What Would Happen After World War 3

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2023 🗫︎ replies
the unthinkable has happened in military forces Clash on land in the air and on the scene and underneath it in the most violent War to date but what would actually happen after World War III the probability of a third world war is negligible but not impossible all three of these big military Powers who have the capability to launch a global war all have too much to lose by doing so but history is full of examples of small conflicts spiraling completely out of control and Beyond the plans of those who initiated them to find out what the world would look like after World War III we have to examine two different Global Wars a conventional war and a nuclear war one thing is for sure the economic damage alone would reshape the face of the Earth such a war would inevitably Begin by a confrontation between U.S and Chinese forces in the south or east China Sea a sino-us war isn't likely to go Global and would require multiple escalatory steps to get there first China would have to directly threaten or attack Japanese forces something that is predisposed to do already because of the presence of multiple U.S air bases in Japan if China wanted to keep Japan out of the conflict it would have to avoid striking these bases which would have seriously detrimental effects on its ability to fight against the us next a third party would have to be willing to exploit the situation to its own Advantage the most likely culprits here are India Iran and Russia India would be tempted to act to push Chinese Ground Forces out of the contested northern border regions and perhaps even maneuver itself to throw China out of Tibet thus threatening Chinese fresh water supplies and granting it massive leverage over its rival that's unlikely but not impossible as a sino-american war would largely be fought at the sea and in the air leaving the people's Liberation Army free to fight against Indian incursion Iran however is likely to exploit the diversion of U.S forces from the region for its own gain a war between the U.S and China would inevitably cause a drawdown of U.S peacekeeping forces in other regions of the world currently 60 percent of U.S Firepower is in the Pacific but as losses rapidly Mount the U.S will need to pull reinforcements from its multiple other Global commands with American forces no longer acting as police against Bad actors Iran could use the opportunity to attack Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States with its Superior military this would hugely disrupt Global oil trade and have devastating Financial repercussions across the world Russia might seek to exploit U.S preoccupation with China for its own gain in Europe while Russia has no ambition to rule all of Europe it could see a drawdown of U.S forces in Europe as the opportunity to take by force a breakaway Soviet republics and even some of its NATO neighbors such as Lithuania Latvia and Estonia in a worst case scenario all three flash points are ignited due to American preoccupation with China leaving the world's dramatically different after the war such war is almost certain to end with a U.S victory over China although an extremely costly and poorly defined Victory immediately at War's end the United States military would be severely depleted going from the world's most powerful fighting force to a significantly weakened force that still has Global reach but will take a decade or more to restore itself to its former glory American Naval and air losses would be staggering as with much of of half of its air and naval fleets destroyed half of the U.S aircraft carrier Fleet would be sunk in a conflict with China a loss of over 50 billion dollars in ship costs alone over 500 aircraft and over 12 000 semen and aviators the loss of all important American carriers alone would see the United States lose its ability to rapidly respond to Global conflicts this loss and capability would only be compounded by significant losses in the U.S Air Force without the ability to rapidly and overwhelmingly respond to Global crises the immediate post-war years would see an ignition of regional Wars across Africa in the Middle East critics of U.S military presence around the world would rapidly see the cost of losing that peacekeeping Force as simmering tension suddenly explode in the absence of a threat of U.S involvement in the Middle East Iran would seize the opportunity to attack its longtime rival Saudi Arabia despite being an oil rich and wealthy Nation Saudi Arabia is handily outclassed militarily by Iran as it has relied on the United States to keep Iran in check for decades no other power is likely to prevent Iranian aggression in the Middle East Northerly have the capability to do so all European powers safe for France simply no longer have the expeditionary capabilities to respond to military conflicts around the world without U.S support and France lacks the assets needed to significantly counter Iranian aggression so far from its own Shores an oil Rich Iran would become a regional superpower shaping the Middle Eastern policy to its own liking this would inevitably lead to an explosion of extremism with waves of attacks against Europe and African nations launching both continents into a Dark Age of terrorism enriched by Saudi Arabian wealth and oil fields Iran could continue a campaign of Conquest unchecked across the Middle East forcing other neighboring Nations into its fold and simply invading those that resisted with its finger firmly on the oil tap to Europe Iran would have great influence over European powers likely leading to a necessary buildup of military forces in Europe and an inevitable invasion of the Middle East years later a European Middle East War would be a World War in its own right with staggering casualties on all sides and economically ruinous for both regions Middle East turmoil would only make the lives of those in China worse in the aftermath of a war against the U.S the Chinese Navy and Air Force would be obliterated with only those forces left in reserve in western China against India or Russian incursions left intact Chinese infrastructure at least along its eastern Pacific border would also suffer moderate damage due to American long-range air attacks while