Coronavirus - 21 Million Cellphones Disappeared in China

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Halon winner is this loud e6 here with another video I hope you guys are staying safe I hope you guys are self quarantine depending on where you are I've seen people breaking the rules going out fraternizing with people here in California people have been quite good about it which is really nice to see I have multiple connections with people in China and people that are well-connected to people in high positions of we can say high positions of the health sphere that have passed along some very important information that might help us make sense of what actually is happening within China if you are following the CCP led media the state media soft power propaganda you would actually you would actually start believing the idea that China has gotten this entire situation under control there's like no new cases I did make that prediction that there were gonna there's gonna be another second outbreak but they're going to claim it's from the outside either America started the whole thing or Italy started the whole thing or Japan started the whole thing and also claimed victory over this whole thing but then when the second outbreak happens it's gonna be from people coming from abroad going back into China and that's happening there's a lot of discrimination and horrible things happening to foreigners within China my recommendation to everyone there is if you have plans or the means to maybe leave or find employment outside of China it's probably a good idea at this point now the really damning and important thing I really want to bring up now is a lot of people are talking about this and actually I discovered this ages ago the massive drop in cell phone subscriptions now as you know any company that operates within China they have to have a party member on board if they have over 40 and 50 employees so and that means that it's basically state ownership within privatized companies as well now there's three major cell phone providers in China there's China Mobile and that's them that was like the most popular one and I noticed something a couple weeks ago I believe I noticed that in their public data they had lost about seven million subscriptions to their cell phone service and my brain was like trying to make sense of this because I through historical data I went back from 2020 1980s 1870s 16 I think 2016 was like the earliest public data I could find and there was never one instance of them losing subscriptions over gaining subscriptions and this happened abruptly 7 million cell phone subscriptions wiped out so I was talking to my father-in-law talking to some people about why this might be trying to make sense of it my brain didn't immediately go to a dark place but then the excuses started coming out so my father-in-law and some other people were saying hey it's because they're dropping their old 4G service and going to 5g and I said ok ok that kind of makes sense then I looked into it actually the public data includes there 5g subscriptions because China Mobile does have 5g then the excuses changed then he started saying things like and the other people started saying things like well it's just because there's a more competitive package from the other companies like China Unicom and so I said ok so I started looking their data as well and they were losing millions of subscriptions immediately and abruptly at the same time cumulatively like at the end of the day it was 21 million subscriptions lost and that's a bit weird if you think about it it was exactly around the same time everyone was you know getting welded into their houses you know all this kind of huge crackdown that the Chinese government was doing on his own people and all that when the speculation of the crematoriums all that kind of stuff came out so it's not me insinuating that 21 million people died but at the same time it is absolutely bizarre that there's no real logical excuse or statement from any of these companies as to why this happened and the fact that they let their data collected of CHOP know alike oops we forgot about this you know I feel like it's gonna be almost impossible to find out why this happened but the reason I brought this up was not that I think that this is necessarily true I do think that the numbers in China of course are potentially ten to a hundred times higher than they were just because of misreporting and it you know the way that they've tried to cover this entire situation not but the reason I brought this up was because the lack of transparency in the that the government Chinese government hasn't been honest with the entire world about actually what happened and could have prevented this entire thing but due to face and the structure top-down authoritarian dictatorship that is the Chinese government due to the way that they covered it it makes people go out there and look for crazy theories and I don't think this whole cellphone I can't call it a scandal yet but I don't think this whole cellphone debacle is indicative of anything sinister in itself but it proves that people have to go out and to find ways to understand actually what happened when you look at the numbers in Italy when you look at the numbers in Spain even the numbers in the US when you look at percentages and compare them to China it just doesn't add up it doesn't make any sense all right and it's taking people like me and when sin and all these other people to actually talk to people and figure out what's going on so I found some other interesting stuff somebody who wish to be anonymous sent me this I did some digging they sent me this article about the fact that Co vid R sorry the coronaviruses could be tied back to bats and they're studying this right so I did some digging myself and I actually went the website of the Wuhan Institute of virology so this is like a university /im this a virus lab that studies transmissible viruses and I found this job opening I'm gonna post it here in Chinese first but I've translated over here as well look at the date here it says 1118 2019 so this is November 18s this is about a month before we really knew anything it says it is recruiting one to two postdoctoral fellows and they're going to research the unique mechanism of bats innate immunity so the job requirements you gotta have a PhD you gotta have all these English