COST OF LIVING from Different Perspectives in Dumaguete, Philippines

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hello guys in this video we're going to share with you cost of living from different perspectives I don't get it when a lot of people say oh I come here I live on 800 1,000 a month uh I don't understand that if you're homeless you just eat Filipino food yeah 600 800 you can live but otherwise we can't I'm leaving right now around 45,000 PES 1 month 60 or 70,000 PES I'm spending probably uh1 ,000 PES a month so if you have like a $2,000 income when you come here it's like $6,000 a month it was a lot cheaper than being in the US that's for sure it's a great place for retiring so my rent which includes internet is 20,000 pencil my small house only 6,000 I have one-bedroom apartment and I paid 10,000 500 pesos for that 15,000 for the place if you want to eat like a Filipino is extremely cheap but if you want to eat the way you ate in America it's like four times expensive I can eat on $18 we don't eat uh on itery we mostly eat local Filipino food so I try to spend not more than 700 a day so it's kind of Art of Living on a budget AR I know that you are digital Nomad yeah and you can actually spend much more than you spend in here but uh it's enough for you yeah for yeah it's totally enough uh in total we spent so here is my friend Ali and he agreed to tell about his experience uh here with cost of living uh how long you already live here I've been living here a year and a half closer to two years and a year and a half a year and like eight months okay I moved here uh about March of 2022 left for 3 months months but then I came back okay and uh you originally from California California Sacramento so uh let's talk about your cost yeah I mean I I watch a lot of vloggers and they always have different opinions about cost of living here so I'm going to tell you guys my situation because everybody's different yeah uh ever since I've been here I've always had my girlfriend first and then we lived together for a year and then we got married so it depending you know if it's just live by yourself or it's two of you makes a big difference a lot of times people say oh it doesn't change that much I totally disagree uh because you know it doesn't double but easily it goes up 50 60% so pretty much I broke it down so I came prepared because you know these figures are not exaggerated uh they're 99% down to the teeth so I'm just going to go slowly and kind of uh explain how I came up with the total number at the end my rent which includes internet all my numbers are in pesos so at the end I can convert it to dollars so it be easier because that's what I pay in pesos and at the end I can convert it to Dollar so you can see both how much total pencil and dollars so my rent which includes internet is 20,000 pen we live in a very nice one-bedroom apartment it's in big rock in Valencia a lot of people know that Valencia is one of the nicest place to live in doti area and Valencia is the third coolest City in Philippine bagio is number one I forgot the number two but Valencia is the third coolest City so it makes a huge difference for me because to be honest the first year I almost left three times because people don't share this with you in here it's hot and it's humid I mean I'm from Sacramento I'm used to the Heat but I'm not used to the humidity the first 6 months I was sweating nonstop so twice I said there is no way I can live here but everybody kept saying take it easy your lungs going to get used to it it took me one year for my lungs to get used to it so you got to be patient because if you're not used to humility you're going to freak out so like I said my rent which includes internet is 20,000 then water gas and electricity is about6 ,000 I pay 1,000 for parking and then for gas because we do have a car and a motorbike for gas and insurance on car and motorbike is about 8,000 I am a heart patient I had four heart operation the last 18 years five a attacks total so I'm on nine different medication and the the cost of my medication per month is 10,000 peso and because of my situation of heart disease and diabetic I see my doctor every 3 months and he usually sends me to do lab work on my blood urine and X-ray on my heart so on average I spend about 5,000 peso per month on that then in here we do laundry we take all our clothes to the laundry mat and that about 2,000 peso per month uh since I'm married uh I agreed from day one that I give allowance to my wife that way she can buy whatever she wants to buy clothes purse cuz you know women in here they love clothes they love shoes they love purses makeup stuff so I give her 10,000 peso per month and I tell her if you want to give portion of that to your family it's up to you so a lot of times she pretty much splits the money gives 5,000 to her mom and keeps the other 5,000 for expenses so that way I don't have to worry about if she wants to buy something and this way I thought she would learn how to budget in general and then grocery this is where the big one is I was just telling Alex in us your biggest cost is your rent and your health insurance in here is your food I cannot eat Filipino food food I'm sorry to say that I get sick you know I get sick whenever I eat Filipino food so I'm very particular when it comes to food we do eat like the Western Foods so Western food