Counter Strike 2 on the RTX 4060 8GB

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hello guys chisp here welcome back to another video in this one my friends I'm going to be testing a GeForce RTX 468 GB GPU in Counter Strike 2 this one is the MSI Ventus version of the card we are running it with the latest nvd drivers and I'm not manually overclocking it you can see all of its specs right here in Tech powerups gpus Z resizable bar is also enabled and over on the left preparing it with a ryzen 7 5800 X 3D and 32 GB of RAM the dr4 cl14 3600 MHz in dual Channel let's get into it shall we first up let's go over the settings I'm starting at 1080p resolution we're also going to test 1440p 4K and the popular competitive resolution 1280x 960 and we're using the high settings preset first with four times msaa and I'm also going to test it without msaa as well as with the low settings let's go okay let's start with a little bit of a death match here guys so we can see like the the feel of the game and the smoothness and shoot people without without caring about the tactics and stuff like that because I'm talking you know it gets really hard if I go play competitive or casual and then I'm going to hop into a casual match just to test like smoke effects fire effects as well as explosion effects so yeah I can tell you right way that this feels amazing my friends with the RTX 4060 to be expected of course this is an Esports title it should be easy to run and it should get insanely High FPS of course if you pair this card with a slower CPU say for example uh ryzen 5 3600 you want to achieve these FPS you bastard of the timing now the graphics look pretty good here actually on high and with four times msaa it it looks very very crispy and defined you know it's very nice there are no jaggies whatsoever even on my 42in monitor it looks really really good now of course other Maps will also differ in performance usually iner will be slightly more intensive than this so you'd get like 10 20 less FPS on average but with always above 144 FPS all of the time you don't need to worry my friends it's going to run very well um even in the most intensive Maps out there okay hello since we are so far ahead of the second guy in score I'm just going to go with the awp also those Dynamic Shadows look amazing here in CS2 guys you can see our own shadows and your own legs and stuff and that's nice I I really like to see that it's a little bit more immersive a little bit more tactical as well cuz you know if people are seeing you around the corners and stuff or seeing your Shadow around the corners oh look at our score my friends 666 well not anymore but that's the number of the Beast everybody knows that right very good song by the way if you haven't heard Iron Maiden I suggest you do best metal band on the planet guys I I just noticed something I got 68 kills at the moment we need to finish with 69 please oh there we go there we go I'm not going to kill anybody else 69 kills on the first death match of the day that is beautiful with 300 frames per second average and 1% lows of 172 okay so as I told you we're now in a casual match getting very similar fps to what we saw previously but now let's throw out those grenades which will lower our FPS like crazy of course so this is the smoke grenade right here it drops down into the 150s even with four times msaa so it is still a competitive experience with high refresh rate you know for a 144 Herz monitor you won't really feel much of a difference inside of a smoke throwing an HD AG grenade inside of the smoke also usually drops our FPS a bit more than the smoke itself and we did see that you know down into the 150s or 140s what whatever and finally the fire effects there we go I just wanted to see the fire effects they don't drop our FPS by much okay so these are the results here you can still have a buttery smooth experience even in a casual or competitive match okay so if you don't care about the jagged edges and you want a little bit improved performance you can always disable anti-aliasing here set msaa to none and achieve a few more FPS let's see how it performs now ah wait what we're getting 400 FPS 500 at times that's crazy what the hell okay so I I got into the CT side unfortunately there were no more available spaces on the T side I wanted to play with the AK47 next but apparently we're stuck here you know what I'm I'm going to try the AUG I never play with this crap all right there we go there we go so in terms of FPS especially on average so far they're much better but of course we've been to the tunnel in a lot of the time benchmarking so uh it it increases our FPS like crazy of course come on come on don't be like that you bastard you bastard and you know what guys the jagged edges aren't really that noticeable here even on 42 in I think there's still some FXAA or something going on right here smoothing out some of them uh so it it still looks pretty good honestly guys I would have no trouble playing like this all right I think at the higher resolutions we won't use msaa whatsoever okay oh come on come on come on where's the best where is the best he he went away he ran away he's scared of el criso my friends oh damn it that's the first one I can't kill that guy dude he's so good oh so I've heard that this game is actually crashing for a lot of people and I got my first one right here okay everyone let's throw our smoke grenade right here once again getting down into the 160s I think that was the lowest that we've seen so far let's throw the AG e grenade here so the smoke disappears and now showing up again dropping down into the 160s it's pretty much the same