Counting Cars: HOT ROD RESTORATIONS Featuring the Pawn Stars *Marathon*

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[Music] on this episode of Counting Cars I've got Pawn Stars Rick and Cory coming by for a special project this thing is amazing nice car man we take a look at it I think he thinks we're a little bit crazy should we bag it no really got an extensive collection of tattoos I would really like to apply that to my bike do we have take naked pictures of you Vegas is a gambling Town most people bet with chips I bet with rides look at this and I always go all in wow what would you take for this I'm Danny aka the count and this is my Allstar team we find them fix them flip them and sometimes I keep them this is 30g I can't help myself for my crew every job's high stakes and we can't afford to lose this is Counting Cars today Kevin and I are cruising around looking for some cars it's one of my favorite things that we do I like to just go Cruise some neighborhoods see what's going on out there and this kind of stuff is really important to my business because this is uh how we find cars and this is how we flip cars how we make money on cars and personally it's an addiction can we stop and get coffee yeah you got that man Kevin is my right-hand man we go back almost 20 years now they always say that you shouldn't mix business with friendship but it really works out just great we do very good business together but we Remain the best of friends dude dude dude dude dude look at that look at that look at that look at that it is beautiful that's dude spin around spin around we got to catch this you got I'm serious dude all right hold on that thing was bad I restore a lot of vehicles from the ground up but sometimes I'm just looking for something that's a quick flip either it's done or it's close to done and when I saw this Chevy man it just hit me right between the eyes I knew if I could score this car for the right price this thing would be an easy flip we're catching up we're catching up hey can you pull over check out your car no oh dude we got a red light pull up next we get all right I'm going to try this hey man man nice car man thanks what year is that uh 39 39 you mind stopping for a minute we take a look at it you sure man that's I don't know we should we might want to talk he's he ain't happy about it man no deal he ain't into it I think he thinks we're a little bit crazy should we bag it no I don't think I've ever been with Danny where he's given up on on a car that he wants he will fight tooth and nail to get a car oh this guy's going to get all freaked out he's probably going to drive to the nearest police station oh dude check him out he's trying to get away from okay here's our chance here's our chance 5 minutes just 5 minutes here dude awesome man thank you man on a difficulty meter of chasing this guy down a scale from 1 to 10 it was up there man I would put him at a solid eight thanks for stopping I'm my name's Danny Shane not normal for people to do that but kind of checked him out a little bit it didn't look too strange and you know out of place so it kind of eased my mind man what a good looking car what year is it it's a 1939 Chevy 39 Chevy yes it's a business Coupe it's got a 4-in Chop top on it it's gorgeous and I like the angle on it man it's sweet it's really cocky looking I love the wheels took forever to find those oh wow 1939 I think gas was like 10 cents a gallon or something you know what I'm saying you had hair in 1939 there's something wrong with you this was the working man's car when it was new it cost about 650 bucks which by today's standards would be about 10 grand and between the Great Depression and World War II that's how Chevy outsold Ford is an America's number one leading auto manufacturer they were making attractive cars at a very affordable price and it's really interesting to see through all these years how they get transformed into these extremely Hightech hot rod machines and where they came from to where they are now it's kind of a Cool vibe well it's just beautiful and I really appreciate you stopping but I just have to ask would you consider a cash offer of maybe somewhere around $40,000 for this car I need to make this gentleman an offer that's high enough to get his attention but still low enough for me to make a profit you know it's a fine line and I got to tread that very carefully I don't think she really could sell it I put at least probably 60,000 in that car my fiance Tanya and I we've went to so many car shows and had so many good memories finally a girl I met that really likes the hot rods and not me working on you know she likes it so Oh I thought you were going to say she doesn't like you she just likes the hot rods I think that's mostly true grab Tanya and come down to the shop sometime time come wander see we got going on down there thank you for St for stopping sorry to bother you good luck on your next stop absolutely it's really hard to try to convince somebody to sell their car to you just right off the cuff like that I mean they didn't wake up this morning thinking you know I think I'm going to sell my car today but I feel like he just might change his mind and decide to sell me this car one day sometimes it's just a game of patience just kind of lay back and weit man it's like candy on Wheels man well you get you get over girls quicker than you get over cars [Music] well this is looking pretty tight man he got all the new bushings and everything in it just great what's that check it out man Rick must have picked up the car oh the one you went looked at yeah nice good morning Jets Danny my man you just made me so happy when you guys pulled up good morning you did it you did it you brought her home yeah I love it so the other day Rick and Cory had me come check out a 1968 Mustang Fastback Rick's got a great idea about turning this into like a Steve McQueen bullet replica Cory he's got other ideas about the car but either way I told him if you can score this car for the right price bring it back here to the shop we can make it happen so uh give me the good news man what' you end up having to pay for paid 125 for it you did yeah 125 too much no man that was I think that's a really good deal man so we're going to do the bullet right yeah we're going to do the Steve McQueen special right here I love it I love it I love it I'm just a ridiculous Steve McQueen fan I mean he really is the coolest guy ever I mean this is what he drove in bullet and in the movie Bullet they had the greatest car chase scene in the history of all movies so I just want to make sure it looks just like the car in the movie that's what I want yeah see the thing about the bullet Mustang it was so wicked cool bad but yet it was so completely understated under the radar I mean everything was was darkened up on that car and all all the flash was just was turned way down and the car just was was like I've got an attitude it's you man this car can potentially be like a $50,000 car absolutely