CS2 Mapping Academy #2 - Blockout Basics (Counter Strike 2)

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welcome to Counter-Strike 2 mapping Academy I'm Sammy chimonohihi aliyubi taking you through the blockout Basics using the CS2 build of source 2 hammer this tutorial is going to focus on the six tools that will be used to construct the majority of your Hammer mesh geometry the hammer editor for Source 2 is so intuitive you can create entire Maps such as this one I've made title thurinium that only use Hammer mesh and Dev textures to showcase the power of the editor for this tutorial we will not be going over any UV material manipulations this video is an accumulation of knowledge spanning dozens of source 2 map Publications and by the end you will know how to create manipulate and move your way through the editor's powerful features we will construct these five main mesh types by using the mesh tool located on the left side here or by pressing shift B the first type of mesh a quad will be our bread and butter if you came from Source One the workflow using these is akin to making models in blender the second type of mesh a block is a familiar piece heavily utilized in Source One and still very useful for Source 2. the third type of mesh cylinders are able to have their number of sides manipulated try to use numbers that divide evenly into 360 Degrees the fourth type of mesh are spikes these are essentially a cylinder with one side collapsed into a single point the fifth and final type of mesh are spheres these can be used as scaffolds for domes and other curved shapes the polygon tool or as I like to call n-gon Creator is a useful tool for creating complex shapes directly onto a face constructed for from each vertices you lay down don't worry for now about n-gones they are triangulated automatically press f8 to show how the engine will triangulate them if you are using the two dviews to build your shapes the Orient to 2D direction checkbox will align the shape to face you on each build no matter what shape you create using the mesh building tool all of these are able to have their normals flipped by pressing f this can be useful if you are wanting to create an interior section out of a block or cylinder for example with mesh mode selected pressing the select button or S will allow you to select each individual mesh with the mesh selected you can move objects with the arrow keys or by clicking the object and dragging your mouse you can manually scale the mesh by dragging on the corresponding gizmos the translate button T lets you move the objects along the desired axis the distance is determined by the grid size which you can change manually or by using the open and close brackets the rotation button R will rotate the object along the pivot point this can be adjusted based on the angle increments found in the lower right hand corner the scale button e will scale the selection along any of the axis to scale it uniformly grab the center Gizmo you can also type the number on your numpad and press enter for specific scales the last button pivot tool allows you to modify the pivot point of your selection this is helpful for functions such as rotation you can also hold Tab and click to set the pivot or press insert to drag the Pivot Point you can jump into vertices mode by pressing the button or pressing the number one the vertices can be selected individually or grouped up by holding down shift to deselect hold down control the middle Mouse activates the lasso tool to quickly grab the enclosed vertices to enable or disable selection through the objects toggle the select through button at the top translating the vertices will move them according to the grid size the rotation of vertices will be based on the Pivot Point origin holding shift we can extrude each of the vertices scaling the vertices allows us to flatten it down and align them onto the desired axis Edge mode can be activated by clicking the button or by pressing the number two each of these edges when selected will affect their attached vertices to select multiple edges use the middle Mouse lasso select like we did with vertices we can translate closed edges which are represented by a solid line we can rotate edges along the Pivot Point extruding closed edges is not a common practice open edges such as the one shown in this quad are represented by hash marks extruding these open edges by holding shift will create new faces setting a pivot point and extruding the rotation will construct a new face based on the designated angle scaling the edges will help make uniform adjustments based on the grid size scale extruding the edges will make new proportional faces that can be in sets face mode is enabled by clicking the button or pressing the number three faces can be selected on a mesh individually or by double clicking one face to select all on the mesh holding Ctrl deselects them and you can always hold down left click and drag to select multiple faces translating and rotating faces will affect the edges that construct the face holding shift to extrude faces of each mesh will create rings and Loops that can be easily manipulated later using the scale tool on faces gives us uniform manipulation on the axis depending on the grid size scale extruding faces across the plane is a great technique to create useful insets with scale extrude you can also use it to create geometry that is thickened around loops and Rings depending on your grid size extrude rotating a face allows you to construct curved geometry based on the Pivot Point mesh mode and object mode will both allow you to select meshes the difference being object mode allowing you to select entities translating and rotating objects work as previously demonstrated holding down shift will create duplications of the selection to select multiple objects hold down shift to deselect hold down control you can also drag select or lasso select with the middle Mouse to change the work plane from world to local click the world place button at the top or press tab each manipulation will now be aligned to the local plane of the selection and shift the entire work plane by clicking on the eyedropper tool at the top and clicking the face you want to realign the work plane to you can also press shift Q as a shortcut reset the workplace with the reset button or by pressing alt shift Q with Shifting the work plane you are able to work at angles that aren't strictly limited to 90 degrees while maintaining the workflow of the grid you can switch between the different modes by holding down shift and clicking the corresponding mode to connect your current mesh selection you can also hold shift and press one through five I hope you enjoyed this tutorial on blockout basics please like subscribe and join our Discord for all our community events and to play our games and maps
Channel: Eagle One Development Team
Views: 22,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L8dtmNJYbfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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