thing so it's not really going to differ all that much um inside of smokes compared to outside of the smokes the rfps with out msaa you know and inside of the fire effects it's pretty much the same thing so yeah it's time to increase the resolution now here we have it it's 2560x1440 resolution using no msaa and the high settings preset oh damn it now we're playing with 60 HZ guys because the capture card can't do high refresh rate at 1440p and fortunately that is sad my friends especially after feeling 120 htz it feels way more sluggish right now but it's not because of the FPS once again it's just the hurts of the the capture card at the moment anyway let's try to finish first place and oh my God that was a big dive come on come on no no no no no no you bastards dude stop stop taking advantage of the ghost stop it you not from behind I you I just hate when this happens my friends I it's so stupid and unfair let's go with a deal right now hit some one digs okay no oh I hit it how the hell did I I I don't understand how that was a he shot I think because of somebody else shooting at us from behind nice that was a nice head shot right there um my aim slightly twitched or something and then oh it actually hit the head of that other guy that was super lucky okay time to bring out the Galil my friends just to achieve a few more points oh come on nice no not nice I it wasn't me oh yeah by the way why buy FIFA games which are the same every year when and you can play football in Counter Strike as well oh boy this is hard guys I don't remember the last time I was fifth place in a death match in Counter Strike but these guys are really good holy crap oh oh hello no okay not even third place this time I am so sad okay time to throw them grenades let's go smoke and at the edge of the smoke it drops into the 130s 140s let's throw the HG grenade there we go and it drops into the 11s or lower 120s I guess at the lowest uh so it's it is still a pretty good experience here oh my God look at that 100 lower 100s when looking at the smoke and the fire effects at the same time I guess we found a new minimum okay let's quickly play at 4K resolution and I say quickly because it's still on high settings and you shouldn't really play Counter Strike at 4K like no body does that almost it's time for us to play with the sg553 my friends I'm going to start counting our FPS and also I say that you shouldn't really play at 4K not because the FPS are low or anything these are still playable FPS and still on high settings on low it will be even better what the hell was that head shot uh but come on nice nice nice nice nice this is well into diminishing returns territory uh in terms of res solution in Counter Strike okay at 1440p you can already see all of the pixels very well you know it's going to be a very knitted image at that res and I mean 4K of course looks way better I'm not going to lie especially at 42 in and 32 in as well but you could also argue that at those sizes it becomes a bit too big and difficult to play Counter Strike with I think that 1440p at 27 in is absolutely perfect for this game or 1080p at 24 in no need for more than that anyway talking about the performance of the 4060 here at 4K I can't really feel many slowdowns of course the input latency is going to be a little bit higher than at 1440p was and then 1080p as well but that doesn't really bother me too much and I can still be at first place as you can see easily with this resolution and GPU all right there we go there we go even on high settings obviously if you enabled the four times msaa on high it would have been crap but it performs quite well without it anyway I'm going to stop it there I told you this was going to be a quicker one here at 4K and I'm going to go ahead and play casual and show you those smokes okay it's still a warm up but it's good enough for us to see the FPS anyways and as you can see it's dropping into the 60s and 70s that's not great guys with a grenade here it drops from 60 and you can definitely feel that 60 FPS even 70 FPS in Counter Strike does not feel all that smooth so yeah at 4K resolution definitely avoid the come on come on a there we go I actually got him avoid the high settings if you must play at this res low settings is there for you and it's going to provide a much better experience lastly for high settings we're down to the competitive resolution of 1280x 960 with 120 HZ once again that's great and the high settings preset with four times msaa first back to an ultra smooth experience look at those frames right now damn that is absolutely insane 500 plus so far what the heck and now we're playing with the 57 as I told you but now unfortunately I I I have very big trouble playing at this resolution especially on such a big monitor like 42 in it's all stretched out the fov just doesn't hit right here guys so I'm I'm going to suck a bit still I'm going to try my best here to finish at a good place I would say like third place or higher would be great with a 5 S only you know all right there we go we got w w w w w w w w w somebody knifed us from behind that was pretty up close in personal I don't like that boy all right let's go let's go come on 5 S 57 ah come on come on oh my God I hate it well if you want these stretched resolutions this is what you're comfortable with and you just want the higher FPS of course I really do recommend the 960p resolution 1280x 960 that is um because it looks much sharper and much more detailed than like 1024x 768 or 800 by 600 actually at 800 by 600 I think you'd start being at a disadvantage because you can't spot things very well especially shadows and uh pixels things