Cornwalls Nutty Noah Troubled Waters ( PART ONE OF 3 ) A Powerfull True Life Documentary

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[Music] [Music] um [Music] well back in the beginning of the 1970s decided to go fishing all i wanted to do is go fishing out of cadre where my ancestors have been for many years probably hundreds of years decided to get a 16 foot punt and a five horse outboard went off for two years went fishing in that and then another two years with dad and uh 18 footer and then we had to samantha rose which he was a lovely boat built up great for well i had her 1976 and went on to one just over 12 months ago 14 months ago when i was crabbing all those years from 150 parts we went up to 400 pots decided to give it a go on something else and i've always wanted to catch fish with a ring net per saying and going around fish and person the map and i experimented with a pole and a transducer and all things like that and had to go in the samantha rose with the help of spencer carter with a bow thruster and a generator and to hydraulics and all this i had to go catching pilchards and i'd done it very well did caught them we had 300 stone just off pendants promenade off the swimming pool nick ells came with us lovely first catch i ever had well after many other catches in her winter come on i decided to get a bigger boat and she was called penrose stewart williams done her up used to belong to ben pyle then fourth eleven stewart done her up and she's handsome boat she was built up timothy for midwater trolling for sprats and stewart had done two years doing her up because he knew deck another engine tanks electrics a lot lovely anyway got this penrose boat from port 11. without the bank money and all that [Music] we had an awful summer last summer trying to catch each fish because they were very quick in the summer and it needs a bigger net to do it i lengthen the net back to the original length of the renault even though my boat was 30-footer we we've done it very safely and effectively but couldn't catch a fish all summer eventually we went down new link in october when we started catching filters we caught 20 tons of cultures in 12 days fishing during the three-week period and i've been very safety conscious all my life in fishing when i had to sment the rose i've done lots of methods of fishing from modern tournament linings and sharking basically crabbing and i oh i had a radar and which is very safe efficient but equipment life raft flares and all the rest of it so when i had the penrose i made sure that i was safe on earth i had the life craft again and the radar and the flares and all that stuff but the last catch i had i didn't get back with the boat or the fish she she capsized and sunk on me do i need a ticket for a boat which is just under 16 meters locally known as nutty noah martin's never felt compelled to conform he was willing to be scoffed at for trying to revive the pilchard fishing industry the penalty of being underinsured has become apparent after paying the bills there is nothing left fishing is all he knows he must get another boat he's been told about a 40-foot boat that's for sale in ireland so he's arranged with the bank for an overdraft to cover the deposit he will worry about the rest of the finance when he returns [Music] on the way to ireland okay rather a lot of signs to read at the moment the bridge is over there but we're going the wrong way i think we are hang on not being familiar with the roads outside of cornwall and after many wrong turns martin finally arrives at fishgard and boards the ferry with just minutes to spare always acknowledging me coming in here hey she's moving [Music] we're here jed the following morning martin sees a boat that he's travelled all the way from cuomo for his first impressions is that with a tidy up and a splash of paint she's ideal for his [Music] it's needs for me to have the tracking when i'm [ __ ] yeah you'll get professional yeah i'll show you select that's just to tell you that it's not to be relied on as a navigation it's a navigation aid it's not the real thing yeah i don't want you to be saying oh i'm crammed all the time looking at it like that's how um harvey sank down the sillies i think probably they was going by the plotter as as gospel as life yeah rock moved now i'm gonna leave the truck and get on up to the bank and see them put it to them how it's been done and a very good friend of mine phil lockley has done a really good job on presenting it all in proper typewriting from a computer so it it's self-explanatory the same as the graph but i'm very nervous but also very confident so let's hope the next time you'll see it it'll be reba reba well good luck maureen oh thanks all buddy [Music] oh that reminds you oh well we didn't look forward to now just pasty they they've unfortunately they won't give a loan on 100 they need they need some collateral need me to put down minimum of 30 000 pounds so i gotta find i've gotta find thirty thousand pounds somewhere or something or some kind person to give us a hand the interest on there the bank is suggested to martin that if his wife will put her house as security they may reconsider its application 40 of it 40 of it no 40 000 pound of it would be less interest and i wouldn't have paid so much back so perhaps it'll work out right in the end i've got get room sally now i'm pasty that's next thing get around and get past it buddy all right cheers right we've we've done quite a bit of thinking about the situation and as we need collateral to borrow this money for the boat and charlie my wife doesn't want to put the house up jim we're married we thought we'd go about it in this fashion so we've got to go to the registry office and get into course get voice papers and say yourself half of the house is fun i'm sorry i'm putting it up for a new boat martin has convinced his wife to have the house valued in the hope that it would provide enough collateral for his borrowings despite this the bank are still