Buying Land In Costa Rica Dangers 10 Tips

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good morning from Costa Rica in Vineland in Costa  Rica something that you're considering then watch   my video to the end because I'm standing on my own  land here in Costa Rica my name is Muriel other   half of their camera I'm part of the sunshine  family and I can tell you my personal 10 tips   about buying land in Costa Rica and how to prevent  huge failure and disaster and I'm giving you a   shortcut here in the 10 most crucial things to  apply when you're thinking about buying land and   actually excited to do so our buying land action  has been a great success we bought a mango farm   2.1 acres here in Costa Rica at the peninsula  the Nicoya and yeah I started from scratch with   Dirk we did not know anything about buying land  in Costa Rica and this is what we figured out   and what we applied ourselves is one to have to  find a trusted lawyer trustable lawyer is key   and it's even more important than having a real  estate agent a real estate agent is important and   can super-super help you but it's more like an  intermediary between you and the land owner of   course and who takes a lot out of your hands well  what happens a lot and that's what we see a lot of   our friends and neighbors have done here is that  they buy property without a real estate agent but   with a so-called intermediary can be someone from  the area who knows the area and the owner really   well and who does the intermediary work for you  but having a trust of all good lawyer that is   my tip number one and there are several who just  say that their trust about what I recommend you to   do how do you find a trust of a lawyer it's Oscar  people who successfully but a land using a lawyer   and just followed the the traces of success and  and and hired a lawyer that has done great work   and has great testimonials and this is how we got  to know our lawyer and he was a belgium lawyer   originally from belgium but he speaks french  and spanish and has an office here in Sao Jose   so yes a good lawyer is definitely tip number one  tip number two is you know investigate the growth   of the area right where do you want to buy your  land this is not just about do you like to live   close to the ocean or have close to the mountains  this is about what is the area of doing right is   there other big building plants around like it  also tells you what is possible on your land it's   important to know just besides staring at the map  which area you like you know which part of Costa   Rica attracts you most near Nicaragua near Panama  near the ocean there you know wherever that it's   important to to check out the area as as as a  specific topic in your in your research right   is there a lot of building there is there are  they're planning to build big hotels there and   that tells you whether you want to live there or  not whether it's gonna be your benefit to buy or   not right so that's super important tip number two  the growth paths of the area tip number three now   the location like you know what I said we prefer  to live on the peninsula one of the blue zones   of the world the five blue zones the peninsula  the Nicoya more at the bottom of there so we're   surrounded by three on three sides with water we  felt attracted by living in a rural area but you   might be living you know more in an area where  there's good infrastructure good roads so this   is just some stuff to definitely think about what  is important for you do you like are you a surfer   do you like to live near the ocean or do you like  to live more on the countryside where we live we   live a little bit in inland about 15 minutes  driving from 3 oceans from the ocean Montezuma   in Montezuma Santa Teresa and kibou yeah and that  was our preference do you like a mountain view do   you like an ocean view do you like flat land do  you like curved land are they are super-marv do   you need supermarkets close by hospital doctor's  office do you want more neighbors do you like to   live in a compound or just on your own like we  do it it's important to think about for example   we preferred Joey my puppies running up if you  prefer to live in a compound it can definitely   have benefits that you're always under the  security of a wall of the of the community in the   compound but it can also have a disadvantage that  you have neighbors close by I've heard stories   about a family and one of their kids was a friend  of with one of my kids and when she was doing gym   exercises in the garden for example and used to  Metris to exercise her roles and her jumps the   neighbor was complaining about his view from his  window that mattress was there I'm just saying   what do you prefer what is priority for you talk  it over think it over and apply it in your search   okay so that was tip number 3 location location  location it's definitely super important tip   number four excuse me water Costa Rica there is  water but there is a lots of areas where there's   problem with water lots of dry areas where there's  no water in the ground when there is no water no   public water and if there's not a water meter  and you do not have a well which is in scripted   at the municipal in the town or a village or the  city where you live you cannot get a building   permit don't please not make a mistake to blindly  buy land based on how it looks like if there is   no water meter it doesn't give you the guarantee  that if you apply for a water meter to get public   water that you gotta get it and without water on  your property officially you know stated by the   municipal there is no building permit so there is  ways to before you close them close the deal and   sell your land there is a way to just to be sure  that you're gonna buy land with water and that is   doing a prepayment ask the the sellers to arrange  a well with inscription for you and never pay the   whole amount of the property right away but you  can make an arrangement with your attorney to do   a 10% payment in an escrow account so it doesn't  go to the owners account it goes to the escrow   that your attorney can set up for you that's like  a neutral spot where the money will be hold until   your terms are are completed by the by the seller  for example that they arrange well for you or the   inscription of the water meters or the inscription  of the well or fix the water meter for you this is   what I've learned and I don't want you to make  a mistake to buy a land where you can never ever   build on because it's useless okay so that was  tip number four tip number five is definitely   as important as tip number four you should have  access to a public road you will be surprised how   many times land has been sold