Counting Cars: On the Hunt For The PERFECT Mustang (S6, E21) | Full Episode

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<i> - On this episode of "Counting Cars"...</i> - Oh, my God. See that Cadillac right there? That's the Cadillac that my grandma had. Look at that. Get out of here. It is beautiful. This is one I don't want to touch. - So this one's actually a one-on-one. - This bike's going to a casino. We just got it finished up. All right, check this out, brother man. - Holy smokes. - Check it out, man. <i> This is "Counting Cars."</i> <i> ♪ </i> Shannon, Shannon, Shannon, Shannon. Oh. Psst. - I hear feet. - [laughs] What's up, homes? I didn't want to interrupt you while you were welding away, man. How are you, bro? - Good, good. You? - Good. Good. I'm great. I've got some good news for you, man. - Okay. - We want to build a bike. - Nice. - Cool bike. I just got off the phone with some clients from an international casino. Now, being in Vegas, we do a lot of work like this, but these guys are high-end clients that I've never worked with before, so if this goes well, I could be getting <i> a lot more business out of 'em.</i> It's for a casino. They want to go Pro Street vibe. - Oh, we've done Pro Streets, okay. - Dude, you've done Pro Street in your sleep. <i> Pro Street bikes, man, they're a way-cool style to build.</i> <i> A Pro Street bike is designed to mimic a bike that you would</i> <i> see on the drag strip, yet it's made for the street.</i> <i> They've got low-neck stretch frames, wide rear tires,</i> <i> and huge engines.</i> <i> These beauties look mean and fast,</i> <i> and that's exactly how they ride.</i> <i> They are style and performance all wrapped up</i> <i> in one bad and beautiful package.</i> This is something that's going to be in the casino, so it's gonna be on display, and it's gonna be, like, a lot of attraction, a lot of eye candy. - The biggest canvas possible, right? - Yeah. - Without--yeah, so-- - We want a lot of chrome. We want a lot of, "Hey, look at me. I'm over here." - Well, yeah, I mean, they want the total bling package. - Right. - I'm afraid to ask. Time? - Oh, dude, sweat it not. We have so much time... to do things later on. There ain't no time on this bike. We need it, like, yesterday. We'll use that time elsewhere. Right now, brother, this has become your A numero uno priority. - Really? - You might be working some days and nights, brother. - It's a casino, right? - Yeah, man, big one. - You think they could get some buffet tickets, maybe? - [laughs] I'll tell them you're working round the clock. <i> Shannon's on the case, but he's a little bit stressed out,</i> but he works great under pressure. At least I think he does. Actually, I've never seen him not stressed out, so I really don't know. <i> He really does have to get this thing built in a hurry,</i> because Ryan needs some time to come up with a paint job that's gonna blow our client's socks off. <i> I can't wait to see what they come up with.</i> - I ain't going home for a while. Damn. <i> [rock music]</i> <i> ♪ </i> <i> - Well, here's what I was thinking, Ry.</i> I'm gonna take you to go see Mr. Pickel. - Mr. Pickel. - [laughs] That's-- - Is this a character, or is this a person? - No, that's his-- that's his last name. <i> He's got some badass cars.</i> <i> - You don't know what badass is, so I'm pretty sure</i> <i> this is gonna be a fail.</i> Ha. - All right. - It's gonna be some late-model car, big wheels. - No. They might have big wheels. Dean. What's going on, man? - Hey, Mike. What's up, buddy? - How you doing, brother? - Good to see you. - Mike says you've got some hot cars. - Wait till you see 'em. - All right, all right. - All right. My dad's in there working right now. - Really? - Yeah. - I can't get my dad to do that. - [laughs] - Oh, okay. - What? I'm sorry What? What? - Dean, you have some really nice cars. - Thank you. - Danny's always on the hunt for Mustangs. - This is a '70 Mach 1 428 Cobra Jet. - This is a beautifully restored Mustang. <i> The Mach 1 was specifically built for those who</i> <i> prioritize performance and felt the need for speed.</i> <i> It came standard with a 351-cubic inch V-8,</i> <i> but when optioned with the 428 Cobra Jet,</i> <i> the Mach 1 became one of the world's fastest cars.</i> <i> This car has been an American icon since its debut</i> <i> and is featured in a ton of films, including the kick-ass</i> <i> 2014 Keanu Reeves flick "John Wick."