how do we get there from this I just the only thing this car has gone for it is that 30 years ago in a movie Steve McQueen drove the same car but this ain't the car Steve McQueen drove this should have gone away with Cash for Clunkers back in the day I mean someone should have traded this in on a Kia or something I can't visualize this car being cool it's going to be a lot of work yeah the first thing we have to do is we've got to strip this car down to Bare Metal the color this whole thing is going to be Highland Green which actually was a factory color that Ford had back then okay think we just fix up this red interior a little bit man and uh yeah so we'll go all black inside just the way it should be all bone stock Mustang interior and uh we could save a bunch of this material and put it in Cory's car cuz I know so how much you think it's going to cost me uh that's always a good question but I'm going to guess we're anywhere between 15 and 20 grand should get us that bullet Mustang out of this I'm thinking okay this car could be worth 40 or 50,000 when it's done I'm already in at 12,500 if the restoration goes much more than 20,000 I can get screwed on this deal all right just try and keep it close to 15 man I'll stay on that as hard as I can I estimated it was going to take about $155,000 to do this mustang but I'm just going to hope that uh we can't get it done for that kind of money yeah this is going to be good this is going to be good good got a large part of the team taking apart that 1968 Mustang Fastback to get that bullet project happening for Rick Harrison but in the meantime got a new client just walked through the door who's got a very interesting paint job he wants to put on his Harley-Davidson hey man how you doing I'm Danny I'm Bob Bob nice to meet you this is a really cool scoop Harley-Davidson soft Tales are wonderful motorcycles soft tailes mimic the hard tail but gives you a comfortable ride with a suspension is one of the coolest frames Harley-Davidson's ever done how long have you been riding Bob I I mean I've been riding as long as I can remember my dad rode his dad rode you know my kids ride I like that do you have a vision for it yourself me what do you want to see over the last few years I've really got an extensive collection of tattoos I would really like to apply that to my bike I like the way you're thinking a paint job that's all 100% tattoo artwork that's not a request you get every day but I'm digging it you've got a lot of stuff going on are we going to cover the entire bike with it sort of like a collage over the years I've probably spent at least $10,000 on my body art so what was the first piece that you got actually this this skull and it it it just started from there all my tattoos are memories I love it man you know everything means something hey Shannon do you know his horny mic around um yeah I think he is this is something that he would just go nuts with cuz you know he is nuts oh yes I'll go get I've got an incredible airbrush artist here at the shop goes by the name of horny Mike and I think what he's going to bring to this project is really going to make it pop Mike what's going down they call me horny Mike for a reason I put horns on everything I put them on my jacket I got a 25 of them molded into my bike I'll put them on anything and hey gets everybody horny why wouldn't I want to do it Bob here is covered in ink and he really wants to take that Vibe and cover this bike tattoo the bike up tattoo the entire bike do we have to take naked pictures of you yeah I mean if I guess I guess we got we got it get reference right can we put some horns on it I don't know if I'd go that far discuss it okay Mike back to the paint you can tell me exactly which ones you truly want on there which ones you want more dominant all of them all of them boy this is going to be a detailed paint job absolutely this is going to be crazy want to go take naked pictures let's do it all right you want to hold hands no back hold up just hold we ran into a little bit of a speed bump with this Mustang project whoever did this insane red velvet interior glued everything down and it looks like they've screwed up most of the original panels underneath all of it I didn't expect this to be so bad I can't believe that somebody glued all of this janky upholstery all over the console all over the dash all over everything I'm afraid that all of these pieces are literally going to have to be replaced look at this yeah this pad's done that so nasty ching ching ching ching the dollars just keep adding up brother I'm sorry man Scott is the money guy here he keeps an eye on the books and the accounting manages each project to make sure that we're making money on it and not losing Scott's really good at his job he can be a real sometimes there's going to be some late hours for me trying to find these parks I'm with you I think we're going to be a Solid 5 grand in the interior which we just don't have no more room in the budget I think Danny needs an intervention on this one he was way off just pass me your personal credit card we'll feel it you're right well let's always look for the positive man I got 13 cents 14 man we put this towards the build man 30 more cents right there on this side you keep digging for change brother man every penny counts Rick's one of my best customers and I promis to that this project was going to be right around 15 grand and it looks like it's going to be more close to $25,000 so I'm really going to have to try to figure out how I'm going to make this budget work it's not going to be [Music] easy we've been building Rick Harrison's 68 Mustang Fastback for 3 weeks now it's been sand blasted painted and assembled to match every spec of the Mustang from the original bullet movie I promised Rick that I could do this for around $155,000 but due to the terrible condition of the interior in this car I'm a little over 20k in it right now but you know what I've got other business to attend to right now Bob's in the bike shop he's here to pick up his Custom Tattoo bike and I can't wait to see the reaction oh yeah get ready for this brother get ready for this what's up check it out brother wow look at that man that is awesome I love it your ink all tells a story now your bike's telling the story you know what brother that's exactly what I wanted that is phenomenal I mean it's a piece of art when I first saw the bike one of the best ways to put it is like remember being a kid your your first time in a candy store it was just overwhelming you know sometimes I tell people it's just got you written all over it in this case it's got you written all over it holy sh I'm glad you have you brother oh I'm extremely happy this ain't over yet man check you out look at this oh no see now you got a nice helmet to match the bike and of course you got a nice riding vest to go with it MH oh man that is awesome here you got to try it on I'm making everybody horny absolutely brother oh yeah oh yeah amen I got horns now I'm