China can do little to militarily threaten the U.S Homeland large-scale damage to Chinese Port facilities would only exuberate the damage caused by years of American Naval blockade China relies on the Pacific for the majority of its trade and most importantly for the import of energy resources despite heavy losses the U.S Navy could still undertake an effective blockade of Chinese trade crippling the nation and resulting in the GDP loss of as much as 35 percent China in return could threaten U.S trade in the Pacific as well but would be unable to directly threaten either the American west or east coast resulting in only an expected GDP loss of 10 percent for the U.S but the disruption of trade in what's the world's most important trade Super Highway would only result in in the weakening of the East Asian economies and to a smaller extent the entire world East Asian nations would be the hardest hit to due to their dependence on Chinese Goods this will have a knock-on effect on European nations who import cheap goods manufactured in East Asia the ensuing worldwide economic recession would lead to flare-ups and social unrest and widespread unemployment this combined with a worst case scenario of Iranian aggression in the Middle East could set the stage for revolutionary movements in some countries and the flare-up of partisan tension spilling over into outright violence perhaps no Nation would be as rocked though as China who despite inflicting incredible losses on the U.S military would still be facing a humiliating defeat with a near total loss of its Navy and Air Force American cyber warfare operations would work to steadily degrade the Chinese government's ability to censor information electronically throughout the nation and increasing unrest and War weariness would embolden pro-democracy in separatist factions in China while it's likely that the Chinese government would remain intact this would represent a significant threat to the Chinese Communist Party directly leading to even more violent crackdowns on an increasingly rebellious population we've already seen this scenario in miniature thanks to the Hong Kong riots and while China showed restraint in Hong Kong because of international pressure it's unlikely to show restraint when faced with similar uprisings within the mainland when the survival of the CCP is threatened the further disruption of the Chinese economy would have a domino effect on the rest of the world especially those Nations that rely on China for critical technology and imports Global GDP would shrink significantly leading to unemployment and unrest across the world while the rest of the world is suffering though One Nation might come out of a third world war smelling like roses Russia has long suffered under a weakening economy made worse by European sanctions due to its aggression in Crimea however the loss of Chinese trade routes throughout the war and a need by China to replace its destroyed military equipment would be a massive Financial Boon to the state European powers might be even willing to lift sanctions against Russia and provide economic concessions or even political ones such as allowing Russia to reabsorb former Soviet republics and exchange for the aid of the Russian military in fighting against Iranian aggression in the Middle East a new Global Order after World War III would see Russia rising to a position of prominence it hasn't held since the days of the Soviet Union but now let's look at a worst case scenario complete and total nuclear warfare that spans the face of the Earth while a conventional World War III would still see the United States suffer the least militarily or economic harm a nuclear war would almost completely level the playing field between China and the U.S leaving both Nations a ruined smoking wreck the U.S still holds the advantage in number and sophistication of nuclear weapons thus China would inevitably suffer far greater damage than the U.S however nearly every major U.S city would suffer at least one nuclear strike with most coming under Fire from multiple Warheads should Russia join The Fray it would inevitably pull in nuclear NATO members such as France and Great Britain and spread thermonuclear Warfare across four of the world's seven continents previous fears of nuclear winter have since been proven to be overblown but a global cooling effect will still take place dropping global temperatures by a few degree increase a drop of just one degree Centigrade in global temperatures would make Canadian wheat growing impossible showing us just how vulnerable the global food supply really is what Farmland isn't rendered fallow by A Drop In global temperatures would likely be unusable due to nuclear impacts both the U.S and Russia Target each other's vast swaths of Farmland as nuclear targets with the express intent of starving each other into submission in case of nuclear war with the U.S alone exporting much of the world's grain it wouldn't just be the Americans that starved but much of the world as well compound that with strikes against Russia and Chinese food producing regions plus contamination from other nuclear strikes and hundreds of millions would begin to starve within weeks the initial casualties would also be in the hundreds of Millions with hundreds of millions more falling prey to injuries and radiation sickness within days to weeks then secondary effects of global nuclear war would lead to even more deaths as trade routes are disrupted infrastructure is rendered inoperable and diseases caused by high concentration of Airborne debris strike down people by the millions many nations around the world would rely on Imports to to feed their populations and the loss of global trade alone would Doom tens of millions to immediate starvation as massive plumes of choking dust and debris spread across countrysides in Australia North America Europe and Asia respiratory disease would claim Millions more Global firestorms would decimate wildlands as fires ignited by burning cities spread for hundreds of miles around causing fires so fast that they'd be visible from space if not for all the debris in the atmosphere if one could peer through that thick Haze of gray that would remain Aloft for days or even weeks they would see a planet in Flames with fires raging for weeks or even months