if you come here there is a huge difference about food if you want to eat like a Filipino is extremely cheap but if you want to eat the way you ate in America it's like four times expensive so this is our cost we go grocery shopping twice a week and we go fruits and vegetables shopping twice a week so four times a week we go shopping for food and we spend about 10,000 peso per week on grocery shopping which comes to about 40,000 peso per month and then on average we eat out three nights a week and two lunches so on average with five days five meals and another thing that I feel like is different here in us I used to eat two meals a day I used to have a breakfast and a late lunch early dinner in here because there is no preservatives there is no extra junk in the food you know so it's like you go through food much faster in here here we have at least three meals a day with a snack so we have seven breakfast seven lunch seven dinner get prepared when you come here you eat more than you eat in us and I think because of all the preservative in us when you eat something it sits in your stomach in here you eat something 2 hours later you're hungry it just goes through you because there is no chemical added so I would say so grocery shopping 40 ,000 per month and eating out 20,000 so so far the total comes to 122,000 peso so if we don't and that's so far 122,000 usually we travel every other month we go to different island in the last 15 months we've been to seven different Island so it's pretty much every other month we go to different Island because as you know there are so many islands here there are 13 major islands that you must see if you want to travel so we've seen half of them already so on average we spend 20,000 peso on traveling so that bring it up to 144,000 peso which comes to $2,750 per month so$ 2750 in dollar 144,000 pesos then you guys got to remember you know when I moved here 18 months ago 19 months ago you got to establish a life here you know I mean I don't get it when a lot of people say oh I come here I live on 800 1,000 a month uh I don't understand that yeah if you if you got with all the respect if you live if you're homeless you just eat Filipino food yeah 600 800 you can live but otherwise you can't the first year here I a brand new car toy wigo and I bought a brand new Honda click so total of those two was $155,000 which is pretty cheap compared to us when you can buy a brand new Toyota here for almost 13,500 which the same car in US is double and the main reason the cars are more expensive in us for two reasons more safety features and higher taxes so you can pretty much buy a car brand new Toyota for half of the price here compared to us so that's a big plus and motorcycles here are also half price compared to us so combination of motorcycle and a car we spent 15,000 then I got married and our wedding cost 3,000 that's including already dollars yeah these are all dollars now so now our wedding cost 3,000 which was including the civil and reception and the ring and then you know you know every month you have to pay immigration fee so it's about $11,000 for immigration the first year and then I bought about $2,000 in Furniture I bought a mattress I bought a couple of couches I bought some chicken uh kitchen Wares so I spent another 2,000 on that so pretty much the first year here I spent $ 21,000 on Dollar on those items so if you do the at 2750 per month in expenses which comes to 33,000 plus 21,000 on the car and wedding immigration motorbike and Furnitures so that comes to 56,000 the first year which comes to $4,700 per month we're not done yet so another thing that I had to add the first year that I came here I went back to us twice first time I came here I came here for two weeks to check it out I went back then I came back and I stayed here for 6 months which I concluded that I'm going to live here then I went back and did the rest of the stuff that I had to do like get on my furniture some my townhouse and I was there for almost two months to make sure I take care of all that stuff so the first year I was in Philippine two round trip tickets average of 2500 each so that's another 5,000 first year so if you do the math 56,000 Plus $ 5,000 so total cost for first year was $61,000 which comes to $5,100 per month so far so good great result yeah so this is like an accurate thing and I'm going to give this paper to Alex yeah thank you so you know because I broke it down in detail so I mean so I mean if you're really considering moving to Philippine for good and you're planning to have a partner either living girlfriend or marriage yeah and having the same level of living yeah like you know actually I would say I'm living better here than I live in us because since I work in us I was working like 6 days a week so I wasn't home that much I was always at work I used to sell cars so I used to work 60 70 hours a week and but in here I'm retired so I mean so I mean every day is like we have nothing to do so you go you know once you come here you know what I mean in here you can do a thousand times more things are so many waterfalls so many ocean views so many rivers mountains to climb there is so much activity so many festivals I mean I would say Philippines is the happiest country on the planet average in a year there is like three or four months of Festival different festivals and you can travel