</i> It is beautiful. It's even got the stock wheels and stock tires. Those are the tires that are supposed to be on there. - Restored to absolute specs, right? - Yeah, this car here is exactly the way it was when it rolled off the showroom floor. They made 320 '70 428 Cobra Jet four-speed cars, and they made 12 that were white. They made three that had the red interior. - The white with the red. - And then they only made one that came with the factory eight-track player, which is this one. So this one's actually a one-on-one. - Any idea what they're worth right now? I mean, I know-- - They were fetching around 100,000 at the Barrett-Jackson. - Get out of here. - This is one I don't want to touch, right? Is that what you're saying? - This is one you use to buy a house. - 'Cause my dad's very meticulous. He's--he won't stop until he gets the lines perfect, you know, and-- - Is this your pops? - Yeah, that's my dad right there. - Hi, Dad. - How you doing, Pops? - Very nice job on this car. - Absolutely. - But the blue one, that's a '69 Mach 1 right there, isn't it? - Yeah, this is a '69 428 Cobra Jet car too. Just like this one, a Cobra Jet. This car was actually painted over 30 years ago. - This paint job is over 30 years old? - Yeah. - Let's clear this up. 30 years old, this paint job? - Yeah. This paint job's 30 years old. - So it lives in here for the most part, right? - Yeah, this is its home. - Okay. - Used to be in the old Auto-Rama shows back in the '80s and the '90s. Yeah, those-- - You won all those shows? - Yeah. - All right, so this car is around the $100,000 range. Where would this be at price range? - All right, so this car is around $100,000 range and all day long because of its rarity. Where does this one sit? <i> Okay, Mike seriously got lucky with this one.</i> Dean Pickel and his dad have some way beyond just restored badass Mustangs. <i> That Mach 1, that's about ten times more</i> <i> than what we'd like to pay.</i> <i> I'm really hoping one of these other cars</i> <i> are a little less valuable, 'cause Danny would kill</i> <i> for any one of these babies.</i> - They're both 428 Cobra Jet cars. - Right. - But they made a lot less of the '70 four-speed cars. - That's the one-and-one. - Yeah, they made a lot more of the '69. You know, who knows what it could bring at the auction? You guys want to see the engine? - Oh, we got to see the engine on this. Did you polish the block on it too? - Yeah, it's-- it's pretty clean. Alls you can see is engine, just about, 'cause it's so big. - [laughs] - Come on. - Goodness. - Look at this. Buffed. - Even the radiator's got got all the proper stickers on there. - Well, you can see how big the engines are. - This is insane. And you've got the classic orange and black '70 Boss 302 sitting right next to it. This is classic. <i> Hitting the market in 1969,</i> <i> the original Boss 302 was equipped</i> <i> with a powerful 302-cubic-inch small-block V-8 engine</i> <i> that produced a whole lot more</i> <i> than the official advertisements</i> <i> of 290 horsepower.</i> <i> In fact, estimates put the true output at up to 400 horses,</i> <i> which made for one powerhouse of a car.</i> <i> Named for GM executive William "Boss" Knudsen,</i> <i> the Mustang Boss 302 was built as a Trans-Am road race</i> <i> qualifier in Ford's mission to retake the crown from Chevy,</i> <i> which it did in 1970.</i> - This car was just like this when we bought it, except for it was wore out. This is the original parts that were in this car. - This is all numbers matching, everything. - Just needed a face-lift. - Yeah. - Wow. - Yeah, when the boys were in high school, we used to race these cars. We raced cars identical to this for quite a few years. - Your sons had cars like these in high school? - Yeah. - Wow. You guys were the cool guys, huh? - Yeah. - You were the popular ones. - I had a '82 Buick Regal with a huge dent in the door. - I had a bicycle. - That's not cool. [laughs] <i> - These cars were cool for sure.</i> Next, I need to teach Mike how to find cars that are under $100,000. Dean, Richard, I appreciate you showing off your cars, and Mike has somewhat redeemed himself. - Oh, yeah, yeah, say that again. Come on. - You've redeemed yourself in knowing what an actual hot car is. - What are these beautiful cars? All right. - They are hot cars. <i> [rock music]</i> <i> ♪ </i> - Ryan, my man. - Yes, sir. - What is happening? <i> The bike for my new high-rolling casino client</i> <i> is definitely coming along.