Could We Live Inside A Blackhole?

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most of us have a short-term view of the world we live in and are thinking about trivial things like hoping for an end to a long cold winter the next school year or maybe even retirement but these things are just a blink of an eye in cosmic terms so let's think really big and look forward millions and trillions of years from now into the future every species that has ever lived on earth is now extinct and like all life on the planet Earth our time will eventually come either from natural and man-made disasters an asteroid strike a worldwide pandemic or global warming even a nearby supernova explosion could send the whole planet into a mass extinction event but what if we stopped going backward and instead advanced to a point that we could harness the energy of a black hole and even live inside one keep watching to find out if you're thinking about how long we have someone has already thought of it there is a calculation called the Doomsday argument which was developed in 1983 by an astrophysicist named Brandon Carter according to his calculations if you assume that half of the humans who will ever live have already been born you'll get about sixty billion people if you also assume that another 60 billion are yet to be born our population levels only give us about another nine thousand years or so that means there is a 95% chance that humanity will end by the year 11,000 in terms of how long the earth will be around it's a drop in the bucket even if we do evolve and become more intelligent as a species in about 500 million years the temperature of the planet will rise to the point that the earth will transform into a desert world evolution will move in Reverse and the largest and least heat tolerant creatures will go extinct leaving Hardy insects and even tougher bacteria and only organisms that have already lived deep underground for billions of years will survive the oceans will slowly boil away and there will be no place to hide from the terrible temperatures this is because the Sun is very slowly expanding will become hotter and brighter 5 billion years from now the Sun will begin its final stage of life using the last of its hydrogen fuel supply and gravity will force the Sun to collapse with only a small amount of hydrogen remaining as a shell wrapped around the Stars core some scientists say that the Sun will expand causing the earth to spiral out away from the Sun in which life could survive but in another scenario the sun's outer envelope will enclose the earth and the additional friction will slow the planet down causing it to spiral down into the Sun which will be a fiery and cataclysmic end eventually the Sun will fade out to form a planetary nebula and become a white dwarf until it cools down and it's light fades forever we know this is happening now because the universe acts as a natural time machine when we look out into space we see distant objects not as they are but as they look like in the past the mysterious dark energy force an unknown form of energy which is hypothesized to permeate all of space is accelerating the expansion of the universe making the most distant galaxies move away faster and faster from us once past the event horizon any light emitted from these distant and ancient galaxies will fade from view and they will disappear forever to put that in some perspective if there are future astronomers letting three trillion years from now they will only see our own galaxy when looking into the night sky even the cosmic microwave background radiation will have faded away as well as leaving no trace of the Big Bang if you want to see what will happen to our own Milky Way galaxy one day then just look out into space in all directions and you'll see galaxies colliding tearing at each other and stripping off gas and dust materials and generating huge swaths of star formations the Andromeda galaxy will collide with us in two billion years from now the two galaxies will collide then pull apart over and over until they form a new larger galaxy some are calling this future galaxy Milko media the collision will leave behind twin supermassive black holes that will orbit one another until they eventually merged together forming an even more massive black hole and despite this galaxy merger it is quite possible that the earth and life could survive but this process doesn't continue on forever if we look out into deep space we can already see older elliptical galaxies which have already used up their free gas and dust and instead of seeing bright and hot stars we see aging red stars and white dwarfs that are cooling down one day there will not be any newly forming stars and the red dwarfs and the dimmest stars will turn into black dwarfs the entire universe will go black as if someone turned off the lights if humans have survived they will learn to adapt to the darkness and harness the last source of energy left black holes some researchers say that these collapsed islands of space-time are the universe's ultimate energy source and are far more efficient at converting mass into energy than the fusion engines of stars as a species we have all contemplated the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations living in the farthest reaches of the universe with some kind of mind-boggling technology so far we haven't seen any signs of anything beyond Homo sapiens which is quite depressing and equally terrifying after all if there were aliens there would be some sign of their existence right the Fermi paradox gives some theories of why there may be no signs from our technology being too basic compared to other advanced civilizations and so we have no idea what to look for to advanced civilizations