from one uh City to another to visit all yeah we do we do all the you know like Alex says we do a lot of traveling between cities and then when we want to go to different Island you hop on a fairy fairies are very cheap in here uh you can take your motorbike you can take your car it's a little bit difficult you just got to be patient it might take hour hour and a half to put your car on a ferry but then you go to baj you go to sikor you know you go to SIU I mean you can take your car or motorbike any place you go and then you have your own transportation and island hopping is our number one favorite thing to do and there is a lot of fun you know so I mean I highly recommend coming here the stress level is much much less and your life expectancy goes higher because the stress level people being friendly and having Joy adds up it is cheaper here to live I always says your money triples so if you have like a 2 ,000 income when you come here is like $66,000 a month so you have this equivalency of that kind of Lifestyle so I feel like if you have a significant other married or girlfriend and you want to have a good time 3,000 is a good money but you got to remember I have medical issues so I me if you're a younger person and you don't have any medical issues then 2500 will do thank you Al so much for your detailed answer I really appreciate it sure here's my friends AR and Dasha and uh I'm going to ask about his cost of living here in the Philippines how long you already live here we spent almost a year or maybe a year uh like since last November year yeah and how's how is your experience here how do you think is it cheap life here or expensive well it depends like it's uh cheap if we talk about like houses or renting but uh for example for us uh oh yeah for food especially for fresh vegetables fresh meat uh and other things it's actually not not the cheapest uh place in the world more expensive than Russia actually yeah yeah like uh tomatoes cucumbers potato potato yeah potato is carrots onions yeah so vegetables are not cheap there so it's cheap to eat rice there and maybe what chicken I don't know chicken yeah yeah yeah so let's talk about numbers yeah okay we one month we we spent uh about 60 or 700 thousand yeah well it's 15,000 for the place so for the house we us how many bedrooms here two two and the big yeah so we used to rent another place so it was like 40,000 P of for almost the same yeah but yeah well it's this place is better for me yeah you found a great place yeah yeah then uh like bills it's uh 1,500 for the for electricity mhm 150 for do you use hairon or not no we we don't use it at all like we use fans and that's all we yeah but we have two air but we we don't use it at all then 154 water not drinking water but just water because they have uh I don't know 150 PES yeah yeah yeah uh I don't know like s uh deep well yeah so they they have it uh so we don't depend on uh City yeah city city pipes maybe then it's 2ou 2,000s for the internet for the connect connection to the internet you mean mobile or Wii no it's Wi-Fi uh it's Wi-Fi it's we we use fi products a pretty good company like uh every time someone mons uh about PLT or something else yeah we always have the the connection for the phone we we pay I don't know like maybe 700s but for three four six months because I I bought like 40 gabes uh for the 700s and I we still use it like three four months yeah yeah yeah so perfectly yeah way yeah yeah yeah well for us then uh then drinking water drinking water yeah it's about 400 100 for four bottles yeah oh yeah and they deliver it like maybe in 1 hour or maybe less sometimes because they have like a water station yeah water station right right near uh then what else how about uh food outside fot outside it's like for us we usually eat home at home like because Dasha Cooks well every day yeah so uh sometimes we go to restaurant yeah like moon for example or uh Latina so but we don't eat uh on eery yeah like it it depends so in restaurant it's like from 1,000 to 2,000 uh for two person yeah for two person yeah like and it depends also of course yeah how much for example you can spend way more if you go to aalong brewery and uh like drunk yeah with alcohol so uh what else for example in some uh Pizzeria yeah it's is done yeah is done if you spend like 500 oh yeah okay 600 piz piz and two beers like local beers also we spent money for motorbike so it's like 40 oh not 40 300 400 P for changing the oil mhm no not for we yeah changing Z World so I it's like one time in the three months no like for me it's one time in a month in a month because like last month year well it depends also because sometimes we we we went to balot yeah and yeah it's long way better to change 200 500 kilm so you you have to you have to change the oil and sometimes you not go anywhere uh so you don't need to and like 400 PES a week for the gas yeah like uh we usually go to to the gym and to to a gym and to to City to the city yeah for for food or to spend some time with friends so how much gym uh gym is so it also depends on on the gym so we usually go to two gyms like one in D and one in bakong so for not bakong yeah Valencia yeah so in Valencia you pay 40 PESA for one time one one time yeah and in D you pay 150 in D we used to we used to go to dagas one of the most I don't know coolest cool yeah coolest uh gym you have to pay 250 uh PES