not willing to lend the amount needed in desperation and with the help of other fishermen all who can relate to martin's situation a salvage operation is mounted after inspection by divers the penrose appears to be in a repairable condition a large beam troller has offered to lift her from the bottom and plan aids that this here will go through the boat actual boat and then we entire route fast air or wire faster there to lift her up hopefully get the pen rolls back up again and working how important is it to to get the holes flipping really important because i ain't got no other boat yet he's luckily um billy stevenson said i can have her up one of the beamers the biggest beamer over the other side there's a cornish man and that the weight of the boat in the water is probably not so heavy what their beams are it's important so as i can either get her back working again and or sell her hopefully i can borrow some money to uh again to try and get her back in the working order sawing seller to to earn some money on the sale of the boat which may well be helpful in buying the other one on the video as as we've seen it's the transom and the starboard side the keel and the stem that's all all right what the port side is like i wouldn't like to say i would have thought it would be wore away quite badly and have to replace i would guess six planks and four frames i guess that they're taking a beam rope tomorrow about eight nine o'clock because the tide's going back so is she next she'd be outside arbor because you can't go out low water or come in low water and then we'll grow we grow after dinner hopefully then and gather up in the afternoon and come in here in water probably five o'clock we could we'll be coming in with her five six o'clock and put her on there put her on the beach over the other side [Music] martin finalizes the details of the ship's owner billy stevenson should be right on the bow boat i can't see what i'm doing all right [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh oh the big one big throat on the left-hand side should have been made past the winch he don't come away the wind the winch he's got a square bit of pipe on it there that's sticking out so we've got the win from one martin is concerned it's not going to plan and it doesn't look good penrose has come to the surface stern first and that's taken all the strain [Music] devastation all martin can do is watch as penrose breaks up and is reclaimed by the sea [Music] unfortunately we were unable to get her back she slipped and went back down in the water again but we got the winch back we may be able to get bits and pieces but thank you very much billy and the crew members of the cornish man try on their best and a few other lads divers and things you've been giving me hand cheers two weeks later with a break in the weather divers attach new lines to the rack of the penrose and a second lift is dried much weight on it i can see something down here about 25. i recently got hold up marvie if we made it past the net and took in charlotte give it a bit of a yacht for something this time the lift is successful and she is towed slowly into newlin arbor [Music] in the early hours of the morning she's finally lifted onto the pier [Music] some chimney stack yo on your camera hey there that's up nearly all in here come in have a look jack even got the life life jacket back but the thing is as it's gone down in a lot of pressure the bit of foam in the middle is shrunk it should be this wide so that won't be used again lots of hydraulic pipes up mothers what else i got oh loaded i got everything back except a mobile phone and a sock i'm a barbara coat everything else got back and well obviously you've got the wood and we're burning that on fire at the moment so i'm really pleased with outcome thanks to boys dan newlin billy stevenson so hopefully um we might be able to stick it all back on another boat one day fortunately i didn't have to get a divorce or um i needed to ask sally to put the house up for collateral but we have actually now both agree putting the house up for collateral to get some money for this boat over ireland hopefully and that that's gone right that's going pretty and we're we're we've got to go ahead from the back to subject to survey that means the boat over ireland is going to be taken out of water and surveyed then when they electronic electrical things which measures the thickness of the steel of the hull so we're going over tomorrow me and my daughter on the ferry to the same place where we've been before to see this boat so we're all we're all really excited because it has only just it's only just happened that we able to borrow borrow the money to do it now i've been flat out getting all the gear ready to go shark in so hopefully when we get a boat we'll go see and show you how it's done and hopefully come on with some fish so we can start paying off the boat oh headache three weeks should have been a week but we got her surveyed and the survey was good the thickness of the steel was the same as what she was 10 years ago and unfortunately there was a bit of a wear in the shaft so we had to have another propeller shaft but um and that took quite a while to do and we got pretty fed up actually and and eventually we got it all painted up so i've been down in the bilges and been everywhere my daughter came with me three weeks over there no school flipping right on we painted her from top to bottom from front to the back handsome got lagged every day right up to her elbows armpits stinking it builds water and covered in paint and she's a lovely boat we had a lovely crossing coming across from ireland we left yesterday at 12 o'clock about 12 dinner time and we got here and come to the harbour and it didn't take very long from the mouth of the harbour new lynn arborear to the end of the new pier and me and my daughter were crying her isaac because there was about 30 local people my local friends and my family was all waving and it was extremely emotional