and killing Millions more the world population would likely Fall to below 1 billion within five years of global thermonuclear war within a decade of starvation disease and Conflict for dwindling resources Humanity would be lucky to number in the 500 Millions however there is good reason to think that Humanity would not go extinct after all and could even bounce back in time most nuclear strikes are designed to maximize destruction a ground burst of nuclear weapon severity limits its destructive range as most of the energy in the explosion is sent down into the ground or absorbed by ground features such as buildings Hills Etc therefore nuclear weapons are designed to explode over their target greatly enhancing their lethality and avoiding ground clutter altogether while this makes nuclear weapons more lethal it has the positive side effect of sending more of the resulting radiation upwards and into space fears of a global irradiated Wasteland might be overblown and while it's certain that radioactive debris would be in harmful levels just about anywhere on Earth humanity and the livestock and food crops it depends on could still survive in sufficient numbers to eventually bounce back that's because the fissile material in a bomb is destroyed in milliseconds causing an intense burst of radioactivity that quickly falls off as atoms decay in a chain reaction in several years most radioactive fallout would turn into more stable elements such as strontium-90 with its half-life of 29 years strontium-90 and similar materials are still harmful but not nearly as radioactive as materials with a half-life of hours minutes or even seconds as Nagasaki and Hiroshima have proven it doesn't take long for Humanity to reclaim the ruins of cities struck by nuclear weapons the real danger is in the sheer number of weapons employed in a global nuclear war and thus the higher concentration of less dangerous but still harmful longer-lived radioactive isotopes in the water and soil human lifespans will be shortened dramatically and many species will go extinct due to climate change natural ecosystems will collapse and a staggering amount of pollution will be created by the incineration of hundreds of major cities even after all of that within centuries Humanity should be well on the rebound what shape the world would take however is completely unknown though it's likely that none of the current major Powers would continue to exist as cohesive States in all likelihood it would be Africa which would become the Lotus of Economic and military power as it's least likely to be directly affected by nuclear war and unlike the rest of the world they'd still be able to feed most of their population as many African states have agrarian-based economies one thing is certain the Nations that launched World War III would not be much more than dust and utterly inconsequential in the new era of human history to come World War III has broken out the most powerful countries on the planet are launching missiles at one another and sending Invasion forces across the globe it's only a matter of time until you get caught up in the whole thing all you want at this point is a safe place to lie low and wait for the whole thing blow over should you go to an island nation in the tropics or a country at the bottom of the world maybe there's an even safer place that you didn't even know existed let's find out which Safe Haven is right for you it's impossible to tell who exactly will instigate World War III but we have some pretty good ideas the most likely scenario would start with one country invading another this would cause the allies of the country being invaded to come to their aid slowly more and more nations would get pulled into the conflict at some point this confrontation would reach critical mass and an all-out World War would commence the sides are pretty easy to predict for World War III as they probably would follow the current geopolitical climate once that would consist of the United States the European Union and the rest of NATO while the other side would be made up of Russia China North Korea and their allies there would probably be some wild cards that we can't predict but one thing is for sure world war three would be a true World War what we mean by this is that very few people would be able to escape the Carnage unlike the previous world wars humans now have the ability to fight one another over long distances using aircraft long-range missiles and Space Warfare very few regions the planet would be Untouched by the events of World War III however this does not mean there aren't any safe places to run to in fact a few countries would provide safety and peace of mind as the World falls apart around you if you're looking for a safe country to escape to during World War III some of your best options are Tropical Islands this may sound too good to be true but hear us out the good thing about islands in the Pacific Ocean is that they are really far away from each other and the mainland the Pacific Ocean is a vast place and if you don't mind warm climates catching your own fish dinners and white sand beaches Fiji would not be a bad place to wait Out World War III this island nation sits in the southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean the closest continent is Australia which is still over 1700 miles away and the great thing about this is that during World War War 3 Australia probably won't be hotly contested over which just adds to the Allure of escaping to Fiji even if the fighting eventually reached the Australian continent you would be so far away that you probably wouldn't even notice Fiji itself doesn't have much to offer in terms of wartime strategy or resources it has a very small military of around 6 000 individuals so it would not be seen as a threat by either side but perhaps one of the best things Fiji has going for it in terms of remaining safe during World War III is that it doesn't have many natural resources within its borders beautiful beaches and an abundance of seafood tend not to be what the world's superpowers are after while at War this means Fiji would likely not be a Target making it one of the safest countries you can move to if World War III ever broke out while the world descended into chaos you could be sipping pina coladas on a white