for one time but but for it's cheaper for the for the months for a month uh so gyms there not so good like for example in Russia uh but yeah it also you you can compare uh but it's basic yeah yeah basic they have everything you need like maybe Bas yeah yeah uh but in dumag yeah it's well furnitured modern yeah with air condition because other gyms only have fans okay so you can find for different budgets totally Services AR I know that you are digital Nomad yeah and you can actually spend much more than you spend in here but uh it's enough for you yeah for comfort yeah it's totally enough uh we live in a some rural place so there is nothing to to do like except uh except going uh to to beach yeah also they but but a lot of things in the [Music] water they have diving CER yeah like like there right there yeah yeah you have just great location near from Ocean I don't know less than 1 minute and uh maybe 3 minutes uh walking main road yeah we used to think it's a quiet place but sometimes it's not anymore because no no uh because of uh I don't know like maybe celebrations yeah fiestas because like a month like this month every week every week they start to celebrate something on some music until Monday okay yeah but no still it's a quiet quiet place and yeah it's far away from the city so it's a clean place it's a white place here and I love it actually uh and I know that you lived in many countries uh compared to other countries how do you think is it worth it here this money on this uh level of living yeah totally worth it yeah of course like in big cities in Russia you have to pay like rent for example we pay almost $1,000 uh for like a one bedroom apartment far from the center from the down downtown here less than 300 you have whole house yeah yeah but yeah but it's far away from not only because in Russia it's cold yeah yeah of course like uh and you need to spend money on a CLA on a uh winter uh wire Tire yeah we didn't say anything about buying clothes or yeah buy closes of shoes because like actually we stopped doing this because everything you you buy uh I don't know like after two months yeah it it loses color it loses everything so we decided not to not to buy like we only buy shoes because like uh one time they someone uh someone stole it yeah and that's all so maybe sometimes we buy uh clothes just for our friends like with Prince but yeah clothes with prints like really cheap the cheapest clothes ever 200 PES for shot for shot with with with a print yeah yeah how about laundry we used to use uh laundry first time yeah yeah like first months or maybe two then we decided to buy a washing machine with our friends like we bought it for three families uh for 20,000 P it was new or it was new like uh yeah and it was good like with uh uh heater with a heater so it's like it's a good washing washing machine not like they use in laund without a heater and then when we moved in into this house we also bought a washing machine for 10,000 peses from our friends it's a used one mhm and it also works well sometimes so this investment definely worth it yeah yeah totally worth it because uh yeah we like to wash it like we we got used to uh use washing machine in Russia yeah in Russia any apartment there is washing machine in all of them so yeah it totally wors it yeah thank you so much for this here is my friend Kil s and uh I want to ask about his cost of living He Lives just right near from Dasha and AR's house yeah nearest house yeah and uh how was your experience here oh I I live in Z bagita only I don't know 16 days but it's nice place peaceful quiet I don't know and uh cheap cheap because uh the guys ran their house around around no 15 plus electricity something but my small house only 6,000 so that's that's all yeah it's great deal whole house less than no $100 little bit more yes 110 maybe yeah so how long you already here in the Philippines in total uh I arrived last November last November I don't not remember date yeah yeah yeah so it's almost a year close around Year yes around one year uh this is my four apartment I live in banilad in bakong in GTG in a room I already recorded to you like year ago you can watch it later so uh what's about your monthly expenses here uh well if we don't speak about crisis or something like this about course of rubbles I think your followers don't interesting about it yeah let's count in pesos for so if we cting in pesos so I I'm leaving right now around 44 45,000 PES per month yeah it's nice so uh 6,000 it is your rent yeah how much electri Cy water uh actually I still didn't get a build because it's only 16 days uh but before uh the girls who ran here before me told me that the build like electricity was something around 500 because there is no air con on the fan so yeah it's I have air con oh you have yes but I don't use for no so near the beach and always windy so it's fine it's fresh mostly so what else how about groceries my I have a budget a day I yes so I try uh to spend not more than 700 a day I just try to do this uh uh it includes uh Market uh e areas or something like this because the guys for example don't like e area but but uh Jo is very like itview so yeah we also all the time so I already like it I already find 10 which I like favorite okay whatever uh and your 44 45,000 budget it is for two persons or one for two persons no yes because no I I live with my girlfriend