</i> They want a paint job that's gonna get everybody's attention, so I'm getting with my man Ryan right now. We're gonna see if we can come up with something that's just gonna make waves. I've got a whole lot of potential business riding <i> on this, so it's got to be awesome.</i> I got a new project coming your way. - Okay. - I kind of want to do something a little bit different, so I'm gonna pick your brain. It's a casino bike. - Okay. - I'm seeing this bike... blue tones. - Okay. - Lots of different blue tones, though, but busy can be bad. - You want it to look more than it really is. - Yes. And then whatever is in your mind. - Dude, I--I've got a technique in my head that I've-- - Okay. - I've seen other people do it. - Okay. - But I haven't wrapped my hands around it yet. - Okay. - And it's--it's a little weird. So when you see it, don't judge. You got to wait till it's done. It is breaking some rules, but-- - What? - Fill me in a little bit at least. - Normally, with our finishes, you know, it's like glass. - Absolutely. - You don't feel anything. - Right. - Well, this is the opposite of that; this you want to feel what's going on. - It's a total orange-peel paint job. - No, no, no. The finish has more depth. - The finish has depth. - The finish has depth. - Are you talking visual or are you talking feel it? - No, I'm talking physical depth. - Physical depth. - Physical depth. <i> - Ryan's going out on a limb here, and I got to be honest</i> with you, I'm a little bit nervous, but when you're best artist gets inspired, man, you just got to let him run with it. I just hope it works, 'cause one misstep on this, and I could blow a whole lot of future business with this client. All right, man, I'm looking forward to seeing this orange-peel bike. - All right, I'll show you when I'm done. - [laughs] Thank you, brother. - You're not gonna take me serious. - All right. - Man. <i> [rock music]</i> <i> ♪ </i> <i> - Well, now, that's a big sailboat.</i> - Yeah, I'm telling you, if you could own a boat like that, well, shouldn't you-- - It's pretty amazing you can park it in your front yard, man. That thing is huge. - Shouldn't you not live there? - Right. <i> I heard from Ryan the other day that Mike</i> actually took him out, found some great Mustangs, but they were 100 grand, <i> so I thought I would take out Mike and try and find</i> <i> some cars that we could actually purchase</i> <i> and bring back to the shop.</i> <i> - Oh, there's an old Thunder-- four-door Thunderbird,</i> <i> suicide door, but I don't know--</i> <i> I don't know if those are worth anything.</i> - It's not very attractive, though. - But maybe we'll come back to it. I don't know. Check it out. - Well, remember where it is, 'cause I'll forget. - Okay. Now, you see this street right here, Sombrero? - Yeah. - I--my grandparents lived on this street for my whole childhood, until they passed in the '90s. Yeah, I'll show you their house. It's just right up here. Oh, hey, wait. Oh, my God. Wait a second. Make a right, Mike. We've got to look at this blue Cadillac. See that Cadillac right there? That's the Cadillac that my grandma had. That's why my Cadillac is light blue with the white top, right there. - Your gramps had the same one? - Yeah, that's the car. Oh, my God, on their street. - You really did paint your car a grandma color? - Yeah. - [laughing] - I know. This is cool. Holy crap. - Is it your grandma's car? - I--I would doubt it, but you never know. It's the same street. - Well, let's find out if it's actually hers. - Oh, this door's open. [knocking] - It's moving. [lock clicking] - Hey, how you doing? - Good. Light blue Cadillac out here... yours? - Awesome. Can I talk to you about it? We're just--we're just car guys, and I was driving by, and my grandparents used to live on Sombrero right here right up the street. - And that's the car she had. That's the car I fell in love with when I was a kid. - What year is that? - Yeah, she had a '78, I think it was. '77. I thought--I was thinking '78, but... - Is that the same year as your grandma's? - It might have been a '77. I'll have to check with my dad. Wow. <i> Marking Cadillac's 75th anniversary, the 1977</i> <i> saw the introduction of the sixth generation</i> <i> of the DeVille, and with it a significant redesign.</i> <i> Tasked with making more efficient use of space,</i> <i> the '77 had a higher roofline but was 9 inches shorter</i> <i> and 4 inches narrower than the previous year.</i> <i> It also had smaller engine replacing the monstrous 500 V-8</i> <i> with a 425.