horny Bob I knew I was going to get horns somewhere I'm just glad it wasn't on my bike well first impression Bob like I said me you know I mean it's just Mike You Came Out Swinging on this brother I tried I tried Mike put in a lot of hours on this thing but about 80 hours on the whole bike yep the tattoo bike wasn't very easy it had a lot of detail going into it first we had to put a base coat on it afterwards basically got to go through and airbrush in all the tattoos all over it and you have to do this all by freehand there's no stencils there's no nothing you do it all by eye and there's not a lot of room for mistake oh man look at that one there's your original piece yeah my first tattoo there it is brother the skull work is phenomenal there's even my koi yeah that one's right here I wish the Tattoo looked that good sweet huh everything is perfect this is almost up there with having your first kid you glad you're happy with it thank you thank you there horny Mike no problem now you're horny Bob get on it and get the hell out of here this Custom Tattoo paint job was a lot of work but that's what we do here we take our customers vision and make it into reality I'm just glad that we can make it happen for him looking hot nice huh that's so badass all right so where are we at it's top secret I'm just hoping you're not bringing me out here to bury me or bury the car this is Vegas you know so you really did bring us out here to kill us down this road we've been working around the clock to get this bullet Mustang ready for Rick Harrison and after everything we've been through with her she's finally ready for the road so I've got Kevin bringing Rick and Cory out to the desert so they can see what this baby can do seriously Kevin man it's hot what are we doing out here it's a surprise this literally looks like a road and a horror flick did you bring a gun with you well there's something coming definitely doesn't look like the piece of crap we bought so oh wow that's not the same car is it oh yeah what's up JZ God man that thing is amazing beautiful huh came out gorgeous oh this is cool man I poured my heart and soul into it just like I was building for myself this is just absolutely amazing glad you dig it brother I'm looking at this car and everything about it amazing the paint job the Chrome the Wheels I mean this car used to look like a piece of now it's one of the prettiest cars I've ever seen in my life sexy huh this amazing what'd you do to the motor everything well that's definitely not stock I mean we took this car down the last nut bolt it's a very very happy motor dude that's amazing beautiful well let me check out the interior man cuz I remember a lot of shag carpet and stuff there was a lot of shag a lot of velvet you know last time I saw this mustang the interior was completely destroyed and them to actually be able to make it look brand new I mean it's just amazing man I'm telling you Denny I can't believe you were able to get it done that car was a piece of crap so I'm assuming it costs more than 15 grand to fix well you know let's talk about that later let's go for a drive first man before I tell Rick how much we ended up spending on the bullet I want to get him out on the road so he can see just how bad this car is hopefully he won't be too mad when he hears we went over budget all right do your thing this is amazing this thing's literally the Fountain of Youth oh look at me in the mirror I'm 22 years younger Danny really did this car perfect and the whole fact that it looks exactly like the car in the movie is a big deal I'm a big Steve McQueen fan I mean he was the king of cool this thing's amazing dude I'm going to own this car for a long time oh [Laughter] yeah ni nice look I grew hair Danny told me he'd get this thing done for $115,000 I think it's going to go way over that okay so I'm imagining it cost more than the 15 to 20 it did I definitely blew past our budget I know we were we were trying to keep it as close as we could to 15 uh I've got you know 22 in it I mean honestly if you would have told me 35 I would have thought that was a deal but uh hey I don't got to pay that thanks man as long as you're that happy I'm that happy I bought the car for 125 Danny only charged me 22 to fix it which means I'm in the entire thing 345 and literally the car is worth 50 or 60 or the way I'm looking at it I think the thing's Priceless nice man I'm really proud of our team y Rick is happy and we made a Believer out of Cory yep you hungry I'm always hungry I know you are that's what I ask let's go get something to eat man I'm [Music] starving on this episode of Counting Cars I hook a bike of Epic Proportions it's like a big Steamroller would you ever consider selling this bike Kevin does damage control was that him doing a burnout in the car could have been [Music] anybody Scott gets some news that could ruin a perfect flip these are the home runs we should shoot for had the wintering lottery ticket you know what he did here you Vegas is a gambling Town most people bet with chips I bet with rides look at this and I always go all in wow what would you take for this I'm Danny aka the count and this is my Allstar team we find them fix them flip them and sometimes I keep them this is 30g I can't help myself for my crew every job's high stakes and we can't afford to lose this is Counting Cars today we are lucky to be enjoying gorgeous cars right here at theth annual Viva Las Vegas Hot Rod show this is like heaven this is what heaven's going to be like man it's more than just a car show it's a lifestyle show the clothing the hair the music this is a pleasure yo K where you going man I'm going back to the rig aren't you going with me come here come here come here stick with me TR me trust me here we go trust me have I ever let you down most of these cars are not for sale the owners of these cars are guys that love their vehicles they got too much invested in them they're not looking to sell them they're looking to enjoy them that's why when I go to car shows I don't even try to buy from the collectors I go out and scour the parking lots let's see what some of the people drove here you know what I'm saying oh what oh dude there's something turquoise over there I thought turquoise was jewelry no it's a color it's the color man it's a 58 Chevy do you have any sunscreen on you seriously like I carry sunscreen with me man my head's on fire right now it's cool but it's four doors you know and if we're going to do something let's do something with less doors who whoa who you hear that there's something out here come on come on it's a motorcycle right there no no no no no no no no no no it's that hood up right there oh yeah we got something here Kevin older cars and especially muscle cars or hot rods they've got a sound they've got a Vibe that's part of the whole Persona of these vehicles hey man how you doing hey hi how are you nice car I'm Charlie Charlie I'm Danny nice to meet you brother pretty cool ride man what year is it this is a 