communication skills they're trying to recruit people from abroad and remember this isn't that the virus lab is very close to the initial breakout they have the salary here which is X pretty good for China the most important thing is down here at the bottom says the P I introduction pungho a PhD researcher Wuhan Institute of virology Chinese Academy of Sciences and leader of bat virus infection immunization he received his PhD in the Wuhan virus Research Institute in 2010 and he has worked on by Baptists and immunology in Australia and Singapore in 2009 he took the lead in starting the research on the immune mechanism of that long term carrying transmitting viruses in the world so far he's published more than 30 sei articles including the first corresponding authors nature cell host microbe and PNAS at present research on bat virus and immunology is continuing in its received support from the national excellence Youth Fund and the pilot project to the Chinese Academy of Sciences the major project of the Ministry of Science and Technology now the main research direction of this research group so the foreigners that they're trying to hire these scientists with PhDs okay and remember this is in November 19th 2019 taking bats is a research object I will answer them a molecular mechanism that can coexist with Ebola and SARS associated corona virus for a long time without disease and its relationship with flight and longevity virology immunology cell biology and multiple omics are used to compare the differences between humans and other mammals now this is not to say that this was some random you know bio weapon that people keep speculating about I think that's a it's nonsense to me but this does show that they were recruiting people to come to the virus lab to actually study corona virus transmissibility between humans and bats just a month before this all happened and that is very very interesting stuff and you know it's really funny the most funny things when I was digging I actually pulled up this website this is a little while ago I wanted to see if this website would be taken down because this job opening is still open you can still go to this website so if you go to the Wuhan Institute of virology off to do it in Chinese but you can translate with Google or something it's still there and I want to see this is my little test I want to see if this way site goes down it'll obviously be on or something but I want to see if after my website are after my video kind of simmers for a little I want to see if this goes down I'm very very very curious some other updates Chinese government is now what had been promoting traditional Chinese medicine TCM so you're talking about things like herbs and elixirs and mystical stuff that hasn't been proven by science to cure or treat grown a virus and I found that appalling in the beginning and there was a little bit of push back to the point where a lot of people on Weibo were saying listen can we just like use science to deal with those people are dying so it's not for a while now there is a whole full ban on the sale of wild animals in China which is you know what most people believe to be the source of the corona virus so you'd think that because of this you know banning Pangolin scales and rhino horns and all this kind of stuff wide-scale ban which I don't believe will be enacted fully anyway in China you think that they would stop for promoting these mystical methods that use rare animal parts but nope Chinese government is now approving and recommending that people get injections of bear bile and I'm not even joking they are promoting that right now that is the Shanghai Kaiba pharmaceutical company we know the Hort horrific practice of bear bile removal from bears they're kept in cages and they like suck the buy a lot basically widely hated across the world but they're actually promoting a medicine that uses at least in part one ingredient bear bile pretty horrific stuff cannot believe that they're actually doing that I think that it might be a stimulus for a lot of these pharmaceutical companies for TCM that have not seen a lot of business these days now another thing like I said the imported cases scandal in China so China is now saying we don't have any domestic cases of coronavirus we've taken care of it we wiped it all out now everyone needs to applaud us and say hey you did such a great job then the West basically says hey or other countries say hey but it started there how do how can you claim victory over something that you started it's like sending your own house on and then you know you walk over with a bucket of water after two weeks and it's a smoldering mess and you're like look I put it out I predicted that this imported cases thing was going to be a way for the Chinese government to point out elsewhere but not only that they pointed elsewhere they also said that it probably didn't even come from China that is a state endorsed message at this point so the whole thing is that if you leave China and then you come back to China now you have to go into quarantine for 14 days foreigners have to stay in hotels and pay for it themselves Chinese people have other options but it's so crowded to the point where you know people are just paying to stay in the hotel some of them really poor conditions some of them kind of swanky and nice but you get food delivered to your door and whatnot either way to avoid any debacle or any forced quarantine or in order to even board a flight that is going into China China requires you to have a piece of paper that goes in your medical folder that says you have been tested and you are clean and you do not have coronavirus right now there's a huge business right now on Taobao which is Chinese eBay which is selling kovat free health certificates to help people board those international flights right now so for three RMB you can buy this folder it looks like a government official folder that you'd get when you get immunizations and stuff in China and then inside is your report I believe it costs a little more to have like a custom report but basically saying that you do not have the coronavirus now why would people be buying this if they didn't have it or if they haven't been tested the fact that there's a market for that is a little alarming I'm not surprised Taobao is full of this kind of stuff you can buy fake degrees on there you can buy fake medical certification