and wonderful time lots of people including yourself who's not wondering how he's getting on so we're back now and have a day or two off and have a good sleep he have passed here too painted the white floats got some dado paint got 400 of these to do and put in some paint on so i can see them when we go sharking only another 399 to go what's the idea of the life jacket morning well i'll never be sure might sink i haven't took them off for six months not put it on to rest on them leaning on this is better than keeping the body up with me back i thought it's quite comfy i just i'm blow the whistle i have a big cup tea sovereign bun and a cup of tea i fear for you sometimes i mean do you really sort of realize the gravity of the situation you know your your house is on the line you know i mean to be fair this is a complete new venture regardless of the size boat and everything else but um i i just hope it works out for you but are you sure on yourself if i stayed here i was going to sing anyway and i know if i think the bloody house the house is going to go but we'll just have to go to see and try to have plenty of grub and milk and other necessities necessities of survival different cats [Laughter] like can be a bit unpredictable two months have been gay someone's trying to get the registration through and been very frustrating too let me tell you the uh the boat seeing it come from ireland it had to come off the registration over there but it's not just one place registration there's two because it is a fishery place they'll like the math in this country and they had to get written permission from the owners the last owners and that go in their system for they do it to knock us off the registration in ireland they then had to tell the math registration or their equivalent they had to tell the irish registration people to knock it off the irish list and they had to tell cardiff who do the registration that it's knocked off then another ball game it had to come off he come on the british registration which was quite took quite a while to do because of the the system once you get in the system it's a three-week backlog and when yours come to the top of the pile they deal with it if you've got a problem which generally has goes to the bottom of the pile again and so it's taken two months to get the registration so as i can get a license to fish otherwise it it would have been illegal and i never done any illegal fishing i'm going to give it a go with all the lines to see if i can catch some sharks because nobody's hardly doing it in this country just a few boats now this this light here is bait and it's octopus see that can he yep yeah there they are the tentacles hanging down here and it's head here and a little eyeball in here i think his eye or something else hopefully i'll be going to i got a a good feeling oh there's some more octopus here good feeling that towards lundy would be a good way tell me this last this last week or two that i've been thinking that finding out where these fish are it's more octopus there it's a better shot now i was going to go today but the forecast was not very good so i haven't gone oh by the way there's san diego slip at long last two months after purchasing the prevail martin can legally go to sea with large borings and stop from fishing because of red tape this first trip has to be successful if martin wants to stay in the fishing industry [Music] [Music] two or three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] smelling a bit pony dead it's not all that fresh might be second a minute yeah run away man only ten hours to go and martin is pleased to be passing his first landmark the long ship's lighthouse on his starboard beam six hours into the journey and martin's low boredom threshold comes into play spent a long time and see your eyes go funny [Music] [Music] [Music] him i reckon we'll have ten tomorrow i haven't caught one in my life ahead i've only seen them on the market but all that rubby dubby in those little bags and it's smelling quite high when you stick your head out the door i'd smell it on my fingernails uh i would have thought that'll get the little noses going get the old poor beagle's nose going i read in a book the other day you know that the word poor bagel can go back to the roman times and they said that it's the book was saying that it was very much like a pig so they called it uh poor pork beetle pork or something like that you know it means nose like a pig so it'd be nice to catch one to have a look see what they look like we have to find out tomorrow night without one name perhaps morning bit flash forecast before six which is fairly rough but hopefully we'll be able to get something in the water and see if there's any here hopefully we'll be able to anchor up the west side of mundy for the night so see you later [Music] god got sold into me i didn't notice that now they go to catalogs might be a bit of cultural what a pretty sight eating better here than i am at home don't tell sally we've got a fry up wind has gone away so we won't never look again a minute see if there's any possibility of shutting away later on the back of londy island the western side because it's easterly wind and we're going to go north of the island 8 or 10 miles or something like that [Music] you'll see that the rope was the top rope in sequence two hours after shooting the lines away they're pulled aboard they only catch being one small shark and four toe martin is very disillusioned well this is day two the first day was absolute disaster and i didn't want to talk about it because it was windy getting up here when we went in anchor up didn't we behind the island and had something to eat and then we the wind went away we went out and had to go again but no sooner we got out oh the wind got up again and it was really rough wow not really rough rough enough and that all that awful i had the pilchard um hedge backs and stuff which come from the filter works made the deck never to slip we had ever such a