Could The US Citizens Fight Off The US Military?

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This does not take into account that most of the military would turn to the other side.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/craschnet 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Saw that a while back. It missed a lot of points in the people's favor. Probably deliberately.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Sand_Trout 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

That video is pretty ridiculous and glosses over or ignores many things that would play a factor.

  1. Lots of troops would support the insurgency. Probably not all of them, but a lot of them.

  2. The bullshit about the sense of unity. The left has all but obliterated the social fabric in the US. It's pretty funny to think that there's a huge sense of unity in the US right now. Don't believe me? Go look in the news. Eastern Oregon wants to join with Idaho. All of VA except northern VA and the cost want to join West VA. Non costal parts of CA want to form their own state. Texas and CA both have secession movements. Tons of people would relish the idea of going their own way if given a chance.

  3. The US Military would have huge problems with supply and logistics. People that manufacture military hardware could potentially become insurgents themselves. The ones that don't could be targeted by insurgents. Manufacturing facilities will become targets. Supply lines will be long and vulnerable. Enormous resources will have to go into protecting supply lines.

  4. Cities in the US rely on the redneck hicks they hate so much for all of their basic needs. Cutting the supplies off to any major city for more than a few weeks will cause absolute chaos. A large scale insurgency will absolutely seek to do this and it would be highly effective. Block off all the roads going into the city, cut the water and power and then watch the elites resort to cannibalism. Seattle and Portland are good examplea of this. Look at a map of WA, you'll see there's only a few routes over the Cascades and all of those routes go through very rough and highly defensible terrain.