so I spend this money for yeah so how about your uh build in the restaurants in the cafes H I think around 500 for for restaurant or 600 something like this if you go why not of course it can be 1,000 because there is drinks so that's why my uh days budget only 700 because I just keep 300 each days because someone will spend it oh on a special day on on another special day yes okay um how about internet do you have Wi-Fi here yes uh we share with the guys internet so I pay only onek for internet and the guys okay okay uh do you use um laundry or your girlfriend help you uh yeah no with the white uh t-shirts or something like this uh Joy prefer to to do it STS yes uh but we use laundry yes no I think not more than 500 months yeah how about your transport uh did you buy a new bike or used uh I buy the used uh bike uh around uh 60,000 uh y yaha Rock mhm I spent maybe two two tanks a week no so it's around 4 450 a week mhm I always want to order something in Lazada in sh eom new dress uh new things that I don't want how we can use it or something that we already can immediately something very important thing yes yes so I did I never C calculated because it's harm me too much so I think um few K months maybe five yeah depends yeah because delivery each each product you need to pay separate delivery yep yeah so amazing even you get two products at one delivery you still pay for each delivery yep sure I think U that's all most how about your life here uh are you contented with uh this uh level of uh life of um yeah it's something it looks looks like e Easy Life yeah simple easy life simple easy life yes I like it I feel comfortable thank you for your experience uh I appreciate your story my English yeah it's okay thank you so much we already record cost of living uh when I was single uh we showed you places and costs and prices everything there so you can just watch this video later but in this video we will share with you uh our of living now when we uh living together we when we uh waiting for baby and of course our life changed but we still on a budget because uh baby is our priority so it's kind of Art of Living on a budget uh yeah we mostly cook at home um and let's talk about our costs we want to firstly say thank you to Justin because he he helped us uh a lot and he found Place For Us house actually it's a big house but this house under renovation so uh while this house under renovation we just paying for rent uh as we just paying for electricity bill so we calculated all our spend uh during 3 months in a budget budgeting up uh then divided by three and got average result per month our house one $199 it includes um electric bill $47 uh we paying for our electricity and also for our workers uh so we don't use airon but our workers using drill yeah yeah and uh we pay $7 uh for gas M for our store internet we don't use uh Wi-Fi at home but we use uh data like glob and smart so it cost $20 per month our food $216 it includes groceries $98 M fruits $53 Cafe I mean food outside everything Cafe C area restaurants mostly it's C area it's itery uh local food uh yeah we mostly eat local Filipino food my wife is Filipina so we cook Filipino food and eat outside Philipp Filipino food as well and fish $14 drinking water 27 cents per uh bottle galloon for cooler galloon yeah we order order several uh galloons per months it cost in total $2 yeah for laundry we didn't do it outside like going to the laundry shop we just do I just do it by myself because um I'm not contented with the quality after they wash it because if there's a stain they cannot get it in there so I should need to wash it again so I need to do it by myself yeah but uh if you will use laundry it will cost about um 7 uh kilo $5 $5 per 7 kilo yeah maybe some other people like go to laundry because they're tired because they have work but me just just wash it beat by beat so that you you know you you cannot wash a lot of clothes yeah that's it yeah just for me okay transfer $24 per months uh I have my own bike uh so I spent only on gazoline and uh oil changing yeah and that's it so it's really cheap and uh I bought this bike about year ago uh it's this Honda airblade it cost me $2,000 mhm I didn't uh count this money in this uh budget yeah yeah so it was in another video MH our pregnancy it's not like uh you go into spent but it's our spent and we spent in a 3 months $381 for vitamins prenatal checkup for prenatal tests and um we also went to dental clinic and spent there $177 uh for your understanding it's about $25 per one dental feeling uh work my work $27 it includes um apps for editing and music so and some accessories for GoPro mhm and other spans uh like flight to Manila uh Visa Clause other spans we uh $111 per month mhm my Visa cost uh $35 per month it is tourist visa it is average but uh this month I spent $195 because I uh extended for 6 months so different Visa CA different prices and if you're interested about interested about tourist visa you can watch this video on my channel I will put Link in the description you can also watch video about um prices for food in a groceries we already made this video about half year ago but price is mostly the same so you can watch it later yeah in total we spent in a 3 months is $2,335 or $738 per month yeah as you can see it is really low uh it is Art living on a budget so we trying to um oh my God careful sorry it's