sand beach with a fishing pole in the water or better yet you could be drinking the national beverage of Fiji called Cava which is made of the crushed root of the gangona which has been shown to have medicinal properties this is another thing that would make Fiji such a good Nation to hide away in if World War III happened although it doesn't have strategic significance it does have an endless supply of food fertile land cigar crops and plenty of ways to keep yourself busy in fact there are around 300 islands that make up the country of Fiji so if you didn't get along with your neighbors you could just load up your boat and cruise to a different Island the only problem is that you'd be so far removed from the fighting that you might not know who was winning or even when the war came to an end until long after it was all over during a World War Global Communication would probably go down as satellites are targeted by each side to disrupt enemy Transmissions this would mean the only way to receive news would be by Word of Mouth like in the olden days before the internet or telephones you'd have to wait until someone physically came to the island and informed you about what was going on across the ocean then again if you're trying to escape World War III you probably don't mind not being up to date on wartime news so this wouldn't be a deal breaker if Fiji isn't isolated enough for you there is another island nation in the Pacific that could be even more appealing to hide on during World War III tuvalu is a 10 square mile island chain just over 1 000 miles north of Fiji making it even further from Mainland there are only around 11 000 people on the islands of tuvalu and its remote location and lack of Natural Resources make it an undesirable Target for either side during World War III if you did seek refuge in tuvalu it's likely you wouldn't see anyone new for the duration of your time in the island nation tubaloo is hard to get to in the best of times so the two airlines that fly to the country probably won't be doing so at all with a world war going on this means that the only other way to access the countries by boat it's unlikely that one of the sides in World War III would divert resources to tuvalu as it serves no strategic significance but like Fiji there is plenty of food and resources that can be gathered from the ocean to help sustain you throughout the war there's another island country that is much larger than Fiji antuvalu and although it's a little closer to the mainland it would still provide safety during World War III New Zealand is a beautiful nation that seems to have plenty of every type of environment crammed into a single Island if you're looking for a safe place to hide from the Carnage of World War III and still want seasons in ecological diversity New Zealand is the country for you the country itself is a little over a thousand miles from Australia but it sits further south in both Fiji and tuvalu meaning that New Zealand could potentially be further away from the main front of World War III which we would expect to happen in Europe Asia and in the North American continent however there are many more natural resources in New Zealand than in most other island nations this would be beneficial if you sought Refuge there during World War III but it can also make the nation a target for Invasion however due to where it's located this seems highly unlikely there also isn't really much strategic significance to invading the country the nation itself has fertile lands abundant Marine Resources and various Landscapes that would provide protection even if the war did reach the island around 30 percent of New Zealand is protected land which means there are plenty of areas where resources can be gathered and where you could hide away if needed it may sound crazy but there is another abundant resource on the island that would help you ride out World War III for every person in New Zealand there are 10 cheap this means you have plenty of wool to make clothes and a source of protein if times get hard the Sheep also helped fertilize the land and can provide milk as well meaning that these useful creatures will be your best friends as you safely wait for the war to come to an end there are many benefits to living in New Zealand even when the world is not at War but perhaps what would make this nation the ideal location to move to is that its infrastructure is highly developed and the country has been working on becoming self-sufficient for decades it's because of the steps that the government has taken in recent years to ensure the country remains a safe comfortable place to live that New Zealand consistently is rated one of the top 10 happiest countries in the world so if you're looking for a country that is isolated safe and provides an abundance of resources as well as beautiful land to live on during World War III New Zealand has got you covered New Zealand does its best to maintain a peaceful country which means it'll likely stay out of World War III altogether in fact New Zealand is only second to Iceland on the Global Peace Index which brings us to our next safe country if a World War breaks out Iceland is over a thousand miles from the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe this means it's unlikely the country will be any direct danger during World War III like many other island nations thus far Iceland has tons of Marine Resources that would allow it to remain self-sufficient if World War III ever broke out what makes Iceland a great place to be during a global war is that the country gets 100 of its energy from renewable sources all of which are within its borders Iceland harnesses a massive amount of geothermal energy and converts it into electricity and heat while War rages across the planet Iceland would not have to worry about procuring oil coal or any other forms of energy from different parts of the world being totally self-sufficient means Iceland could stay out of the conflict and focus on keeping the people inside its borders safe some parts of Iceland can be pretty arid and harsh but there is abundant fresh water and seafood if you made your way into the mountains of Iceland you would be isolated and protected from the rest of the world there are fewer resources in this region but it's incredibly doubtful