There's probably more, but suffice to say that video is pretty ignorant overall.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
The United States has without a doubt the most heavily armed population in the world, with firearms being a part of daily life for many Americans. While in many nations the mere sight of a gun is an extremely rare occurrence, in the US some studies say there are almost as many guns as there are people, while others say there are more- what is known though is that much like American income, the majority of guns are concentrated in the hands of a minority, with 3% of gun owners owning half of all guns in the United States. With this much firepower available to the citizens of America, does it really stand a chance against its own military? The US military needs no introduction, it has the world's largest budget- more than the next seven competitors who are, in order: China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, United Kingdom, India, France, and Japan. Of $1.6 trillion dollars spent on military budgets around the world, the United States accounted for thirty seven percent of the world total. All that spending goes to support the largest military presence on earth, with American bases spread out across every continent except Antarctica. Greatly mistrusted for its all-encompassing reach, US national strategy is in fact to avoid another major war such as the two world wars and the countless wars that rocked continental Europe for centuries. US forces are therefore pre-staged in potential conflict zones where in conjunction with local allies, their presence alone is a deterrence to violence. The results are hard to argue with, seeing as there have been no wars between major industrialized powers since the end of World War II. The US may not necessarily field the best technology in every department- for instance, the Russians have for long fielded more sophisticated anti-air and electronic warfare weapon systems- but it does bring a unique capability that no other nation matches: the ability to field advanced technology across the board, and not just in select areas. This makes the American military a lethal force against any modern adversary, and has historically forced its major political adversaries to seek out niche strategies for holding the US at bay. Russia for instance has for decades focused not on stopping a US offensive outright, but in denying it the air power that would lead to a quick win. To this effect they have focused on anti-air weapon systems to knock US planes and cruise missiles out of the sky, and advanced electronic warfare systems to disrupt the networked abilities of American weapons. While China tries to slowly build a naval presence capable of standing up to the US, it relies on a huge stockpile of ballistic missiles to deter the American navy- in fact, China is the only major power in the world to have an arm of the military dedicated solely to ballistic missiles. Yet while the US military has proven time and again it dominates the modern battlefield, it has historically had the exact same troubles that every other military has when it comes to fighting low-intensity counter-insurgency wars. When denied the use of its overwhelming firepower and technological advantages, the US military is in the same boat as any other nation's, and must rely on low-tech, door-to-door action against insurgent forces who don't use heavy equipment and don't wear uniforms. For all its military might, even the American military has great difficulties in fighting an insurgency war. Should the American people ever rise up against their own government, and that government authorize the use of military force against its citizenry, the American insurgents will find themselves in an initially favorable position against the American military. For starters, US forces are widely dispersed around the world, meaning that unlike most nations, the least number of American combat troops and equipment is present at home as compared to overseas. For the first few weeks of the war, the insurgents will be able to carry out large scale operations that will become impossible once more and more military equipment returns home. With the largest air and naval transport fleet in the world, this initial tactical disadvantage the military will find itself in will quickly be reversed. American insurgents could think themselves safe from major retaliation, seeing as no country ever truly wants to destroy its own infrastructure just to defeat an insurgency- let alone the world's richest nation who's cities, highways, railways, and ports are vital arteries of global trade. Yet one of the US military's major tactical advantages against foreign adversaries will prove just as deadly effective against an insurgency. Smart weapon were first developed to take out pieces of Soviet hardware from afar with pinpoint accuracy. The ability to strike a specific target from hundreds of miles away was a major technological offset, and a capability that Cold War Soviet military planners greatly feared. An inventory of networked American bombs and weapon systems could decimate entire troop formations and camouflaged artillery positions with ease, while Soviet planes would have to rely on traditional and very inaccurate gravity bombs and unguided rockets to strike back with. Smart weapons eventually spread around the world, but to date no other nation has as large a stockpile, or integration, as the US. With the ability to strike at pinpoint targets and avoid collateral damage, American insurgents will quickly find themselves prey even in the heart of major cities. American surveillance assets are also amongst the best in the world. Having a nearly 20-year insurgency war under its belt, the American military has finely tuned itself for counter-insurgent operations, and is today the leading counter-insurgency force in the world. Not only has it developed a slew of surveillance technologies to better locate and disrupt insurgent operations hiding amidst a civilian population, but more important, its troops are highly trained in conducting urban warfare ops and the traditional fight for 'hearts and minds'. When the Soviets rolled into Afghanistan in the 80s, it did so as the world's biggest military juggernaut and crushed all stand-up opposition. However, within weeks the war shifted from a conventional one to a counter-insurgency and war of attrition. The Soviets responded much in the Soviet way: overwhelming firepower delivered very indiscriminately, and soon Soviet forces found themselves unable to operate outside of heavily fortified positions. Any Soviet foray into the countryside would have to be conducted with large amounts of manpower and heavy fire support, and often it simply wasn't worth it. The Americans on the other hand initially did much as the Soviets, wiping out major military opposition within a matter of weeks with overwhelming firepower. However, it was here that they showed a better aptitude for fighting an asymmetrical war against a non-conventional