</i> <i> The bold look of the '77 DeVille attracted the producers</i> <i> of the 1986 Stephen King killer car thriller</i> <i> "Maximum Overdrive."</i> - It's fuel-injected. I think they only made, like, 500 of 'em in '77. And it's got less than 100,000 miles on it. - Yeah, can we check out the inside? - Yeah, sure. No problem. - 8-tracks are always just funny to see. They're so old. What do you think, Kev? - Yeah. Memories. I remember it was a Sunday, we went out for a drive. You know, I was probably, like, I don't know, at the time, maybe 13, 14, and my grandfather said, "Hey, you want to drive?" And I'm like, "I don't know how, but, yeah, I'd love to." Man, this is a nice find. It really is. You're not interested in selling it, are you? - Uh...if the money's right, wouldn't hate to, but... - Yeah, everything's for sale, right? - Yeah, nowadays, you're gonna have to--yeah. - Yeah. $2,500? - Mm. No, not that. - No? - 4,500. - Yeah? - And I think that's a hell of a deal. - 4,500? Yeah, yeah. - I have no idea, honestly. - Yeah. <i> Man, am I torn.</i> I just love this Cadillac. It brings back incredible memories. <i> But it needs a lot of work, and at $4,500,</i> <i> I just don't know if I'm prepared to spend that.</i> I'm gonna think about this. Thank you very much. - Appreciate it. Appreciate it, man. - Well, we appreciate your time. Thank you so much. - Mike, appreciate it. - All right, come on before you start crying or something. - No, no, no. Man. Man, oh, man. - Age before beauty. - [sighs] <i> [rock music]</i> <i> ♪ </i> - Ryan, where you at? - In the booth. - What you doing? - Trying something out. I'm trying out a new paint technique on this casino bike, and if it turns out right, it should be pretty cool. <i> It's really not as easy as it looks.</i> With a little practice, I can make it turn out the way I want it to instead of a big, disastrous mess. - What the hell is that? - Dude, I saw something that some cats out of Japan were doing on whole cars, and what they did is, they tape out graphics, and they spray primer over it, then they peel all the tape off, and it literally has this deep texture that you can feel. It's almost like it's engraved. - I still don't understand it, - What are you talking-- I just explained it to you. Dude, you've been doing this long enough to where you can understand what I'm talking about. I'm gonna spray primer. It's gonna build it up. - I-I-I-I got you. It'll be three-dimensional. But I don't understand why. - Because it's cool. Here's the deal. We're building a Pro Street bike, right? - Okay. - Gonna go in a casino, right? - Okay. - In a casino, you walk through the casino, you see a bike. All these flashy colors and everything, they draw you in. You know what I'm talking about. That's what we do, right? The closer they get, there's even more detail, to the point where they're all the way up to it, and they want to touch it. I just grabbed a group of people 100 feet away on the other side of a casino to a motorcycle. - Yeah, well, we will see, buddy. We will see. Hey, Danny's not gonna appreciate a braille paint job. - Just--just get out of here. - I know. It's textured. - It's cool. <i> - About six weeks ago, I got a call from a client.</i> <i> He wanted a wicked Pro Street chopper, so Shannon's been</i> <i> working day and night putting this baby together,</i> <i> and Ryan tried out a whole brand-new</i> <i> textured paint technique he's never done before.</i> <i> It's finally finished, and, man, I got to to tell you,</i> this thing is something to see. Now, the client was supposed to be here to check it out, but unfortunately, they got stuck in the office, and the office happens to be in Malaysia, so we're getting the bike ready to get shipped. <i> It's a little bit scary, 'cause I'm not gonna know what they</i> <i> think about this bike until I either get a phone call</i> <i> or an email after it arrives,</i> <i> but I got my good buddy coming over, Tim.</i> <i> He is a bike expert and a graphics guru,</i> <i> and I can't wait to see what he thinks about it.