Counter Strike 2 - Importing Models

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hey and welcome back to the Counter-Strike 2 modding tutorial series in this video we're going to cover importing models into the Counter-Strike two tools so first you're going to need an fbx so I'm going to assume you already have one if not I'll do a quick demonstration of how to export one from blender so in blender select the mesh press n and this will open the transform menu I want you to zero out the X Y and Z of the model you're trying to export once that's done all you need to do is go up to file export fbx and then export the file to somewhere that you want to store your files make sure selected objects is selected and this will ensure that only the model that you have selected is being exported and then just export that to wherever in this case I'm going to export it to my desktop now the Counter-Strike tools require you to put all models and textures and any assets you're importing into the engine inside the content folder so to do this you're going to want to go down to your file browser and quickly grab the model that you've just exported so in my case it's on my desktop I'm going to grab it and Ctrl C then you're going to need to find your content folder so easy way of doing this is just going to steam right clicking on your Counter-Strike installation getting properties going to installed files and then hitting browse and inside here you'll notice a Content folder double click it and then from here you're going to need to go into CS go add-ons this will probably get changed to CS2 add-ons I imagine in the near future but open it and then you're gonna have to open the add-on that you've created through the launcher in this case for me it's going to be detesting now in here if you've just created the add-on there should be nothing other than a Maps post process sound events and sounds folder I've created all the other folders in here I recommend you create a raw model splitter and a models folder inside the raw models folder will go your fbx files so in this case my police barrier and then inside your models folder will be the compiled models but this will be set up inside the engine now with your fbx inside the content folder we can head down into the tools so we're gonna head down here and hop into the asset browser when the Tool is open from here you're going to want to go up to your tools bar tools and choose the model doc editor this is where all model editing takes place from here you're going to want to head down to the create new section and click on this model generic model document double click it it'll open up this window this is the model dock editor this is where we set up everything from basic materials collision and other more complex things that we won't be getting into today so from here you're going to want to hit the star add meshes and it probably won't bring you the raw models folder it's probably just because I've been in there but you're going to want to find your raw models folder and inside select the mesh that you're trying to implement press open and you'll notice not much changed other than this orange bar all that means is it needs to be compiled so you'll see this needs compiling button down here in the right side click it and suddenly it'll bring up another pop-up this is your compiled model so this is the one we're going to be putting the models folder so select the models folder name it whatever you want the model to be named and press save it'll compile the model you'll notice it's this obnoxious red Checker texture to fix that we're just going to need to add a material group so go up here press add and type material a lot will pop up here but you'll see default material group somewhere in there click it and press ok once again we're going to need to compile press compile nothing changes at first but if you go to the default material group in the inspector on the left side here that you just created go here and go to the right a little bit and go up to open local browser this will bring up a texture bronzer if you've already created textures for your model you can choose them here in the meantime I'm just going to choose a Dev texture to apply so double click it and compile once again and your textures should show up the last thing we're going to need for most models is Collision so once again you're going to hit add and type physics and in here you'll see physics Hall file click it and press ok it's going to ask for an fbx if you've made a standalone Collision model for your model select that if not just select the base model file we imported earlier and it'll create a very varying Collision model depending on your model this is quite obnoxious and wouldn't work too well in game press compile now depending on your model it might work fine in this case it's wrapped around it in a very obnoxiously large shape fix that though in my case I can just go down here to the import mode and change that to however element I'm not going to get into all these settings right here but you're going to have to tweak these chances are to get your Collision looking like you want it in this case the whole Parliament works because I've modeled this as separate boxes so it treats everything as a separate Collision model compile it's up and running that's all you need if you go back to your tools menu an open Hammer if everything's gone well you should be able to bring your model into a map so just go to the models tab down here search it up should just be able to drag and drop your model and you're good to go I hope this was helpful and somewhat to the point if you have any questions though feel free to ask them in the comments and I'll be sure to answer them and if it's big enough of a mistake I'll fix it in the video I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Nexus Media
Views: 5,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cs2, CS2, counterstrike, COUNTERSTRIKE, modding, source2, source, workshop, tools, tutorial, models, importing, modeldoc
Id: OQhtS1brRJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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