that require very big Precision at 800 by 600 in this game it's just not going to have it oh come on come on come on I want to see people I want to see people and kill them come on come on nice nice nice oh one more one more one more and I'm going to no no so close to being first place with a 57 guys look at that 844 points on the first one ah that was good though I got 49 head shot percentage you know what time it is now it's grenades time let's I'm so sorry dude he was using the awp here I just blocked his vision anyway H 250 FPS lowest is what we saw so far 220 there with a grenade and now with the fire effects looking at the smoke at the same time it drops into the 180s pretty good stuff but but I think without msaa is where it's going to shine the most at this resolution you know let's try it out 1280 by 960 using High settings with no multi- sampling anti-aliasing only 2 minutes left on the clock but that should be enough for us to gather some averages right here look at that guys we're actually CPU bound finally with the 5800 X 3D and the 4060 all right 8 seconds on the clock it wasn't as big of a benchmark as previously so I'm going to play for another like 2 minutes all right there we go come on K this guy no no oh boy the fat Canary that's that's nice good name right there it's almost as good as kug infernal my friends if you don't know what that means search it up on Google translate uh it's Portuguese by the way okay it's been 5 minutes already in this match I think it's time to move on and test the smoke effects but I'm having a blast here with the Famas guys it's Smokey time time start counting the FPS right here getting 260s not that different from previously I think but hello there I couldn't see I couldn't see the explosion because you B you I'm going I'm going to kill you with a knife I'm going to die yeah here we go smokey smokey little Smokey time grenade time dropping into the low 200s okay that's not bad seeing the fire effects and the smoke effects at the same time dropping into the like two 10 22s it's pretty good actually so again for that 240 HZ experience this is all you need you don't need to drop it down to low but of course we got to do it so let's get to it back to 1080p resolution using the low settings preset and I disabled FSR here because FSR is actually set to balanced by default and it looks terrible and you should definitely not use it in Counter Strike okay in other games it's fine especially single player titles but here you actually need to be precise and spot pixels spot shadows and with FSR it looks really fuzzy and weird I'm actually really impressed with the performance here uh not only from the 46 I mean I was kind of expecting it from the 4060 since it's a strong GPU for Esports titles you know uh but come on nice got him double head shot I think on that one but yeah the 5800 X 3D especially after seeing a lot of people complaining about TPU performance in Counter Strike 2 I I thought it was going to perform a little bit worse than this this is almost 600 FPS on average in a death match which is very CPU intensive I guess this is like the ultimate competitive experience even for a 360 HZ monitor it's going to run really well here on a 4060 1080p while consuming low power at the same time yeah Tech 9 is also growing on me a little bit and this one that I have is actually a stat track version of it yeah I haven't really played a lot with it it was digim Moon's stat track Tech 9 with over 1,000 kills previously but she gave it to me so we have skins for these videos my friends all right that worked somehow oh boy nice nice nice nice I need to heal myself a little here no no no no no is still first place here bastard okay I got him I got him now nice got that one as well a that's a lucky again that's unfair you know the guy is playing with an AK47 and I'm here with a tech 9 I truly deserve to win this life is unfair got him it's the it's him actually good stuff good stuff 29 29 minut minutes left the Seconds come on come on come on no no no no no okay oh I finished first I finished first I got this guy it's Grady time let's go smoke effect right here 260s actually got to count the FPS double smoke right now actually 260 okay throw this out and now we got 200 like lower 200s it's really similar to what we saw previously at 960p high settings actually fire effects and smoke effects on screen doesn't droper it by too much so it's pretty good 25 560x 1440 is next at the low settings okay 6 minutes on the clock that's perfect I'm going to go with the MP5 this time around this should be terrible in Death Match cuz everybody is wearing Shields and stuff what that was a really quick kill iy was probably really low HP okay head shot right there there's a little chicken okay of course we aren't going to finish first place this time around unfortunately cuz only 5 minutes on the clock there's a guy and there we go that's how you use an MP5 you jump around shooting people in the face oh boy 12 bullets is that enough no time dude the time it takes for me to kill somebody if it isn't a head shot you're screwed no do not look at me guys come on come on can I can I get that one from here definitely not how many bullets do you need to the Torso to kill somebody 65 in five again seriously this sucks come on all right oh look at that 169 on the 1% lows that's pretty good guys it's granady time here we have it still the warmup guys getting 24s that's pretty good actually even a 240 HZ 1440p monitor should be decent for a 4060 that's pretty great to know 300's inside of it now fire effects looking at the smoke at the same time drops it down to the 160s yeah okay it's