knowing that we are here but choosing not to contact us in an effort to avoid hindering our natural progress now there is a new theory that makes these alternatives look lame in comparison astronomers have recently made a colossal discovery using NASA's Chandra x-ray telescope and found a series of Ultra massive black holes at the center of many distant galaxies each one of them is more than ten times the size of our solar system with event horizon stretching out more than five times beyond the orbit you know they are larger than anything ever found and could be home to the oldest civilizations because of the ancient stellar population one of these is at the center of an egg-shaped galaxy more than 335 million light-years away called NGC 489 and it has a mass of more than 21 billion suns combined and there is another behemoth at the center of NGC 38 42 which is 331 million light years away and contains the mass of nine point seven billion suns compare that with our own Sagittarius a at the heart of the Milky Way with only a mass of 4.1 million solar masses and you get the idea so why is size important it's been found that the surface of a black hole becomes less extreme the larger it is hypothetically if we were able to find and reach a supermassive singularity the size of our solar system it might be possible for there to be a stable area within the event horizon which could theoretically allows stars or planets to orbit the central singularity without being swallowed and torn into subatomic particles a Russian cosmologists by the name of vecheslavna Kirchhoff theorizes that there could be ancient aliens who are currently living on the edge of spinning and charged angularities that are massive enough for weakening the tidal forces and radiation of gravitational waves to an acceptable level these have a special name and are called Reisner nordstrom black holes so what kind of technology is required for this the Kardashev scale was developed by Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev in 1964 it is a method of measuring a civilizations level of technological advancement based on the amount of energy a civilization is able to use the type one civilization which is also called a planetary civilization can use in store all of the energy available on its plan sadly humans have yet to reach this point a type two civilization is called a stellar civilization it can harness the total energy of its planets parent star with the popular hypothetical concept of the Dyson Sphere which is a device that is built around the entire star to transfer its energy to the planet such as a network of solar power satellites that would enclose a star completely and capture most are all of its energy output finally there is a type 3 civilization called the Galactic civilization which can control energy on the scale of its entire host galaxy such as the ones that could be living on the edge of an ultra massive black hole it is possible that these advanced extraterrestrials could derive light and heat from the orbiting photons and energy from within the singularity itself the most interesting thing about this theory is that such civilizations would be completely closed off to the rest of the universe beyond the event horizon the same as we cannot see anything inside of it it sounds like a really nice place to hide albeit a very lonely one but this could explain why we have not heard from any aliens yet they are simply hiding right before our very eyes inside of ultra massive black holes having lost their parent stars as an energy source a super civilization may even attempt to artificially create a universe in the laboratory by black hole fabrication the mind-blowing thing about this idea is that it might explain why the many constants in our universe are so precisely tuned for our existence but even black holes won't be around forever and were once thought to be like one-way streets where matter goes in but never comes out it was the late great astrophysicist Stephen Hawking who came up with the theory in 1974 that black holes evaporate by releasing a tiny amount of energy into space this is known as Hawking radiation when last black hole evaporates all that will remain in the universe are photons of radiation and elementary particles that escaped capture by the black holes the temperature of the entire universe will reach a final temperature just above absolute zero the hypothetical dark energy is a mystifying an unknown force that may play some future role continuing the expansion of the universe accelerating each of these elementary particles and photons away from each other until they're effectively cut off from one another and this time there will be no gravity to bring them together again and in the cold darkness perhaps there will be another big bang that the universe is cyclical and the whole process will start up again but then again perhaps it won't and the bleak future of a cold and dead universe is all that awaits us it might not sound like a happy ending and it won't happen for trillions of years but it's awe-inspiring to consider the long future ahead it helps us appreciate the age we live in today we hope you enjoyed this video let us know what you think in the comments and if you like the 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Channel: Destiny
Views: 287,757
Rating: 4.5321636 out of 5
Keywords: black hole civilization, black hole, who is living in, living in black hole, what's inside black hole, civilization, science, destiny, global warming, earth, future technologies, space, future, nasa, nasa black hole, images of black hole, alien civilization, aliens
Id: ZkMDi2RMq-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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