67 that's nice man GTO man I like these 67s man I think it was the prettiest body stuff do you know who uh designed this thing the guy that built a DeLorean remember the DeLorean yeah yeah yeah yeah I dig this car man it's really really cool I've had this car since the early 90s and I love it but I'm having uh some problems what's it doing the transmission started going click click cck click cck click I can't get it in gear what's up with all that wiring though another one of my little deals I started wiring it you know I'm at a point now where I'm just I'm tired of sticking more money into it yeah you know I know how you feel there's nothing better than when someone's tired of dealing with their classic car cuz I got no problems taking it off their hands Charlie I'm going to help you out today man if you're interested in selling this I'd like to talk to you about it you know what I will part with this car if I get 15 grand for it this guy wants 15 $1,000 for this GTO it's got wires everywhere the transmission is messed up we don't know what's even wrong with that but few thousand less I'd be happy how about this I you don't have to finish anything I'll give you n Grand and I'll tow it out of here and you go home and have fun tonight okay but I'll take the fenders the hood the front end off and you get $9,000 with a GTO no no seriously split the difference with me let's say 12,000 I give you 10 right now for I'll come down 1,000 you come up 1,000 I'll meet you right there at 11 Grand you know what Charlie Let's do let's do 11 Grand man you got it the title 11,000 that's fair Kevin yeah I got it handle this with him and we'll make this thing happen brother all right thank you thank you Char I took a risk buying this GTO 11 Grand was a fair deal but I'm just hoping there's nothing major wrong with it cuz this thing could be worth up to 50 Grand look at that Man 1967 GT I can't believe I can't believe you get going going to the shop good looking [Music] car I know Kevin's had a long day but I spotted a mean looking Camaro a few days ago and there was nobody around to talk about it we're on our way home from from the car show but after scoring that GTO I'm feeling lucky oh dude what's up I think you dozed off good looking ride up here brother man come on this just really caught my eye man 68 it's good looking man body work looks great man car looks straight yeah there's no interior I know we go what see if anybody's home all right good luck with that Danny just bought a GTO with a wiring at the Tren transmission problem and now he wants to buy a Camaro that has no interior I just wish one time he'd buy a complete car how you doing brother I'm Danny Trevor Trevor it's very nice to meet you brother absolutely I was really kind of had my eye on that Camaro was wondering if maybe you'd be willing to tell me about it well I was going to put it back together and try to get rid of it well then we're talking to the right people come on over here for a second man in my line of work you have to be really aggressive to get the cool stuff so knocking on people's doors is sometimes how I do business luckily this guy's looking to sell his Camaro I just might be his guy it looks like you've done a lot of nice stuff to it already yeah body workk paint I mean we got some motorwork done to it uh-huh after Ford sold about a half a million Mustangs after its debut in late 1964 Chevrolet answered the call with its Camaro and this 1968 is an SS which stands for Super Sport the super sports came with more power heavy duty suspension bigger brakes just all that extra styling cues to make it a really badass Camaro if you really wanted to go fast back in the day this was the car to get do you mind if I take it for a spin up the road I'll leave you Kevin is collateral I'll be right back see if it's got any [Music] power was that him doing a burnout in the car could have been anybody this 68 Camaro is a dream to Drive we're going to need to find an allnew interior dial in a couple of very minor mechanical issues on it and I should be able to get close to 30 grand for this car so I'm really hoping to score it for under $155,000 just to play it safe all right you're looking to sell and you're serious I'm looking to buy and I'm serious I will go to the shop I will bring you back 11 Grand today $100 bills got to do a little better where would you go with it lowest I'll go 14,000 I tell you what man take take 13 for it cash today and we'll all be happy it'll be out of your hair all right deal done deal done deal brother call Scott Kevin and uh and tell him that we're coming back man a Camaro and a GTO in one afternoon it's a pretty solid day Scott get some $100 bills ready we're going to need 13,000 [Music] weate weate few days ago I picked up this really sweet GTO convertible for 11 Grand she's got some wiring and some transmission issues and I'm really hoping that's not going to cost too much cuz I stand to make a really good profit on this I pray it's all good under here wow dude put some money under here we've got some real nice stuff in here adjustable suspension that's race car stuff right there yeah man these these trailing arms all aftermarket the sway bar I didn't expect this this thing is tight and right I like it I like it I dug this GTO from the get-go but now that I've had a little time to spend with it I found out she's already loaded with a whole bunch of high performance parts which only means she's going to be a lot more valuable in the the long run we are going to make a huge profit on this car I can see it what up homie yeah yeah I know this is the FIFA car man get out of here I am not kidding you I'm not kidding you this car is nice so what are we thinking let's let's cap it up real quick so I know what kind of budget we're rocking well you know to be honest with you probably the worst thing mechanically is the wiring harness is a train wreck let's just rip it out other than that we've got to hook up the transmission linkage and then the car should be running and driving what are you not telling me we're getting too lucky on this one and this I'm I'm feeling I'm really feeling great what color that's the question when when I see this car and I look at it I'm seeing blue nice I just think the lines of this car will really make that paint pop that paint will just really look sexy all right thank you brother I appreciate job this one when I found out we bought a GTO I mean I was like GT whoo man what a home run I figured we put about 2 two 25 Grand into it it'll be worth 50 Grand all day long I love it that's I want him to do every day I'm not going to call you the terrible twins no more it's my pleasure thank you no problem think keep dude I I didn't even have to buy rims dude the rims are beautiful what's that the rims are beautiful I think I'm going to keep this car when Danny finds a cool car chances are he's going to keep it especially if he doesn't have one Scott on the other hand is going to be pissed this is a 1967 GTO convertible I have a