very reasonable like 165 HZ 1440p this is perfect 240 HZ at 1440 P it's almost there I guess if you are a super competitive player you are going to notice the slowdowns inside of smokes and stuff but if you aren't if you're just a really good player like uh Global Elite 240 HZ Monitor and stuff but don't really care about that those slowdowns it's still going to feel great like this now 3840 by 2160 low settings will it be much better than what we saw previously all right Death Match again 200 plus FPS at 4K resolution guys that's pretty good actually who okay good Improvement coming from uh the high settings of course but remember on high settings it drops from 60 FPS inside of smokes so here I think it's still going to slow down like crazy whenever you come across some grenades uh very good we got this guy there see that this the shadow gave it out guys and yes there are still Dynamic Shadows at low settings I've seen some comments saying that you should definitely play on high settings if you are competitive because of the Shadows but they're still there there is no competitive disadvantage of playing on low at all feeling some weird slowdowns at times I wonder if it's the bandwidth of the card or the buzz width or whatever at 4K again nobody should play at 4K in Counter Strike in my opinion unless you have a really strong GPU and you want that definition of course and you don't really care about being competitive all that much come on nice I still can't pinpoint when that happens but sometimes there is a little bit of a slow down I think it's when people shoot at us and I see my own blood in front of me yeah see that before we die it slowed down slightly there seriously I headshotted him twice one through the the the the the the the the dirt or whatever that is let's I'm stuttering I'm stuttering the commentary is stuttering my friends no I'm getting mad getting a little bit mad okay we finished fifth place here not terrible considering we we spawned with seven minutes to go but hey yeah again I could definitely feel some slowdowns here at 4K resolution even with a low settings all righty here we have it smoke grenad time and it's getting oo down into the 80s 90s sometimes it's bad guys it's bad it gets really really slowish H thankfully with the AG grenade it didn't drop all that much but still over here 70s but yeah if you are a casual player it's it's going to be fine with like 60 plus FPS the entire time but if you want to be remotely competitive at the game no and lastly for this video we got 1280 by 960 at the low settings all right here we have it Guys 600 plus 700 frames per second fully CPU Bound Again guys but that's to be expected at such a low resolution of course 500 FPS at times I guess it's going to be very similar to what we saw at 1080p although at 1080p low settings it was sometimes reaching 90 plus% GPU usage okay and now I'm playing with the M4 A4 it's been a really long time since I have played with this gun right here okay so I don't know the recalls and stuff I actually don't know the recalls on anything to be honest guys I just spray and just turn the camera down a little bit in hopes that I am spray controlling something yeah now that more people have joined in we're not really reaching those 700 800 frames per second anymore GPU usage is down to 70ish perent sometimes hello that's not a guy oh okay got him nice stop it you bastards that was crazy dude what the hell that was insane I liked it come on stop n first guy is actually dominating us my friends that is terrible we can't finish this uh on a loss right especially on a very competitive experience and super high FPS I need to kill more bastards come on show up in front of me oh boy there we go no okay okay okay come on no no that was an AFK and I I didn't kill him okay I deserve to not win this one what the hell was that come on come on still not oh my oh my oh my oh my let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go I'm trying here I'm trying my best guys I even stopped the commentary for a bit there second place with a 823 points I did my best and 68 kills are you serious that sucks dude that's the worst result ever here we go my friends drop down that smoke come on come on drop down that smoke not be scared of the te's okay dropping down into the high 400s low 500s like 470s the lowest there grenade out oh boy there we go I got him uh down into I don't even know I was trying to kill the guy but you saw it right stop it please not from behind three 300 sometimes there by the way all right so it's always going to be like a super high refresh rate experience obviously and that's been it for this one thank you very much for watching this video hope you guys enjoyed it I hope it was informative to you and it was a huge video but hopefully I covered pretty much everything that there was to cover and once again thanks for sticking by love you all bye-bye
Channel: zWORMz Gaming
Views: 92,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: core, intel, i3, i5, i7, i9, 8100, 6400, 8400, cpu, pc, budget, gaming, zwz, vram, ram, 1gb, 2gb, 3gb, 4gb, 8gb, 12gb, 16gb, dual, single, channel, low, medium, high, max, min, all, settings, fps, benchmark, test, can, run, it, game, nvidia, geforce, gtx, ti, hd, 720p, gameplay, ryzen, r3, r5, r7, 1200, 2200g, 1300x, 1400, 1600, 2600, 2700, comparison, 9100f, 9400f, 3600, 3200g, 3400g, 144hz, 3300x, 3100, 10100, 10400, xt, fix, low fps, rtx 4060 counter strike 2, cs2, counter strike 2, beta, cs2 rtx 4060, rtx 4060, 4060 cs2, counter strike 2 4060
Id: 83FrGjMxYC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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