you would ever encounter a military force while living there however the best place to be in Iceland during World War III would be along the coast so you could take advantage of the plentiful fisheries and Aquatic resources as long as you don't mind eating Seafood every day you'd have a full belly for the duration of the war there is plenty of land to settle down on in Iceland if you need to find a place to wait out the war in fact the current population puts an average of eight people per square mile in the country this means there is plenty of space for refugees of World War III if they decide to relocate to Iceland if you plan ahead you can even find a nice piece of land in a small Icelandic fishing Village that's self-sufficient and safe to live in until the war is over you might even decide to stay after it's safe to return home there is one downside to Iceland However the fact that it sits between Europe and North America might cause it to be a staging area to launch invasions across the Atlantic this scenario is not very likely as both sides would probably blow each other up with nukes before they would send an invasion Force across the Atlantic Ocean but you never know even though there is a chance that a fleet might Sail by Iceland or even make a stop on their way while crossing the ocean living in Northern Iceland will all but guarantee your safety during World War III there are other island nations that would actually be closer to the action but could still offer some safety during World War III one such country actually started out as a military Fortress during the Crusades Malta sits just off the coast of Sicily in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea in World War III this might be a good country to run to if your plan is to get out of Europe but at some point Malta would be consumed by the war until then it could serve as a way out of the region and provide refugees for escapees the nation of Malta is only around 122 square miles and has limited resources this means it wouldn't be an initial Target for either side at the beginning of World War III there are several large fortresses around the island that were built by the hospitals and the Knights Templar during the Crusades these could serve as safe havens as plans were made to evacuate people to safer lands Malta has successfully fended off invasions in the past so it's possible that they could do it again maybe Malta can also be an embarkation point for people trying to make it to the Azores Islands this remote archipelago is technically part of Portugal which would not be a safe country to be in during World War III but the Azores abundance of natural resources and its remote location in the Atlantic would definitely make it a safer place to be than many other parts of the world the Azores have plenty of farmable land and a plethora of Marine Resources however people from Portugal and the rest of Western Europe might have the same idea and head straight for the gazors islands at the same time this might lead to overcrowding on the archipelago but at least it would be safe for the time being one part of the world that so often overlooked at the end of the world scenarios is South America World War III will likely be found in the northern hemisphere the most probable scenario would be World War III starting in Europe or Asia and although it's doubtful that World War III will reach North America until later on the countries near the United States would be targets at some point Canada is a vast country and there'd be plenty of locations that would remain Untouched by World War III due to its size and Untamed Wilderness however coastal cities in certain places along the U.S border would be attacked as a means to invade the U.S the same could be said about Mexico although there are likely regions in the highlands and jungles of the country that would remain safe its overall proximity to the U.S would make other parts of Mexico vulnerable to attack however South America is far enough away from the US and any other major players in World War 3 that would be an ideal place to go once the fighting broke out the safest country in this scenario would be chilly Chile is the southernmost country in South America not only that but the city of Puerto Williams is the Southernmost city in the entire world the country itself has tons of natural resources and numerous geological features that make it an easy Escape if the war ever does reach South America Chile is one of the most developed nations in all of South America meaning there's already infrastructure in place to sustain the country if the rest of the world is at war with each other there are two options of where to go in Chile that would ensure your safety during World War III the Andes Mountains stretch across the entire western part of the country it's in these mountains that the indigenous communities have lived for hundreds of years there are endless amounts of fresh water and fertile land that can be terrorists to grow crops the mountains offer protection and serve as a deterrent for any enemy force that might try to occupy the country the mountains and many other regions of Chile contain dense forests that can be used to build a cabin in the woods and a number of wild animals that can provide sustenance in extreme circumstances not to mention that Chile is the fourth largest exporter of wine globally which means while the Northern Hemisphere becomes a scarred battlefield of Destruction and death you could be getting tipsy off of some of the best wine in the entire world the other option settling as far south as possible this next closest Land from the southern tip of Chile is Antarctica it's highly unlikely that any part of World War III would be fought in the frozen Antarctic Waters this means living in southern Chile would be pretty safe the weather can be brutally cold and storms often whip across the region but the oceans are Bountiful and different varieties of potatoes grow pretty much everywhere in the country and while we're talking about the extreme South there's probably no safer place on the planet than Antarctica during World War III you could theoretically take refuge in one of the science outposts there and wait for the fighting to end no one's going to be coming to that Antarctica to wage the