talking about I don't know I'm just trying to come up with ways to justify it and I can't well I don't know if he killed anybody maybe it was a summer house or winter house that was abandoned still being like if we were out somewhere and we came back and our home had been destroyed I guess if it was to save a bunch of people I could get it but I wouldn't really believe you yeah oh gee I blew up your house to save a hundred people you're like okay crazy person like I don't believe you whatsoever that my happy show my happy place it is a very happy show but there's some weird stuff that happens in this one weird is accurate very weird but it's funny so it's okay why does it look exactly like Mega mean [Music] rival they keep on introducing characters that we were supposed to already know foreign magic users now and then and also you know there's gonna be somebody to go against um Darkness so then there's gonna be another horny girl too oh no it's like we're just a secondary crazy party yes oh no that's just like their Shadow song Oh with the person that goes against Darkness Be a sadist instead of a massacre probably oh that's hilarious let's do it the shorter skirt because you'll win that one [Music] what is wrong with you you're mentally unstable no no like her I don't think she's that crazy [Music] man she is irritating I don't know why I feel totally a mega mean side this girl's obnoxious what she's like an introvert and you're like I hate you no she's like slightly socially awkward maybe annoying why would you talk if he's if she's a stalker then Gary from Pokemon just stalker but what is it oh what attract Beast honestly that's even better for Darkness why would you want that Darkness what do you think she wants it I thought she went beasts like men no no Grant's wishes but yeah oh no that's why they use it such a good idea for an item oh someone needs to steal this and put it in their DND campaign that's so good isn't it that's so cool come on how are these women losing weight in four days a dieting gimmick it is your fault I'm just kidding just kidding they'll act like he's dead maybe maybe in a little bit more detail on the tag description maybe we should work on our tag description yeah that could really help them sell more stuff maybe if they like marketed them on the tags a little bit better or maybe she puts it in a glass case like they do for uh perfume and deodorant at the store foreign [Laughter] [Music] he just wants him to clean up the house make him food she doesn't have circulation was that what your wish was though [Music] foreign that's why seriously the editor got was extra horny this episode and the writer I mean the whole premise every second of it Darkness we know 100 push-ups is a lot also those are not push-ups you see what she's doing she's humping the floor [Music] are you really gonna critique somebody's push-up form no that's how your knee push-ups look yeah beautiful girls like us like how I lived my last four days in heaven [Music] why is he being so cool roses that never actually happen in real life foreign [Music] now he's a perv he wasn't before it's like holding your boobs this one is a terrible episode why are you blaming me I'd rather have her tasks probably a river Cosmo what if he actually probably actually very wholesome probably it's probably something super wholesome probably not foreign [Music] walking by this what would you think happened you've been defiled with snacks and food what was his wish they're gonna get so much revenge on him you know what's happening that he just makes Aqua his slave yes cousin where did they get where did they get them from in this fantasy ass World from the the succubus people oh yeah you're probably right day three [Music] where's Aqua now um the burning is General that was well deserved imagine the choker falls off he's got bandages did he actually get burned I'm not I have been really excited for the moment when he realizes like oh I could actually die was he actually trying I didn't think he was [Music] that's just such a disgusting way to ask she's like I want one of these he probably supposed to be left in peace it's like oh why are my actual wishes so wholesome and probably something really simple like taking a walk with friends probably like just some time alone yeah who are you she's fine she did just kind of show up all of a sudden well apparently Aqua helps you sometimes I'll die I have tasted opulence sparkness she's like this [Music] is like a saint doesn't he yeah does it fall off no no oh that's only what it was to be comforted actual love and affection [Music] yay since I'm still alive and haven't died it didn't come off I thought that noise meant it come up came off oh my God I'm just staring at your boobs foreign nope oh my goodness such a little perv smell our hair that's hilarious she's like what London that's all I wanted that's it I could really go for some comfort that's what he said [Laughter] yeah we knew he was gonna face the consequences for that well deserved did he actually die he died they killed him [Music] I know I killed him killed him [Music] how many times has he died forces her to bring him back to life I mean this time I feel like it was conserved that was pretty deserved that was really but at the same time they like him and they're trying to keep him alive even though they know he's a little pervert you know in a weird way darkness and he worked fine they work fine together it's actually a pretty good combination that being said guys thank you so much for watching that was it I think that was all of season one how are they gonna react when they like actually have to live normal lives with him after that whole episode I have no idea and after all those confessions he made I have no idea I mean they didn't just kill him yeah that probably would go a long ways towards alleviating your frustration towards somebody I don't know let's go and have go back to normal reality I said this is my happy place but I was wrong inside stop being sick I thank you for watching I'll see you next time so bye thank you guys so much for watching if you want to see our reaction super early and uncut or if you just want to support the channel make sure you check us out over at slash Wes and Steph we're always adding new stuff we've also started running polls over there to help us determine what shows to react to so if you want to be a part of that make sure you jump over to Western step come join the patreon the link is in the description down below
Channel: Wes And Steph Anime
Views: 311,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wes and steph, reacting, reacting to, react, reaction, Konosuba, Konosuba reaction, reacting to Konosuba, first time watching Konosuba, Konosuba episode reaction, Konosuba reacts, Konosuba react to, Konosuba episode 1, Konosuba episode 1 reaction, reacting to Konosuba ep 1, reacting to Konosuba episode 1, reaction to konosuba ep 2, konosuba episode 9 reaction, reaction to konosuba funny moments, react to konosuba gender equality, konosuba react to kazuma as
Id: yCac4_Aogt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 14sec (10694 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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