Corrupt cop turned mentor || STEVE HARVEY

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this involves my next guest Jamel and former police officer Andrew more than ten years ago Andrew admittedly framed Gemayel on drug charges Jamel take take us back to the arrests at what happened he had 2005 my son was just born his mom was coming over for me to meet him for the first time I wanted to go to the store to get some milk and some other little goodies so I wouldn't have to leave so I ended up getting a ride with a family friend we get over there to the store I get in there I get my stuff I come out the store and boom Andrew Collins is right there approaching me talking about where's the dope and I'm like what dope so he searched me again it was like where's the dope I'm like what dope I won't have any dope and at that time I still buy the the mark car and he walked towards the van I mean the truck that I was in and when he came back this time he wanted to search me again and I'm like at this time mad I'm irate I unbuckle my pants and pull down my pants her underwear raised up my shirt was like I don't have any dope and from that point I went to jail and never got to see my son and sentenced to 10 years in federal prison why did you arrest her mail yeah so Steve at that point in my career I was pretty young and I noticed that when I would handle narcotics investigations when I would get a big bust I would get a lot of attention and my head started to grow and I started to do little things that led to bigger things that led to by the end of my career full-blown corruption so on that day I had heard I got a tip that there was gonna be drugs delivered to that location when I got there there was one gentleman there and then Jamel came out and I wasn't sure what jamel's part was with it but I felt like the the gap that was there in the story was my job to fill for justice to be served so we found an ounce of crack in the car and I just basically made up the story that Jamel had to have known because it was his drugs so I wrote the story as so if any reader would listen or read they would say well yeah it was his dope okay so Andrew how did this truth catch up how do how do we get here cuz right yeah so that was 2005 by 2008 these little steps towards corruption became I was a full-blown corrupt cop and I ended up getting caught with crack heroin and marijuana in my office and then the feds got involved and so I shut down immediately because I didn't want to be prosecuted but the longer I was away from police work the more I wasn't just sorry that I got caught but I was sorry for what I had done to people because this wasn't who I was it was who I love myself to become so just through prayer and what God was doing in my life I said I went to the feds and I said I want to tell you the truth I want to own up to everything so we sat down we started picking through these pieces of bad reports that I had dunks it wasn't just Jamel so by the end of that over fifty to sixty cases were overturned and then I pled guilty in January 2009 I was looking at 22 years in prison I ended up only doing 18 months by the grace of God and a week after I pled guilty Jamel was released from prison Jamel what was it like for you sitting in prison knowing that you were framed it was a rough time for me I became very angry a bitter person was unapproachable a conversation couldn't happen unless we were fighting so I mean I'm here and I'm like I don't want to be here I got I got to do something else to make it home to ultimately raise my son or to even see him cuz the way I'm going now I probably would be here forever so I got into I was in my room one day Steve and it was a Bible on the table I grabbed the Bible looked at it I'm reading it then I'm not reading it it's like a song kept playing in my head that you can't get out and it was just let it go let it go let it go and I wouldn't at first you know saying cuz I wanted to hold that and then when I let it go man man some good things happen prayer definitely does change things but I let that week later I was released in federal a week later you were released yes so you ended up doing four years four years okay now you reconnected after you each were released how did that happen yes that was around 2011 I was spending some time with my son and he wanted to go down to the park so he went down there and it was a really big crowd down there and my attention was just drawn to under the pavilion for some reason and then I was I thought what I saw was Andrew and I was like that can't be him and I kept looking I'm like yeah that's him so I be lying right over there and I just saw him out of park at the park and I be like right over here and stick out my hand was like hey you remember me and he was like yeah and she was he grabbed my hand I locked on him in order to hit him my mind is saying hit him hit him and um I didn't you know saying I just said hey could you tell my son why he missed out on four years well I missed out on four years in history yeah sorry he grabs ahold of my hand and it was it was obvious Steve like at first I wasn't sure how that was gonna go but when he grabbed on it was obvious this wasn't gonna be a good thing you know and he says explain to my son why I missed out and I said there's nothing I can say jemelle there's nothing I can say except for I'm sorry I can't give you the time back I can't take back what I did I was a terrible person I made some really bad decisions but I offer you my apology and any any let go and he said a few choice words to mean he walked out of the park and I thought that was probably the last conversation I have with Jamel what's your relationship like today I got into this program called jaws for life and then it was three weeks in you get to meet your mentor and they said the instructor came to me and said hey we know you guys and probably had some history together but God has laid on my heart for you to to be mentored minty she's like you can choose not to and we can get you somebody else today right now without a problem and I was like okay who is it and she was like Andrew Collins and I'm like no like no Lord like why like what is that with this so I say you know what my first answer is no but I say you know what I don't want this just dis decision to be my own so I sit there I pray and I prayed about it it was evident like I got to go through this so then he comes into the cafe and I don't remember him from that I just know he's one of the guys in the judge for life class and he tells me who he is and I'm immediately brought back to that day in the park and we're talking about this mentorship and I said Jamel is this is this gonna work can we do this he said I think we are and I think God wants us to and I said this is heavy can we pray about this and he said let's pray so right in the middle of the cafe we prayed together the guy would bless this friendship and he has Jamel got brought into the cafe we work together day in day out we hang out together we walked around Chicago last night and talked about life and and and what we hope God has in the future for us hey folks welcome ah thanks for checking out my youtube channel don't forget to click here to subscribe to my channel that way you won't miss a single hot new video some really good stuff and then I want you to click here to see more clips from the show right now
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 689,410
Rating: 4.8728433 out of 5
Keywords: Steve, Harvey, funny, humor, comedy, tv, steve harvey, steve harvey daytime, steve harvey show, Talk Show (TV Genre), 4168, COPS, guns, corrupt cop, andrew collins, cop, forgiveness, police, prison, jail
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2016
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