if you want to have a pharmacist license you can buy driver's licenses you can buy pieces of guns you can buy books but inside it's hollowed out there's drugs inside it's the Wild West of I should say the wild east of Commerce on the internet so I wasn't surprised to see this but the effects this could potentially have is pretty pretty amazing vivy my my wife turned to something very interesting as well so there's been this kind of she's been following her friends in China kind of where their mental gymnastics is leading them to based on state propaganda so first the virus started in the u.s. it was a bio weapon against China that's kind of simmered down now and now I say more recently people are saying it started in Italy because look at all their cases patient zeros they're all kind of stuff but funnily enough it actually moved on to a minor ally of China and a lot of her friends are now claiming that it might have started in Russia of all places which I find alarming because Chinese people tend to look at Russia is this marginalized Ally that they have always getting targeted by Western countries and bullied and all this kind of stuff the funny thing is that when China was kind of playing down the numbers and hiding everything it made people feel like China was a safe place to be so now Chinese people in China that are listening to kind of crazy conspiracy theories or even like mmm some different outlets of state media are now saying that there are millions of cases in Russia people are dying everywhere it's a huge pandemic but they're reporting that there's not that many and it's not a big deal and actually I dug this up on on to each at I saw this posted probably like six times I'm not even joking people are posting this is saying look at how bad Russia's look how scary it is Russia unleashed more than five hundred Lions onto its street to ensure that people are staying indoors during this pandemic outbreak and I thought it was a joke you know but people are posting this with their WeChat thing saying like look at how bad this is oh my god is scary I don't know if you notice in this photo this headline it says break your own it's where you can type in any headline you want and this pictures from like ages ago it's another one that says this one pointed at Canada actually and they were saying oh my god Justin Trudeau like really screwed up he let this spread like crazy Canadians are so bad Chinese people living in Canada you got to come home and say fur breaking news Canada unleashed more than 500 bears on the streets to ensure that people are staying indoors during this curry a virus outbreak and the bottom says Justin Trudeau Reese released around 500 bears to make people stay indoors also made with this handy little website break here on e it shows you the level I guess when you're when your own government is spouting and changing its mind all the time about what you should believe it starts to mess with you I think when you're supposed to in try and trust this all-powerful dictatorship that that has your best interest in mind right you're gonna see stuff like that with actual educated 20-something 30 something year old people spreading it around and actually believing it and it's nuts I would I would like to say that most of the people I know wouldn't believe something so ridiculous but the fact that this is making its rounds is it's mind-blowing to me it's really mind-blowing to me so that's kind of the stuff that I wanted to pinpoint today I want to keep you guys updated it's rough covering this kind of stuff we're not making any money off of our videos but it's one of those things where people are looking to us to maybe make sense of stuff they can't read in Chinese or understand what's happening with in China but the most important thing to remember is that this is the xi virus and it will always be the xi virus to me it will always be that to me do not let that escape you do not let you forget this oh by the way I want to throw one more funny thing in here this is just light-hearted now Taiwan has been very vocal about not being able to be let into the w-h-o and how that's been a detriment to the world I also grew that bites Taiwan's not getting off easy this time look at this reporting live with blah blah trying Taiwan Pizza Huts this is Taiwan pizza it's brand new matcha green tea with red bean pizza what Pierre what appears to be a food crime to most Italians is underway Taiwan you really screwed up this time seriously I love you but matcha and red bean pizza there's like two of the worst foods the entire world's disgusting either way I'm glad to see Taiwan and Taiwanese people really pulling through this I think the world has a lot of lessons to learn from the way Taiwan dealt with us if you've made it this far in the video I'll see you guys tomorrow on a TV podcast don't forget we'll be on there 3 p.m. PDT Pacific time 6 p.m. ET Eastern Standard Time and Winston will be on Friday of course with his video he's gonna touch on a similar topic to what I brought up but more about the how foreigners are being received in China right now I've kind of a big warning to everyone I think there's some dark times ahead for expats in China that's for short thank you to everyone that's been supporting us on patreon patron comm slash Lao 86 it's the only way we're pulling any bread in this this during these times and I understand that people you know especially people that can't go to work and get paid it's it's tough to support some phantom dude on YouTube so I really appreciate that I'll see you guys tomorrow on the podcast if not I'll see you next week next Wednesday thank you so much loud winners I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: laowhy86
Views: 804,597
Rating: 4.7907314 out of 5
Keywords: china, china coronavirus, coronavirus china, coronavirus, coronavirus outbreak, coronavirus pandemic, coronavirus lockdown, coronavirus vaccine, pandemic, coronavirus treatment, hubei, 2019-ncov, 湖北, 武漢肺炎, 肺炎, laowhy86, serpentza, advchina, adv china, advpodcasts, adv podcasts, adv media, 中国, 武汉 肺炎, current events, news, c-milk, cmilk, winston sterzel, update, china news, expats in china, communist party of china, living in china as a foreigner, life in china vlog, 武漢, huizhou, prc, ccp, ntd, 台灣
Id: A1F_kWYdqUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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