war but the lack of resources and the inability to resupply during that time would make it important to ration resources eventually you would run out of supplies and you would need to leave the continent but if you could stay in Antarctica until peace was declared you would be safe the entire time there is one other other Southern country that is resource rich and would be an excellent place to escape to during World War III you could even go on a safari while you're there South Africa contains around 10 percent of all plant bird and fish species in the world it also is home to around six percent of mammal species this makes South Africa an ideal place to hide from the turmoil of World War III there are plenty of food sources fresh water supplies and fertile coasts in the country it also helps that South Africa is very far away from the regions of the world that would be fighting it's conceivable that the fighting wouldn't even reach its northernmost border let alone the rest of the country South Africa also consists of many types of environments but there's probably no safer City in this part of the world to be in during World War III than Cape Town this is a thriving City with modern infrastructure and resources all around it there's plenty of fishing off the coast in the mountains that surround the city isolated from the rest of the continent Cape Town isn't as far south as other cities but its location would make it strategically undesirable therefore South Africa would probably be left alone during the conflict also like Chile South Africa is a large exporter of 1 between the abundance of food its protected location and the availability of alcohol South Africa would be a safe and not too unpleasant country to spend World War III in Greenland is massive it is also freezing but if there's any country in the world that you could find a safe place to wait for the end of World War III and this would be it the tricky part would be getting to your final destination once you are within the country's borders there are no roads between the towns of Greenland this is a good thing in terms of finding a safe haven the more difficult the region is to reach the safer it'll be during wartime for optimal security you'd want to choose one of the more Northern towns to live in like konak which sits just inside the Arctic Circle like with Antarctica the war will likely never reach you at this extreme latitude you'd have to learn the ways of the Inuit people and learn how to live off the land in a Polar climate but it would all be worth it to have a safe and secure place to live during World War III due to Greenland's location in size there's little reason for either side in World War III to try to invade its lands if the war did happen to reach the part of the country you're in you could always hop on a boat or helicopter further north at some point you'll find a town that's far enough out of the way that no military forces would find it useful to be fair Greenland as a whole holds very little strategic significance and the only World War III action it would see would be ships sailing by to invade the other side of the Atlantic Ocean or planes flying overhead there would likely be no forces or troops stationed in the country itself living in rural Greenland would be much more difficult than sipping wine in Chile or fishing off a tropical beach in Fiji however Greenland would provide significant protection from the Carnage of World War III while also providing the resources you need to stay alive depending on where you initially lived before World War III broke out Greenland might be a more viable option for safety than some of the other countries in this video for example if you reside in the northeastern part of the U.S Greenland would definitely be the closest Safe Haven to you just because it's cold and desolate doesn't mean you should count Greenland out in a time of War Beggars can't be choosers although the countries on this list are all good options to escape to in the event that World War III breaks out there is something that you need to remember if you find yourself in any of the countries on this list when World War III starts you will likely be safe as the war will pose very little threat to you however none of that matters if each side begins launching nukes at one another the nuclear fallout from the blasts would be carried across the world on the planet's natural air currents the rain falling from the sky would be poisonous as it would carry lethal doses radiation in every drop the nuclear explosions would incinerate anything in their vicinity causing firestorms that would release massive amounts of smoke and Ash into the atmosphere this could plunge the planet into a nuclear winter where temperatures would plummet as the Sun's light is blocked out by all the particulates in the atmosphere at this point it wouldn't matter if you were in Russia the United States or Antarctica as there would be no escaping This Global catastrophe if this ends up being the ending of World War III the safest place will be to not be on Earth but in space as the countries of the world annihilate one another and the planet using nuclear weapons the astronauts aboard the International Space Station will look on in horror as their home is destroyed before their very eyes for a short amount of time they might be the last of the human species unfortunately even the astronaut would run out of resources and die this would be the end of humanity and it would be all because we couldn't get along with one another so the safest thing you can do if world war three ever breaks out is to head to one of those countries from this video and hope the war comes to an end before the nukes start flying if nuclear Holocaust is a fate of the planet then your only chance for survival is to hijack a rocket ship and head for the Stars eventually you'll die from lack of oxygen and resources but at least you'll make it slightly longer than the rest of us the alternative is to make your way to one of the countries with an abundance of wine and have a drink as the World falls apart around you the date is Christmas Eve 2019 and deep in the heart of Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado technicians are working at the North American Aerospace Defense command otherwise known as NORAD