huge Auto collection and I don't have one of these it's been known as a significant muscle car for years it's got a lot of nice stuff H yeah I don't blame you I know I know stop patting yourself on the back I know you got to absolutely man stop pting yourself on the back oh yeah yeah honestly I ain't telling him nothing no I've got the team hard at work fixing this Camaro and if we can get the interior put in before the end of the week I stand to be able to flip it for a pretty sweet paycheck that I've been working around the clock so now I think it's time for me to go relax a little bit man oh man oh [Music] [Applause] man hey man how you doing what up nice play you got a couple minutes he might have down one talk to you oh cool I love it I love it wow it's [Music] m this is way cool dude thank you wow Harley-Davidson came out with this baby in 1990 they call it the fat boy cuz it sits so low and wide so badass even Arnold rad one in Terminator 2 I got to tell you I've never SE seen anybody running front tire LS that's actually 18 in by 7 and 1/2 you're running an 18 by S wheel on your front correct on my front end yeah that's way that's not something you see every day man no it is pretty unique I bought my 95 harly fat boy brand new did a lot of customizing on it I had to cut the frame up a little bit to get the big tires under it how does this whole bike feel when you're riding it it's like a big Steamroller it's a joy to ride it really is it's a lot of fun how big are the tanks on this that's seven gallon s gallon seven gon stretch tanks yeah you can tour this if you need yeah they called me the inflight tanker cuz I fill up my buddies when they run out of gas out in the middle of nowhere a sgon gas tank is an interesting feature on this bike and almost doubles the size of most motorcycle gas tanks with Harley's getting between 30 and 35 mil to the gallon you can get from Vegas to LA on one tank what's the chances you let me take this thing around the block boy I don't know about that one maybe if you let me take that truck for a spin huh you're a smart man Dion we work something out maybe tell you what Manet maybe we'll do this another time I've got a few rules in my life I don't do casinos I don't do shows on the strip and more importantly I don't let anyone drive my cars I got to ask you a question or else I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight or would you ever consider selling this bike no no not this one labor of love right here let me tell you you're keeping this one forever this one forever man when you build your own bike or whatever it may be it becomes a part of you it's my pride and joy take care all right you too Harley-Davidson is by far the most successful americanmade motorcycle ever and that's because they're bad that was [Music] cool the Camaro is done and with her new interior she just looks beautiful we've had a lot of interest in her but because she's a bit of a higher end restoration it's a little Out Of Reach for the average buyer Scott's found us a very serious collector and he's here now to look at it I hate to see your go but that cash is for the GTO have you ever had an old Camaro before I have not it's really beautiful you're going to like it I love them one of my last Adventures is to invest in the first generation Camaros that's my dream that's my LIF there it comes how does hello te have oh my God that's absolutely awesome she's beautiful just awesome it sounds good like it should this car is beautiful super super a't that pretty if you're looking for an old Camaro you're not going to find anything nicer than this it's rock solid all the body lines are totally straight this car has been nut and bolt restored top to bottom my guy has installed an entire era correct interior I'm talking seats carpet door panels you name it it's a brand new 68 Camaro it's ready to go what this needs is somebody like yourself to just enjoy it you got an awesome car here give her a start yeah man all right I'll do that sweet you look good in there I feel good in there how can you not when you're sitting in this car right what do you think very very very sweet I'm very interested in this car let's come up with some numbers on this you got it I picked this car up from around 13 Grand and between the interior and some finishing touches had to put about another 8 Grand in it I'd like to get about 30 to 35 for it that would give me a nice profit of around 10 grand and maybe that'll keep Scott from freaking out if I decide to keep that GTO as you can see she's really brand new I think I'm being reasonable asking 40 grand for this car I'm thinking more like 30,000 wow well I don't think I go down that far but I I I got a little bit of room about 36 I'll split the difference with you I'll give you $35,000 for it Max you just bought yourself a really nice car I'm very happy that's what I like see this Camaro was in pretty good shape when we picked it up that makes it the perfect car for a quick flip it wasn't that hard to get her in great condition and we made a nice healthy profit of about $14,000 in my book that's a great day pleas you're doing business with you right back at you come on in sir home run of all home runs under 30 days and and I'm thinking I'm going to make 30 G's profit Ry baby you better get every freaking spot on this one you know what why don't you grab a rack too and help me out thank you I don't ask you to answer the phones I'm not washing the car for either yeah then quit rushing me give me a little more time so I get the job down right when it comes to this GTO I just can't get the smile off of my face this car has gone together like a dream record time and turned out it had a Performance Suspension that's just more money in our pocket and I already got a buyer Danny about to see the GTO for the first time and if he approves I'm going to sell this baby come on baby come on that's what I'm talking about right there man man I'm telling you I mean you can see the blue ice pearl it turns almost purple in some light yeah it's amazing the paint job came out smooth rewired the car everything went great I haven't had one problem finding a part for this car 500 horses on a budget I thought we were going to be 2225 I came in about 189 I'm asking 55 I think I'm I'm going to get it all day long I sent the customer just three pictures he picked up the phone and turn R called me back this is a home run he's talking 55 grand he's staying up at one of the casinos right now waiting for us oh really yeah I'm ready to go you going to take it over there hell yes well let me go what's what's a golden rule sales there's only one salesman and one owner oh dude I ain't saying anything I just want to drive it you know I want I want to see how it feels just looks beautiful man I like everything on it good luck with everything Scott who needs luck hey don't make me my pants this car is really nice I mean she just came out so beautiful and she drives so nice we just listen to that nice throaty sound happy