also our real estate  agents buy trust of also called trust able people   in the area and they sell you a piece of land and  it looks like there's access to the public road   but that road is actually not officially there so  you see you can only say if it has access to the   public road if it's on the drawings the original  drawings and how it's how it is familiar at the   municipal so how did the what do you have there  so how it is registered in the on the municipal   on there you should be able to see this is Joey by  the way our new guard dog on the land use a puppy   and really really energetic shut up put you down  hmm so check let your attorney do due diligence   that's also my my tip number six do due diligence  and your attorney should do that that's basically   meaning research at the municipal the history  of the land check if there is no depth on the   land if the the person that you're buying it from  is the actual owner and what I mean with what and   investigate what's the history of the land I mean  is there any family member of the land owner who   can say hey that I own a piece of that land so  after you bought it and you were happily building   your property your your house your casa your  Villa whatever that's some family member of the   the previous land owner comes to you and say well  that piece of the land is actually mine because   here I can prove it to you that the brother of the  father of the you know a relative of me owned that   land and this is actually mine so I you will be  surprised not happily that this happens a lot I   have seen people just have to break terr down  there they're just completed house and that's   not fun that's the biggest nightmare okay so that  was at the same time tip number six due diligence   and get clarity on the title okay who is that um  and you want the title on your name okay fully on   your name not also on someone else's name I hope  that makes sense I'm almost there four tips to go   so you have to before you buy to find out the  setbacks of the property meaning where can you   build and where can't you build so depending on  the how big the property is for example we have   a pretty big property right but if your favorite  spot to have your future house build near the   creek we have a Creek on the land but you are not  allowed to build within 15 meters of that Creek   River or water pump or neighbor's house I think  there so there are specific rules for that now   for us it's easy to get around and to find another  spot but if your property is way smaller and you   have a limited choice then you should consider if  your plans are possible on that specific property   right I hope that makes sense so those are things  to go through tip number eight are their community   fees so you're buying in a town in a community and  there could be rules and regulations that you're   not aware of but you are obligated to to do it  right so check out articles ask your attorney in   the due diligence a research to just come up with  a list with all the the things that you need to   know and need to do and need to pay that brings  me to tip number nine Texas depending if you're   buying on your own name or on a corporation name  which is actually like a tip in between we bought   it on a corporation name it is tax wise better  and also a safer way to buy because you buy it as   a company as a business an anonymous corporation  and not on a person don't ask me to details about   it but I have heard many many many people  just advising me just buy it on an anonymous   corporation it's better it's better in all sorts  of ways but I will do my best to figure out why   exactly and shoot a new video about it okay but  just buy it on a your attorney can help you set   up or set up the unknown anonymous corporation  for you that you buy it on there and based on   that you have to pay taxes and depending on how  much your property and your and everything on it   is worth that's how much taxes you have to pay and  in general it's not that much but you never know   how the rules may change and Joey wants to walk  but I gonna hold you for tip number ten tell your   attorney about your will in case you pass away  you know you're in a ok so if you bought your land   it's important that your attorney is aware of your  will so there is an important list of papers that   we recommend you to hand over to your attorney  some you may have anyways like your passport and   stuff and your personal details but like your will  is super important what happens with the land if   you are not there anymore right if you have land  in Costa Rica and you're even here permanently   then who knows about your will and if you come  from the Netherlands for example like we do if   we pass away we have to do with lots of laws and  regulations in the Netherlands but having property   here you know who and inherits our land we have  a whale a testament because we have kids and also   other family members but you want your attorney  to know exactly who to inform and what to do and   who to give the right to sell or to live on it etc  and that brought me to tip number 10 and I totally   hope that this benefits you again if you like my  content like my video and it was beneficial for   you put your thumb up and even share my video to  people you think and benefit from it's you hit the   bell icon after subscribing so you get notified  you know as soon as we upload a new video about   our crazy lives and adventures and tips and tricks  about everything according to Costa Rica and with   that being said oh PS if you want to know how we  are able to live and and pay hourly pay afford   for our lives here pay the bills we work online  and if you want to learn more about it go to the   description below you will find some information  about it about how we work fully online without   having jobs or brick-and-mortar businesses here so  with that being said thank you for your time thank   you for watching this was Maria from the sunshine  family take care of see you in my next video
Channel: Dirk and Muriel - The SunShine Family
Views: 14,936
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Keywords: Buying Land In Costa Rica, buying real estate in costa rica, buying property in costa rica, property in costa rica, Dirk and Muriel, living in costa rica, costa rica, Moved To Costa Rica, Moving To Costa Rica, How Safe Is Costa Rica, Costa Rica Expat, Costa Rica 2020, Costa Rica vlog, costa Rica real estate, real estate Santa teresa, Costa Rica Lifestyle, Digital nomad Costa Rica, dangers of living in costa rica, costa rica realtor, costa rica expats, costa rica expat life
Id: CHuoNh31YME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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