</i> Tim, I'm so glad you came down today. I ain't seen you in 100 years, man. - Brother, it is so good to see you guys. - Yeah, it's always fun sitting back and reminiscing of the riding days, man, when we used to... - It is. - All get out in the wind. So we did a bike. This bike's going to a casino. It's a giveaway as a prize. - Yep. - And we just got it finished up. You being--and, of course, in the graphic artist world, I'd like your opinion. - Bells and whistles, bro. - All right, check this out, brother man. After you, as a matter of fact. - Oh, thank you. Thank you, sir. - Absolutely. I do my best. - Holy smokes. - Check it out, man. - Look at that. - That's beautiful. <i> - We were asked to build a bike that would turn every head</i> <i> on the casino floor, and, man, I'm thinking we did it.</i> <i> To be sure to get noticed, we went big.</i> <i> Shannon started with a massive motor</i> <i> and built a monster chopper around it.</i> <i> The exhaust is from Paul Yaffe,</i> <i> so this bike is gonna sound like Godzilla</i> <i> attacking Tokyo when she fires up.</i> <i> We went with a humongous 300 tire in the back</i> <i> and a 21-inch in the front, so this baby will ride</i> <i> as great as she looks.</i> <i> Then the paint. Ryan used an all-new technique</i> <i> that gives this fiery blue and orange graphics</i> <i> actual 3-D texture</i> <i> that begs anyone who sees this bike</i> <i> to not only look but touch.</i> <i> This baby is big, ballsy, and totally wild.</i> - Wow. That's cool. - First off, before I get your full thoughts on this thing, give us a tour, Shannon. - We went big... - You did that. - Big, so 125 RevTech motor... - Bam. - Nice. - Six-speed. - Nice. - And paired it with a bunch of nice PM goodies. I mean, the 2-inch belt drive that they've got going on. - No left-hand drive. - Yeah, went right-hand drive. - 250? 260? - 300. - Holy moly. - Big 300. - The big boy. Big boy tire. Steamroller. - Delicious. Holy smokes. - Is that what you call that? - What else would you call it? It's beyond cool. It's beyond nice. I'd love to sit on it, but I wouldn't be able to get off of it. - Oh, come on, man. At least try it on. - Is that all right? - Yeah, at least try it on. - Yep. - Dude. - Uh-huh. - Oh, man. That's-- - It's a little balanced, ain't it? - It's beautiful, and it's not-- you know, it's not heavy. The front is so light. You got the geometry nailed, man. That's beautiful. - Dude, you know what I've got to compliment again? The wheels having that depth in them matches the crazy idea in the paint, bro. - Doesn't it? Doesn't it? - It really does. - It really does. - Where did this idea come from? - See, it works. It makes you touch. [laughter] - Tell him how it works. How'd you do this? - I hid tons of detail from 5 feet away and then added even more detail, which is the texturing when you're, you know, 2 feet away, and it just makes you want to touch it. It's not messed-up or orange-peeled paint. It's perfect. - Does this pattern go all the way to the paint? - This goes actually all the way to the primer. - Wow. - Like, this is--literally I used my primer as paint. Well, the graphics are even in 3-D on the side. - Oh, they are. Wow. - And then the seat, I mean, that's completely tooled, and it's 3-D as well, so the textures on this bike are just endless. - I really love this. - Being a gentleman who is constantly involved in graphics, in graphic arts, in getting people's attention, what do you think? This is gonna be on the floor of a casino. - It's absolutely stellar. - Pretty sweet? - It's beautiful, man. - Thanks, bro. - Looks comfortable, Softail, great geometry. - Yeah. - What a great bike to ride. - Yeah. - And I'll--I'll-- I'll firm that up when I get back on it. - [laughs] <i> Man, I just love this thing. She is an absolute beauty.</i> Those wheels, that exhaust, that 3-D texturing. Tim can't stop touching this baby. I just think she's gorgeous. <i> Man, the casino's gonna have to put some security around</i> this baby or at least they're gonna have to hire somebody to keep wiping the fingerprints off of it. I get a great feeling that I'm gonna be getting a lot more <i> business from this casino in the future.</i> Great job, gents. - Yep. Thanks, fellas. - Great job.
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 170,605
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Counting Cars, Counting Cars clips, Counting Cars full episodes, cars, counts kustoms, car restoration, auto restoration, customized cars, classic cars, counting cars danny, danny koker, watch counting cars, counting cars season 6 clips, counting cars s6, counting cars s6 clips, counting cars se6, history counting cars, the history channel, watch counting cars clips, counting cars scenes
Id: 2vI3mxTjgwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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