car man let's get this money let's get this money this is going to make our quarter look amazing there's only one problem I'm having with this whole thing what do you mean there's a big problem with this car what are you talking about everything's great on this dude I drove it my this is great I know I I think I'm going to keep it just hang on are you serious dude this is 30 G's pull over pull over come on now pull over for a minute this is 30 G's in under 30 days I got you this is the car that went together like it was it just wanted to be together it does that's ex we never get that lucky we're almost no money in this car I know why makes most sense for me to keep it no that's what makes the most of sense to sell it I don't know what Danny's thinking about the GTO when else do you get a chance to get 35 Grand in under a month we had the wintering lottery ticket you know what he did here you what's the use of getting buyers for we're not going to sell it I'm pissed is what I am ridiculous you better call that guy man we ain't going to make it how do you ever expect me to do my job if you're going to do like this Hey listen t let me tell you something these are the home runs we shoot for I know I know these are the home runs but the good part about it this is why we're in business what are you thinking Scott can say whatever he wants but this GTO convertible is gorgeous and she's coming home with me we had a serious buyer I get it but if he's that serious we'll just find him another GTO and build it the exact way he wants it and that way we'll both be happy I can't believe I just called a guy and threw away 30 grand now on the other side of the coin Scott as you sit in this car going down the road it's awfully nice car to keep Ain it dude I don't want TOS you no more I don't want to you you better pray to God Kevin didn't know cuz I'm GNA get in his ass oh yeah he might have had some information on this I don't [Laughter] know on this episode of Counting Cars we double down on a killer custom hot rod how do you keep this twin engine car on the road carefully my detailer relly lits loose in the shop Ry what are you doing good thing I cannot bust the window in it go to my office and get ready for a piss test and morning Mike and I tear up the streets of Vegas in a vintage Dune Buggy let's get out of here before the cops come Vegas is a gambling Town most people bet with chips I bet with rides look at this and I always go all in wow what would you take for this I'm Danny aka the cou and this is my Allstar team we find them fix them flip them sometimes I keep them this is 30g I can't help myself for my crew every job's high stakes and we can't afford to lose this is Counting [Music] [Music] Cars how's it going up the afternoon nice ride thank you very much sir what year is it 31 nice what's going on we need to make this nicer certainly we can help with that let me go get Denny perfect I'm Ro I'm from Hungary I'm the detailer here at C custumes I just can't stand when a car is dirty I just clean everything then I got a customer here like to talk to he has a 31 hot rod a dirty a dirty 31 31 yeah 1931 hot rod red with a Flames it looks cool but he wanted to look cooler and nicer and better look what nice noise ry's got that language barrier so he comes in tries to tell you something and you're like I need that two or three times it wouldn't be a day without messing with my exent I thought I was coming out to look at a dirty one something I didn't know who who was dirty and who was the one I'm not sure Anthony this is Denny check you out that's sweet I love it windshield is in my opinion is one of the prettiest things on the car it's an old Deval windshield is what they call it where it's split like that and laid back in an angle it's a gorgeous windshield thanks what the definition of a hot rod man hot rods from the early 30s is really where they're at and this car Falls right in the middle of it man so how rare these cars are well I tell you you know interestingly enough this was an everyday man's car they were extremely inexpensive and a ton of them were built you could buy one of these for about 385 bucks the irony of the whole thing is now this many years later these cars are very expensive and are very sought after Ford found a great way to mass-produce these cars they were the Pioneers in the assembly line and from 1927 to 1931 they sold about 4 and a half million of these model A's do you have a vision for it yourself I mean what do you want to see the 31 Ford is in Dire Straits of some TLC and some love it's been sitting for a long time and the Flames are getting a little old there one little thing that bothers me I know you love the devva windshield but my height the way I sit here that's right where my eyes sit like right there so annoying right your line right in my line of just non-stop doing this thing that's no fun no you just put the pillow on the seat or something we like to joke around this devault windshield has got to be one of my favorite parts of this 31 I think they're just beautiful and we got to figure out how we're going to make this work cuz I don't want to lose that windshield but I also agree with Anthony driving around and not being able to see that's a bad thing brother I love it now the scary thing is the budget 15,000 but okay we would love to do this wouldn't we I can't stand dir I think this is Scott's house right here on the left it looks like Amityville Horror well I can imagine living with Scott would be like Amityville Horror spooky uh-huh today Kevin and I are out cruising one of my favorite neighborhoods this place is a gold mine every time I come out here I always find something cool and I rarely ever leave empty-handed got something up here on the right yeah it's an old Ford the Galaxy [Music] no holy oh my God I know you're going to take that you got to be kidding me oh my I've never seen anything like that I dude not like that he's got two Motors on that car walk alongside I'll get him over and talk to this guy wow Hey Brother beautiful I like it hey we're car guys do you mind if we talk to you about it is that all right okay appreciate it thank you Danny and I have been doing this for 10 years I've never seen anything like this Model T I am totally Blown Away dude this is insane you can say that my God what is this [Music] about two years ago I just came up with the idea to put two Motors in a hot rod it's probably the only one of its kind in the world as far as I know I've yet to see another one like it it actually runs on both engines at the same time and I know a number of other people have tried it and uh hasn't always exactly been successful and I think that's in itself is somewhat of an engineering feat that's unbelievable how do you keep this thing on the road well carefully I've seen some twin engine cars before for and it seems to me the biggest problem that that guys have had trying to make them work is having them work together connecting them without the two engines destroying