okay so we're trying to eat uh local food we trying to cook at home we don't U go on um fancy restaurant fancy yeah restaurant and uh vacation somewhere on another Islands yeah but uh I want to ask you if you would have more money uh where you going to spend it uh I been going to spend it for our baby yeah no need to go somewhere like still like um for me I I'm a habit travel like I like to travel but yeah we have responsibility now not like we're single we can go somewhere everywhere yeah our average bill in a restaurant in a cafe if it's current area ity it is about 200 psos it is $4 average uh and if we spend time with our friends somewhere in a cafe like pizza it cost about $10 $15 it is all for two persons so uh it is about th000 maybe no not thousand it is about 800 pesos so like1 $15 yeah yeah yeah yeah here's my friend Danny and I'm going to ask him about his cost of living here in the Philippines how long you already here I got here in January so it's been what uh 9 months now 9 months and you originally from what state from Arizona I moved here from Arizona okay and what's your experience here um is it uh expensive life here or cheap it was a lot cheaper than being in the US that's for sure it's a great place for retiring because your retirement income is nearly as big as it is when you're working so it was really a much more comfortable move uh before you came came here you had some expectations uh did it much when you come here or you was surprised about some prices maybe I did a lot of research before I came for a couple of years so I was I was pretty uh pretty sure what I was going to run into I know it's not the case for everybody but I really didn't have a whole lot of surprises um sometimes things cost a little bit more than I expected and other times a few things cost a little less but in in the watch mhm it's all been really about what I expected okay let's talk about numbers uh do you know your monthly budget like well I'm going through some different I'm I'm doing some different things uh that other people probably wouldn't do yeah but basically you know my rent is uh I have a one-bedroom apartment and I pay 10,500 Asos for that it's a little under $200 yeah um is a good apartment with air con it has air con yeah it has air con in the bedroom and it's it's strong enough to cool off the whole place uh and of course coming from Arizona I don't find this place to be too hot yeah it's actually hotter in Arizona little more humid but it's you know temperature wise is it's just fine for me good um and then I have a van and I I drive everywhere in the van it uh take a gas probably lasts Me 2 weeks and it's about 1,500 pesos to fill it up so it's about 3,000 per month yeah about 3,000 per month yeah but do you drive only one or you also have a bike I have a motorcycle I recently I haven't been driving it because of the I'm getting spoiled with the van have the air conditioning and the in the radio and it's more easy to carry things but the biker is even less how much was uh you one and quite here the van I paid 165,000 pesos for it m um and I forget the conversion somewhere around a little over $4,000 us which you can't hardly buy a used car in the US for that and it was brought up to almost like new standards new paint new ulery everything was brought up so it's a it's a great little van uh is it easy to drive here I mean to park here to um to drive in the narrow streets right well this is a not it's not a big vehicle so I can squeeze in where a lot of other cars cannot um but once you learn how to navigate the place it it's it's not that hard to get around plus I keep reminding myself hey you're retired you don't have to be anywhere in a hurry and if you do you just leave just just leave early and you don't have to hurry anywhere parking Wise It's a little harder to find parking for the car as it is for the the motorcycle but it's it's usually manageable um a lot of times uh if I go to the mall I'll just go to the parking lot and just pull over to the side and sit there for maybe 5 minutes or so and somebody be leaving and there'll be a slot go in it's not hard to get I don't find it hard to get parking at all you said you have air in your apartment do you know your payment for electric and water and yeah electric is about a little under 4,000 pesos which um and I use a lot of I use the air conditioner a lot um it's a window type yeah no it's a split unit yeah nice yeah so it's really nice um let's say 4,000 pesos is probably uh about $80 a month yeah and in Arizona I was paying you know anywhere from 300 so 300 350 a month for AC there yeah so it's a big difference um what your uh costs uh for uh groceries and for f outside groceries I probably pay about I don't eat at home as much but I probably pay about maybe 6,000 pesos a month for GR trees M and um I can eat [Music] on ,000 pesos a day which is uh about $18 $18 two two meals yeah yeah it's a couple meals yeah yeah and and coffee or whatever often times I only eat one meal uh but I'll go somewhere and I'll have coffee and and uh you know hang out yeah so you pay a little bit for that that but it's it's nothing like uh like prices back home yeah how do you think uh your amount of money per month uh is it worth this life this level of life in the Philippines or it's expensive or it's cheap oh it's very much worth it I I live I live quite comfortable