to track the flight of a Russian rocket launch in accordance with International regulations the Russian space agency Ross Cosmos formerly announced the launch weeks before and filed a flight plan with the UN the launch is a curious one as the launch trajectory doesn't follow the typical equatorial or polar orbital trajectories of most spacecraft the Russians claimed that the rocket contains a probe which will use the highly eccentric orbit to Rendezvous with a medium-sized asteroid flying past the earth a few Million Miles Away itself on a highly eccentric orbit the math checks out and thus as NORAD Tracks the launch entering space above the U.S there's no reason for alarm nonetheless American space and ground-based imaging assets still track their Curious Russian probe the rocket seems to be smaller than anticipated for the launching of a deep space probe but the Russians claim that their probe is powered by an ion engine which doesn't require much fuel some inside of the American Aerospace and defense sector are suspicious that the launch is actually a new secret Russian military satellite and thus NORAD is ordered to track its trajectory carefully and detect if any sub-vehicles are released from the main body of the spacecraft as it reaches orbit the Russian spacecraft reaches a point in its orbit over the middle of the United States when suddenly the numerous electronic eyes and ears following its flight go blind all at once at first NORAD technicians believe that there must be some computer error within norad's systems itself as the command post is not receiving any data from over a dozen of the surveillance platforms it had been using in fact several other assets have apparently gone offline as well including satellites and ground-based Communications and tracking stations then an icy cold chill grips the men deep inside their bunker at NORAD a secret Global surveillance network of space-based sensors begin to phone home and the News they're reporting is terrifying this sensor system dates back to the 1970s and have only one job monitor the entire surface of of the Earth from very high orbits and detect all the Telltale Flash and heat of a nuclear explosion originally designed to help enforce the nuclear Test Ban Treaty which prohibited the testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere outer space or underwater this space surveillance network was left in operation to help prevent Rogue States from testing weapons in remote areas of the world now the decades-old system is calling home and The Noose is troubling a major nuclear detonation has been detected directly over the heart of the United States several hundred miles above the U.S a nuclear flash briefly creates a second sun and lights up the sky above much of the U.S simultaneously the Titanic electromagnetic pulse sweeps over the entire nation burning out power and communication systems across the entirety of the US and most of Mexico and Canada power Transformers are blown and the electricity across most of the nation is shut down permanently cities go dark all across the U.S radio and satellite Communications equipment Across the Nation is destroyed by the electromagnetic pulse and only a few pieces of military equipment specifically hardened against DMP pulses survives in space above the U.S the blast destroys dozens of satellites knocking out communication relay networks that connect the world the EMP blast reaches further out and manages to destroy many more satellites though luckily more modern satellites have been hardened against the effects of the Sun and are shielded from the EMP blast in the span of a few short seconds the United States has been sent back to the Industrial Age it will take weeks to restore cross-country Communications and months to begin to bring back the power to major cities it'll be years perhaps as much as a decade before the American electrical grid is fully repaired Millions will die in time and yet this was just the opening shot of World War III NORAD is itself shielded from the effects of an EMP pulse and immediately it uses an old but still reliable Communications Network to send emergency action messages across the country these messages reach several important American military bases and in moments men and men and scramble to respond to the Russian attack everybody knows what's next and it's vitally important that the nation restore its ability to respond to this attack as quickly as possible deep in the heart of Russia giant concrete doors are already yawning open claxons and warning signals sound out across a Russian plane broken up only by the dozens of missile silos buried deep beneath its dirt with the fiery Roar each missile lifts up into the sky one by one at NORAD as surviving satellite sends a missile launch warning the president has been warned over an emergency relay system but Communications all across the U.S are severely hampered by the EMP attack nobody not even the president can reach the rest of the United States as nuclear alert forces to order a retaliatory attack let alone command the U.S military at large at Travis Air Force Base in California and Patuxent River in Maryland flight and support crew rushed from their alert station to huge egg white painted aircraft ground crew rushed to complete the few preparations needed to get this aircraft into the air and within minutes the big plane is already bring down the runway This Plane carries no bombs no missiles no weapons of any kind and yet as the two aircraft on opposite sides of the country finally take to the air they've now become the most dangerous weapons on the face of the planet the E6 mercuries immediately make for a cruising altitude around 50 000 feet each plane is manned by two pilots and three Engineers along with a battle staff of nine amongst the Airborne staff is a general officer and if Communications with the president or any other member of the nation's nuclear command Authority can't be established each General can assume full command of the United States military to include its nuclear forces the E6 is outfitted with a vast array of extremely powerful Jam resistant and EMP hardened Communications gears antenna ring the aircraft and in moments it has linked up with the nation's emergency airport command and control aircraft a fleet of similar