each other how do you keep them synced up together and happy let's go massive steel cogs and uh custom built sprockets and a carbon fiber belt that's virtually indestructible I kind of engineered it all put it all together and uh bingo it works that's pretty amazing it's impressive man you can put this all together like this Danny will you buy this for me I cannot believe how much customizing and modifications that Gordon did I wouldn't even begin to know what something like this is worth if somebody said I have to have this what kind of number would you put on this you'd have to really really twist my arm to even get me to think of a good number so somebody came with 100 Grand I don't think so 100 and a half no yeah no I'm one of these guys that doesn't sell he just keeps buying brother you and I need to talk I think this guy Gordon and I have a lot in common you know one car is Never Enough type of thing what else have you got what have you got at home well I got everything from hot rods and musle cars all the way up to Lamborghinis where we separated at Birth or something you got anything for sale well we might be able to find you something you mind bringing a couple of lunatics to your house so we can see you guys come over seriously sweet can I ride with you let's do it you bet Kevin would you mind Gra in the truck man I will thanks man I never get to go for a ride anyway that's true man but I always tell you how much fun it is don't I [Music] yep but I get the feeling with this guy think I've hit the jackpot [Music] me and my new buddy Gordon we're cruising back over to his house to see if he's got anything over there I might be able to work a deal on what else you got hiding back here oh all kinds of little goodies old Challenger here yep 73 Dodge Challenger as you can see it seen better days y now there's one you might be able to twist my arm on oh what you got hiding over here 56 Bird right yes sir man it's an original color original color but the the green and the white interior wow I don't think I've ever seen one like this yeah according to the uh t- bird registry office this is possibly the only one ever made unbelievable Gordon's got some really cool and some extremely rare cars in his collection there's no way I'm leaving this place empty-handed 79 Z28 is this one for sale nope here we go 9 1957 Chevy forget about it guys ain't for sale oh dude 69 Corvette Stingray good Lord this is one of my favorite cars in the world tell me about her well it's a factory fourspeed love it probably just B every option that came out in the time uh Gordon how about let me haul this out of here I'll give you I'll give you $15,000 in [Music] cash man you're going to have to dig a Little Deeper on that you know it's going to take triple at really I think you fited us over here to just make me feel bad Gordon's collection is sweet unfortunately for me he knows what they're all worth if I can't get it cheap then I'm not going to make any money here there is one thing out here though that has been catching my eye we haven't talked about yet is that a really old Myers Ms absolutely yeah that Doom buggy yeah I could I could get seriously interested in talking to you about that one dune buggy craze was huge in the 7s and Myers man Myers had the corner on the market because they had the cool body I mean this is basically a Volkswagen is what this is it's a whole Volkswagen pan with the engine and transmission and suspension everything off a VW Bug they would they would throw away the bodies and they would refit them with this you didn't even see the best part look at this rabbit a rabbit's foot the rabbit used that's 7s abely man here in Vegas Doom buggies are huge they were made to run in the sand and we got plenty of that here so I know if I can score this thing for the right price and bring it back to that proper 7s Vibe I should be able to make some good money on this buggy you've turned me down so many times I'm gun shy right now well pop a number up would you take $3,000 cash going to have to double it how about meeting me halfway at 45 you kind of had a funny feeling you had to come back with that number I was I was thinking more like 55 you know what man just because I'm scared to talk anymore about this I will buy this right now $5,500 cash if you'll grab the title you got to do it I love it I love it man I haven't worked this hard since I don't know when you're a d one walking out of here today with a doom buggy was the last thing I expected but I really think I scored today I think with a little bit of TLC this thing could easily be worth up to $115,000 and frankly I can't wait to test it [Music] out R give me a favor hop in here for a second I'll show you something just and just sit in at normal you see how this is in your way when you're looking down the road it's high level absolutely with Anthony CO's 31 Coupe we have a little bit of a challenge his eyes are hit the top of the windshield when he's driving so within his budget of $15,000 we need to figure out how to make sure he's looking through the windshield and not over it what are you doing moly what are you doing try imagine cool myself in this car how would you sit and good thing I cannot bust the window in it go to my office and get ready for a piss test really I mean you got to settle down a little bit but you know what's interesting about him trying to feel cool in this car what's he doing he's getting down in it so if we change this seat and drop it down that'll fix the windshield situation the steering wheel position situation the simple thing to do is we got to lower the seat in this car you guys and plus we got a couple little issues up front too you know where the fender got hit so we've got to repair all that when this car leaves it's got our name on it man so it's got to be cool man I'm going to let you guys wrestle this one out let's go it's p test [Music] time this is cool man so earlier Danny picks up this Myers Doom buggy it's pretty sweet little ride so we decided to take it out on the for a little test drive getting some dirt in the tires I don't see us doing much off-roading well there's a little we can do do this thing is fun man got your mouthful let's get out of here before the cops come little Doom buggies like this they are a blast to drive but it's time to get back to the shop tear this thing down and start making it Wicked hey sweet get the hell out of here I was wondering what two out here think this is a drive-thru I jump out to say hi but I can't get out of it don't get out cuz you're taking it back no way man we got some money right here baby how much did you pay for this Danny's got a beautiful wife at home but here at the shop is an ugly fat wife her name is Scott why are your glasses dirty what the hell are you two been doing we had to test it hey got the Manta here he did it again you got it here absolutely see he knows about it this dune buggy is way cool and the fact that it's street legal that just makes it twice as much fun I'm going to