Corona 7 New PBR material workflow

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in this quick overview we'll be going through a new and overhauled ppr material workflow in corona 7 with the chroma daily build so let's jump right into it [Music] to get the most recent corona daily builds just head over to grona's website you will find all the information how to install and launch it on your local 3ds max instance there is actually one useful tip you can have multiple chrono versions installed locally and just launch the one you'd like i'll post a few links down below where you can find all the information once you open up the material editor you'll notice that there's a new material node called the corona physical material which is the new pbr workflow material node the previous standard material is still supported but renamed as it coronal legacy material the new material type of required selection material presets mainly for metallic and translucent materials these are basically materials that don't have any maps loaded and can be just set up with the basic material settings at the metal in this drop down you can choose between a metallic and non-metallic material and for ladder you will notice that the ir value is kept at 3.0 and everything above that is considered to be a highly reflective metallic material on the other hand when you switch to a metallic material type the eyebrows which will be grayed out as the values automatically applied to have a high reflectivity factor and basically now we can use the metallic roughness workflow in corona which is different from the previous specular gloss as one roughness is basically inverted clusters with a value of 1.0 we're gonna have a completely rough and diffused reflection of the material the other way around with the roughness of zero we're gonna have a fully reflective material now let's apply this new material to the objects and see how the presents are looking if you pick any preset after changing any settings you will get a prompt about overriding those settings so it's better to double check you're not overriding anything and not to go through the materials setup again as you can see you're gonna have a few pretty handy presets like diamonds with enabled absorption and different kinds of refractive glass materials and quite a selection of various metal types on top of the general workflow changes there are also two additional features in the new physical material on clear coat and sheen layers with a clear coat you can add an additional layer with different specular settings basically it's close to setting up a planned material but without the hassle of setting up an additional material you can control the amount of clear coat code applied on top of the regular material with a factor of zero you can completely disable the layer and anything higher than that will unlock the other settings you can differentiate the absorption color to give really nice highlight effects for instance you can give a completely different overcoat color and than the base material controlling roughness and ior values is similar to the regular settings but the main feature is that you can have those completely independent of the base material settings same with the pump setting having a clear coat is great for creating car paints with a top lacquer coat or any varnished wood where you can have a completely wrapped untreated wood with a coat of clear polish the sheen layer is a great facilitation of what you would usually achieve with a follow-up map its main applications for fabrics with a reflective highlights similar to a clear coat layer where you can control the sheen amount and roughness giving either a subtle diffusal highlight very strong velvety like effect and even though a fabric's physical sheen is always neutral or white you can also chat the color in the layer the result may not be physically accurate but it's just another reason to experiment and find a suitable application now let's check a quick comparison of the results you can get with the new features like clear coat or machine layers in corona 7 and the current standard material in corona 6. [Music] if you'd like to render with a corona daily build on garage farm just use our plugin in 3ds max check your render limits and hit send the farm to start the upload since we don't support corona daily builds by default be sure to check with our support team and we'll catch you up with the custom script that you can add to your chart render with your corona daily build now we just need to wait for the rhetoric to finish down of the output and should have the correct output rendered with a corona daily build
Channel: GarageFarm Academy
Views: 10,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: corona 7, physically based rendering, 3dsmax tutorial, 3ds max 2021 pbr materials, New pbr materials, pbr materials 3ds max corona, pbr materials 3ds max, pbr material workflow, New pbr material workflow corona, corona pbr material, corona pbr material 2021, pbr materials corona, pbr materials corona 2021, corona 7 new features, corona 7 features, corona 7 3ds max, corona 7 material, Corona 7 workflow, corona 7 render, corona renderer 7 new features
Id: uE1lZqi7lY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 40sec (280 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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