job to stand up i thought it may have attracted a shark but we only had that one small poor beagle so we actually caught one went off now in the northerly direction again hoping to um have another car in this area before we head back we probably if we don't catch something out here we'll probably stream halfway home and have a look around again something like that but i really want to spend a day and a half a night looking in this area to get it well and truly out of my system it's really really good the pie fish 25 bucks there's one that's the last one right on one five it was six six twenty five bucks a reba reba we know he lost the lines he went about three miles don't wonder why i'm on am look for the other one now [Music] [Music] quietly quietly apparently [Music] quietly down a bit no [Laughter] [Music] turn around his tail [Laughter] sorry about that all buddy only beautiful god's creatures yeah that's for sure beautiful aren't they keeping on the bottom left side on it [Music] lecturer [Music] um [Music] martin was very pleased with the catch i asked him what his comments would be to people watching this film and feeling sick watching these creatures being caught i don't know about this public view on cruelty and i don't know whether there is that's your opinion but the um fish die when they're in the water whether they're in the net or whether they come in the boat a lot of people in the country and in the world don't like things dying i don't like things dying especially a beautiful thing like a shark i i really think the shark design is probably the most efficient and the most beautiful design creature in the world and i could probably say the same again with bob perrigan falcon or to a butterfly all these all these creatures of the world are beautiful aren't they and the colors are like the colors of a fresh blue shark is just stunning like a a rook walking around in full plumage now rook in four plumets are normally black but if you catch them in the sun february month when he's looking his best before they nest he got that purpley greeny old blue tint on and handsome so going back to the death and the sharks i don't think that there is a problem with the general public on the issue there is a certain amount of feelings in certain groups but people got to eat if you didn't kill the cows or the sheep or the fish what we're all going to be rabbits and just eat vegetarian food all the time a lot of people like eating fish you've got to face up the fact that there is slaughterhouses which kill animals and the this country has not gone into a slaughterhouse because people are frightened and they don't like to see death meat blood drip drip drip all the rest of it i mean we don't like cruelty but at the same time we like me so it's an interesting issue isn't it further attempts at short fishing proved unsuccessful so on the strength of another bright idea martin and sally just returned from a 200 mile round trip having bought some welt pots [Applause] same we can't go um after pilchers we haven't got any net and we can't afford a net at the moment we'll have a go and see if we can catch these little sea snails when they're little rocks are on the bottom they got a they got a little sniffer sticking up and they sniff and they sniff where it is like this then they suck onto it and they skid up over the side and fall in and when they're in they eat the bait but when they want to get out they can't get out because this is stopping them they can't their little sucker can't keep themselves sucked stuck on the netting well we brought these welt pots back another new investment into another fishery might sound like i'm perhaps doing something different again but i am doing something different yes but i've got to do it because the license i have it's a category c license it's suspicion getting quite as simple as some people may think you can get a category a and a category b and a category c category a from what i can gather you can catch fish which are on the pressure stock and the maf will dish out um figures of what you're allowed to catch and you've got to chuck the rest away there's i mean you talk for hours to this about that politics but the category c which i have i've been told that i can catch shellfish welks is one of those conga eels or ling bass and mullet are in in those as well which i'll be able to hopefully catch with that that net which i'm going to put in the boat but i certainly got to find something to catch every day to get myself working martin arranges to meet a local crab fisherman at helford who's been finding what's in his crab pots the potential buyer needs to know the meat content in order to offer martin a price it will save a lot of time if martin can get the whelps analyzed at this early stage days were thanks yeah [Applause] let's hope they aren't dog welts e-wreckings are common well the dog well is smooth well they aren't smooth are they they're ever so rough i right now they're critters could well be my future here jed wonder what they taste like ah across my body tastes like i didn't even say ouch did you still animal rights people beyond that very much like a prom if you ever had raw prawn covered raw shrimp or chrome like that i mean cup rubbery fabrics are rubbery i think that up now we didn't know oh look at all that slime [Laughter] i'll still be chewing tommy get home from me martin now needs to contact the buyer and get the sample to wales for a quality test you go his way or he comes down he'll pick him up oh yes please could you ask him to give me a ring regarding sample of welks yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes that's right or not not lately no no well could have done you you you have yeah there we are oh like winter yeah time no i've got time yeah i got t here thank you very much yeah i'm stirring it my mix pain actually making sure i got some sugar in there but i can't feel that probably dissolved i know it's bad for me lots of things are bad for you aren't they hmm well