planes whose job is to create an Airborne Communications relay system across the United States and Beyond with ground-based comps down and the US's space Network severely affected this lead of aircraft now provide a direct Link Communications Network relaying signals off each other and to their final destination shortly after the E6 has reached cruising altitude though news comes in of a second nuclear detonation in Washington D.C this was a ground-based blast and both Crews realized that the Russians have struck at the nation's capital with a small nuclear weapon that was likely smuggled into the U.S this explosion has eliminated nearly all of the upper-level command and control structure of the U.S government and yet the mission of each E6 is unaffected by the attempt to decapitate the U.S military and government assuming command the general officer aboard the E6 currently flying a few dozen miles off the east coast of the United States immediately re-establishes Communications with the US's ground-based missile forces using a system of very high frequency and super high frequency antennas the E6 is able to avert launch Control Officers deep in their bunkers to prepare their missiles for launch the communication system affords so much control over the US's land-based icbms that the general now in command of the United States nuclear forces is able to reprogram the targets to several of the missiles a second command instructs the United States Air Force to immediately begin launches of its space resilience program and in minutes converted icbms kept at the ready are rocketing shortly after the payload fairing on each of the converted icbms split open releasing a swarm of microsatellites which have been boosted into orbit around the Earth the microsatellites immediately re-established the US's space Communications and intelligence Network and starts feeding data directly into each E6 Mercury currently in flight now the general aboard the East Coast's E6 is finally able to communicate with U.S military forces abroad and with America's allies within seconds The World At Large is aware of the attack on the United States and NATO makes preparations for war U.S forces abroad prepare for the war that will immediately follow the end of the world from the rear of eg6 an antennas released and then dropped a trail behind the aircraft with five miles of wiring the very low frequency antenna at the end of The Wire now hangs 26 000 feet below and behind the aircraft and immediately establishes Communications with the US's submarine Fleet emergency action messages are relayed to American ballistic missile submarines and the captains of individual boats race to make their missiles ready for launch it's now now 15 minutes after the EMP attack and space-based sensors along with a few surviving ground tracking stations confirmed dozens of Russian nuclear warheads in their mid-course trajectories ballistic missile interceptors based on the west coast of the United States boost into the air launching from their silos in Alaska California and Washington thanks to data links provided by the E6 mercuries the interceptors are able to close in on Russian Warheads though Unfortunately they manage a measly kill ratio that knocks only a few handful of the dozens of incoming nuclear warheads out of the sky the next line of defense is the U.S Navy and with targeting data relayed by the e6's network capabilities American destroyers on the west coast and in the Arctic fire off a salvo of sm-3 missiles intercepting the incoming Warheads in their final trajectories the Navy fares a little better than the Air Force's ballistic missile interceptors and another handful of warheads are knocked out of the sky by the sm-3s now the crew of each E6 aircraft Embraces itself there's nothing left to do but wait for the inevitable luckily they don't have to wait long a minute after the Navy's last-ditch effort to intercept the incoming Warheads the first nuclear strike rocks the west coast of the United States miraculously Los Angeles suffers only a glancing blow some of the WarHeads aimed at it intercepted in Flight San Francisco and San Diego however are obliterated each taking multiple direct hits 30 seconds later the nuclear detonation spread East reaching Colorado Nevada and Wyoming NORAD is rocked by a near Miss but survives intact the nuclear missile fields in Montana and The Dakotas are obliterated by multiple strikes though their own missiles have already been launched two minutes after the first impact New York Atlanta and Philadelphia are wiped off the map Washington already rocked by a small ground-based nuclear weapon is struck again for good measure three minutes after the first detonations the U.S is silent most of its major cities have been reduced to Rubble over a hundred million are already dead America's military command structure survives however and the crews of the in-flight E6 watch on monitors as the first American nuclear strikes devastate Russia the first to Strike Back are America's ballistic missile submarines and their missiles devastate Russia's Seaboard cities a few minutes later American icbm's rain down Extinction in Moscow Saint Petersburg and Vladivostok the first phase of world war three is over but the war itself has only just begun the E6 aircraft to link up with Americans Airborne emergency communications Network and its space assets to coordinate the military response by the US's overseas forces many overseas American bases have been struck in the nuclear attack but the ability to quickly restore Communications afforded by the e6s means that many other forces managed to disperse in time to avoid destruction now the e6's relay orders around the globe to all surviving U.S and NATO forces who prepare for an assault into Russia in order to ensure that World War III does not have a follow-up nuclear exchange now you need to see how Hitmen work on the dark web and why dark web Hitman turned on his own or have a look at crazy things actually sold on the dark web
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 1,358,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JLzzeH_fKDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 42sec (2502 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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