put a very authentic 70s style paint job on this car take it back to that retro Vibe it should be and I'm going to turn this $5,500 investment into a $10,000 profit this is a money maker Scot this is what' you spend I think $500 you are both lying I'm going to go look at the computer and I swear I'm going wh all three of your 2750 what you do tell how's the computer going buddy I'm go in the other way I'm wh your ass C especially telling you right now [Music] hor Mike and I came up with a great plan for the MS Doom buggy that I picked up we've already tweaked the engine and they're putting the finishing touches on the new paint job right now how's it going Ryan I got a surprise for you yeah I'm doing some lace no lace we got a big girl stockings last night I'm Ryan I do a lot of custom painting around here the other day Danny came to me with this 70s to 60s era theme that he wanted me to go with had to be a lace technique this is a dying art you don't see this very often man in the' 60s if you didn't have lace you just you weren't anybody just take take that home right dude look at this it's a great pattern man it's beautiful it does look cool it does look real cool show me your stuff Ry I think that's good yeah I want to see under oh yeah oh yeah see see you have to agree that's cool no you just might have got a little cooler in my book this is slick it's beautiful right nice job on that man [Music] Rock we've been working on this 1931 Ford hot rod for days we've repainted the entire car got rid of those horrible Flames that were on it fixed all the body damage modify the seat and it's finally finished now Anthony just got here and I cannot wait to show him what we've done think you're going to dig it man I can't wait dud rly bring this thing out man ah oh man look at that damn you've about done yourself man holy crap all those Flames are gone those cheesy cartoon Flames are Mia when it first came out and that sun hit it the paint was just glowing off the car it was red before but it just didn't have that appeal before now it just sexy love the interior turned out gorgeous glad you dig it you know we added some of the stitch in it to match with the outside of it but not overdone not too much we had that damage on the on the right front all of that repaired cleaned up you remember what you wanted to your car you want it to be nicer absolutely so it is nicer right oh very much nicer you know how you were having the issue of of your line of sight you were sitting up so high you didn't like the windshield and to me this Deval windshield man it's like jewelry it's just beautiful polished it all up there's no way in the world I wanted to get rid of Deval windshield I want to get your butt closer to the ground I'm getting my butt closer in there I'm going to get my butt closer wow down in the car now hey windshield see but that is much better man cuz now now when you look at the road you're looking through the windshield what a difference wow now the scary thing is the budget I said you know 15,000 yep how' we do we did right on the money man for you we take care of business she stayed right in budget uh and you know there was some other stuff it wasn't just cosmetic we took care of a lot of wiring issues the fuel injection issues some suspension stuff all fit in the budget the interior you're ready to rock man absolutely you should be able to rock and roll this thing all the time man just get in it and go that's why I bring it to you bring appreciate that let's go take care of little business with Scott all right works for me well when I brought the car in it needed some TLC we went from TLC to you know showroom quality I'm going to go for a cruise down the street trip and enjoy that [Music] thing so you know a couple days ago Danny bought a Myers minks from extreme car collector it's a cool little thing but I think he overspent we're 5500 in the purchase 2500 in holstery I really think this one is going to take a bath on once again hey Danny this is Shannon look at the so you're in the mood for a little open air Doom bu I love anything to do with Offroad so I want to check it out we want front bring it right out great rolling brother bring that baby out here man awesome awesome my God now I know why I drive a van check it out everything we did with this was 100% authentic' 7s I just wanted to keep it true to its ERA this paint is all like you see in the 7s man we even did some Old Lace you know paint in it it's all old school totally Justice that's awesome it's all really a unique car that motor looks great she runs great she drives great it's just uh Simple and Clean and correct if it runs as good as it looks man it's going to be pretty nice well let's take it for a drive all right sounds good to me Scott we'll be back good luck be safe when I first saw the minks obviously the way it looked the color green and then the Sparkles was just amazing you don't see them very often especially in that kind of condition so it's was just awesome to see it it feels comfy in here feels really good let's go check this out ah I love it yeah shi's great pretty tight man everything works really good on her stiffest can be man it's part of it feel everything about it you know so you're an Offroad guy oh off-road total I've raced off-road for a lot of years and my off-road car is strictly desert so to have something that's off-road that I can drive on the street it's going to be a lot of fun oh yeah yeah that's great I'm glad you like really nice I love this little car really cool you don't see a lot of them how was that it's great great thank you man it's fun isn't it hey how'd you like it I love it let's talk some numbers and let's get this done well before you say a number let's see how good of a test drive it really was what are you thinking Shannon I would like to stick around 18 soft let's go 20 let's go 20 we got a clean title the whole thing she's ready to go well 18 is what I was want to spend but as nice it is 20 is a deal Shannon you rock brother I'm happy I really am we just sold the Doom Boogie we made 12 G's nice profit really was got go do some paperwork no this a great day for us I thought it was just a toy Danny knew it was something special nine times out of 10 I'm 100% right but he'll use this one to stick me every time he does something to say look I was right on this one a
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 185,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, documentary, history channel full episodes, documentaries, history channel documentaries, Counting Cars, Pawn Stars collaboration, epic car makeovers, automotive restoration, Danny Koker, classic cars, reality TV, vehicle transformation, car enthusiasts, Count's Kustoms, muscle cars, vintage vehicles, auto makeovers, car renovation, marathon, counting cars marathon
Id: GZ5uuFAhG78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 56sec (3836 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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