foe. Wherever American firepower went, it was followed by major civil relief programs, with a focus on building infrastructure and restoring- if not improving- the lives of the civilian population. Very quickly a complex system of diplomatic agreements and alliances arose between US forces and the dozens of disparate groups who all claimed some piece of Iraq or Afghanistan for themselves. Ultimately the effort would result in a half-won victory of sorts, which was still light years ahead of the total defeat suffered by the Soviets. Unfortunately the US's insistence on fighting two insurgency wars simultaneously would force it to divide its assets, and ultimately result in the mixed results we see today. Yet all the expertise, technology, and troop experience gained from the insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan would come into play against the US insurgents- and this time the US military will find itself with major advantages it lacked in the Middle East. For starters, it has home field advantage, and its forces are no longer operating within a culture they don't understand very well. Cultural misunderstandings will be impossible, and by understanding the American culture, the US military can better win the fight for hearts and minds, turning many would-be insurgents from their path and garnering the support of civilians who would have instead supported the insurgents instead. Secondly, it will be fighting to unite a nation which actually wants to be united and has a national identity, making the process of reestablishing a stable political system far easier than it was in the Middle East. Iraq had huge sectarian divisions that plagued the country for decades, and were barely kept in check by an authoritarian strongman. Afghanistan was itself also only held together by the very violent Taliban, who regularly used military power to enforce its grip over the people. Without these authoritarian figures forcibly uniting the nations together, Iraq and Afghanistan quickly fell to pieces that were very difficult to put back together. Afghanistan would prove especially difficult, as its people simply lacked the desire for national unity that nations in the West have had for centuries. Americans however have a very strong sense of national unity, and lack the sectarian differences and ideological conflicts that would see the nation split up into a conglomerate of cabals in the case of national government collapse. Sure, Democrats and Republicans may often be eat each other's throats, but ultimately as national tragedy after national tragedy has shown, the American people stand united. As the old adage goes, you're allowed to fight with family and call them names, but if anyone else tries to hurt your family then you better watch out. This sense of unity will make the job of counter-insurgency far easier on American forces than it was in the middle east, and make it more difficult for American insurgents to exploit a mistrust of the US military. Yet while American insurgents are out gunned by the American military, they can take advantage of asymmetrical tactics to all but nullify the US military's overwhelming firepower. By following the same play book as the Iraq and Afghanistan insurgencies, American insurgents could force US troops into close-quarters battles where they couldn't bring fire support such as air strikes or artillery bombardments against them. American insurgents would also be able to enjoy the advantage of fighting a near-total urban warfare campaign, given the size and scope of US cities. As the first part of the 21st century has proven, urban warfare is the great equalizer between military powers, as it denies most of the technological advantages of a nation's military. Fighting instead is door-to-door and house-to-house, carried out by individual squads of soldiers and little more than the rifles and gadgets they can carry on their person. With the US military numbering at just over one million, and with potentially millions of American insurgent forces, victory for the US military will be all but impossible. A fight between the US military and US citizens would be a dragged out affair that would likely last as long as the overseas insurgencies. It would be less a war of weapons and more a war of words, with both sides trying to sway the majority of the population to its side. It's likely that in such a war entire cities would go rogue, with local city governments refusing to outright support the US military or the insurgents, and simply wishing to be left out of the fighting. They would deny the military the right to operate in its streets, but also not wish to support an insurgency which will bring military action against it. Despite the huge glut of guns available to American citizens, the truth is that there would be no major resupply effort courtesy of an outside power. In the Middle East, Afghani and Iraqi insurgents were kept well supplied by Iran, Russia, China, and Pakistan- amongst other actors- and trade routes into the war zones often went through Pakistan who refused to allow US forces to operate inside its borders and shut them down. In an American insurgency however, there would be no neighboring power to supply the American insurgents, and the major trade routes into the US through which arms supplied by a foreign power could enter would all be very easily monitored and shut down by the US military. Within a year or two of heavy fighting the American insurgency would find itself very low on ammo and very low on usable equipment. Yet the war would take a huge toll on the American economy as well, which would in turn directly affect the budget of the US military. With major parts of the economy disrupted by fighting or sabotage, the US military budget would rapidly shrink, and it would no longer be able to afford to operate its vast fleets of modern equipment. In the end, a war of attrition would settle in, and a winner is all but impossible to declare. It would come down to a sheer matter of will, and which side would be willing to sacrifice the most to come out the ultimate victor. Yet as each side became more desperate, their actions would lose them the support of the population they would rely on, and thus lose the war for hearts and minds. Who do you think would actually win a war between the US military and its citizens? Why or why not? Let us know in the comments, and as always if you enjoyed this video don't forget to Like, Share, and Subscribe for more great content!
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 2,105,113
Rating: 4.6389284 out of 5
Keywords: Military, military comparison, versus, vs, United States, US military, America, USA, citizen, united states, citizens, people vs military, us army, army, who would win, us navy, air force, us air force, united states army, united states military, usa military, united states of america, animation, 2019, educational, the us, usa army
Id: YuEIR3tp0xQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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