it's been very nice talking to you yes i am yes yeah you also yes okie doke goodbye now isn't anybody there really all i can hear is an orchestra is gone i love the white rose in its blender i love the white rose in it blue i love the white rose so fair as it grows is the road that remind me of you remind me of you oh i'm glad it's your phone jet he's got some new fortune now we'll put one charge here another charge there and perhaps one there will detonate that new year's eve oh that's all right all right thanks very much bye-bye oh thank you give me a ring tomorrow morning [Music] right on jed well here we are again down newlin we're doing a bit more work on a boat a lot more work actually since we spoke last we've had a a phone call from the buyer from these for these welks up wales and he said they're the right coin because we sent the sample away remember from the man at elford sent that sample away he phoned up and said right on that's just what the doctor ordered [Music] top tv yeah after after all these weeks now putting up with gales and all this welding we're actually ready which is great i'm going to bait up on board and when when it's in the morning like is it the reality in the poor light of day in the coldness of the mornings is it home a bit more too doesn't it because it you think flipping it what have we done here and i haven't heard any very much yet the uh pots are on board and we bait them up and put them in the water and let's hope for the best but certainly in the morning i got very mixed feelings with with what i gotta find to pay off for this loan and uh it would be all it would have been all too easy to sit on my butt and go on the doll but i'm glad i done the right thing and when the sun come up later on i'll be more positive but in the morning he's he's a bit more worrying than what it would be in the day because in the day you've got other things to do you've got other people around to give you confidence and the ones that don't give you confidence or chat in a way whatever so [Music] all right thank you put a couple of strings there for me do you [Music] i would have reckon i would have thought you'll give me the north side anyway [Music] happy as a pick in the mud going over right this one here is looking pretty in it all coming back to me now what i learned in ireland putting one a bit calmer force five to six i've given seven to eight so if we can get this one over the side that'd be nice yeah we get on it's quite quite workable till i fall over [Music] [Music] i can't see what i'm doing because the lights are packed up [Music] a long day 16 hour a day all the gear is in the water what we wanted to put in six strings of pots of welt pots and it must be three strings of 40 3 4 120 [Music] and well 250 bucks i suppose something like that but it got a bit rough in the end and but i'm glad we've done it now lots of bait in there we'll give them a couple days now a couple three days perhaps and see if there's any welts hopefully we'll film them coming up because of poor weather it's four days before the pots are pulled aboard a lot depends on a good catch [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen forty fifty six seven [Music] no more than that one every other pop 22 wells major disaster [Music] [Music] good night annoying [Music] it's like if you've got if you've got a nice gun or a big piece of wood just smack me on the back of the head when i'm walking up the key yeah the the first one was 22 well for 44 pops next one had about six in it another one out of it three another one i'd make one yeah and the last one here of three mile boy again must have about 20 and 20 40 in it and all the bait's still in there and really really bad news today may have been a disaster but there was worse to come [Music] the um outcome of this well fishery doesn't look all that good and uh the future don't look all that good at the moment the uh last 25 years fishing in casual has been great grand i've seen the pilchards and caught them got another boat and sank got another one put my house up got this other one got this prevail a lovely boat couldn't afford a net because she was more expensive the license for it was more expensive than what we thought but on top of that without worrying too much about it is uh got a pro same fleet from spain exploratory fishing here and more to come next summer don't look very good [Applause] because of licensing restrictions and the threat of the spanish fleet martin isn't sure what to do next he decides to bring into action a net that has been stolen in his loft for many years the size of the mesh means however that it won't catch pilchards well what do you think of the situation so far sally well it's a right old struggle we keep on trying new things just hope that the next one will work just want enough really to peel the standing orders and direct debits each month i'm not worried about luxuries and things like that just keep on the right side of the bank sally and martin's wedding reception i was born and bred in london never thought i'd marry a fisherman and have my wedding reception in a fisherman's loft we did didn't us had a really good time that's wedding ever on it yeah people still talk about it now 16 years later yeah smashing over a hundred people 180 was it and 200 chicken legs 200 pints of blue angry beer and 80 pints of homebrew lots of wine but you didn't think you'd be pulling a net out from me would you no certainly didn't you know perhaps it'll catch lots of bars and mullet or something like that assuming we can't afford a culture now yes that's right fingers crossed yeah hopefully we won't sink again financially not physically this time yes that's right yes thank you for your help anyway that's right you
Channel: jed Trewin
Views: 60,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0SbXQakfoKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 33sec (3573 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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