I uh not like a rich person but I have all the things that I need I got you know hot cold running water a nice place to stay got good Transportation um I can eat whatever I want when ever I want and it's uh it's much much deap do you have uh Wi-Fi in your apartment or not yes I do it's included yeah in price no it was not included in price I pay extra for that but I think and that's uh and it's fiber optic also so I think I pay about 2,000 maybe about 2,000 yeah $40 4 $43 a month American so and Wi-Fi back there is over 100 and you here on retirement Visa or on tourist visa right right now I'm on tourist tour so it's about $35 per month yeah yeah um did I ask you about total months uh not total um well because of things I'm doing uh which is more than sometimes more than other people I'm spending probably uh 100,000 pesos yeah it's only for you or with girlfriend I have a girlfriend and and you know and I I help out with that and then uh of course I'm also I'm going around and uh different places playing music and things and and we don't make money at that we actually spend money but it's you know it's good entertainment it's good fun yeah I know you have really uh saturated life here with uh music band with uh hiking on the waterfalls and uh exploring places gosh you never run out of things to do if you've got an open mind and of course I have a lot more friends here than I've ever had because everybody here that's your friends they have more time you know to spend together and do outings and you know cookouts and meet at restaurants and things like that so it's it's you never run out of things to do I'm always uh in fact I'm hardly ever home except at night I get up in the morning and I leave and I'm I'm you know hopping from here to there just doing things just going way just just going going and going and going but there no stress there no pressure it's just this is what I want to do I'm out doing you know things I enjoy yeah anytime you can just go home and yeah I can do whatever um but but you just stay busy with there's always something happening somebody calls you and say hey I want to do a a vlog on CL and it's just another thing that you do during the day you know it just Happ it's yeah it's for me it's all fun you yeah yeah I like this place of living it's not in a rush but at the same time very saturated much more than my life also here in Moscow even Moscow it's like million um people live there I don't know maybe 15 million or more so it's so many people but you really feel there much more lonely than here uh I don't know why you just come in any place you know someone you talk with someone and uh creating some PL events it's a it's a much more friendly atmosphere here and especially the the people around us uh the Filipino people are great also but the but the most of the uh the foreigners that are here they're they're here on retirement and so they're not in rush to be anywhere and they have time to sit and talk and visit and uh you know tell stories back and forth yeah thank you so much for your experience Danel maybe you want to add something I Do I Do is cuz I'm I'm I just removed four teeth um I'm going to get them redone uh but to have two just two teeth pulled it was something like uh $4,500 uh pesos which was you know way cheaper than having one pull I've had all four bries or I'm going to I'm going to do a partial in there I'm waiting on that to be made but the dental cost is like it's so much cheaper but you don't use here any insurance just pay cash no you just yeah you just Ure yourself here yeah with cash yeah with cash um especially you know for uh for for what it cost to do insurance if if you have a good a couple of good credit cards even if you didn't have the money you could just pay for it on a credit card and make payments to the credit card rather to an insurance company so you're really only making payments unless you need it yeah and it's cheap here much cheaper yeah yeah you go to the doctor here it's you know $20 you to go for Doctor American doct any so yeah it's it's very important thank you so much for this interview and your honest opinion about Philippines really appreciate your time and your stories thank you Danny and Danny has his own channel so I will put Link in the description and you can watch his events and uh his life here yeah yeah I'm not really active on it cuz I'm busy doing other things but I'll be building on it I'm sure that you will come back yeah yeah I'll be back with yeah thank you so much thank you so if you will have some additional questions you welcome into comments uh and thank you for supporting us thank you for your subscriptions thank you for uh your likes and your comments yeah thank you for thank you to people who support us through PayPal we really appreciate it and now you know that it is really uh important part of our monthly budget so thank you so much for being with us and see you in next videos yeah see you see you bye- bye bye
Channel: Alex Kosh
Views: 80,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cost of living, Philippines, Dumaguete, Price, Budget, Retirement, Digital nomad, How much, Money, Cheap, Expensive, Vlog, Expat, Emigrant, Overseas
Id: FmcVI52mhU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 11sec (3131 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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